
Villasimius, Sardinia

Villasimius, Sardinia

Tanka Village
THE XXVIII INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM ON LATTICE FIELD THEORY LATTICE 2010 WEB PAGE: The LATTICE 2010 conference will take place from June 14-19 at the Tanka Village Resort, Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy.
  • Aaron Torok
  • Agostino Patella
  • Akihiro Shibata
  • Akira Ohnishi
  • Alan O'Cais
  • Alberto Ramos
  • Alejandro Vaquero
  • Alessandra Feo
  • Alessandro D'adda
  • Alessandro Papa
  • Alfonso Sastre
  • Amy Nicholson
  • Anastassios Vladikas
  • Andre Walker-Loud
  • andrea nobile
  • Andreas Kronfeld
  • Andrei Alexandru
  • Anne-Mari Mykkänen
  • Anthony Francis
  • Anthony Kennedy
  • Antonin Portelli
  • Antonio Rago
  • Apostolos Skouroupathis
  • Arata Yamamoto
  • Axel Maas
  • badis ydri
  • Balint Toth
  • Bastian Brandt
  • Bastian Knippschild
  • Benjamin Svetitsky
  • Benoit Blossier
  • Bernd Berg
  • Bernhard Musch
  • Bertram Klein Klein
  • Biagio Lucini
  • Bjoern Walk
  • Björn Leder
  • Björn Wellegehausen
  • Boram Yoon
  • Brian Tiburzi
  • Carleton DeTar
  • Carsten Urbach
  • Cecilia Tarantino
  • Chiho Nonaka
  • Chik Him Wong
  • Chris Allton
  • Chris Bouchard
  • Christian Hoelbling
  • Christian Schmidt
  • Christian Torrero
  • Christian Wiese
  • Christoph Lehner
  • Christopher Kelly
  • Christopher Michael
  • Christopher Sachrajda
  • Christopher Thomas
  • Chulwoo Jung
  • Claude Bernard
  • Claudio Bonati
  • Claudio Pica
  • Clemens Bauer
  • Constantia Alexandrou
  • Daniel Mohler
  • Darrán McManus
  • David Adams
  • David Baumgartner
  • David Palao
  • David Schaich
  • Davide Rossetti
  • Debasish Banerjee
  • Derek Leinweber
  • Dhagash Mehta
  • Dirk Pleiter
  • Donald Sinclair
  • Dru Renner
  • Eduardo Follana
  • Eigo Shintani
  • Elena Luschevskaya
  • Elisabetta Pallante
  • Elizabeth Freeland
  • Elvira Gamiz
  • Enrico Onofri
  • Enrico Rinaldi
  • Eoin Kerrane
  • Eric Gregory
  • Etsuko Itou
  • Eytan Domany
  • fabio bernardoni
  • Fabrizio Palumbo
  • Ferdinando Gliozzi
  • Ferenc Niedermayer
  • Francesco Di Renzo
  • Francesco Knechtli
  • Francesco Sanfilippo
  • Francesco Virotta
  • Francis Bursa
  • Frank James
  • Frank Lee
  • Frank Winter
  • Frithjof Karsch
  • Fu-Jiun Jiang
  • Gennaro Cortese
  • Georg Bergner
  • Georg Philipp Engel
  • Georg von Hippel
  • George Fleming
  • Gerrit Schierholz
  • Giancarlo Rossi
  • Giannis Koutsou
  • Giuseppe Burgio
  • Gregorio Herdoiza
  • Guido Cossu
  • Guido Martinelli
  • Hana Saito
  • Harald Markum
  • Haris (Haralambos) Panagopoulos
  • Hartmut Wittig
  • Heechang Na
  • Heng-Tong DING
  • Herbert Neuberger
  • Hideaki Iida
  • Hideo Matsufuru
  • Hideo Suganuma
  • Hinnerk Stueben
  • Hiroki Kawai
  • Hiroshi Ohki
  • Hiroshi Ohno
  • Hiroto So
  • Holger Perlt
  • Huey-Wen Lin
  • Hugo Reinhardt
  • Hyung-Jin Kim
  • Issaku Kanamori
  • Itzhak Baum
  • Jacobus Verbaarschot
  • jair wuilloud
  • James Hetrick
  • James Osborn
  • James Simone
  • James Zanotti
  • Jangho Kim
  • Jarno Rantaharju
  • Jens Langelage
  • Jeremy Green
  • Joaquin Drut
  • Jochen Heitger
  • Joel Giedt
  • Johannes Weber
  • John Laiho
  • Jong-Wan LEE
  • Jongjeong Kim
  • Jonna Koponen
  • Jorge Martin Camalich
  • Joyce Myers
  • Julia Danzer
  • Julien Frison
  • Julius Kuti
  • Junichi Noaki
  • Justin Foley
  • Kalman Szabo
  • Kari Rummukainen
  • Kazuyuki Kanaya
  • Keh-Fei Liu
  • Keiichi Nagai
  • Keiko Murano
  • Keisuke Juge
  • Kenichi Ishikawa
  • Kenji Ogawa
  • Kenji Sasaki
  • Kieran Holland
  • Kim Splittorff
  • Kohei Takeda
  • Kohtaroh Miura
  • Konstantin Petrov
  • Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos
  • Kostas Orginos
  • Kouta Usui
  • Kristen Koopmans
  • Krzysztof Cichy
  • Kyoko Yoneyama
  • Lars Zeidlewicz
  • Leonardo Cosmai
  • Liam Keegan
  • Lorenz von Smekal
  • lorenzo orifici
  • Luca Castagnini
  • Luca Tagliacozzo
  • Ludmila Levkova
  • Luigi Del Debbio
  • Luigi Scorzato
  • Maarten Golterman
  • Manuel Weingart
  • Marc Wagner
  • marcello pivanti
  • Marco Bochicchio
  • Marco Cristoforetti
  • Marcus Petschlies
  • Maria Paola Lombardo
  • Marina Marinkovic
  • mario gravina
  • Markus LIMMER
  • Martha Constantinou
  • Martin Lüscher
  • Masakiyo Kitazawa
  • Masazumi Honda
  • Massimo Di Pierro
  • Matthew Lightman
  • mauro papinutto
  • mehmet oktay
  • Meinulf Göckeler
  • Michael Buchoff
  • Michael Creutz
  • Michael Donnellan
  • Michael Endres
  • Michael Engelhardt
  • Michael Peardon
  • Michela D'Onofrio
  • Michele Brambilla
  • Michele Caselle
  • Michele Della Morte
  • Michele Pepe
  • Mikhail Polikarpov
  • Ming Gong
  • Monahan Chris
  • Mushtaq Loan
  • Naruhito Ishizuka
  • Nazario Tantalo Tantalo
  • Nicolas Garron
  • Nigel Cundy
  • Nilmani Mathur
  • Nils Strodthoff
  • Noboru KAWAMOTO
  • Noriyoshi Ishii
  • Norman Christ
  • Nuria Carrasco-Vela
  • Oleksiy Bazavov
  • Olga Goulko
  • Oliver Witzel
  • Owe Philipsen
  • Paolo ROSSI
  • Patrick Fritzsch
  • Paul Mackenzie
  • Paul Rakow
  • Paula Perez Rubio
  • Paulo Silva
  • Pavel Buividovich
  • Pavlos Vranas
  • Pedro Bicudo
  • Peng Hao
  • Peter Hasenfratz
  • Peter Lepage
  • Peter orland
  • Philipp Gerhold
  • Philippe de Forcrand
  • pietro giudice
  • Poul Damgaard
  • Qi Liu
  • R. Sekhar Chivukula
  • Rainer Schiel
  • Rainer Sommer
  • Rajiv V. Gavai
  • Randy Lewis
  • Renate Loll
  • Richard Brower
  • Richard Evans
  • Richard Galvez Galvez
  • Robert Mawhinney
  • Roberto Ammendola
  • Roberto Fiore
  • Roberto Frezzotti
  • Roger Horsley
  • Roman Höllwieser
  • Ronald Babich
  • Rossella Falcone
  • Rudy Arthur
  • Sam R Edwards
  • Sara Collins
  • Saul Cohen
  • Saumen Datta
  • Sebastien Descotes-Genon Descotes-Genon
  • Shigemi Ohta
  • Shinji Ejiri
  • Shinji Motoki
  • Shinji TAKEDA
  • Shoichi Sasaki
  • Siebren Reker
  • Silvano Petrarca
  • Silvano Simula
  • simon catterall
  • Simon Dinter
  • Simon Heybrock
  • Sinead Ryan
  • Slawomir Tkaczyk
  • Sourendu Gupta
  • Stam NICOLIS
  • Stefan Olejnik
  • Stefan Sint
  • Stefano Capitani
  • Stefano Di Vita
  • Stefano Lottini
  • Stephan Durr
  • Stephen Wallace
  • Steven Gottlieb Gottlieb
  • Szabolcs Borsanyi
  • Taegil Bae
  • taichi kawanai
  • Takashi Inoue
  • Takashi Kaneko
  • Takashi Nakano
  • Takashi Umeda
  • Takeshi Yamazaki
  • Taku Izubuchi
  • Takumi Doi
  • Takumi Iritani
  • Takuya Saito
  • Tamas Kovacs
  • Tatsuhiro MISUMI
  • Tereza Mendes
  • Terrence Draper
  • Terry E Tomboulis
  • Tetsuo Hatsuda
  • Thomas Pickup
  • Thomas Rae
  • Thorsten Kurth
  • Tigran Kalaydzhyan
  • Tilo Wettig
  • Ting-Wai Chiu
  • Tomasz Korzec
  • Tomoi Koide
  • Tung-Han Hsieh
  • Tuomas Karavirta
  • Ulli Wolff
  • Urs Heller
  • Urs Wenger
  • Vicente Azcoiti
  • Vidushi Maillart
  • vincent Drach
  • Vitaly Bornyakov
  • Vittorio Lubicz
  • Walter Freeman
  • Waseem Kamleh
  • Weonjong Lee
  • William Detmold
  • Wolfgang Soeldner
  • Xiao-Yong Jin
  • Xining Du
  • Xu Feng
  • Yannick Meurice
  • Yao-Yuan Mao
  • Yasufumi Araki
  • Yasuhiro Kohno
  • Yasumichi Aoki
  • Ying Chen
  • Yoichi Ikeda
  • Yong-Chull Jang
  • Yoshiaki Koma
  • Yoshifumi Nakamura
  • Yoshinobu Kuramashi
  • Yoshiyuki Nakagawa
  • Yu Maezawa
  • Yuji Sakai
  • Yusuke Osaki
  • Yusuke Taniguchi
  • Zoltan Fodor
    • Welcome
    • Session 1
      • 1
        Topology, the Wilson Flow & the HMC Algorithm
        Speaker: Martin Luscher
      • 2
        Hadron spectrum on the lattice
        Speaker: Christian Holbling
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • Session 2
      • 3
        Hadron structure & form factors
        Speaker: Constantia Alexandrou
      • 4
        Towards four flavor dynamical simulations
        Speaker: Gregorio Herdoiza
    • 11:30
      Lunch and other activites
    • Parallel 01: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 5
        Nucleon form factors and structure functions from Nf=2 clover fermions
        We present an update on the ongoing efforts of the QCDSF collaboration to compute the nucleon's generalized) form factors and moments of structure functions. The focus will be on our most recent results obtained on gauge configurations where the pseudo-scalar meson mass is in the range of 170-270 MeV. We will compare our results with calculations carried out in chiral effective theories.
        Speaker: Dirk Pleiter (DESY)
      • 6
        Systematic errors in extracting nucleon properties from lattice QCD
        Form factors of the nucleon have been extracted from experiment with high precision. However, lattice calculations have failed so far to reproduce the observed dependence of form factors on the momentum transfer. We have embarked on a program to thoroughly investigate systematic effects in lattice calculation of the required three-point correlation functions. In this talk we focus on the possible contamination from higher excited states. We present a new method which is designed to suppress excited state contributions and test it effectiveness for several baryonic matrix elements, different lattice sizes and pion masses.
        Speaker: Bastian Knippschild (university of mainz)
      • 7
        Hadron Form Factors at Large Transfer Momentum (I)
        We report a recent breakthrough in lattice QCD calculations of hadron form factors at large momentum transfer. Conventional lattice form-factor calculations typically reach about 2.5 GeV$^2$ or less, but in this work the transfer momentum is pushed as high as 6 GeV$^2$. Our approach can be applied to isotropic lattices and lattices with smaller lattice spacing to calculate even larger-$Q2$ form factors. We will discuss the methodology and demonstrate results for the nucleon and pion from 2+1-flavor anisotropic clover lattices. These measurements could give important theoretical input to experiments, such as those of JLab's 12-GeV program, and provide insight into hadronic structure.
        Speaker: Saul Cohen (Boston University)
      • 8
        Axial and pseudoscalar form-factors of the Delta baryon
        We discuss results on the axial and pseudoscalar Delta form factors. We first test the lattice set-up in the quenched approximation and present first results with a hybrid action using a staggered sea and domain-wall valence fermions.
        Speaker: Eric Gregory (University of Cyprus)
      • 9
        Hyperon Form Factors from N_f=2+1 QCD
        We present results from the QCDSF collaboration for the electromagnetic and semi-leptonic form factors for the hyperons. The simulations are performed on our new ensembles generated with 2+1 flavours of dynamical O(a)-improved Wilson fermions. A unique feature of these configurations is that the quark masses are tuned so that the singlet quark mass is held fixed at its physical value. We use 5 such choices of the individual quark masses on 24^3x48 lattices with a lattice spacing of 0.083fm.
        Speaker: James Zanotti (University of Edinburgh)
    • Parallel 03: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 10
        The finite temperature QCD transition
        We extend our previous two studies on the finite temperature cross-over of QCD. We chose even finer lattices ($N_t$=16) and work with physical quark masses. The new results are in complete agreement with our earlier ones. We compare our findings with the published results of the hotQCD collaboration (obtained with the asqtad and p4 actions with $N_t = 8$). All these results are confronted with the predictions of the Hadron Resonance Gas model and Chiral Perturbation Theory, both with the physical and with a modified spectrum which takes into account lattice discretization effects.
        Speaker: Zoltan Fodor (University of Wuppertal)
      • 11
        The QCD equation of state with dynamical quarks
        We determine the equation of state of QCD from lattice simulations. Lattices with Nt = 6 and 8 are used, and the continuum limit is approached by checking the results at Nt = 10 and 12. A Symanzik improved gauge and a stout-link improved staggered fermionic action is utilized; the light and strange quark masses are set to their physical values.
        Speaker: Szabolcs Borsanyi (University of Wuppertal)
      • 12
        On the universal O(N) scaling behavior of (2+1)-flavor QCD
        We analyze the universal scaling behavior of (2+1)-flavor QCD in terms of various scaling functions corresponding to the magnetic equation of state, the specific heat and generalized quark number susceptibilities. Lattice simulations on Nt=4 and Nt=8 lattices with improved staggered fermions within a wide range of quark masses have been performed and are fitted to the scaling functions. In general we find good agreement with O(N) universal scaling for light quark masses which are smaller or about the physical masses. The scaling naturally includes Goldstone behavior in the chiral condensate.
        Speaker: Christian Schmidt (Frankfurt Institute for Advanced Studies)
      • 13
        Chiral Aspects of Improved Staggered Fermions with 2+1-Flavors from the hotQCD Collaboration
        We present recent results from HotQCD simulations of 2+1 flavors of improved staggered fermions at zero baryon number density near the high temperature crossover. Included are new results from simulations of asqtad fermions at Nt = 12 and a nearly physical Goldstone pion mass and from simulations of HISQ fermions at Nt = 8. We focus on observables sensitive to chiral symmetry and confinement. A companion HotQCD talk discusses the effects of staggered-fermion taste-symmetry breaking on thermodynamic quantities.
        Speaker: Wolfgang Soeldner (GSI Darmstadt)
      • 14
        Taste symmetry and QCD thermodynamics with improved staggered fermions
        Taste symmetry violations in staggered fermion formulations correlate strongly with the cut-off (lattice spacing) dependence in physical observables. Better taste symmetry on the lattice can be achieved either by decreasing the lattice spacing and going to larger temporal extent in finite-temperature calculations, or by further improving the action. The Highly Improved Staggered Quark (HISQ) action offers further degree of improvement and substantially reduces taste violations. We report on our studies of the 2+1 flavor QCD thermodynamics with HISQ. By systematically comparing HISQ, asqtad, p4 and stout calculations we quantify how the cut-off effects manifest themselves in different physical observables, including the renormalized Polyakov loop, chiral condensate, various fluctuations and correlations of conserved charges. The implications for the equation of state and comparison to the Hadron Resonance Gas model are also discussed. The chiral aspects of the QCD transition are discussed in a separate HotQCD presentation by W. Soeldner.
        Speaker: Alexei Bazavov (University of Arizona)
    • Parallel 05: Vacuum structure and confinement Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 15
        Lattice QCD Study for Gluon Propagator and Gluon Spectral Function
        The gluon propagator is studied in the Landau gauge in SU(3) lattice QCD at beta=5.7, 5.8 and 6.0 at the quenched level. Through the functional-form analysis of the gluon propagator obtained in lattice QCD, we find that the Landau-gauge gluon propagator is well described by the Yukawa-type function e^{-mr}/r with m=600MeV for r=0.1-1.0fm in the four-dimensional Euclidean space-time [1]. Associated with the Yukawa-type gluon propagator, we derive analytical expressions for the effective mass and the spectral function rho(omega) of the gluon field [1]. As a remarkable fact, the obtained gluon spectral function rho(omega) is almost negative definite, except for a positive delta-functional peak at omega=m. We also investigate the relevant gluonic energy scale for the effective gluon mass using the new lattice technique in Ref.[2]. References [1] T. Iritani, H. Suganuma and H. Iida, Phys. Rev. D80, 114505 (2009). [2] A. Yamamoto and H. Suganuma, Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 241601 (2008); Phys. Rev. D79, 054504 (2009); Phys. Rev. D81, 014506 (2010).
        Speaker: Hideo Suganuma (Department of Physics, Kyoto University)
      • 16
        Lattice QCD analysis for the instantaneous interquark potential in the generalized Landau gauge
        We analyze the instantaneous interquark potential in the generalized Landau gauge (lambda gauge) in SU(3) lattice QCD. Using this gauge, we can analyze continuous change of gluon properties from the Landau gauge toward the Coulomb gauge. In the Coulomb gauge, the instantaneous potential is expressed by the Coulomb plus linear potential, with about two times larger string tension. In the Landau gauge, the instantaneous potential has no linear part. We find that this linear confinement part appears and grows during the change from the Landau gauge to the Coulomb gauge. We also find that the linear derivative of the instantaneous potential coincides with the string tension in a specified lambda gauge with lambda_C. In this gauge, the interquark potential can be approximately described by the instantaneous gluon exchange. We expect that this lambda_C gauge is useful in connecting from QCD to the quark model.
        Speaker: Takumi Iritani (Kyoto University)
      • 17
        Relevant momentum components of gluons for confinement and chiral symmetry breaking
        We investigated which momentum components of gluons induce confinement and chiral symmetry breaking in lattice QCD. For this purpose, we formulated a new framework to introduce the momentum cutoff to the link variable. We found that confinement and chiral symmetry breaking are induced by different momentum components of gluons.
        Speaker: Arata Yamamoto (Kyoto University)
      • 18
        The glueball spectrum at large N
        Using variational techniques, we measured the masses of the ground-state glueballs and some of their excitations in all the irreducible representationsof the cubic group in SU(N) gauge theories for N ranging from 3 to 8,at fixed lattice spacing in the scaling region, where some features of the continuum spectrum are already manifest. For this calculation, we developed an automated method for generating traced loops in all irreducible representations of the cubic group starting from a given closed path; this enabled us to extract glueball masses from a variational basis typically consisting of 40-60 trial operators. Our data show that there is a mild $N$-dependence of the spectrum, with a modest $1/N^2$ correction, confirming earlier large-$N$ results on a much wider portion of the low-energy spectrum. Our authomated method for constructing trial operators allows us to address directly the issue of mixing with scattering and torelon states.
        Speaker: Enrico Rinaldi (SUPA, School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)
      • 19
        Can Lorentz-breaking fermionic condensates form in large N strongly-coupled LGT?
        The possibility of Lorentz symmetry (spontaneous) breaking (LSB) has attracted considerable attention in recent years for a variety of reasons, including the attractive prospect of the graviton as a Goldstone boson. Though a number of effective field theory analyses of such phenomena have recently been given it remains an open question whether they can take place in an underlying UV complete theory. Here we consider the question of LSB in large N lattice gauge theories in the strong coupling limit. We apply techniques that have previously been used to correctly predict the formation of chiral symmetry breaking condensates in this limit. Generalizing such methods to other composite operators we find that certain LSB condensates can indeed form. In addition, the interesting possibility arises of condensates that 'lock' internal with external symmetries. The implications of such phenomena for the construction of quantum gravity theories are briefly discussed.
        Speaker: Terry E Tomboulis (UCLA Department of Physics)
    • Parallel 07: Standard model parameters and renormalization Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 20
        Matching the lattice coupling to the continuum for the tree level Symanzik improved gauge action
        The Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory project dealing with renormalization constants for the tree level Symanzik improved gauge action aims at three loop accuracy. To get this, one important ingredient is the two loop matching of the lattice coupling to continuum. We discuss how we get it, trying to emphasize the general strategy underlying the computation.
        Speaker: Michele Brambilla (Parma University and INFN)
      • 21
        Renormalization constants for Wilson fermion lattice QCD with four dynamical flavours
        We report about an ongoing non-perturbative computation of RI-MOM scheme renormalization constants for the lattice action with Iwasaki glue and four dynamical flavours currently in use by ETMC. For this goal dedicated simulations with four degenerate sea quark flavours are performed at several values of the standard and twisted quark mass parameters. We discuss a method for removing possible O(a) artifacts at all momenta and extrapolating renormalization constant estimators to the chiral limit. We give preliminary results at one lattice spacing.
        Speaker: David Palao (INFN Sezione Tor Vergata)
      • 22
        Non-perturbative renormalization of quark mass in Nf=2+1 QCD with the Schroedinger functional scheme
        We present an evaluation of the quark mass renormalization factor for Nf=2+1 QCD. The Schroedinger functional scheme is used as the intermediate scheme. The regularization independent step scaling function of the quark mass is evaluated in the continuum limit. The pseudo scalar density and the axial vector current renormalization factors are derived for the same action and the bare couplings as two recent large scale Nf=2+1 simulations of the CP-PACS/JL-QCD collaboration and that of PACS-CS collaboration. The quark mass renormalization factor is evaluated to renormalized bare PCAC masses in these simulations.
        Speaker: Yusuke Taniguchi (University of Tsukuba)
      • 23
        Perturbative vs non-perturbative renormalization: the case of the quark mass
        Comparing perturbative and non-perturbative results for renormalization constants has been an issue for a while. The quark mass renormalization constant is a prototype example: discrepancies between different results have been several times ascribed to this issue. Given the logarithmic nature of the divergence, there is no theoretical obstruction to a perturbative computation. The problem, as it is well known, is how to perform the computation at high loops. Truncation errors should in turn be compared to a variety of errors (e.g. irrelevant effects, chiral extrapolation, finite size) which should be carefully assessed as well. We present our new results from Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory, in particular for the tree level Symanzik improved gauge action at n_f=2. The goal is to take all the sistematic effects under control at three loop level.
        Speaker: Francesco Di Renzo (University of Parma and INFN)
      • 24
        Egalitarian Improvement to Democracy in Non-Perturbative Renormalization of Quark Operators
        We present our results on non-perturbative renomalization of quark operators. Based on Nf=2 ETMC lattices we calculate vertex functions and propagators, and combine them using irreducible representation of the discrete rotational group H4. We test the running of these quantities including a possible non-perturbative contribution via Wilson operator expansion. This allows for the better computation of non-perturbative correction to the renormalized Z_q.
        Speaker: Konstantin Petrov (Laboratoire de Physique Theorique)
    • Parallel 09: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 25
        Chiral properties of light mesons in the $N_f=2+1$ overlap OCD
        We summarize the project of the light meson spectrum with $N_f$=2+1 overlap fermions by JLQCD and TWQCD. We study the finite size effect by directly comparing results from two different lattice volumes. Through the chiral extrapolation carried out with additional data points with $m_{ud} = m_s$, we test the prediction of chiral perturbation theory.
        Speaker: Junichi Noaki (KEK)
      • 26
        Lattice QCD with optimal domain-wall fermions: light meson spectroscopy
        We give an overview of our simulations of 2-flavors and (2+1)-flavors QCD with optimal domain-wall fermions, using a GPU cluster with 200 Tflops(peak)/36 Tflops(sustained). We work on a lattice of size $ 16^3 \times 32 $, with lattice cutoff $ a^{-1} \simeq 1.6 $ GeV, and eight dynamical (sea) quark masses in the range $ m_s/8 - m_s $, where $ m_s $ is the physical strange quark mass. The exact chiral symmetry on the lattice is preserved with $ N_s = 16 $ in the fifth dimension. We present our first results of light meson masses and decay constants.
        Speaker: Ting-Wai Chiu (National Taiwan University)
      • 27
        Light hadrons from Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted mass fermions
        We present results from simulations performed by ETMC using $2+1+1$ flavours of twisted mass fermions at maximal twist. We concentrate on one value of the lattice spacing of $a\approx 0.078$fm, but we add first data at a second value of $a=0.06$fm to test for the size of lattice artefacts. The quark mass dependence of light meson masses and decay constants will be confronted to chiral perturbation theory. We will also discuss the K and D-meson masses. Using several lattice sizes as well as different values of the light, strange and charm quark masses we will make an attempt to assess systematic effects affecting our results.
        Speaker: Siebren Reker (University of Groningen)
      • 28
        Pseudoscalar Decay Constants from $N_f=2+1+1$ twisted mass lattice QCD
        We present first results for the pseudoscalar decay constants $f_K$, $f_D$ and $f_{D_s}$ in lattice QCD with dynamical up, down, strange and charm quark flavours. The investigation is based on gauge configurations generated by the ETM collaboration using $N_f=2+1+1$ Wilson twisted mass fermions at maximal twist at one value of the lattice spacing around 0.08 fm and several values of the light quark masses. In the valence sector the so called Osterwalder-Seiler formulation is used. The extra- and interpolation in the various quark masses will be discussed.
        Speaker: Carsten Urbach (HISKP, Uni Bonn)
    • Parallel 11: Chiral symmetry Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 29
        The Aoki phase revisited
        Continuing with the work exposed in the last lattice conference [Phys.Rev.D79:014509,2009, PoS(LAT2009)068], and in order to distinguish between the two different scenarios proposed by us and Sharpe [Phys.Rev.D79:054503,2009], we present data of simulations of QCD with two flavours of dynamical Wilson fermions, inside the Aoki phase and without an external source $\bar\psi\gamma_5\tau_3\psi$. Two different algorithms, MFA and the hybrid montecarlo, were used, and a consistency check was performed. During the simulations we measured, using the P.D.F. (probability distribution function) formalism, the second moment of the relevant order parameters of the Aoki phase, namely $\langle\left(i\bar\psi\gamma_5\psi\right)^2\rangle$ and $\langle\left(i\bar\psi\gamma_5\tau_3\psi\right)^2\rangle$. These numerical results allow us to improve our understanding of the Aoki phase.
        Speaker: Alejandro Vaquero (Universidad de Zaragoza)
      • 30
        Wilson Fermions, Random Matrix Theory and the Aoki Phase
        The QCD partition function for the Wilson Dirac operator, $D_W$, at finite lattice spacing $a$ can be expressed in terms of a chiral Lagrangian as a systematic expansion in the mass, the momentum and $a^2$. Starting from this chiral Lagrangian we obtain an analytical expression  for the spectral density of $\gamma_5 D_W$ in the microscopic domain (also known as the $]epsilon$-domain). It is shown that the $\gamma_5$-Hermiticity of the Dirac operator necessarily leads to the sign of  the coefficient of the $a^2$ term that allows an Aoki phase. The transition to the Aoki phase is explained in detail,  and the interplay of topological charge and finite $a$ is discussed. Finally, we formulate a random matrix theory for the Wilson Dirac operator in the sector of topological charge $\nu$. It is shown by an explicit calculation that this random matrix theory reproduces the $a^2$-dependence of the chiral Lagrangian in the microscopic domain and that the sign the $a^2$-term is directly related to the $\gamma_5$-hermiticity of $D_W$.
        Speaker: Jacobus Verbaarschot (Stony Brook University)
      • 31
        Spectra of the Wilson Dirac operator for QCD with dynamical quarks
        The spectrum of the Wilson Dirac operator for $N_f=1$ in the microscopic ($\epsilon$) regime including order $a^2$ corrections is discussed. Exact results are obtained from Wilson chiral Perturbation Theory in sectors of fixed topology. Topology is defined as the number of real eigenvalues of the Wilson Dirac operator. We compute the density of these real modes as well as the microscopic spectral density of the hermitian Wilson Dirac operator. We show how the change of sign of the Wilson fermion determinant associated with the real modes crossing the origin affects the average spectral properties of the Wilson Dirac Operator.
        Speaker: P.H. Damgaard (The Niels Bohr Institute)
      • 32
        Mixed action computations on fine dynamical lattices
        We report on our simulations with Neuberger valence fermions on CLS Nf=2 configurations with non perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson sea quarks. We consider the matching of QCD to ChPT in the so called mixed regime in which the sea quarks are in the p-regime while the valence quarks are in the p or in the epsilon regime.
        Speaker: Fabio Bernardoni (Universidad de Valencia)
      • 33
        Overlap Valence Quarks on a Twisted Mass Sea
        We present the results of an investigation of a mixed action approach of overlap valence and maximally twisted mass sea quarks. Employing a matching condition on the pion mass, we analyze the continuum limit scaling of the pion decay constant and the role of chiral zero modes of the overlap operator in this process. We employ gauge field configurations generated by the European Twisted Mass Collaboration with linear lattice size L ranging from 1.3 to 2fm. The continuum limit is taken at a fixed value of L=1.3fm, employing three values of the lattice spacing and two values of the sea-sea pion mass.
        Speaker: Krzysztof Cichy (Adam Mickiewicz University, Faculty of Physics)
    • 16:10
      Coffee break
    • Parallel 02: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 34
        Nucleon matrix elements with maximally twisted fermions
        We present a lattice calculation of nucleon matrix elements with twisted mass fermions. In this talk we focus on results for the moments of parton distributions. The relevant renormalization constants are carried out non-perturbatively.
        Speaker: Simon Dinter (NIC, DESY Zeuthen)
      • 35
        Baryon axial coupling constants and quark momentum fractions with Nf=2+1 dynamical fermions
        In this talk we will report on recent results of the QCDSF Collaboration on investigations of baryon structure using configurations generated with Nf=2+1 dynamical flavours of O(a)-improved Wilson fermions. With the strange quark mass as an additional dynamical degree of freedom in our simulations we avoid the need for a partially quenched approximation when investigating the properties of particles containing a strange quark, e.g. the hyperons. In particular, we will focus on the nucleon and hyperon axial coupling constants and quark momentum fractions.
        Speaker: Frank Winter (QCDSF Collaboration)
      • 36
        Transverse momentum distributions inside the nucleon from lattice QCD
        Transverse momentum dependent parton distribution functions encode information about the intrinsic motion of quarks in the nucleon. We present first calculations on the lattice, based on MILC gauge configurations and propagators from LHPC. The resulting spin-dependent densities exhibit visible dipole deformations in the nucleon. For our exploratory calculations we employ a non-local operator with a non-perturbatively renormalized direct Wilson line. A more elaborate operator geometry is needed for quantitative comparisons to azimuthal asymmetries observable in experiments, such as the Sivers effect in semi-inclusive deeply inelastic scattering.
        Speaker: Bernhard Musch (Jefferson Lab, USA)
      • 37
        Nucleon structure from RBC/UKQCD 2+1 flavor DWF dynamical ensembles at a nearly physical pion mass
        We report the status of nucleon structure calculations on the 2+1 flavor domain-wall fermions ensembles with pion masses as low as 180 MeV on a lattice with about 4.5 fm spatial extent. A combination of the Iwasaki+dislocation- suppressing-determinant-ratio (I+DSDR) gauge action and DWF fermion action allows us to generate these ensembles at cutoff of about 1.4 GeV while keeping the residual mass small, and thus allows for a lattice spatial extent of 32 lattice units or about 4.5 fm.
        Speaker: Shigemi Ohta (IPNS/KEK and SOKENDAI Graduate University of Advanced Studies and RBRC/BNL)
      • 38
        Parton Distribution Amplitudes
        We calculate the first two moments of the light-cone distribution amplitudes for the pseudoscalar mesons (pi and K) and the longitudinally polarised vector mesons (rho, K* and phi) as part of the UKQCD and RBC collaborations' N_f=2+1 domain-wall fermion phenomenology programme. These quantities were obtained with a good precision and, in particular, the expected effects of SU(3)-flavour symmetry breaking are observed. Operators are renormalised nonperturbatively and extrapolations to the physical point are made, guided by leading order chiral perturbation theory. The main results presented are for two volumes (16 and 24 cubed) with a common lattice spacing. Further to this, preliminary results for a lattice with a finer lattice spacing (32 cubed) will be discussed.
        Speaker: Thomas Rae (The University of Southampton)
    • Parallel 04: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 39
        Finite temperature phase transition with two flavors of improved Wilson fermions
        The critical temperature is computed and the nature of the QCD finite temperature phase is studied for N_f = 2 dynamical flavors of nonperturbatively improved Wilson fermions. The new simulations are performed on lattices 40^3 x 14 with lattice spacing and pion mass at the transition close to 0.08 fm and 200 MeV, respectively. We find the deconfinement and chiral phase transitions to coincide within numerical precision. Our results are in broad agreement with a second order phase transition in the chiral limit. The critical temperature at the physical quark mass is found to be about 170 MeV.
        Speaker: Vitaly Bornyakov (Institute for High Energy Physics)
      • 40
        EOS in 2+1 flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks by the fixed scale approach
        Status of our study on the equation of state in 2+1 flavor QCD will be presented. We apply the T-integration method to calculate the EOS in the fixed scale approach nonperturbatively. The calculations are performed with the same parameters as the CP-PACS/JLQCD spectrum study, in which the non-perturbatively improved Wilson quarks coupled with the RG improved glue are adopted. We discuss the results in 2+1 QCD by comparing with the results in quenched QCD at fixed scale.
        Speaker: Takashi Umeda (Hiroshima Univ.)
      • 41
        Thermal transition temperature from twisted mass QCD
        We present the current status of lattice simulations with Nf=2 maximally twisted mass fermions at finite temperature. In particular, the determination of the thermal transition temperature will be discussed.
        Speaker: Lars Zeidlewicz (Uni Muenster / Uni Frankfurt)
      • 42
        Towards the N_{f}=2 deconfinement transition temperature with O(a) improved Wilson fermions
        A lot of effort in lattice simulations over the last years has been devoted to studies of the QCD deconfinement transition. Most state-of-the-art simulations use so called rooted staggered fermions, and are also affected by systematic uncertainties, such as coarse lattices and heavy sea quarks. Therefore it is important to probe the transition with other fermion actions and improve on systematics. I report on an ongoing study of the transition, using two degenerate flavours of nonperturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions. We start with N_{t}=12 lattices, aiming at chiral and continuum limit with very light quarks and lattices up to N_{t}=20.
        Speaker: Bastian Brandt (Institut für Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg-Universitaet, Mainz)
      • 43
        The Chiral Magnetic Effect and symmetry breaking in SU(3) quenched theory
        We study properties of the non-Abelian vacuum in the presence of constant external magnetic field within the quenched SU(3) lattice gauge theory with tadpole-improved Wilson-Symanzik action and using the chirally invariant lattice Dirac operator. We have found that the magnetic field enhances the chiral symmetry breaking in the confinement phase as well as the local fluctuations of both electric/chiral charge and electromagnetic current in direction of the magnetic field. These fluctuations can be recognized as evidence of the Chiral Magnetic Effect (CME), which is observed by the STAR Collaboration in heavy ion collisions at RHIC. The paramagnetic polarization of the quarks’ spins in strong magnetic field has been also observed in our simulation and the chiral magnetization as a function of the field strength has been calculated using near-zero eigenmodes of overlap fermions. We also investigate the correlator of two vector currents in this theory and extract the electric conductivity of the vacuum from the spectral function, which corresponds to this correlator.
        Speaker: Tigran Kalaydzhyan (DESY-Hamburg)
    • Parallel 06: Vacuum structure and confiment Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 44
        Further investigation of massive Landau-gauge propagators in the infrared limit
        We study the infrared limit of Landau gluon and ghost propagators on large lattices and investigate how the behavior according to the so-called massive solution is affected by temperature.
        Speaker: Tereza Mendes (University of Sao Paulo)
      • 45
        Colour fields generated by static sources of different SU(3) representations.
        The colour fields, created by static sources belonging to different SU(3) representations, from the 3 to the 27, are computed in quenched SU(3) lattice QCD, in a $24^3\times 48$ lattice at $\beta=6.2$ and $a=0.07261(85)\,fm$. We utilize the technique of generalized Wilson Loops to localize the sources, correlated with plaquettes to measure the respective colour fields. We investigate the Casimir scaling of the fields, measured in the static potentials by Bali. We also study the coherence length, comparing with the dual Ginzburg-Landau approach. With the penetration and coherence lengths we determined the Ginzburg-Landau dimensionless parameter, this result is consistent with a type II superconductor picture, and with an effective dual gluon mass of $0.905\pm0.163$ GeV.
        Speaker: Bicudo Pedro (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
      • 46
        Propagators in lattice Coulomb gauge and confinement mechanisms
        We review the status of lattice simulations for propagators in Coulomb gauge. In particular, we focus on renormalization issues for the static propagators and on the relation to the Gribov-Zwanziger and dual-superconductor confinement mechanisms. We also show how a vanishing static Coulomb gauge gluon propagator can agree with the lattice Landau gauge results; the IR effective gluon mass in the latter coincides with the Gribov mass. Strong coupling limits of both gauges are briefly commented upon.
        Speaker: Giuseppe Burgio (Universität Tübingen)
      • 47
        Hamiltonian Flow in Coulomb Gauge Yang-Mills theory
        We derive a new Hamiltonian renormalisation group flow equation for Yang-Mills theory in Coulomb gauge. The flow equations for the static gluon and ghost propagators are solved numerically under the assumption of a bare ghost gluon vertex. The resulting propagators are compared with lattice data and results obtained from the Dyson-Schwinger equations following from a variational solution of the Yang-Mills Schrödinger equation.
        Speaker: Hugo Reinhardt (Tübingen University)
      • 48
        New results on the effective string corrections to the interquark potential.
        We propose a new approach to the study of the interquark poten- tial in LGTs. Instead of looking at the expectation value of Polyakov loop correlators we study the modifications induced in the chromoelectric flux due to the presence of the Polyakov loops. This approach is particularly effective in the case of abelian LGTs where, with a careful use of duality relations this study can be performed in a very efficient way. The major advantage of this numerical strategy is that it allows to eliminate the dominant effective string correction to the interquark potential (the Luscher term) thus giving an unique opportunity to test higher order terms. Performing a set of simulations in the 3d gauge Ising model we were thus able to precisely identify and measure both the quartic and the sextic effective string corrections. While the quartic term perfectly agrees with the Nambu-Goto one the sextic term is definitely different. We discuss the implications of this finding in view of the recent proof of the universality of the sextic correction by Aharony and Karzbrun.
        Speaker: Michele Caselle (TO)
    • Parallel 08: Standard model parameters and renormalization Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 49
        One loop matching factors for staggered four-fermion operators with improved glue
        We present results of one-loop perturbative matching factors for four-fermion operators constructed using HYP/$\overline{\rm FAT7}$ staggered fermions. We use both unimproved (Wilson) and improved (Symanzik) gluon actions. The latter choice of action is relevant to our ongoing project of calculating $B_K$ and $\epsilon'/\epsilon$. To estimate the quantitative effect of using Symanzik improved gluon action, we compare the following four choices of actions: (1) unimproved staggered fermions with Wilson gluons (2) HYP/$\overline{\rm FAT7}$ staggered fermions with Wilson gluons, (3) unimproved staggered fermions with Symanzik gluons, and (4) HYP/$\overline{\rm FAT7}$ staggered fermions with Symanzik gluons. We discuss the effect of the improved glue on reducing the size of one-loop perturbative corrections to four-fermion operators.
        Speaker: Jongjeong Kim (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University)
      • 50
        Renormalization constants for one-derivative fermion operators in twisted mass QCD
        We present perturbative and non-perturbative results on the renormalization constants of the twist-2 vector and axial vector operators. Non-perturbative results are obtained using the twisted mass Wilson fermion formulation employing two degenerate dynamical quarks and the tree-level Symanzik improved gluon action for pion masses in the range of about 450-260 MeV and at values of the lattice spacing 0.055, 0.07, 0.089 fm. Subtraction of O(a^2) terms is carried out by performing the perturbative evaluation of these operators at 1-loop and up to O(a^2). The renormalization conditions are defined in the RI'-MOM scheme, for both perturbative and non-perturbative results. The Z-factors, obtained for different values of the renormalization scale, are evolved perturbatively to a reference scale set by the inverse of the lattice spacing. In addition, they are translated to MS bar at 2 GeV using 3-loop perturbative results for the conversion factors.
        Speaker: Martha Constantinou (University of Cyprus)
      • 51
        Renormalisation of composite operators in lattice QCD: perturbative versus nonperturbative
        The perturbative and nonperturbative renormalisation of quark-antiquark operators in lattice QCD with two flavours of clover fermions is investigated within the research programme of the QCDSF collaboration. Operators with up to three derivatives are considered. The nonperturbative results based on the RI-MOM scheme are compared with estimates from one- and two-loop lattice perturbation theory.
        Speaker: Meinulf Göckeler (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Regensburg)
      • 52
        Heavy-light current-current correlators
        HPQCD Collaboration I will discuss further results from studies of current-current correlators using HISQ quarks, extending on results for hevyonium correlators to the significantly more challenging heavy-light case. The aim of this work is to determine nonperturbative Z factors for heavy-light currents.
        Speaker: Jonna Koponen (University of Glasgow)
    • Parallel 10: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 53
        Low-energy parameters of pion and nucleon from two-flavor lattice QCD at physical quark masses
        I report on recent simulations of clover fermions with masses extending down to the physical point. The focus is on pion and nucleon two-point functions. Among the topics being addressed are the light quark masses, the low-energy constants of the underlying chiral and heavy-baryon effective theories, the nucleon sigma term, the pion decay constant, as well as effects of the finite volume.
        Speaker: Gerrit Schierholz (DESY/Regensburg)
      • 54
        Mesons and baryons masses with low mode averaging
        We describe and test a method known in the literature as low-mode averaging to improve Euclidean two-point functions in lattice QCD using the low-lying eigenmodes of the Wilson-Dirac operator. The contribution from the low modes is averaged over all positions of the quark sources while the contribution from high modes is estimated in the traditional way using one source point per lattice. We apply this method to different baryon and meson two point functions and we compare the improvements using either the eigenmodes of the non-hermitian Dirac operator $D$ or the eigenmodes of the hermitian operator $Q=\gamma_5 D$. The convergence strongly depends on the parity of the states.
        Speaker: Luca Castagnini (University of Regensburg)
      • 55
        Highly excited and exotic meson spectroscopy from dynamical lattice QCD
        I will discuss recent progress in extracting highly excited and exotic meson spectra using lattice QCD. New results in the light meson sector will be presented, where a combination of techniques and dynamical anisotropic lattices have enabled us to confidently identify the spin of extracted states. Highlights include many states with exotic quantum numbers and, for the first time in a lattice QCD calculation, spin-four states. I will conclude with comments on future prospects.
        Speaker: Christopher Thomas (Jefferson Lab)
      • 56
        Recent results on excited hadrons in 2-flavor QCD
        We present results of meson and baryon spectroscopy using the Chirally Improved Dirac operator on lattices of size $163 \times 32$ with two mass-degenerate light sea quarks and two+one valence quarks. Several configuration ensembles with pion masses ranging from $300$ to $550$ MeV and lattice spacings close to $0.15\,$ fm are investigated. The analysis of the states is done with the variational method, allowing for determination of ground states and excitations in several channels. We discuss the possible signal of scattering states in various channels, considering masses and eigenvectors.
        Speaker: Georg Philipp Engel (Institut fuer Physik, Karl-Franzens Universitaet Graz, Austria)
    • Parallel 12: Chiral symmetry Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 57
        Renormalization of minimally doubled fermions
        Minimally doubled fermions have been proposed as a strictly local discretization of the QCD quark action, which also preserves chiral symmetry at finite cut-off. We study the renormalization and mixing properties of two particular realizations of minimally doubled fermions in lattice perturbation theory at one loop. We also construct conserved axial-vector currents, which have a simple form involving only nearest-neighbors sites.
        Speaker: Stefano Capitani (University of Mainz)
      • 58
        Pairs of massless quarks on the lattice from staggered fermions
        A version of overlap fermions built from staggered rather than Wilson fermions is presented. It has the remarkable property of reducing the 4 flavors (tastes) of the staggered fermion to two flavors, which can be taken as the up and down quarks in Lattice QCD. The exact flavored chiral symmetry of the staggered fermion gets converted into an unflavored Ginsparg-Wilson chiral symmetry of the new overlap fermion, which also has pairs of exact chiral zero-modes satisfying the Index Theorem. A domain wall formulation giving a truncation of this overlap construction is also obtained.
        Speaker: David Adams (Nanyang Technological University)
      • 59
        Numerical properties of overlap staggered fermions
        David Adams has recently proposed a 2-flavor overlap Dirac operator based on the Neuberger construction, but using a staggered kernel. We illustrate how this operator satisfies the index theorem, investigate some of its promising properties, and compare with the usual Neuberger operator.
        Speaker: Philippe de Forcrand (ETH Zurich & CERN)
      • 60
        Staggered chiral perturbation theory in the two-flavor case
        In the light pseudoscalar sector, I study rooted staggered chiral perturbation theory in the two-flavor case. The pion mass and decay constant are calculated through NLO for a partially-quenched theory. In the limit where the strange quark mass is large compared to the light quark masses and the taste splittings, I show that the SU(2) staggered chiral theory emerges from the SU(3) staggered chiral theory, as expected. Explicit relations between SU(2) and SU(3)low energy constants and taste-violating parameters are given. A brief summary of updated SU(2) chiral fits to the MILC lattice data is presented.
        Speaker: Xining Du (Washington University in St.Louis)
    • Other activities
    • Parallel 13: Applications beyond QCD Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 61
        Toward the Nearly Conformal Composite Higgs Mechanism
        I will review chiral symmetry breaking and gauge coupling renormalization close to the conformal threshold in SU(3) gauge theories focussed on twelve flavors in the fundamental fermion representation and two flavors in the sextet fermion representation.
        Speaker: Julius Kuti (University of California, San Diego, Department of Physics)
      • 62
        Running couplings in 12 flavor QCD
        QCD with 12 flavors is a candidate near-conformal gauge theory if its beta function has a near-zero with a slowly varying running coupling. We test various running coupling schemes against this hypothesis.
        Speaker: Kieran Holland (University of the Pacific)
      • 63
        Confining vs. conformal scenario for SU(2) with 2 adjoint fermions. Mesonic spectrum.
        The Minimal Walking Technicolor model, based on the SU(2) gauge group with two Dirac adjoint fermions, is expected to lie close to the lower boundary of the conformal window. As such, it is believed to possess a dynamics different enough from QCD to be a viable candidate for a Technicolor theory. We present a detailed analysis of the mesonic spectrum of this model in which we aim to reach the chiral limit while controlling the systematic errors. Comparing our data to the expected behaviors for a QCD-like theory and for an IR conformal theory, we show that the latter scenario is favored.
        Speaker: Claudio Pica (CP3-Origins, SDU)
      • 64
        Confining vs. conformal scenario for SU(2) with adjoint fermions. Gluonic observables.
        Walking technicolor is a mechanism for electroweak symmetry breaking, alternative to the Higgs field. The Higgs mechanism is provided by chiral symmetry breaking in the technicolor theory. Essential ingredient is the vicinity to an IR fixed point, which could reconcile technicolor to the electroweak precision tests. SU(2) with two Dirac adjoint fermions has been proposed as a candidate for walking technicolor. Understanding whether this theory is confining or IR-conformal is a challenging problem, which can be addressed by means of numerical simulations. We have pointed out that a clean signal for the existence of an infrared fixed point in this theory can be obtained by looking for signatures in the gluonic sector. In this talk, the technical details of our calculations and possible systematic errors are discussed. Although those measurements are technically difficult, they can be kept under good control even with a limited number of configurations.
        Speaker: Agostino Patella (Swansea University)
    • Parallel 15: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 65
        Charmonium spectral functions in quark-gluon plasma from lattice QCD with large spatial volume
        From phenomenological considerations, J/psi suppression was proposed as a signature of QGP production in relativistic heavy ion collisions, and has been considered as one of the most promising ones. On the other hand, previous studies from lattice QCD and effective theories show possibility of existence of q-\bar{q} correlations even above the critical temperature. We study the charmonium spectral functions in quark-gluon plasma on 64^3 X Nt quenched anisotropic lattices, analyzing correlation functions of charmonium by the maximum entropy method (MEM). In particular, we focus on finite momentum effects on the charmonium spectral functions in order to understand J/Psi suppression mechanism in relativistic heavy ion collisions from the first principles of QCD.
        Speaker: Chiho Nonaka (Nagoya University)
      • 66
        An application of the variational analysis to calculate the meson spectral functions
        We calculate the meson spectral functions (SPFs) via the variational analysis to investigate the behavior of discrete spectra on a finite volume lattice at finite temperature. Although the vairational method can not extract the whole information of the SPFs, it can calculate the value of SPFs at several low-lying spectra. Therefore, the method will be useful to test if the low-lying states dissociate above $T_c$. Moreover, we can improve the signals by increasing the number of basis operators -- besides the point source operator, we introduce several smeared operators using Gaussian smearing functions. Our simulations are carried out on a quenched anisotropic lattice using the standard plaquette gauge action and the $O(a)$-improved Wilson fermion action. We test the method by comparison with the analytic solutions in the free quark case. Furthermore we calculate the 1S, 2S, 1P and 2P charmonia SPFs at temperatures in the range $0.88T_C$ to $2.3T_C$.
        Speaker: Hiroshi Ohno (University of Tsukuba)
      • 67
        Charmonium correlation and spectral functions at finite temperature
        We investigate the charmonium correlators and spectral functions in quenched QCD, using Clover improved Wilson fermions on very fine (0.01 fm) isotropic lattices at 0.75 $T_c$ ($ 128^3\times96 $) and 1.5 $T_c$ ($128^3 \times48 $). We focus on the thermal modification of the correlation and spectral functions. The charmonium dissociation temperature as well as the heavy quark diffusion constant are discussed.
        Speaker: Heng-Tong DING (Bielefeld University)
      • 68
        Estimating dilepton rates and electric conductivity from vector current correlation functions in quenched QCD
        We report on a continuum extrapolation of the vector current correlation function for light valence quarks in the deconfined phase of quenched QCD. The vector meson correlator is calculated at T=1.5 Tc at four values of the cut-off on lattices up to size 128^3x48. We determine the first three, non-vanishing thermal moments of the vector meson spectral function. We find that ratios of thermal moments agree with those for free, massless quarks within 1% accuracy, while the correlator at the midpoint, t=1/2T is about 8% larger than the free vector correlation function. We discuss resulting constraints on the electric conductivity and the thermal dilepton rate in a quark gluon plasma.
        Speaker: Frithjof Karsch (Brookhaven National Laboratory and Bielefeld University)
    • Parallel 17: Weak decays and matrix elements Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 69
        Computing the long-distance contribution to second order weak amplitudes
        The calculation of the long-distance contribution to the K^0-\overline{K}_0 mass matrix is divided into three parts: First, the calculation of the matrix element between kaon states of the product of two space-time integrated, $\Delta S=1$, four-quark weak operators. Second an RI/MOM subtraction to remove the short distance part of this matrix element in a fashion consistent with the calculation of the physical short distance part. Third an application of the Lellouch-Luscher method, generalized to second order in the weak interactions, to control finite volume errors. Such an approach promises to permit accurate lattice calculation of the $K_L$-$K_S$ mass difference and the long-distance contributions to $\epsilon_K$.
        Speaker: Norman Christ (Columbia University)
      • 70
        Preliminary study of the non-perturbative renormalization of K-> pi (pi) operators, with Nf=2+1 Domain Wall fermions
        At the leading order of the OPE, they are ten 4-quark operators which contribute to the \Delta S=1 effective Hamiltonian. The mixing pattern of these operators under renormalization is governed by their chiral properties. Thus it is crucial to perform this computation with fermions which preserve (or almost preserve) chiral symmetry, such as Domain Wall fermions. We present here our strategy to compute the relevant renormalization matrix following the Rome-Southampton method, with point and volume sources. In particular we will show how we can deal with the potentially dangerous eye contractions.
        Speaker: Nicolas Garron (University of Edinburgh)
      • 71
        $\Delta I = 3/2$, $K \to \pi \pi$ Matrix Elements with Nearly Physical Pion Masses
        $\Delta I = 3/2$ channel $K\to\pi\pi$ matrix elements are calculated with a variety of kaon masses, pion masses, and pion momenta on quenched $24^3\times 64$, $L_s=16$ lattices using the DBW2 action and domain wall fermions. After an interpolation in pion momentum to energy conserving kinematics is performed, the dependence of the matrix elements on $m_\pi$ and $m_K$ is studied. The lightest pion mass in the study is 165 MeV, corresponding to $m_\pi L\approx 3$. Preliminary results are also presented from a calculation on RBC/UKQCD $32^3\times 64$, $L_s=32$ lattices with 2+1 flavors of dynamical quarks using the Iwasaki+DSDR gauge action and domain wall fermions. This second calculation is done with a single pion mass ($m_\pi=146\text{ MeV}$, partially quenched) and kaon mass that are nearly physical, and with nearly energy conserving kinematics. The two calculations are compared with each other and with experiment, and the systematic errors are estimated.
        Speaker: Matthew Lightman (Columbia University)
      • 72
        Preliminary results of $\Delta I=1/2$ and $3/2$, $K$ to $\pi\pi$ Decay Amplitudes from Lattice QCD
        We report a direct lattice calculation of the $K$ to $\pi\pi$ decay matrix elements for both $\Delta I=1/2$ and $3/2$ channels on 2+1 flavor, domain wall fermion, $16^3\times32$ lattices. All possible contractions are carefully listed and calculated and identities among them are verified. The decay into the isospin zero $\pi\pi$ final state, which receives contributions from the disconnected graphs, is very difficult to calculate, but a clear signal in the similar disconnected $\pi\pi$ correlator can be seen. We also demonstrate that a large explicit subtraction of the divergent $\bar{s}\gamma_5d$ contribution is necessary even for the case of kinematics which are nominally energy conserving. Preliminary results, some with large errors, will be presented for the various contributions to the renormalized weak matrix elements $A_0$ and $A_2$ for the $m_\pi=420MeV$ and $m_\pi=236MeV$(partially quenched light quark) cases.
        Speaker: Qi Liu (Columbia University)
      • 73
        Matrix element of the electromagnetic operator between kaon and pion states
        We investigate the calculation of the matrix element of the electromagnetic operator between kaon and pion states, using maximally twisted-mass fermions with two flavors of dynamical quarks. The operator is renormalized non-perturbatively and our simulations at different values of the lattice spacing and pion masses are extrapolated to the continuum limit and to the physical kaon and pion masses.
        Speaker: Itzhak Baum (Rome University "La Sapienza")
    • Parallel 19: Standard model parameters and renormalization Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 74
        Hunting the static energy renormalon
        We present new results from lattice perturbation theory (LPT) for the the static quark self-energy (SE) obtained from Polyakov loops at high orders (up to 12 loops). For the first time we implemented Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT) with twisted boundary conditions (TBC), thereby eliminating zero modes. In previous simulations at high beta, TBC were shown to dramatically reduce the finite-volume corrections on perturbative expansions [e.g. Nobes et al., Nucl. Phys. Proc. Suppl., 2002, 106, 838-840]. We exploit this for measuring Polyakov loops up to 12 loops. From this one can extract the SE. Renormalon physics predicts the SE to exhibit a leading renormalon which differs significantly from its far more studied Plaquette counterpart: firstly, the SE's factorial divergence is expected to have a different asymptotic behaviour. Secondly, the leading SE renormalon should emerge four times as fast in the perturbative expansion, due to its position in the Borel plane. We will confront these predictions with our simulations. We will also present results for the SE in the octet representation.
        Speaker: Clemens Bauer (University of Regensburg, Germany)
      • 75
        Scale r0 and the static potential from the CLS lattices
        We report on the measurement of the static potential and the scale r0 from HYP-smeared Wilson loops in two flavour QCD. We analyse the quark mass dependence of the potential and r0 at two lattice spacings. The high statistics at one of the parameter combinations allows for an estimate of the influence of slow Monte Carlo modes on the the statistical errors. We also compare the QCD static potential around distance r0 with the static potential obtained from effective bosonic string theory.
        Speaker: Björn Leder (Bergische Universitaet Wuppertal)
      • 76
        Current Status of Improved Fermilab Fermions
        Recently, the Fermilab heavy quark action was extended to include dimension six and seven operators in order to reduce the discretization errors. In this talk, we present results of the first numerical simulations with this action where we study the masses of the quarkonium and heavy-light systems and monitor the discretization errors.
        Speaker: Mehmet Oktay (The University of Utah)
      • 77
        Computing the B*Bpi coupling with relativistic heavy quarks and domain wall fermions
        The effective coupling constant $g_{VP\pi}$, describing the coupling of heavy mesons to the pseudoscalar Goldstone bosons (pions), is one of the fundamental parameters of the effective chiral lagrangian for heavy mesons. This coupling encodes non-perturbative QCD effects describing the decay of heavy vector particles into pseudoscalars, $V\to P\pi$. Beside its direct physical relevance in the D system it is also of phenomenological importance to estimate this coupling non-perturbatively in the B system. I report on the (first) ongoing computation of $g_{VP\pi}$ using the non-perturbatively tuned relativistic heavy quark action (RHQ) to treat the c- and b-quark. We use domain wall light fermions and work on dynamical 2+1 DWF configurations as produced by the RBC/UKQCD collaboration.
        Speaker: Patrick Fritzsch (School of Physics & Astronomy, University of Southampton)
    • Parallel 21: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 78
        Glueballs in the radiative J/psi decays
        In the quenched approximation, glueball-vector-current-Jpsi three point functions are calculated on an anisotropic lattice with very high statistics. Using the relevant form factors derived from these three point functions, we also give a prediction of the radiative decay widths of J/psi to scalar and pseudoscalar glueballs.
        Speaker: Ying Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China)
      • 79
        Rho decay from twisted mass fermions
        We calculate the P-wave pion-pion scattering phase in the rho decay channel using two flavors of maximally twisted mass fermions at pion masses ranging from 290 MeV to 480 MeV and lattice spacings of 0.079 fm and 0.063 fm. Making use of finite-size methods, we evaluate the pion-pion scattering phase in the center-of-mass frame and two moving frames. Using all three frames, we find a good description of the scattering phase as a function of the energy in the resonance region. From this we extract the rho mass and decay width and study its quark mass dependence.
        Speaker: Xu Feng (NIC, DESY)
      • 80
        Calculatin of $\rho$ meson decay width from the PACS-CS configurations
        We present our results of the $\rho$ meson decay width estimated from the scattering phase shift for $I=1$ two pion system. Calculations are carried out with $N_f=2+1$ gauge configurations previously generated by the PACS-CS Collaboration with the Iwasaki gauge action and nonperturbatively $O(a)$-improved Wilson fermion at $m_\pi/m_\rho=0.46$ on $32\times 64$ ($La=2.9 fm$). The finite size method presented by Rummukainen and Gottlieb is employed to evaluated the scattering phase shift from energy eigenvalues.
        Speaker: Naruhito Ishizuka (University of Tsukuba)
      • 81
        Extracting resonance parameters from lattice data (Part I)
        Monte Carlo simulations of the 4d O(4) model in the broken phase are performed to determine the parameters of a resonance. We discuss the applicability of a method, based on the probability distribution concept, useful in the realistic case of a large width resonance. The application to study the QCD hadron spectrum is discussed.
        Speaker: Pietro Giudice (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 82
        Extracting resonance parameters from lattice data: Part II
        The standard method for extracting resonance parameters on the lattice is through Luscher's formula. We study the application of this formula to the 4d O(4) sigma model and contrast it with the recently proposed probability distribution method. Connections to resonances in QCD are discussed.
        Speaker: Darrán McManus (Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland)
    • Parallel 23: Chiral symmetry Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 83
        Magnetic-Field-Induced insulator-conductor transition in quenched lattice gauge theory
        We study the correlator of two vector currents in quenched lattice gauge theory with chirally invariant lattice Dirac operator with constant external magnetic field. It is found that in the confinement phase the correlator of the components of the current parallel to the magnetic field decays much slower than in the absence of magnetic field, while for other components the correlation length slightly decreases. We apply the Maximal Entropy Method to extract the spectral function which corresponds to this correlator. The value of this spectral function in the limit of zero frequency yields, by virtue of the Green-Kubo relations, the electric conductivity of quenched lattice gauge theory. In the confinement phase the magnetic field induces nonzero electric conductivity, but only in the direction of the field. In the deconfinement phase the conductivity practically does not depend on the magnetic field.
        Speaker: Pavel Buividovich (ITEP (Moscow, Russia) and JINR (Dubna, Russia))
      • 84
        QCD Rotator with Light Quarks up to NNL Order
        We consider 2-flavour QCD with light quark masses in a small spatial box, where the low lying excitations are that of an $O(4)$ rotator. This problem can be treated in chiral perturbation theory ($\delta$-regime). Up to NNL order the final result depends only on a few low energy constants $F$, $\Lambda_1$, $\Lambda_2$ and $B$. Comparing these results with that of numerical simulations in QCD should help to measure these low energy constants to good precision.
        Speaker: Manuel Weingart (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern)
      • 85
        Brillouin improvement for Wilson fermions
        We present a Wilson type operator obtained by including terms in both the Laplacian as well as the first-derivative stencil, such that the resulting operator remains within a hypercube. Motivated by the effect this improvement has on the eigenvalue spectrum, we investigate the approach to the continuum limit of several physical quantities. Throughout we compare to the standard Wilson operator.
        Speaker: Giannis Koutsou (University of Wuppertal and Juelich Supercomputing Center)
      • 86
        Low-energy constants from Dirac eigenvalue correlators at NNLO in the epsilon expansion
        We calculate the next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) contributions in the epsilon expansion with a small imaginary chemical potential and discuss their relevance to Dirac eigenvalue correlators. We show how to minimize systematic deviations from random-matrix theory by an optimal choice of lattice geometry in the case of two light quark flavors. Finally, we determine the low-energy constants Sigma and F from configurations of JLQCD with two dynamical overlap fermions.
        Speaker: Christoph Lehner (RIKEN/BNL Research Center, Brookhaven National Laboratory, Upton, NY-11973, USA)
    • 10:10
      Coffee break
    • Parallel 14: Applications beyond QCD Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 87
        New results with colour-sextet quarks
        We have been studying lattice QCD with colour-sextet staggered quarks, as a model for conformal/walking technicolor. We are studying the thermodynamics of these theories and using the positions of the deconfinement and chiral transitions to try to distinguish between conformal and walking behaviour. Our preliminary simulations with N_f=2, on N_t=4 and N_t=6 lattices, favoured the walking scenario. I will present new results at N_t=8. In addition I will present the results from simulations with N_f=3.
        Speaker: Donald Sinclair (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 88
        Recently there has been lot of interest in quantum field theories whose renormalization group evolution is governed by an infrared stable fixed point. This is motivated by phenomenological applications in unparticles and walking technicolor. As a continuation of an initial lattice studies of the two-color gauge theory with two adjoint Dirac flavors, we have carried out perturbative O(a) improvement with Wilson fermions. I will discuss the phenomenological motivations for this study and some technical issues.
        Speaker: Tuomas Karavirta (University of Jyväskylä)
      • 89
        Lattice QCD with 8 and 12 Degenerate Quark Flavors
        We summarize our study of QCD with 8 and 12 flavors of degenerate quarks at zero temperature, using the DBW2 gauge action and naive staggered fermions, along with the rational hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm. From measurements of hadron masses, decay constants and other low energy observables, we conclude that such a system with 8 and 12 flavors breaks chiral symmetry and exhibits confinement, although for 12 flavors we see a rapid evolution from strong to weak coupling in hadronic observables, which makes further simulations on large volumes desirable. We report on preliminary results from further simulations of the same systems at finite temperatures, to address the existence of the finite temperature phase transition and to probe the nature of such phase transition at large number of quark flavors.
        Speaker: Xiao-Yong Jin (Columbia University)
      • 90
        Search for the IR fixed point in the Twisted Polyakov Loop scheme (II)
        We present our updated study of the nonperturbative running coupling constant in Twisted Polyakov Loop (TPL) scheme. We study the larger lattice size and the lower $\beta$ region ($\beta \geq 4.5$) in the case of SU(3) Nf=12. We discuss in detail the step scaling function, the running coupling constant, and the nonperturbative beta function using these updated data. We also discuss the comparison with the perturbative two-loop results.
        Speaker: Etsuko Itou (Osaka University)
      • 91
        Sextet QCD: slow running and the mass anomalous dimension
        I report the results of Schrodinger functional calculations in the SU(3) gauge theory with two flavors of color sextet fermions, defined with the Wilson-clover action using nHYP fat links. While we cannot confirm the infrared fixed point seen with thin links, we find very slow evolution of the coupling constant, so slow that extraction of the mass anomalous dimension is straightforward.
        Speaker: Benjamin Svetitsky (Tel Aviv University)
    • Parallel 16: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 92
        Renormalized Polyakov loop in the Fixed Scale Approach
        I compute the deconfinement order parameter for the SU(2) lattice gauge theory, the Polyakov loop, using the fixed scale approach for several different scales and show how one can obtain a physical, renormalized, order parameter. The generalization to other gauge theories, including quenched or full QCD, is straightforward.
        Speaker: Rajiv V. Gavai (Tata Institute, Mumbai)
      • 93
        Deconfinement transition in QCD near the heavy quark limit
        We study the order of the deconfinement phase transition in QCD with Wilson quarks near the heavy quark limit. We identify the transition from the shape of an effective potential computed from the histogram of the plaquette. We find that the first order transition of the heavy quark limit gets weaker as the quark mass decreses and turns into a crossover at a finite quark mass. We estimate the end point $\kappa_{\rm ep}$ of the first order phase transition.
        Speaker: Hana Saito (University of Tsukuba)
      • 94
        Effective Polyakov-loop theory for pure Yang-Mills from strong coupling expansion: analytical details
        Lattice Yang-Mills theories at finite temperature can be mapped onto effective 3D Spin systems, thus facilitating their numerical investigation. Using strong coupling expansions we derive the effective action for Polyakov loops and investigate the effect of higher order corrections. Results and numerical details are discussed in the subsequent talk of Dr. Lottini.
        Speaker: Jens Langelage (University of Bielefeld)
      • 95
        Effective Polyakov-loop theory for pure Yang-Mills from strong coupling expansion: numerical aspects and conclusions
        Within the Polyakov-loop effective theory for pure Yang-Mills obtained from a strong coupling expansion (as presented in Dr. Langelage's talk), a single simulation on a 3D system yields, in principle, a whole array of critical couplings for the full theory, at all values of $N_\tau$. Here we present the Monte Carlo details and the practical aspects of such approach, its results, and we discuss possible further improvements and extensions of the model.
        Speaker: Stefano Lottini (Goethe-Universitaet, Frankfurt am Main)
      • 96
        Finite temperature QCD at fixed Q with overlap fermions
        We present preliminary results of the recently started project of Finite Temperature QCD with overlap fermions al KEK. We started a series of simulations to assess the effects of fixing the topological sector and we will show the first calculations of thermodynamical observables and topological susceptibility.
        Speaker: Guido Cossu (KEK Theory Center)
      • 97
        N_f = 3 critical point from canonical ensemble
        Results on locating the critical point for QCD at N_f =3 with the canonical ensemble approach will be presented. An algorithm aimed at simulations on larger volumes will be discussed.
        Speaker: Keh-Fei Liu (University of Kentucky)
    • Parallel 18: Weak decays and matrix elements Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 98
        The B*Bpi coupling
        We study an efficient method for the lattice calculation of the B*Bpi-coupling in the static limit, a parameter of the heavy meson chiral Lagrangian, paying particular attention to excited state contamination. Precise studies of the continuum limit in the quenched approximation and of the chiral behaviour with 2 flavours of improved Wilson quarks (using CLS lattices) for pion masses down to around 250 MeV are presented.
        Speaker: Michael Donnellan (NIC, DESY Zeuthen)
      • 99
        Masses and Decay Constants from Relativistic Highly Improved Staggered Quarks in Full Lattice QCD
        I'll give an update on the status of HPQCD's heavy hisq programme. We use a highly improved, relativistic staggered quark action to calculate masses, mass splittings and decay constants for B_s, B_c and heavyonium states.
        Speaker: Eduardo Follana (Universidad de Zaragoza)
      • 100
        D and B Leptonic Decay Constants from Lattice QCD
        We present summary results for the leptonic decay constants $f_{D}$, $f_{D_s}$, $f_B$ and $f_{B_s}$ from the now concluded initial phase of the Fermilab and MILC Collaboration's program in flavor physics. The decay constants are computed on the MILC collaboration's $2+1$ flavor Asqtad gauge ensembles. We use clover heavy quarks in the Fermilab interpretation and Asqtad improved staggered light quarks. The simultaneous chiral and continuum extrapolation is based upon partially quenched lattice results at multiple lattice spacings: $a\approx0.09$, $0.125$ and $0.15$ fm. We discuss in detail the present uncertainties and address how they will be reduced in the future.
        Speaker: James Simone (Fermilab)
      • 101
        B meson spectrum and decay constant from Nf=2 simulations
        We report about a preliminary extraction of masses and decay constants of the lowest pseudoscalar B meson states from lattice simulations with Nf=2 Wilson-Clover dynamical quarks, using a procedure recently presented by the ALPHA Collaboration. The heavy quark is described by Heavy Quark Effective Theory developed up to 1/m_b. Coefficients of the effective theory have been determined non perturbatively by matching few observables with their QCD counterpart in the Schrödinger Functional framework. Hadronic matrix elements are obtained by solving a Generalised Eigenvalue Problem on a matrix of 2-pts correlators that have been computed on CLS ensembles. We have considered several lattice spacings and sea quark masses to deal with cut-off effects and chiral extrapolation.
        Speaker: Benoit Blossier (CNRS/LPT Orsay)
      • 102
        HQET parameters at the 1/m order with nf=2 flavors of dynamical quarks
        We present our computation of the HQET Lagrangian parameters and those of the time component of the heavy-light axial current, including 1/m corrections. They are obtained by matching non-perturbatively (in a small volume) HQET to QCD, with nf=2 flavors of dynamical quarks, and with quark masses going from the charm to beauty. These parameters can be used to compute the b-quark mass and the heavy-light decay constant in HQET including 1/m corrections.
        Speaker: Nicolas Garron (University of Edinburgh)
      • 103
        The continuum limit of 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles
        We present light pseudoscalar physics in the continuum limit of 2+1 flavour domain wall QCD by the RBC and UKQCD collaborations. We make use of a fermion action with good chiral symmetry and use two different lattice spacings. We use a new approach to match ensembles within the range of simulated masses, and apply a simultaneous chiral and continuum extrapolation. We present continuum results for pion and kaon decay constants, f_K/f_pi, quark masses and the neutral kaon mixing parameter B_K. We discuss the systematic errors arising from the choices in the analysis.
        Speaker: Christopher Kelly (University of Edinburgh)
    • Parallel 20: Standard model parameters and renormalization Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 104
        scaling study of the non-perturbative renormalized quenched quark mass
        I will present a scaling study of quenched quark masses obtained with a HEX-smeared improved Clover action. Renormalization is done in the RI-MOM scheme. I'm going to discuss specifics of the renormalization procedure and the continuum limit.
        Speaker: Thorsten Kurth (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
      • 105
        Light, strange and charm quark masses from Lattice QCD
        The ETM collaboration has recently performed a determination of light, strange and charm quark masses. The calculation has been performed using the twisted mass fermionic action at maximal twist, which is automatically O(a) improved, with two degenerate sea quarks. Four different lattice spacing and various volumes and quark masses have been analyzed. In the talk I will review the values obtained for these quantities and the method used to perform the analysis.
        Speaker: Francesco Sanfilippo (Dipartimento di Fisica, universita' "La Sapienza" di Roma)
      • 106
        Charm current-current correlators in Twisted Mass lattice QCD
        The strong coupling constant and the charm quark mass are two fundamental parameters of the Standard Model. The precision of their determination has been continuously improved in the past using both perturbative and non-perturbative methods and most recently combinations thereof. I report on a partially quenched investigation of charm current-current correlators using two flavours of dynamical twisted mass fermions. By matching non-perturbative results for moments of (pseudo-)scalar and (axial-)vector current correlators to continuum perturbation theory the strong coupling and the charm quark mass are extracted.
        Speaker: Marcus Petschlies (Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin)
      • 107
        Direct lattice calculation of m_d - m_u
        In this work, we report on the first direct lattice calculation of the strong isospin breaking parameter, m_d - m_u. To determine this standard model parameter, we compute the hadron spectrum for several values the lattice volume, the pion mass and the strong isospin breaking parameter, and then extrapolate these results to the known experimental spectrum. We must address various systematics, the most important of which is the hadron electromagnetic self energy, which we discuss in some detail.
        Speaker: Andre' Walker-Loud (Department of Physics, College of William and Mary)
    • Parallel 22: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 108
        Low lying baryon spectrum with Nf=2+1+1 dynamical twisted quarks.
        We present first results on the octet and decuplet strange baryon spectrum with N_f=2+1+1 twisted mass quarks using a mixed action approach. Namely, we use an Osterwalder Seiler valence strange quark with a mass matched to the kaon mass computed with the unitary action. We also present results in the unitary setup, and compare with those obtained in the mixed action. This comparison is used to quantify the lattice artefacts introduced by the mixed action approach. We investigate the effect of the strange and charm quark in the sea by using two lattice spacings and comparing with our N_f=2 results [1]. [1] ETMC, Phys. Rev. D 80 114503, 2009
        Speaker: Vincent Drach (LPSC)
      • 109
        Excited states of the nucleon in 2+1 flavour QCD
        Recent developments on the determination of the spin-1/2 spectrum of the nucleon in full QCD are presented. Our focus is on the PACS-CS 2+1 flavour configurations made available through the ILDG. Using correlation matrix techniques, in which a wide variety of gauge-invariant Gaussian-smeared fermion-propagator sources and sinks are considered, excited states are determined. We consider several correlation matrices of various sizes, each constructed with a different set of basis interpolators, in order to demonstrate the invariance of the eigenstates on the basis choice. Of particular interest is the approach to the elusive Roper resonance and the nature of the level crossing between the lowest-lying even- and odd-parity eigenstates as the quark masses approach their physical values. We report new results in full QCD which differ significantly from that observed in the quenched approximation, providing further insight into QCD dynamics.
        Speaker: Derek Leinweber (University of Adelaide)
      • 110
        Nucleon, Delta and Omega excited state spectra at three pion mass values
        The energies of excited states of the Nucleon, Delta and Omega baryons are calculated for Nf = 2+1 QCD using a 16^3x128 lattice. The calculations are performed for three values of the light quark mass with the strange quark mass fixed at its physical value. The corresponding values of pion mass are: 392(4), 438(3) and 521(3) MeV. For each baryon, six states are obtained in each of the 6 irreps of the double-covered octahedral group using the variational method. Spectra are compared with the experimental baryon resonance spectra. The patterns of excited states are in reasonable agreement.
        Speaker: Stephen Wallace (Univ. of Maryland)
      • 111
        From strange to charmed baryons using Nf=2 twisted mass QCD.
        We consider the mass spectrum for strange and charmed baryons in the partially quenched approach using the Nf=2 twisted mass configurations. The strange and the charmed octet and decuplet are computed, as well as some strange-charmed baryons. Several issues are investigated : the tuning of the strange and charm quark mass; the study of lattice artifacts using three values of the lattice spacing as small as 0.05 fm ; the dependence of baryon masses on the heavy quark mass.
        Speaker: Mauro Papinutto (LPSC Grenoble)
      • 112
        Construction and Analysis of Two Baryon Correlation functions
        The signal to noise ratio of baryon two point functions grows exponentially with Euclidean time hindering reliable extraction of the energy levels of the system. The problem becomes more acute in the case of two or more baryon correlation functions. For this reason special care is needed in both constructing, and analyzing two point functions of multi-baryon systems. In this talk I will discuss various approaches for constructing two point functions for two baryon systems as well as new methods for extracting the energy levels associated with these correlation functions.
        Speaker: Kostas Orginos (College of William and Mary / JLab)
      • 113
        Meson spectra from overlap fermion on domain wall gauge configurations
        We report meson spectra obtained by using valence overlap fermion propagators generated on a background of 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion gauge configurations on the $16^3 \times 32$, $24^3 \times 64$ and $32^3 \times 64$ lattices. We use many-to-all correlators with $Z_3$ grid source and low eigenmode substitution which is more efficient in reducing errors for the hadron correlators. Three different sea quark masses along with various valence quark masses, from very low to charm mass region, are utilized for this calculation.
        Speaker: Nilmani Mathur (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, India)
    • Parallel 24: Chiral symmetry Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 114
        Results for light pseudoscalar mesons
        We present results from the MILC collaboration's analysis of the light pseudoscalar meson sector. All of our asqtad staggered ensembles with 2+1 dynamical quark flavors have now been completed and analyzed, including lattice spacings down to 0.045 fm, and light quark masses down to 0.05 times the strange mass. We compare the results from SU(3) and SU(2) chiral perturbation theory; both sets of fits include the continuum NNLO chiral logarithms. We obtain results for decay constants, quark masses, NLO and NNLO low energy constants, and the condensates in the two- and three-flavor chiral limits.
        Speaker: Claude Bernard (Washington University)
      • 115
        Let's go dynamic -- a quick tour through 2+1 lattice simulations to understand chiral symmetry breaking
        Several lattice collaboration performing simulations with 2+1 light dynamical quarks have experienced difficulties in fitting their data with conventional NNLO expressions from N_f=3 Chiral Perturbation Theory, even for quantities as simple as pseudoscalar masses and decay constants. At the same time, they have obtained rather small values of the quark condensate and/or the decay constant in the N_f=3 chiral limit, which implies that N_f=3 chiral expansions are not necessarily saturated by their leading-order term. In this case, one needs to reorder the chiral expansion to analyse N_f=2+1 lattice data correctly. We will present the basic elements of such reordering in the case of pseudoscalar masses and decay constants, as well as Kl3 form factors. Fitting recent results from several lattice collaborations, we will describe the emerging picture for the pattern of chiral symmetry breaking, as well as the consequences for quantities of phenomenological interest such as f_K/f_pi and f_+(0).
        Speaker: Sebastien Descotes-Genon (LPT (CNRS/Univ. Paris-Sud 11))
      • 116
        Analysis of the $N_f=2+1$ lattice QCD results on the lowest-lying baryon masses using covariant ChPT
        We present an analysis of the baryon-octet and -decuplet masses using covariant SU(3)-flavor chiral perturbation theory up to next-to-leading order. Besides the description of the physical masses we address the problem of the lattice QCD extrapolation. More precisely, we study the $N_f=2+1$ results recently provided by the PACS-CS, LHPC and HSC collaborations. We show that a good description of the lattice points can be achieved at next-to-leading order with the covariant loop amplitudes and phenomenologically determined values for the meson-baryon couplings. Furthermore, the extrapolations to the physical point of the results are found to be better than the linear ones given at leading-order by the Gell-Mann-Okubo approach. The importance that a reliable combination of lattice QCD and chiral perturbation theory may have for the determination of the LECs in the baryonic sector is emphasized with the prediction of the pion-baryon and strange-baryon sigma terms.
        Speaker: Jorge Martin Camalich (IFIC-Valencia)
      • 117
        Axial and Electromagnetic observables of hyperons in 2-flavor chiral perturbation theory
        Using two-flavor chiral perturbation theories for hyperons, we study the chiral corrections to the axial charges as well as the electromagnetic properties of spin-1/2 hyperons. We first demonstrate that the virtual kaon loop contributions are well described in the two-flavor theories by terms analytic in the pion mass squared. We further show for the case of experimentally known hyperon magnetic moments and charge radii, the chiral corrections are under reasonable control, in contrast to the behavior of these observables in the three-flavor chiral expansion. Finally using lattice data and phenomenological inputs, we verify that the convergence of chiral perturbation theory is improving with increasing strangeness quantum number. The formulae we derive are ideal for performing the pion mass extrapolation of lattice QCD data obtained at the physical strange quark mass.
        Speaker: Fu-Jiun Jiang (CTP, MIT)
      • 118
        Progress in Electromagnetic Corrections to Staggered Chiral Perturbation Theory
        To reduce errors in light-quark mass determinations from the lattice, it is now necessary to consider electromagnetic contributions to light-meson masses. Calculations with quenched photons are currently underway, and suitably-extended chiral perturbation theory is necessary to extrapolate the lattice data to the physical limit. We discuss issues of including electromagnetism on the lattice from a chiral perturbation theory perspective. We also report on the development of staggered chiral perturbation theory to be used with recent quenched-photon simulations by the MILC collaboration.
        Speaker: Elizabeth Freeland (Washington University in St. Louis)
      • 119
        Topological charge in two flavors QCD with optimal domain-wall fermion
        We determine the topological charge and its fluctuations for the gauge configurations generated by lattice simulations of 2 flavors QCD with optimal domain-wall fermion, on a $ 16^3 \times 32 \times 16 $ lattice with Wilson gauge action at $ \beta = 5.90 $. We project the low-lying modes of the lattice Dirac operator with the Lanczos thick-restart algorithm, and obtain the topological charge, the topological susceptibility ($\chi_t$) and the second normalized cumulant ($c_4$). Our preliminary results of $\chi_t$ and $c_4$ agree with the sea-quark mass dependence predicted by the chiral perturbation theory.
        Speaker: Tung-Han Hsieh (Research Center for Applied Sciences, Academia Sinica)
    • 12:30
    • Parallel 25: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 120
        Light meson form factors in $N_f=2+1$ QCD with dynamical overlap quarks
        We report on our study of pion and kaon form factors in three-flavor QCD with dynamical overlap quarks. Connected and disconnected meson three-point functions are calculated using the all-to-all propagator on a $16^3 \times 48$ lattice at a lattice spacing of 0.11 fm. We present preliminary results for the electromagnetic, scalar and weak decay form factors.
        Speaker: Takashi Kaneko (KEK)
      • 121
        Wilson fermions at fine lattice spacings: scale setting, pion form factors and (g-2)
        We present an update on our on-going project to compute hadronic observables for Nf=2 flacours of O(a) improved Wilson fermions at small lattice spacings. The procedure to determine the lattice scale via the mass of the Omega baryon is described. Furthermore we present preliminary results for the pion form factor computed using twisted boundary conditions, as well as for the contribution of hadronic vacuum polarisation to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon.
        Speaker: Hartmut Wittig (University of Mainz)
      • 122
        Nucleon magnetic moments and electric polarizabilities
        Electromagnetic properties of the nucleon are explored with lattice QCD using a novel technique. Focusing on background electric fields, we show how the electric polarizability can be extracted from nucleon correlation functions. A crucial step concerns addressing contributions from the magnetic moment, which affects the relativistic propagation of nucleons in electric fields. By properly handing these contributions, we can determine both magnetic moments and electric polarizabilities. Lattice results from anisotropic clover lattices are presented. Our method is not limited to the neutron, and we show results for the proton as well.
        Speaker: Brian Tiburzi (University of Maryland)
      • 123
        Hadron electric polarizability -- finite volume corrections
        Hadron polarizability are usually measured on the lattice using the background field method. To create a uniform field one can use either periodic boundary conditions that force the electromagnetic field to assume quantized values or Dirichlet boundary conditions where the field can assume any value but the translational invariance is broken. In both cases, the energy shifts measured have finite volume corrections that decay slowly with increasing lattice size. In this talk we discuss these corrections and present results for electric polarizability on different lattice sizes.
        Speaker: Andrei Alexandru (The George Washington University)
      • 124
        Magnetic Moments of Negative-Parity Baryons from Lattice QCD
        We compute the magnetic moments of negative-parity baryons in the background field method. They are extracted from small mass shifts caused by external magnetic fields introduced on the lattice. The calculations are done on quenched configurations using standard Wilson actions, with pion masses down to about 500 MeV, several field strengths, and high statistics. For comparison purposes, we also extract the magnetic moments of their positive-parity counterparts.
        Speaker: Frank Lee (George Washington University)
    • Parallel 27: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 125
        Constraints on the QCD phase diagram at imaginary mu
        We present unambiguous evidence from lattice simulations of QCD with three degenerate quark species for two tricritical points in the $(T,m)$ phase diagramat fixed imaginary $\mu/T=i\pi/3$ mod $2\pi/3$, one in the light and one in the heavy mass regime. They represent the boundaries of the chiral and deconfinement critical lines continued to imaginary chemical potential, respectively. It is demonstrated that the shape of the deconfinement critical line for real chemical potentials is dictated by tricritical scaling and implies the weakening of the deconfinementtransition with real chemical potential. The generalization to non-degenerate and light quark masses is discussed.
        Speaker: Owe Philipsen (University of Frankfurt)
      • 126
        Curvature of the QCD phase transition line in a finite volume
        The curvature which characterizes the QCD phase transition at finite temperature and small values of the chemical potential is accessible to lattice simulations. The results for this quantity which have been obtained by several different lattice simulation methods differ due to different numbers of flavors, different pion masses and different sizes of the simulations volumes. In order to reconcile these results, it is important to investigate finite-volume effects on the curvature. We investigate the curvature of the chiral phase transition line at finite temperature and chemical potential in a finite volume. We use a phenomenological model for chiral symmetry breaking and apply non-perturbative Renormalization Group methods which account for critical long-range fluctuations at the phase transition. We find that there is an intermediate volume region in which the curvature of the phase transition line is actually reduced relative to its infinite-volume value, provided periodic spatial boundary conditions are chosen for the quark fields. Size and position of this region depend on the value of the pion mass. Such an effect could account for differences in the curvature between lattice simulations in differently sized volumes. We discuss implications of our results for the QCD phase diagram.
        Speaker: Bertram Klein (Physik Department, Technische Universität München)
      • 127
        The critical line of QCD with four degenerate quarks
        We determine the pseudo-critical couplings at imaginary chemical potentials by high-statistics Monte Carlo simulations of QCD with four degenerate quarks at non-zero temperature and baryon density by the method of analytic continuationan. We reveal deviations from the simple quadratic dependence on the chemical potential visible in earlier works on the same subject. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the shape of the pseudo-critical line at real chemical potential, comparing different possible extrapolations.
        Speaker: Leonardo Cosmai (INFN Bari)
      • 128
        Hadron properties at finite temperature and density with two-flavors of Wilson fermion
        Spatial meson correlators at finite temperature are studied on lattice QCD. Two-flavor gauge configurations of 16^3*4 lattice with the RG improved gluon action and the clover-improved Wilson quark action, generated by WHOT-QCD collaboration, are employed [1]. The simulations are performed along the lines of constant physics, on which the mass ratio of pseudo-scalar meson to vector meson, m_{PS}/m_V, is kept constant. The temperatures of the simulation in the unit of the pseudo-critical temperature, T/T_{PC}, are in the range 0.76-4.0 for m_{PS}/m_V=0.65 and 0.80. Screening masses of the mesons at finite temperature are extracted from the spatial meson correlators. Next, meson properties at finite temperature and density are studied by using the Taylor expansion with respect to quark chemical potential. Responses of spatial meson correlators to quark chemical potential are calculated up to second order. The shifts of meson screening masses due to medium effect are obtained from the responses. Based on these results, meson properties at finite temperature and density are discussed. Reference: [1] Y.Maezawa et al. (WHOT-QCD Collaboration), Phys. Rev. D75, 074501 (2007).
        Speaker: Hideaki Iida (Hashimoto Mathematical Physics Laboratory, Nishina Center, RIKEN, Japan)
      • 129
        QCD at finite chemical potential in a small hyperspherical box
        We consider the phase diagram of QCD formulated in small spatial volumes. The benefit of the small spatial volume is that it allows for a perturbative calculation of the phase diagram which is valid for all temperatures and densities. The action of QCD is complex when the quarks are coupled to a non-zero chemical potential. This results in the sign problem which prevents lattice simulations using conventional techniques. From one-loop perturbation theory on S^1 x S^3 we calculate the phase diagram analytically in the T − mu plane in the large N and Nf limit by generalizing the matrix model technique of Gross and Witten for the case of a complex action. We compare with low temperature results for N = 3 obtained by performing the integrals over the gauge fields numerically. We calculate expectation values for several observables including the fermion number and the Polyakov loop (and its dagger which differs at non-zero chemical potential). For the fermion number an atomic-level-type structure is observed as a function of the chemical potential and each level transition coincides with a spike in the Polyakov loop and it’s dagger, indicating partial-filling of the level. In the large N limit each level transition corresponds to discontinuities in the fermion number which result in third-order transitions of the Gross-Witten type. We confirm the appearance of the level-structure at low temperatures in lattice simulations of 2-color QCD where the sign problem is absent.
        Speaker: Joyce Myers (Swansea University)
    • Parallel 29: Weak decays and matrix elements Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 130
        $B \to D^*l\nu$ at zero recoil: an update
        We present an update of our calculation of the form factor for $B\to D^* l \nu$ at zero recoil, with higher statistics and further, finer, lattices. As before, we use the Fermilab action for $b$ and $c$ quarks, the asqtad staggered action for light valence quarks, and the MILC ensembles for gluons and light quarks (L\"uscher-Weisz married to 2+1 rooted staggered sea quarks).
        Speaker: Andreas S. Kronfeld (Fermilab)
      • 131
        D to K semi-leptonic form factors from HISQ light and charm quarks
        We investigate D to Kl\nu semi-leptonic decays using HISQ light and charm quarks on the MILC coarse and fine lattices. Using PCVC allows us to extract the form factors with no need for operator renormalization. We employ random-wall sources and simultaneous multi-T fits, in order to reduce the statistical errors. By caring out consistency checks, we successfully re-produce all meson spectrum and decay constants related to this process. Chiral and continuum extrapolations are done using partially quenched ChiPT, and systematic errors are carefully estimated. We present preliminary results for f_+(q^2=0), f_0(q^2), f_+(0)/f_{D_s} and |V_{cs}|.
        Speaker: Heechang Na (The Ohio State University)
      • 132
        Form factors of the D -> pion and D -> K semileptonic decays
        We present lattice results for the form factors relevant in the D -> pion and D -> K semileptonic decays obtained from simulations with two flavors of dynamical twisted-mass fermions. Results at four values of the lattice spacing, ranging from ~ 0.05 up to ~ 0.1 fm, allow a careful study of the discretization effects. The application of Heavy Meson Chiral Perturbation Theory provides an extrapolation of our results for both the scalar and the vector form factors to the physical point with quite good accuracy, obtaining a nice agreement with the experimental data.
        Speaker: Stefano Di Vita (University of Rome III and INFN - Roma Tre)
      • 133
        Semileptonic decays of K and D mesons in 2+1 flavor QCD
        The experimentally measured rates of the semileptonic decays K to pi l nu and D to K(pi) l nu can be combined with lattice calculations of the associated form factors to precisely extract the CKM matrix elements |V_{us}| and |V_{cs(d)}|. We report on the status of form factor calculations with Fermilab charm quarks and staggered light quarks on the 2+1 flavor asqtad staggered MILC ensembles. Analyses of the data for the charm decays indicate significant improvements in the statistical uncertainties. We discuss the use of hisq valence quarks to calculate the K to pi l nu form factor f_+(0) and describe tests of our method.
        Speaker: Elvira Gamiz (Fermilab)
      • 134
        SU(2) ChPT analysis of the scalar and vector form factors of the kaon semileptonic decay obtained from twisted-mass fermions with Nf = 2
        We investigate the form factors relevant in the K -> pion semileptonic decays using maximally twisted-mass fermions with two flavors of dynamical quarks. The simulations cover pion masses as light as 260 MeV and four values of the lattice spacing, from ~ 0.05 up to ~ 0.1 fm, which allow to compute accurately the continuum limit. SU(2) Chiral Perturbation Theory is applied to the extrapolation of the form factors to the physical point with their full momentum dependence. Our results are compared with the experimental data for the extraction of the Cabibbo angle |V_{us}|.
        Speaker: Lorenzo Orifici (University of Rome III and INFN - Roma Tre)
    • Parallel 31: Vacuum structure and confinement Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 135
        Lattice Index Theorem and Fractional Topological Charge
        We study topological properties of classical spherical center vortices from the low-lying eigenmodes of the Dirac operator, in both the overlap and asqtad formulations, fundamental and adjoint representation. In particular we address the puzzle raised in a previous work of our work group\ [Phys. Rev. D 77, 14515 (2008)], where we found a violation of the lattice index theorem with the overlap Dirac operator even for "admissible" gauge fields. We confirm the discrepancy between the topological charge and the index of the Dirac operator also for the other, above mentioned representations. Furthermore we find some evidence for fractional topological charge during cooling the spherical center vortex on a $40^3\times2$-lattice. The object with topological charge $Q=1/2$ we identify as a Dirac monopole with a gauge field fading away at large distances. Therefore even for periodic boundary conditions it does not need an antimonopole.
        Speaker: Roman Höllwieser (VUT)
      • 136
        NSPT study of the three-loop lattice gluon propagator in Landau gauge
        By means of Numerical Stochastic Perturbation Theory (NSPT), we investigate the lattice gluon propagator up to the third loop in the limit of infinite volume and at vanishing lattice spacing. Based on known anomalous dimensions and a parametrization of both the hypercubic symmetry group H(4) and finite-size effects, we calculate the non-logarithmic contributions iteratively starting with the first-loop expression.
        Speaker: Christian Torrero (University of Regensburg)
      • 137
        Probing the Yang-Mills vacuum with adjoint zero-modes
        We analyse in detail a filtering method proposed by Gonzalez-Arroyo and Kirchner to eliminate ultra-violat noise and probe the topological content of Monte-Carlo ensembles. The proposal is based on looking for the low lying eigen-modes of a super-symmetric operator constructed from a projection of the adjoint-Dirac operator. For classical configurations the density of these modes provides a direct estimate of the self-dual and anti-self-dual part of the gauge action density. We test the performance of the proposal on a set of prepared configurations including both smooth and heated instantons, and instanton-antiinstanton pairs. For this, the super-symmetric operator is implemented on the lattice through a projection of the Neuberger-Dirac operator. A detailed analysis of finite volume and lattice artifacts is presented. We will also show preliminary results of the application of the method to the analysis of Monte Carlo configurations.
        Speaker: Alfonso Sastre (IFT-UAM/CSIC)
      • 138
        The deconfinement transition in 2+1 dimensional SU(3) from twisted boundary conditions and self-duality
        We study the pure SU(3) lattice gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions using 't Hooft's twisted boundary conditions to force non-vanishing center flux through the finite box. In this way we measure the free energy of spacelike center vortices as an order parameter for the deconfinement transition. The transition is of second order and by the Svetitsky-Jaffe conjecture it falls into the universality class of the 2d 3-state Potts model. Of particular importance for us is the self-duality of the 2d q-state Potts models which can be generalized to hold in a finite volume for any q. We verify the corresponding self-duality for SU(3) and exploit it to extract critical couplings with high precision from numerical simulations in rather small volumes. We furthermore obtain estimates for critical exponents and the critical temperature in units of the dimensionful continuum coupling. Finally we present preliminary results from applying the same methods to the SU(4) gauge theory in 2+1 dimensions.
        Speaker: Nils Strodthoff (Institut fuer Kernphysik, TU Darmstadt)
      • 139
        Exploring center symmetry with electrically charged quarks
        In pure SU(N) gauge theory, the deconfinement phase transition is tied to the spontaneous breaking of center symmetry. The expectation value of the Polyakov jumps from zero to a finite value at T_c, which coincides with the suppression of spacelike center vortices. Center symmetry is lost, however, with the introduction of dynamical quarks, and this picture evaporates with it. Still, since quarks carry fractional electric charge, a center transformation may be compensated by an appropriate U(1) phase. The true gauge group of the Standard Model is in fact SU(3)xSU(2)xU(1)/Z_6, with Z_6 representing this hidden global symmetry. As a first step towards studying the relevance of this symmetry and the corresponding vortices to confinement and the phase structure of the Standard Model, we consider SU(2)xU(1)/Z_2 with two flavors of dynamical Wilson fermions to model quarks in two-color QCD with electromagnetism.
        Speaker: Sam R Edwards (Institut für Kernphysik, TU-Darmstadt)
    • Parallel 33: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 140
        2+1 flavor DWF QCD and almost physical pion masses
        We are producing 2+1 flavor DWF ensembles with dynamical pion masses of 180 and 250 MeV, a volume of (4.5 fm)^3 and 1/a = 1.4 GeV, using the Iwasaki plus DSDR (Dislocation Suppressing Determinant Ratio) gauge action. Basic properties of these ensembles and their production are discussed. We report on measurements of pseudoscalar masses and decay constants on these ensembles, with valence pions as light as 145 MeV. These observables are fit to SU(2) ChPT jointly with our similar results from finer lattices using 2+1 flavor DWF plus the Iwasaki action, to get better control over the combined chiral and continuum extrapolation.
        Speaker: Robert Mawhinney (Columbia University)
      • 141
        Strange quark content of nucleon via reweighting on (2+1)-flavor Domain Wall Fermion lattices
        The slope of nucleon mass with respect to the dynamical strange quark mass is directly related to the strange quark content of nucleon ($\langle N | \bar{s}s | N \rangle $). This slope can be calcuated by shifting of dynamical strange quark mass via reweighting on dynamical ensembles, which allows a relatively inexpensive evaluation of the quantity without direct evaluation of disconnected diagrams. Calculation of $\langle N | \bar{s}s | N \rangle $ on $a^{-1} \sim$ 1.7 and 2.3 Gev (2+1) flavor dynamical Domain Wall Fermion ensembles RBC/UKQCD collaborations generated are reported.
        Speaker: Chulwoo Jung (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 142
        Sigma term and strange content of the nucleon
        The sigma term and strange content of the nucleon play an important role in hadronic physics and dark matter detection. Preliminary results for these quantities, obtained from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD simulations, will be presented. Emphasis will be put on controlling and quantifying systematic errors. This work is performed as part of a Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal + Regensburg collaboration.
        Speaker: Alberto Ramos (Centre de Physique Theorique, Marseille (CNRS))
      • 143
        Flavour Symmetry and Flavour Symmetry Breaking in 2+1 Flavour lattice simulations
        The QCD interaction is flavour-blind. Neglecting electromagnetic and weak interactions, the only difference between flavours comes from the mass matrix. We investigate how flavour-blindness constrains hadron masses after flavour SU(3) is broken by the mass difference between the strange and light quarks, to help us extrapolate 2+1 flavour lattice data to the physical point. We have our best theoretical understanding when all three quark flavours have the same masses (because we can use the full power of flavour SU(3)); nature presents us with just one instance of the theory, with m_s/m_l ~ 25. We are interested in interpolating between these two cases. We consider possible behaviours near the symmetric point, and find that flavour blindness is particularly helpful if we approach the physical point along a path with m_u + m_d + m_s held constant. We also show that on this trajectory the errors of the partially quenched approximation are much smaller than on other trajectories.
        Speaker: Paul Rakow (University of Liverpool)
      • 144
        Tuning the strange quark mass and the hadron mass spectrum for 2+1 quark flavours
        QCD lattice simulations with 2+1 flavours typically start at rather large up-down and strange quark masses and extrapolate first the strange quark mass to its physical value and then the up-down quark mass. An alternative method of tuning the quark masses is discussed here in which the singlet quark mass is kept fixed, which ensures that the kaon always has mass less than the physical kaon mass. It can also take into account the different renormalisations (for singlet and non-singlet quark masses) occurring for non-chirally invariant lattice fermions and so allows a smooth extrapolation to the physical quark masses. This procedure enables a wide range of quark masses to be probed, including the case with a heavy up-down quark mass and light strange quark mass. Numerical results show the correct order for the baryon octet and decuplet spectrum and an extrapolation to the physical pion mass gives mass values to within a few percent of their experimental values.
        Speaker: Roger Horsley (University of Edinburgh)
    • Parallel 35: Theoretical developments Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 145
        Near-Integrability of Yang-Mills Theories
        Gauge theories with some or all of space-time discretized may be recast as coupled integrable 1+1-dimensional field theories, whose exact S-matrices and form factors are known. Information about the 1+1-dimensional system can be used to extract string tensions and mass spectra for weakly-coupled (but anisotropic) 2+1-dimensional gauge theories. For 3+1-dimensional gauge theories, weak-coupling assumptions no longer work as effectively, but a qualitative string-parton picture appears. I will discuss briefly how the methods may be extended, in principle, to the isotropic case.
        Speaker: Peter Orland (Baruch, CUNY)
      • 146
        Very high order lattice perturbation theory for Wilson loops
        Employing the method of numerical stochastic perturbation theory we compute Wilson loops $W_{NM}$ of moderate sizes $N \times M$ up to loop order $n=20$. Results are presented for both plaquette and tree-level Symanzik gauge actions. Based on a hyperbolic fit ansatz we investigate the convergence behaviour on finite lattice sizes for both actions. It is shown that boosted perturbation theory improves the convergence of the series significantly for the Wilson gauge action. We compute the dependence of the difference with the Monte Carlo results ($\delta W_{11}=W_{11,PT}-W_{11,MC}$) on the lattice spacing $a$. Our data show that with inceasing loop order $n$ the magnitude of a spurious term proportional to $a2$ strongly decreases. We give some estimate to the gluon condensate $$.
        Speaker: Holger Perlt (Institute for Theoretical Physics, Leipzig University)
      • 147
        Glueball masses with exponentially improved statistical precision
        We briefly review the computational strategy we have recently introduced for computing glueball masses and matrix elements, which achieves an exponential reduction of statistical errors compared to standard techniques. The global symmetries of the theory play a crucial role in the approach. We show how our previous work on parity can be generalized to other symmetries. In particular we discuss how to extract the mass of the 0++, 2++ and 0-+ lightest glueballs avoiding the exponential degradation of the signal to noise ratio. We present new numerical results and update the published ones.
        Speaker: Michele Della Morte (Institut fuer Kernphysik, Mainz)
      • 148
        5-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory with Z_2 orbifolding and its phase structure
        In 5-dimensional SU(2) lattice gauge theory with Z_2 orbifolding, we find a new symmetry. It helps us to recognize the Polyakov loop as the order parameter, because the center symmeter is trivial and useless for the loop in the system. The vacuum structure and the application of the symmetry are also discussed.
        Speaker: Hiroto So (Ehime University)
      • 149
        Second Order Phase Transition in Anisotropic Lattice Gauge Theories with Extra Dimensions
        Field theories with extra dimensions live in a limbo. While their classical solutions have been the subject of considerable study, their quantum aspects are difficult to control. A special class of such theories are anisotropic gauge theories. The anisotropy was originally introduced to localize chiral fermions. Their continuum limit is of practical interest and it will be shown that the anisotropy of the gauge couplings plays a crucial role in opening the phase diagram of the theory to a new phase, that is separated from the others by a second order phase transition. The mechanism behind this is now understood and is, indeed, generic for a certain class of models, that can be studied with lattice techniques. This leads to new perspectives for the study of quantum effects of extra dimensions.
        Speaker: Stam NICOLIS (CNRS-LMPT Tours)
    • 16:10
      Coffee break
    • Parallel 26: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 150
        Nucleon strange quark content in 2+1 flavor QCD
        We calculate the nucleon strange quark content in 2+1 flavor QCD using the overlap fermion for both sea and valence quarks. The disconnected three-point function is directly calculated using the all-to-all propagator. We emphasize the role of chiral symmetry in the renormalization of the strange quark content.
        Speaker: Kohei Takeda (University of Tsukuba)
      • 151
        Strangeness in the nucleon from a mixed action calculation
        Both the scalar strange content of the nucleon, as embodied in the F_Ts parameter, as well as the strange quark contribution to nucleon spin, Delta s, are investigated in a mixed action scheme employing domain wall valence quarks and quark loops on MILC asqtad dynamical fermion ensembles. Results are presented for pion masses 495 MeV and 356 MeV.
        Speaker: Michael Engelhardt (New Mexico State University)
      • 152
        Improved method for computing nucleon strangeness

        The strange quark content of the nucleon, <N|ss|N>, as well as other matrix elements, can be calculated on the lattice by examining correlations between the nucleon propagator and the quark condensate. The largest contribution to statistical error comes from coincidental correlations between the propagator and fluctuations in the condensate far from the propagation region that contribute only noise. We will present a technique for considering only the condensate near the propagation region, significantly reducing the statistical error.

        Speaker: Walter Freeman (University of Arizona)
    • Parallel 28: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 153
        Study of finite temperature QCD with 2+1 flavors via Taylor expansion and imaginary chemical potential
        We study QCD with 2+1 flavors at nonzero temperature and nonzero chemical potential. We present preliminary results obtained from lattice calculations performed with an improved staggered ferminios action (p4-action) on lattice with temporal extent N_t = 4 on a line of constant physics with the strange quark mass adjusted to its physical value and the pion mass of about 220 MeV. We focus our study on a range of temperatures 0.937 < T/T_c < 1.072.
        Speaker: Rossella Falcone (Bielefeld Universitaet, Germany)
      • 154
        Chiral and deconfinement transitions in strong coupling lattice QCD
        We investigate the QCD phase diagram based on the strong coupling lattice QCD. In particular, we focus on the interplay between the chiral and deconfinement transitions in the strong coupling framework. We show that the critical temperature at zero chemical potential becomes lower and closer to Mont-Carlo data due to the Polyakov loop effects. We will show some results on finite chemical potential cases.
        Speaker: Kohtaroh Miura (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
      • 155
        Effective Potential and Phase Diagram in the Strong-Coupling Lattice QCD with Next-to-Next-to-Leading Order and Polyakov Loop Effects
        Strong Coupling Lattice QCD (SC-LQCD) is a method directly based on QCD, and has been applied to investigate the properties of the QCD phase diagram in the finite chemical potential region. The previous studies in next-to-leading order (NLO) evaluation assert that the effect of NLO in the effective potential are renormalized in modification of the quark mass and chemical potential in the strong coupling limit (SCL), and two order parameters (the chiral condensate and density) are found to appear. These studies indicate the possibility of the partially chiral restored phase as well. In this study, we evaluate the effective potential in the strong-coupling lattice QCD including next-to-next-to-leading order and Polyakov loop effects. We also discuss the properties of the QCD phase diagram by using the effective potential, including the critical temperature and the position of the critical point. We find that the critical point is sensitive to the NNLO effects. We also find that the critical temperature of the chiral phase transition is close to Monte Carlo results due to Polyakov loop effects at \beta = 2Nc / g^2 ~ 4 and the critical temperature of the chiral and deconfinement phase transition have almost the same values.
        Speaker: Takashi Nakano (Yukawa Institute of Theoretical Physics, Kyoto university)
      • 156
        Thermodynamic quark susceptibilties in the PNJL model
        The Monte-Carlo method is applied to the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu–Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model. This allows to go beyond the saddle-point approximation in a mean-field calculation and introduces fluctuations around the mean fields. We study the impact of fluctuations on the thermodynamics of the model, in the two quark flavors case. We calculate the second order Taylor expansion coefficients of the thermodynamic grand canonical partition function with respect to quark chemical potential and present a comparison with extrapolations from lattice QCD. We show that fluctuations are necessary in order to reproduce lattice data for the flavor non-diagonal expansion coefficients. Of particular importance are pion fields, the contribution of which is found to be highly volume dependent. This opens the question of what would be the behavior of such quantities on the lattice, in the infinite volume limit.
        Speaker: Marco Cristoforetti (ECT*)
    • Parallel 30: Weak decays and matrix elements Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 157
        A Progress Report on B^0 Mixing
        We give a progress report on the calculation of B^0 mixing matrix elements, focusing on contributions that could arise beyond the Standard Model. The calculation uses asqtad (light quark) and Fermilab (heavy quark) valence actions and MILC ensembles with 2+1 flavors of asqtad sea quarks.
        Speaker: Christopher Bouchard (U. of Illinois)
      • 158
        B-physics with dynamical domain-wall light quarks and relativistic b-quarks
        We report on our progress in calculating the B-meson decay constants and B^0-bar B^0 mixing parameters using domain-wall light quarks and relativistic b-quarks. We present our computational method and show some preliminary results obtained on the coarser (a approx 11fm) 24^3 lattices. This work is presented for the RBC and UKQCD collaborations.
        Speaker: Oliver Witzel (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 159
        Neutral B meson mixing with 2+1 flavor domain-wall light and static heavy quarks
        The B^0--anti-B^0 mixing parameter for the B_d and B_s meson is calculated using the domain-wall fermions (DWF) for the light quarks and improved static fermions for the b quark on the 1/a=~1.7 GeV n_f=2+1 Iwasaki-DWF ensembles. The static approximation has the sizable Lambda/m_h leading systematic error. The systematic error for the SU(3)_f breaking ratio, however, is suppressed by another factor of (m_d-m_s)/Lambda, thus is 2% with a naive estimate. The results will eventually be combined with those on a finer lattice to have continuum extrapolation, where the use of two different smearings in the static quark action and the O(g^2 a) improvement of the operators will provide various cross checks.
        Speaker: Yasumichi Aoki (RIKEN BNL Research Center)
    • Parallel 32: Standard model parameters and renormalization Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 160
        Ghost-gluon coupling power corrections and $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}$ from twisted-mass lattice QCD at $N_f=2$.
        I present results concerning the non-perturbative evaluation of the ghost-gluon running QCD coupling constant from $N_f=2$ twisted-mass lattice calculations. Special attention is payed to the treatment of artifacts, in particular the quark mass, and to the different sources of systematical uncertainties. The value of $\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}$ is computed revealing the presence of a dimension-two $\langle A^2 \rangle$ gluon condensate.
        Speaker: Mario Gravina (LPT - Universite Paris 11, Orsay (France))
      • 161
        Running of the Schroedinger functional coupling with four massless flavours
        I discuss the status of different determinations of alpha_s, motivating a precise and reliable computation from lattice QCD. In order to suppress perturbative errors, the non-perturbative computation has to reach high energy scales mu. Such results already exist in the SF-scheme for Nf=0,2,3 . We now add the running with four massless flavours in a range of alpha from about 0.07 to 0.3 . It is based on our recent determination of the Sheikholeslami Wohlert coefficient in the four-flavour theory.
        Speaker: Rainer Sommer (NIC, DESY)
      • 162
        Non-perturbative running of the coupling from four-flavour lattice QCD with staggered quarks
        Using the Schroedinger functional (SF) with a single staggered fermion field we calculate the SF coupling in four-flavour QCD for a wide range of energies and lattice sizes up to $L/a=16$. Preliminary results for the continuum extrapolation of the step-scaling function are presented. To reduce cutoff effects, one-loop ${\rm O}(a)$ improvement has been implemented. Various cross checks are made possible by the use of two independent sets of lattices with either $T=L+a$ or $T=L-a$.
        Speaker: Paula Perez Rubio (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and Trinity College Dublin)
    • Parallel 34: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 163
        New developments in multi-meson systems
        Recent developments in calculations of systems of large numbers of mesons are presented. A recursive algorithm is developed to calculate correlation functions for systems involving very large numbers of mesons. This algorithm scales linearly in the number of mesons and allows for previous calculations of n<13 meson systems to be extended. Recent numerical investigations of the spectrum of mixed systems of n pions and m kaons are presented for n+m < 13. The measured energies are used to extract the 3 two-body and 4 three-body interactions between pions and kaons.
        Speaker: William Detmold (Jefferson Laboratory)
      • 164
        A novel method for evaluating hadronic correlation functions in Lattice QCD spectroscopy.
        We describe a new method for evaluating hadronic correlation functions, which combines Laplacian Heaviside (Laph) quark-field smearing with a stochastic estimator. The algorithm utilizes noise dilution in a new way to reduce the variance in euclidean-time correlators. This approach to correlator evaluation facilitates precision studies of the hadron spectrum, including flavor-singlet mesons and multi-particle states, on realistic lattice volumes.
        Speaker: Justin Foley (Carnegie Mellon University)
      • 165
        First Applications of the Stochastic LapH method in Lattice QCD Spectroscopy
        A novel algorithm which combines the LapH method of evaluating quark-field propagation with a stochastic estimator is tested on a range of hadronic correlators. The results demonstrate the advantage of this new method over the ordinary LapH method, particularly for the evaluation of flavor-singlet meson and multi-particle correlators, which are challenging for the ordinary LapH method. Future applications will also be discussed.
        Speaker: Chik Him Wong (Carnegie Mellon University)
      • 166
        Phase Shift with LapH Propagators
        The pion-pion scattering phase shift on anisotropic, dynamical lattices will be presented. The LapH method for computing quark propagators is used to form the two-particle correlation function with a number of different operators. The phase shift is computed using Luescher's finite volume method for pion masses near 390 MeV on 2+1 dynamical lattices.
        Speaker: Keisuke Juge (University of the Pacific)
    • Parallel 36: Theoretical developments Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 167
        Worm algorithm for the O(N) Gross-Neveu model
        We study the lattice O(N) Gross-Neveu model with Wilson fermions in the loop gas formulation. Employing the Prokof'ev-Svistunov worm algorithm we can simulate fluctuating fermionic boundary conditions and use them to tune the system exactly to the critical point. We show how the worm algorithm can be extended to sample directly the correlation functions of fermion bound states involving an arbitrary number of Majorana fermions and present results for various observables.
        Speaker: Vidushi Maillart (University of Bern and Regensburg)
      • 168
        Loop gas formulation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics
        We discuss the formulation of supersymmetric quantum mechanics on the lattice as an interacting gas of bosonic and fermionic loops and its simulation using the Prokof'ev-Svistunov worm algorithm. In the case of unbroken supersymmetry we can simulate different lattice discretisations, including Q-exact actions, in the weak and strong coupling regime, and we find that the expected mass degeneracy between the bosonic and fermionic sector is reproduced with very high precision. Further, we also address the case of broken supersymmetry and discuss implications and consequences for the simulation with the worm algorithm.
        Speaker: David Baumgartner (University of Bern)
      • 169
        Loop gas formulation of supersymmetric models in low dimensions
        We review the construction of twisted supersymmetry and Q-exact actions on the lattice in low dimensions and discuss the formulation of such supersymmetric lattice models as an interacting gas of bosonic and fermionic loops. We comment on the relevance of the fermion sign problem for the vanishing of the Witten index and show how this sign problem can be solved by employing the Prokof'ev-Svistunov worm algorithm together with topological boundary conditions.
        Speaker: Urs Wenger (Institute for Theoretical Physics, University of Bern)
    • Poster session
      • 170
        $K^0-\bar{K}^0$ mixing beyond the SM from $N_f=2$ tmQCD
        We present preliminary results on the of neutral kaon oscillations in extensions of the Standard Model. Using $N_f=2$ maximally twisted sea quarks and Osterwalder-Seiler valence quarks, we achieve both O(a)-improvement and continuum-like renormalization pattern for the relevant four-fermion operators. We perform simulations at three values of the lattice spacing and extrapolate/interpolate our results to the continuum limit and physical light/strange quark mass. The calculation of the renormalization constants of the complete operator basis is performed non- perturbatively in the RI-MOM scheme.
        Speaker: PETROS DIMOPOULOS (University of Rome 'La Sapienza')
      • 171
        $N_c =2$ lattice gauge theories with fundamental and adjoint Wilson fermions
        We investigate the Nc=2 lattice gauge theories with two flavors of the Wilson fermions (and twisted mass ghosts) in fundamental and adjoint representations. The phase structure of these theories is studied in the coupling-quark mass plane by observing meson correlation functions and spectral density of the Dirac operator.
        Speaker: Hideo Matsufuru (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK))
      • 172
        $O(\aplha_L^2)$ perturbative Green's functions of the fermion propagator, and of local and extended fermion bilinear operators, with Symanzik improved gluons and SLiNC fermions.
        In this work we compute the one-loop 1PI 2-point perturbative bare Green's functions of: - The fermion propagator $\bar{\Psi} \Psi$ - Local fermion bilinear operators $\bar{\Psi} \Gamma \Psi$ - Extended fermion bilinear operators $\bar{\Psi} \Gamma_{\{\mu} \overleftrightarrow{D}_{\nu\}} \Psi$ where $\Gamma$ corresponds to the Dirac operators and $\overleftrightarrow{D} = \frac{1}{2}\left( \overrightarrow{D} - \overleftarrow{D} \right)$, in the lattice formulation of QCD. The calculation is carried out up to $O(\alpha_L^2)$ ($\alpha_L$: lattice spacing). We employ the Symanzik improved gauge actions and stout link clover (SLiNC) fermions. Our results are given as a polynomial in $c_{SW}$ ($c_{SW}$: clover parameter) in terms of the bare coupling constant. The gauge parameter $\alpha$, the SLiNC parameter $\omega$, the Symanzik coefficients $c_i$, the fermion masses $m_i$ and the number of colors $N_c$ are kept as free parameters.
        Speaker: Apostolos Skouroupathis (University of Cyprus, Department of Physics)
      • 173
        A web-based visualization tool for lattice QCD
        Vis is a system that implements Software as a Service for Lattice QCD computations. At its core it is a repository of gauge confurations with web and web services interfaces. It gives users the ability to queue tasks and execute them in background. Tasks can be FermiQCD program and/or visualization algorithms (topological charge, polyakov lines, evergy density, etc.). The web services are accessible from a comman line script that allows for example, to upload all gauge configurations in the current folder and request the server to make a plot of the average plaquette and generate a movie of the topological charge. It interfaces with VisIt (also running serverside) for 3D visualizations and matplotlib for 2D plots. Data and results are automatically posted online and controlled by a role based access control mechanism. All major tasks can be executed directly from the web interface.
        Speaker: Massimo Di Pierro (DePaul University)
      • 174
        Absolute Measure of Local Chirality and the Chiral Polarization Scale of the QCD Vacuum
        We champion use of the absolute measure of local chirality since it has a uniform distribution for randomly reshuffled chiral components so that any deviations from uniformity in the associated "X-distribution" are directly attributable to QCD-induced dynamics. We observe a transition in the qualitative behavior of the absolute X-distribution of low-lying eigenmodes which, we propose, defines a chiral polarization scale of the QCD vacuum.
        Speaker: Terrence Draper (University of Kentucky)
      • 175
        AuroraScience: Supercomputing for LQCD.
        This poster covers in details the architecture of the application-driven AuroraScience supercomputer. This machine is a large 3D array of latest generation Intel processors, with nearest-neigbor processors connected by a network with toroidal topology. Each node has a peak (double precision) performance of 100-150 Gflops. This machine has been engineered to be reliably assembled in thousands of nodes, making it possible to deploy systems with a peak performance of several hundred Tflops. This poster complements a companion talk, presented by L. Scorzato, focusing on the use of this system as an LQCD-optimized number cruncher. Here, we focus on the structure of the machine and -- in greater details -- on the toroidal interconnection system.
        Speaker: marcello pivanti (INFN and University of Ferrara)
      • 176
        Better HMC integrators for dynamical simulations
        We show how to improve the molecular dynamics step of HMC, both by tuning the integrator using Poisson brackets measurements and with the use of force gradient integrators. We show results for moderate lattice sizes.
        Speakers: Anthony Kennedy (University of Edinburgh), Bálint Joó (JLab), Mike Clark (Harvard University), Paulo Silva (Universidade de Coimbra)
      • 177
        BQCD -- Berlin quantum chromodynamics program
        BQCD is a Hybrid Monte-Carlo program that simulates lattice QCD with dynamical Wilson fermions. The development of BQCD began in Berlin in 1998 for studies of parallel tempering and the Aoki phase. For ten years BQCD has been one of the main production programs of the QCDSF collaboration. The program has been ported to and optimised for different massively parallel machines, for instance QPACE. The code is written mainly in Fortran. We have implemented 2 and 2 + 1 fermion flavours with pure, clover improved, and stout smeared fat link Wilson fermions as well as standard plaquette, and an improved (rectangle) gauge action. The single flavour is simulated with the RHMC algorithm. BQCD is free software under the GNU General Public License. It can be downloaded from
        Speaker: Hinnerk Stueben (Konrad-Zuse-Zentrum fuer Informationstechnik Berlin (ZIB))
      • 178
        Chiral symmetry of QCD with 12 light flavors
        We study QCD with 12 light flavors at intermediate values of the bare lattice coupling. We contrast and compare the results for the chiral condensate and the the pion mass with different theoretical models motivated by the physics of the Goldstone phase and universal properties of chiral symmetry breaking. Our analysis favors chiral symmetry restoration.
        Speaker: Maria Paola Lombardo (INFN)
      • 179
        Comparison between LQCD and PNJL model at finite chemical potentials
        Lattice QCD (LQCD) has the sign problem at real quark chemical potential. There are some regions with no sign problem; one is the imaginary quark chemical potential region and another is the real and imaginary isospin chemical potential regions. We show that the Polyakov-loop extended Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (PNJL) model can reproduce LQCD data in the regions. We also determine the parameters of the model from the data and predict the QCD phase diagram in the real quark chemical potential region. The PNJL model can also reproduce LQCD data on the average phase factor at small real quark chemical potential, when temperature is smaller than the critical temperature.
        Speaker: Yuji Sakai (Kyushu University)
      • 180
        Comparison of mass preconditioned HMC and DD-HMC algorithm for two-flavour QCD
        Mass preconditioned HMC and DD-HMC are among the most popular algorithms to simulate improved Wilson fermions. We present a comparison of the performance of the two algorithms for realistic quark masses and lattice sizes.
        Speaker: Marina Marinkovic (Humboldt University Berlin)
      • 181
        Critical behavior of the compact 3D U(1) gauge theory at finite temperature
        Critical properties of the compact three-dimensional U(1) lattice gauge theory are explored at finite temperatures. The critical point of the deconfinement phase transition, critical indices and the string tension are studied numerically on lattices with temporal extension Nt = 8 and spatial extension ranging from L = 32 to 256. The critical indices, which govern the behaviour across the deconfinement phase transition, are generally expected to coincide with the critical indices of the two-dimensional XY model. It is found that the determination of the infinite volume critical point differs from the pseudo-critical coupling at L = 32, found earlier in the literature and implicitly assumed as the onset value of the deconfined phase. The critical index nu computed from the scaling of the pseudocritical couplings agrees well with the value nu = 1/2 of the XY model. The computation of the index eta brings to a value larger than expected. The possible reasons for such behaviour are discussed.
        Speakers: Alessandro Papa (Università della Calabria and INFN), Mario Gravina (Laboratoire de Physique Théorique, Université de Paris-Sud 1, Orsay1), Roberto Fiore (Università della Calabria and INFN)
      • 182
        Critical properties of the two-dimensional Z(5) vector model
        The 2D Z(5) vector model is investigated through the determination of critical points and various critical indices. To this purpose, a new cluster algorithm has been developed for 2D Z(N) models with odd values of N. Results are compared with analytical predictions.
        Speaker: Gennaro Cortese (Università della Calabria and INFN-Cosenza)
      • 183
        Curvature of the chiral critical line in the T-\mu plane
        We discuss the universal properties of the QCD chiral transition for both zero and small but non-zero chemical potential. We outline how those universal properties can be used to extract the curvature of the line of chiral transitions in the T-\mu plane for small chemical potential. We present evidence of these universal properties and result for this curvature obtained using lattice simulations with improved staggered fermions.
        Speaker: Swagato Mukherjee (Assistant Physicist)
      • 184
        Definition of Instantons in Noncommutative Gauge Theory in Higher Dimensions
        Theories with noncommutative space-time coordinates represent alternative candidates of grand unified theories. We discuss U(1) gauge theory in 2 and 4 dimensions on a lattice with N sites. The mapping to a U(N) plaquette model in the sense of Eguchi and Kawai can be used for computer simulations. In 2D it turns out that the formulation of the topological charge leads to the imaginary part of the plaquette. Concerning 4D, the definition of instantons seems straightforward. One can transcribe the plaquette and hypercube formulation to the matrix theory. The transcription of a monopole observable seems to be difficult. The analogy to commutative U(1) theory of summing up the phases over an elementary cube does not obviously transfer to the U(N) theory in the matrix model. It would be interesting to measure the topological charge on a noncommutative hypercube.
        Speaker: Harald Markum (Vienna University of Technology)
      • 185
        Double pass variants for multi-shift BiCGStab(l)
        In analogy to Neubergers double pass algorithm for the Conjugate Gradient inversion with multi-shifts we introduce a double pass variant for BiCGstab(l). A possible application is the Overlap Operator of QCD at non-zero chemical potential, where the kernel of the sign function becomes non-Hermitian. The sign function can be replaced by a partial fraction expansion, requiring multi-shift inversions. We compare the performance of the new method with other available algorithms, namely partial fraction expansions with restarted FOM inversions and the Krylov-Ritz method using nested Krylov subspaces.
        Speaker: Simon Heybrock (University of Regensburg)
      • 186
        Further properties of Minimally Doubled Fermions
        Minimally doubled fermions reconcile standard chiral symmetry with a minimal number of flavours in accordance with the restrictions of the Nielsen-Ninomiya no-go theorem. Hypercubic symmetry however, is necessarily broken by the alignment of two poles of the propagator in momentum space. The specified direction of the symmetry breaking strongly affects the properties of these actions. We introduce a constant vector \Lambda breaking hypercubic symmetry explicitly, which points from one zero mode to the other and yields a uniform description of the renormalization properties of minimally doubled fermions. We use this vector to clarify the symmetry of the two zero modes.
        Speaker: Johannes Weber (University of Tsukuba)
      • 187
        Glimpse of $B_K$ on the ultrafine ($a=0.045$ fm) lattices
        We report our first experience with the analysis of $B_K$ calculated on the MILC ultrafine lattices using improved staggered fermions. The results are preliminary. However, since it is so close to the continuum, the prematurity does not desecrate the bright splendor of the results much.
        Speaker: Taegil Bae (Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea (Republic of))
      • 188
        Gluon Mass in Landau Gauge QCD
        The interpretation of the Landau gauge lattice gluon propagator as a massive type bosonic propagator is investigated. This is relevant for the analytical studies of the Landau gauge gluon propagator, since in Lattice QCD we are able to also compute the non-pertubative infrared gluon mass and compute how it matches with the ultraviolet region addressed in pertubative QCD. Our analysis suggests a running gluon mass, decreasing with the momentum, starting from a value of $\sim 630$ MeV in the infrared region and suggesting a simple $q^2 \ln q^2$ dependence for momenta above 1 GeV. Our data and our best fit are also compatible with the perturbative behaviour in the right momentum region.
        Speaker: Bicudo Pedro (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
      • 189
        Hadron Form Factors at Large Transfer Momentum (II)
        We report a recent breakthrough in lattice QCD calculations of hadron form factors at large momentum transfer. Conventional lattice form-factor calculations typically reach about 2.5 GeV$^2$ or less, but in this work the transfer momentum is pushed as high as 6 GeV$^2$. Our approach can be applied to isotropic lattices and lattices with smaller lattice spacing to calculate even larger-$Q2$ form factors. We will discuss the methodology and demonstrate results for the nucleon and pion from 2+1-flavor anisotropic clover lattices. These measurements could give important theoretical input to experiments, such as those of JLab's 12-GeV program, and provide insight into hadronic structure.
        Speaker: Huey-Wen Lin (University of Washington)
      • 190
        Improved automated lattice perturbation theory in background field gauge
        We present an algorithm to automatically derive Feynman rules for lattice perturbation theory in background field gauge. Vertices with an arbitrary number of both background and quantum legs can be derived automatically from both gluonic and fermionic actions. The algorithm is a generalisation of our earlier algorithm based on prior work by L\"uscher and Weisz. We also present techniques allowing for the parallelisation of the evaluation of the often rather complex lattice Feynman rules that should allow for efficient implementation on GPUs, but also give a significant speed-up when calculating the derivatives of Feynman diagrams with respect to external momenta.
        Speaker: Georg von Hippel (Institut f. Kernphysik, Uni Mainz)
      • 191
        Improved Semileptonic Form Factor Calculations in Lattice QCD
        We investigate two alternatives to the Sequential Propagator Method used in Lattice QCD calculations of heavy-light semileptonic form factors.  In the first method, which we refer to as the Stochastic Propagator Method, we replace the sequential propagator with a stochastic all-to-all propagator.  In the second method, we employ the so called "one-end trick".  After minimizing the stochastic noise we compare the three methods using two N_f=2 ensembles with non-perturbatively O(a) improved Wilson fermions.  The Stochastic Propagator Method results in the most efficient approach for any realistic calculation.  We present O(a) improved, matched lattice results on a single ensemble using this approach. In a complementary effort, we present preliminary O(a) improved, matched results for f_D and f_Ds on three ensembles with the same action as those above.  Standard point-to-all propagators are used. We perform a chiral extrapolation for f_D and f_Ds with sea pion masses as low as ~170 MeV.
        Speaker: Richard Evans (Universitaet Regensburg)
      • 192
        Improving many flavor QCD simulation using multiple GPU's
        The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) experiment has begun to trap the tail of Higgs boson and to find the evidence of a theory beyoned the standerd model (SM). Motivated from the unnatural feature of elementary scalar Higgs field, many models beyond the SM have been proposed and studied. The technicolor (TC) model is one of them and describes the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking without introducing elementary scalar particles. The TC is a scaled-up version of QCD, but should have different fetures from the simple scaled-up QCD. The most promissing TC models should have a slowly running (=walking) coupling and a large mass anomalous dimension. The non-perturavative feature of such models has been investigated using lattice technique over the last years. Especially the gauge theories with many fermions, which realizes the walking feature, are very attractive. Simulating lattice gauge theory with many dynamical fermions is, however, a heavier task than that for QCD, since the computational cost is roughly proportional to the number of dynamical fermions. Improving the simulation algorithm with many dynamical flavors becomes more important. In this poster we show the performance improvements on the HMC algorithm using multiple GPU's suitable to the many flavor simulations. We also present the preliminary results on the runnning coupling constant and the mass anomalous dimension for the $SU(3)$ gauge theory with ten dynamical fermions (ten-flavor QCD) using the Schroedinger functional method.
        Speaker: Kenichi Ishikawa (Hiroshima University, Department of Physical Science)
      • 193
        K -> pi pi matrix elements from 2+1 flavor lattice QCD
        We present a new method for determining K->pipi matrix elements from lattice simulations. This method is less costly than direct simulations of K->pipi at physical kinematics, and evades the Maiani-Testa no-go theorem by simulating with both pions at rest. It improves, however, upon the traditional "indirect" approach of constructing the K->pi pi matrix elements using NLO SU(3) ChPT, which can lead to large higher-order chiral corrections. We illustrate the method with the explicit example of the Delta I =3/2 (27,1) operator, and use the result to obtain a value for Re(A_2). All of our simulations use domain-wall valence quarks on the MILC asqtad-improved gauge configurations. This method, however, can be applied to data computed with any fermion formulation.
        Speaker: John Laiho (University of Glasgow)
      • 194
        Kaon and D meson masses with N_f = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD
        We discuss the computation of the K and D meson masses in the N_f = 2+1+1 twisted mass lattice QCD setup, where explicit heavy flavour and parity breaking occurs at finite lattice spacing. We present three methods suitable in this context, and verify their consistency.
        Speaker: Elisabetta Pallante (University of Groningen)
      • 195
        Lattice SU(2) on GPU's
        We discuss the CUDA approach to the simulation of pure gauge Lattice SU(2). CUDA is a hardware and software architecture developed by Nvidia for computing on the GPU. We present an analysis and performance comparison between the GPU and CPU with single precision. Analysis with single and multiple GPU's, using CUDA and OPENMP, are also presented. In order to obtain a high performance, the code must be optimized for the GPU architecture, i.e., an implementation that exploits the memory hierarchy of the CUDA programming model. Using GPU texture memory and minimizing the data transfers between CPU and GPU, we achieve a speedup of 200x using 2 NVIDIA 295 GTX GPU's relative to a serial CPU, which demonstrates that GPU's can serve as an efficient platform for scientific computing. With multi-GPU's we are able, in one day computation, to generate 1,000,000 gauge configurations in a 48^4 lattice with beta=6.0 and calculate the mean average plaquette. We present results for the mean average plaquette in several lattice sizes for different beta. Finally we present results for the mean average Polyakov loop at finite temperature.
        Speaker: Pedro Bicudo (Instituto Superior Técnico, Lisboa)
      • 196
        Minimal doubling and point splitting
        Minimally doubled chiral fermions have the unusual property of a single local field creating two fermionic species. Spreading the field over nearby neighbors allows construction of combinations that isolate specific modes. Combining these fields into bilinears produces meson fields of specific quantum numbers.
        Speaker: Michael Creutz (Brookhaven Lab)
      • 197
        Non-perturbative improvement of SU(2) gauge theory with fundamental or adjoint representation fermions
        The research of strongly coupled beyond-the-standard-model theories has generated significant interest in non-abelian gauge field theories with different number of fermions in different representations. Motivated by technicolor scenarios, we study the non-perturbative improvement of the Wilson-clover action using SU(2) gauge fields and fermions in fundamental and adjoint representations. The Sheikholeslami-Wohlert coefficients are fixed using Schrödinger functional simulations.
        Speakers: Anne-Mari Mykkänen (University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics), Jarno Rantaharju (University of Helsinki and Helsinki Institute of Physics)
      • 198
        Octet baryon sigma terms and Baryon ChPT
        A status report is given for a joint project between the Budapest-Marseille-Wuppertal collaboration and the Regensburg group to study the quark mass-dependence of octet baryons in SU(3) Baryon ChPT. This formulation is expected to extend to larger masses than Heavy-Baryon ChPT. Its applicability will be tested with 2+1 flavor data which cover three lattice spacings and pion masses down to about 190 MeV, in large volumes. Its use for the determination of octet baryon sigma terms will be discussed.
        Speaker: Stephan Durr (Wuppertal University and Julich Supercomputing Center)
      • 199
        One flavour QCD
        The investigated theory has one Wilson fermion in the fundamental representation with colour gauge group SU(3). In addition to studying the one flavour theory particle spectrum, we test by Monte-Carlo simulations the existence of a CP-symmetry breaking phase and predictions from the orientifold planar equivalence. The poster also describes the computation of the Wilson-Dirac operator determinant sign.
        Speaker: Jair Wuilloud (uni Bern)
      • 200
        Phase diagram of the G2 gauge higgs model
        G2 is the smallest simple and simply connected lie group with a trivial center. Therefore investigations of G2 gauge theories may help to clarify the relevance of center symmetry for confinement. Beside this it has an intriguing connection to SU(3) gauge theorie and to QCD. If one couples a scalar field in the fundamental representation to the gauge field one can break the G2 gauge symmetry to SU(3) gauge symmetry. 6 of the 14 gluons of G2 get a mass while 8 gluons stay massless. These 6 gluons transform with respect to their color degrees of freedom as ordinary quarks and antiquarks in QCD. We will show the full phase diagram of the G2 gauge higgs model obtained with monte carlo simulations and discuss the order of different phase transitions.
        Speaker: Björn Wellegehausen (TPI, University Jena)
      • 201
        QCD Phase Structure and Imaginary Endpoints
        We consider the endpoint of the Roberge-Weiss first order transition line, which is present for imaginary values of the baryon chemical potential, and study its nature in two flavor QCD as a function of the quark masses. We present evidence that the endpoint is first order (hence a triple point) for low quark masses, discuss the fate of the further first order lines departing from it, and explore the consequences which may be relevant to the structure of the QCD phase diagram.
        Speaker: Massimo D'Elia (Universita` di Genova & INFN)
      • 202
        Rho meson at finite temperature from unquenched lattice QCD
        We present results of rho meson mass in lattice QCD with two degenerate flavours of dynamical quarks at finite temperature. Our preliminary results show that the ground state mass remains almost unchanged as the temperature is approaching to the critical temperature from the below. Above T_{c}, we find indication that mesonic excitations survive both at finite quark mass and in the physical limit.
        Speaker: Mushtaq Loan (International School, Jinan University)
      • 203
        Scaling behavior of chiral phase transition in two-flavor QCD with improved Wilson quarks at finite density
        We study scaling behavior of a chiral order parameter defined by an axial Ward-Takahashi identity in two-flavor QCD. It has been shown that the scaling behavior of the chiral order parameter agrees with the scaling function of the three-dimensional O(4) spin model by a simulation with the RG (Iwasaki) improved gauge action and clover improved quark action at zero chemical potential. We extend the scaling study to finite density QCD. Calculating derivatives of the chiral order parameter with respect to the chemical potential in two-flavor QCD with the improved Wilson quarks, we discuss the scaling property of chiral phase transition in the low density region.
        Speaker: Shinji Ejiri (Niigata University)
      • 204
        Shape of the proton in a uniform magnetic field
        The effect of a uniform background magnetic field on the wave function of the d-quark in the ground state of the proton is calculated in Lattice QCD. We focus on the wave functions in the Landau and Coulomb gauges. When the quarks are annihilated at different lattice sites, we observe the formation of a scalar u-d diquark pair within the proton in the Landau gauge, which is not present in the Coulomb gauge. The overall distortion of the wave function under a very large magnetic field, as demanded by the quantisation conditions on the field, is quite small.
        Speaker: Waseem Kamleh (University of Adelaide)
      • 205
        Staggered fermions simulations on GPUs
        We will show our implementation of the RHMC algorithm for staggered fermions on Graphics Processing Units using the NVIDIA CUDA programming language. While previous studies exclusively deal with the Dirac matrix inversion problem, our code performs the complete MD trajectory on the GPU. After pointing out the main bottlenecks and how to circumvent them, we discuss the performance of our code.
        Speaker: Claudio Bonati (PI)
      • 206
        SU(2) analysis of $B_K$ with staggered fermions
        We report a recent progress in determining $B_K$ based on the SU(2) analysis of the data. We use HYP staggered fermions as valence quarks and use asqtad staggered fermions as sea quarks. A number of systematic errors are reviewed in some details.
        Speaker: Boram Yoon (Seoul National University)
      • 207
        SU(3) Analysis of $B_K$ using staggered fermions
        We report a recent progress in the SU(3) analysis of $B_K$ calculated using improved staggered fermions in a mixed action environment: valence quarks are HYP staggered fermions and sea quarks are asqtad staggered fermions. The systematic errors reviewed in some details.
        Speaker: Jangho Kim (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University)
      • 208
        Systemtic Uncertainties in $B_K$ calculated using staggered fermions
        We discuss about the systematic errors in $B_K$ calculated on the MILC lattices using improved staggered fermions. We address unresolved issues on the finite volume effect, dependence of $B_K$ on the light sea quark masses, dependence of $B_K$ on the strange sea quark mass, and so on.
        Speaker: Yong-Chull Jang (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Seoul National University)
      • 209
        The b Quark Mass from Lattice Nonrelativistic QCD
        We present a calculation of the b quark mass from lattice NonRelativistic QCD (NRQCD). The b quark mass is extracted using the two-loop NRQCD heavy quark energy shift and mass renormalisation, previously calculated to only one-loop. These parameters are obtained with a hybrid technique: gluonic contributions are extrapolated from a quenched high-beta simulation and the fermionic contributions calculated using automated lattice perturbation theory.
        Speaker: Monahan Chris (University of Cambridge)
      • 210
        The continuum limit of hadronic correlation functions in the deconfined phase of an SU(3) gauge theory
        We explore properties of hadronic excitations at high temperature in the chiral limit by investigating hadron correlation functions in the deconfined phase of quenched QCD. This is achieved by performing a systematic analysis of the influence of cut-off effects on light quark meson correlators at $T=1.5 T_c$ using clover improved Wilson fermions on quenched gauge field configurations.\\ The correlation functions are calculated at four values of the lattice cut-off, i.e. on lattices of size $128^3\times N_\tau$ with $N_\tau = 16,\ 24,\ 32$ and $48$. Whereby we check that finite volume effects are small compared to the significant cut-off dependence observed in the correlation functions. The continuum extrapolation of these correlators are seen to be well under control for distances $0.2 \le \tau T \le 0.5$.\\ We discuss consequences for the determination of hadronic spectral functions and the analysis of their low energy structure.
        Speaker: Anthony Francis (Universitaet Bielefeld)
      • 211
        The QCD Phase Transition in a Strong Magnetic Background
        We investigate the properties of the deconfining/chiral restoring transition for two flavor QCD in presence of a uniform background magnetic field. We adopt a standard staggered discretization of the fermion action, different values of the bare quark mass corresponding to pion masses ranging from 200 to 500 MeV, and magnetic fields up to eB = 1 GeV^2. We present first results regarding the dependence of the deconfinement and chiral transition temperature and strength on the magnetic field.
        Speaker: Massimo D'Elia (Universita` di Genova & INFN)
      • 212
        The sphaleron rate in the electroweak crossover
        The baryon number in the Standard Model is violated by non-perturbative sphaleron transitions. At temperatures above the electroweak scale, the rate of the sphaleron transitions is unsuppressed and has been accurately measured using effective theories on the lattice. At temperatures substantially below the electroweak scale, the Higgs field expectation value is large and the sphaleron rate is strongly suppressed. Here analytical estimates are sufficient. The sphaleron rate, however, has not been calculated in the intermediate temperature range with physical Standard Model parameters. In this work we use an effective electroweak theory on the lattice with multicanonical and real-time simulation methods to calculate the sphaleron rate through the electroweak crossover at Higgs masses of 115 GeV and 160 GeV. The results are significant e.g. for leptogenesis scenarios.
        Speaker: Michela D'Onofrio (University of Helsinki)
      • 213
        Toward a well defined monopole creation operato
        The numerical implementation of monopole creation operator was pointed out to have problems related to bulk transitions that could possibly affect the interpretation of its mean value as an order parameter for monopole condensation. Preliminary evicence is presented that these unexpected behaviours are in fact only due to lattice artefacts and do not overcome the physical intarpretation of the monopole operator.
        Speaker: Claudio Bonati (PI)
      • 214
        Transport coefficients of causal dissipative relativistic hydrodynamics in quenched lattice simulations
        The viscous coefficients are input of the calculation of the relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics and should be given by a microscopic theory. It is known that the coefficients will be calculated by the Green-Kubo-Nakano (GKN) formula if the fluid is described by the relativistic Navier-Stokes (RNS) equation. However, we cannot apply the RNS theory because this theory is acausal and unstable. To avoid these difficulties, we have to consider the effect of retardation by introducing the relaxation time. Theories of this type are called causal dissipative relativistic fluid dynamics (CDRF). Thus, to implement numerical simulations of CDRF, we have to give not only shear and bulk viscosities but also the relaxation times. Recently, a new microscopic formula to calculate the transport coefficients of CDRF from time-correlation functions was proposed [1]. This formula is the analogue of the GKN formula in Navier-Stokes fluids. In this work, we study the transport coefficients of CDFR using the new formula in lattice simulations of SU(3) gauge theory. The simulations are performed on 24^3x4--8 lattices with bare coupling \beta = 6.0, which corresponds to the temperature range of 260--520 MeV. We will discuss temperature dependence of the transport coefficients. [1] T. Koide, E. Nakano and T. Kodama, PRL103, 052301 (2009); G. S. Denicol, X. G. Huang, T. Koide and D.H.Rischke, arXiv:1003.0780.
        Speaker: Yu Maezawa (RIKEN)
      • 215
        Unquenching the Landau Gauge Lattice Propagators and the Gribov Problem
        The gluon and ghost propagators are computed using both quenched and dynamical configurations for the same lattice spacings. The Wilson fermions are simulated at several quark masses. Furthermore, the effect of the Gribov copies is evaluated for all sets of configurations.
        Speaker: Paulo Silva (Center for Computational Physics, University of Coimbra)
      • 216
        Update on disconnected contributions to hadronic structure.
        We report on an ongoing project to calculate disconnected contributions to hadronic structure with results on QCDSF dynamical $n_f=2$ configurations at three volumes.
        Speaker: Sara Collins (University of Regensburg)
    • Session 3
      • 217
        Computational biology
        Speaker: Eytan Domany
      • 218
        LHC results
        Speaker: Slawek Tkaczyk
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • Session 4
      • 219
        Lattice quantum gravity
        Speaker: Renate Loll
      • 220
        Exact Lattice Susy and AdS/CFT
        Speaker: Simon Catterall
    • Lunch and other activities
    • Excursion
    • Session 5
      • 221
        Finite temperature QCD
        Speaker: Kazuyuki Kanaya
      • 222
        The conformal window on the lattice
        Speaker: Luigi Del Debbio
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • Session 6
      • 223
        QCD at finite density
        Speaker: Sourendu Gupta
      • 224
        Calculation of helium nuclei in quenched lattice QCD
        Speaker: Takeshi Yamazaki
    • 11:30
      Lunch and other activities
    • Parallel 37: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 225
        Forces between static-light mesons
        I report about a computation of the isospin, spin and parity dependent potential between a pair of static-light mesons using Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD with two flavors of degenerate dynamical quarks. From the results a simple rule can be deduced stating, which isospin, spin and parity combinations correspond to attractive and which to repulsive forces.
        Speaker: Marc Wagner (Humboldt University Berlin)
      • 226
        Static-light meson potentials
        We investigate potentials between pairs of static-light mesons in n_f=2 Lattice QCD, in different spin and isospin channels. The question of attraction and repulsion is particularly interesting with respect to the X(3872) charmonium state and charged candidates such as the Z+(4430). The simulations are performed on QCDSF Sheikholeslami-Wohlert gauge configurations with lattice spacings 0.08 - 0.1 fm.
        Speaker: Martin Hetzenegger (University of Regensburg)
      • 227
        The qbar - q potential from Bethe - Salpeter amplitudes on lattice
        The hadron spectroscopy for mesons including heavy quarks has been continuously studied. Various models with the use of non-relativistic framework for QCD (NRQCD) are applied to the studies of the heavy quark bound systems. The potentials between anti-quarks and quarks are the most important ingredients in models from NRQCD. So far, the static `Qbar-Q' potential with relativistic corrections have been studied using Wilson loop in lattice QCD. The static potential reveals that the Qbar-Q potential contains confinement and Coulomb potentials, where the finite mass effects have been included through perturbative expansion in 1/m_Q. In this study, we investigate the `qbar-q' potentials with finite quark masses in quenched lattice QCD simulation. In order to derive the qbar-q potentials, we have utilized the method which has been recently developed by HAL QCD collaboration. In this method, we measure the Bethe-Salpeter amplitudes in qbar-q system, and the potentials are derived from the amplitudes through the effective Schroedinger equation. We present our results of qbar-q potentials in J^{P}=0^-,1^- channel.
        Speaker: Yoichi Ikeda (RIKEN, Nishina Center)
      • 228
        Nucleon and N*(1535) Distribution Amplitudes
        The QCDSF collaboration has investigated the distribution amplitudes and wave function normalization constants of the nucleon and its parity partner, the N*(1535). In this talk, I will report on recent progress in the calculation of these quantities. The calculations have been performed on configurations with two dynamical flavors of O(a)-improved Wilson fermions. New data at pion masses of approximately 270 MeV helps in significantly reducing errors in the extrapolation to the physical point.
        Speaker: Rainer Schiel (University of Regensburg, Germany)
      • 229
        Spatial diquark correlations in a hadron
        Using lattice QCD, a diquark can be studied in a gauge-invariant manner by binding it to a static quark in a heavy-light-light hadron. We compute the simultaneous two-quark density of a diquark, including corrections for periodic boundary conditions. We define a correlation function to isolate the intrinsic correlations of the diquark and reduce the effects caused by the presence of the static quark. Away from the immediate vicinity of the static quark, the diquark has a consistent shape, with much stronger correlations seen in the good (scalar) diquark than in the bad (vector) diquark. We present results for pion mass 293 MeV in unquenched QCD and for pion mass 893 MeV in quenched QCD, and discuss the dependence of the spatial size on the pion mass.
        Speaker: Jeremy Green (Center for Theoretical Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • Parallel 39: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 230
        A study of the complex action problem in a simple model for dynamical compactification in superstring theory using the factorization method.
        Monte Carlo simulations of matrix models could play an important role in understanding string theories in a similar fashion that lattice QCD has contributed to the understanding of the non-perturbative regime of quantum field theories. The IKKT or IIB matrix model has been proposed as a non--perturbative definition of superstring theory. The model provides a mechanism for the dynamical generation of spacetime, which suggests that also the dimensionality of spacetime can arise dynamically by breaking the SO(10) rotational invariance of the model in the 10-dimensional defining space. We study the complex action problem in a matrix model which has been proposed as a toy model for the study of the dynamical compactification of spacetime dimensions scenario of the IIB matrix model of superstrings. The complex action problem in Monte Carlo simulations of the model turns out to be quite severe and we use the factorization method proposed in hep-th/0108041 for its study. We compute the density of states of the order parameter in the phase quenched model and the corresponding phase factor. Then the large N extrapolation is performed by using their nice scaling properties. The asymptotic behavior is understood by using simple theoretical arguments which enable us to study the important region of configuration space which is heavily suppressed by the fluctuations of the phase. We conclude that the SO(4) rotational symmetry of the four dimensional model is dynamically broken in accordance with the predictions of calculations performed using the gaussian expansion method.
        Speaker: Konstantinos Anagnostopoulos (National Technical University of Athens)
      • 231
        How the Quark Number fluctuates in QCD at small chemical potential
        We discuss the distribution of the quark number over the gauge fields for QCD at nonzero quark chemical potential. As the quark number operator is non-hermitian, the distribution is over the complex plane. Moreover, because of the fermion determinant, the distribution is not real and positive. The computation is carried out within leading order chiral perturbation theory and gives direct insight into the delicate cancellations that take place in contributions to the total baryon number.
        Speaker: Kim Splittorff (The Niels Bohr Institute)
      • 232
        Poisson statistics in the high temperature QCD Dirac spectrum
        In the epsilon regime of QCD the low-end of the Dirac spectrum is described by random matrix theory. In contrast, there has been no similarly well established staistical description in the high temperature, chirally symmetric phase. Using lattice simulations I show that at high temperature a band of extremely localized eigenmodes appear at the low-end of the Dirac spectrum. The corresponding eigenvalues are statistically independent and obey a generalized Poisson distribution. Higher up in the spectrum the Poisson distribution rapidly crosses over into the bulk distribution predicted by the random matrix ensemble with the corresponding symmetry. My results are based on quenched lattice simulations with the overlap and the staggered Dirac operator done well above the critical temperature at several volumes and values of N_t. I also discuss the crucial role played by the fermionic boundary condition and the Polyakov-loop in this phenomenon.
        Speaker: Tamas Kovacs (University of Pecs)
      • 233
        Exact results for two-color QCD at low and high density
        We consider the chiral extension of the real Ginibre ensemble of random matrices with dynamical flavors to study the spectrum of the Dirac operator in two-color QCD with nonzero baryon chemical potential. We show that at maximum non-Hermiticity the random-matrix model is equivalent to the low-energy effective theory at high density in the epsilon regime. We obtain the microscopic spectral density of the Dirac eigenvalues in the limits of both strong and weak non-Hermiticity for a general number of flavors. We illustrate the main characteristics of the spectrum and comment on the sign problem for non-degenerate quark masses. Our results can in principle be checked by lattice QCD simulations.
        Speaker: Tilo Wettig (University of Regensburg)
      • 234
        QCD at finite chemical potential in the nilpotency expansion
        The nilpotency expansion is an approach to field theories based on time-dependent Bogoliubov transformations. When the theories are regularized on a lattice we perform independent Bogoliubov transformations at each time slice. The time-dependent parameters of the transformations can naturally be interpreted as bosonic fields associated to bosonic composites of fermions. They are caracterized by an index of nilpotency, which is the number of fermionic states in their structure functions.The original action is explicitly transformed in an exactly equivalent action expressed in terms of bosonic fields and fermionic fields with the quark quantum numbers (quasiparticles). By making the parameters of the Bogoliubov transformations time-dependent we can conserve term by term several symmetries, in particular gauge invariance. We can then safely perform different approximations. We construct a perturbative approach assuming the index of nilpotency as an asymptotic parameter and performing an asymptotic expansion in its inverse, the nilpotency expansion. We have studied QCD in the saddle point approximation. We propose a new procedure to investigate the case of finite chemical potential. If we perform also an expansion in the gauge coupling constant we get results compatible with the standard ones.
        Speaker: Fabrizio Palumbo (LNF)
    • Parallel 41: Algorithms and machines Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 235
        Multigrid solver for clover fermions
        I will present an adaptive multigrid Dirac solver developed for Wilson clover fermions which offers order-of-magnitude reductions in solution time compared to conventional Krylov solvers. The solver incorporates even-odd preconditioning and mixed precision to solve the Dirac equation to double precision accuracy and shows only a mild increase in time to solution for decreasing quark mass. I will show actual time to solution on production lattices in comparison to conventional Krylov solvers and will also discuss the setup process and its relative cost to the total solution time.
        Speaker: James Osborn (Argonne National Lab)
      • 236
        A mass preconditioning for lattice Dirac operators
        In the solution of the lattice Dirac equation with heavy quarks masses the numerical precision obtained at large time distances from the source may be significantly smaller with respect to the precision obtained at small times. This happens for each gauge configuration because typical algorithms used to perform numerical inversions require that a "global" residue is smaller than a certain value while, because of the heavy quark mass, the time-slices at large distances from the source give a negligible contribution to this residue. In such cases we propose to precondition the lattice Dirac operator by multiplying the quark field at different time-slices with a user tunable function alpha(x0) and by modifying accordingly the boundary conditions in the time direction. With a properly chosen function one can improve significantly the numerical precision of heavy quark propagators at large time distances or, by changing the function, accelerate the inversion of lattice Dirac operators with light quark masses.
        Speaker: Nazario Tantalo (INFN sez. Roma "Tor Vergata")
      • 237
        Disconnected Diagrams: Progress, Methods and Prospects
        Computation of disconnected or non-valence quark loops presents a computationally challenging problem. Absent these contributions operators with zero flavor quantum numbers can not be studied. This is a report on progress to measure the strange quark contributions to nucleon form factors. The increasing importance of GPU architectures and multigrid methods will be discussed, as will prospects for increased accuracy as these methods are further exploited.
        Speaker: Richard C. Brower (Boston University)
      • 238
        Exact Calculation of Disconnected Loops
        The exact computation of the disconnected diagram contribution to a number of hadronic observables, such as the eta prime mass and the nucleon isoscalar form factors, is considered to explicitly expose the gauge noise associated with these diagrams. A Wilson action on lattices of SU(3) SESAM gauge field configurations with two dynamical flavors and a volume of 16^3X32 are utilized. An exact inversion method is employed to perform O(10^6) inversions of the Wilson-Dirac matrix per configuration. To accelerate computations, GPGPU technology is exploited by utilizing conjugate gradient solvers on the NVIDIA CUDA platform. A modified interface to QUDA library is employed which provides mixed precision implementations of both CG and BiCGstab algorithms. In particular, it allows one to achieve a performance level in excess of 100 Gflop/s with respect to NVIDIA GT200 micro-architecture.
        Speaker: Alan O'Cais (Cyprus Institute)
      • 239
        Autocorrelations in Hybrid Monte Carlo Simulations
        Simulations of QCD suffer from severe critical slowing down towards the continuum limit. This problem is known to be prominent in the topological charge, however, all observables are affected to various degree by these slow modes in the Monte Carlo evolution. We investigate the slowing down in high statistics quenched and dynamical fermion simulations and propose a new error analysis method, which gives a realistic estimate of the contribution of the slow modes to the errors.
        Speaker: Francesco Virotta (NIC, DESY Zeuthen)
    • Parallel 43: Applications beyond QCD Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 240
        Condensate enhancement for mass generation in SU(3) gauge theory.
        Models of electroweak symmetry breaking that use new strong interactions may depend on an enhanced chiral condensate in order to be able to generate the known fermion masses. This may be the case for near conformal gauge theories. Here I present preliminary results of the Lattice Strong Dynamics collaboration for the chiral condensate in SU(3) gauge theory with two six and ten DWF flavors in the fundamental representation.
        Speaker: Pavlos Vranas (Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory)
      • 241
        Flavor dependence of hadron spectrum in Technicolor theories
        An alternative to the Standard Model Higgs mechanism to explain the generation of the W and Z boson masses is to have dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking as a result of some new strong interactions at high energies. Lattice studies of strongly-interacting theories other than QCD can give us important information about the behaviors of such Technicolor theories in a non-perturbative framework. In this talk we present a study of the light hadron spectrum in the SU(3) gauge theory with $N_f = 2$ and 6 flavors of domain wall fermions in the fundamental representation. In particular, we study the chiral behaviors of the pseudoscalar, vector and axial vector mesons, and test the Weinberg's spectral sum rules under the assumption of vector-pole dominance. Preliminary results with $N_f = 10$ will also be presented.
        Speaker: George Fleming (Yale University)
      • 242
        Flavor dependence of the S parameter in SU(3) gauge theory
        Precision electroweak observables such as the Peskin--Takeuchi S parameter have long been used to constrain models of electroweak symmetry breaking that involve new strong dynamics. However, nonperturbative calculations of S from first principles have previously only been performed for QCD. I present initial results by the Lattice Strong Dynamics (LSD) Collaboration for the S parameter in SU(3) gauge theory with 2 and 6 flavors of fermions in the fundamental representation.
        Speaker: David Schaich (Boston University)
      • 243
        Improved Lattice Spectroscopy of Minimal Walking Technicolor
        Lattice studies of theories other than QCD have recently begun to shed light on the conjectured conformal window of Yang-Mills field theories, and whether they can help to form viable models of dynamical electroweak symmetry breaking. Minimal Walking Technicolor has attracted particular attention. We describe recent spectroscopic studies of MWT, searching for signs of near-conformal behaviour and efforts to analyse the systematic difficulties encountered in these studies.
        Speaker: Eoin Kerrane (School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Edinburgh)
      • 244
        Chiral symmetry of graphene and strong coupling lattice gauge theory
        Electrons on suspended graphene (monoatomic layer of carbon atoms) can be described as (2+1)-dimensional massless Dirac fermions strongly interacting with (3+1)-dimensional compact or non-compact U(1) gauge field. By employing the techniques of square lattice regularization and strong coupling expansion, we find that the electrons obtain a finite spectral gap in the strong coupling regime do to spontaneous breaking of global chiral symmetry. The magnitude of the gap is analytically calculated up to the next-to-leading order in the strong coupling expansion. We have also derived a mass formula for the pseudo Nambu--Goldstone boson excitation associated to the symmetry breaking, which is analogous to the Gell-Mann--Oakes--Renner relation for pions in QCD.
        Speaker: Yasufumi Araki (University of Tokyo)
    • Parallel 45: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 245
        Electromagnetic splittings of charged and neutral mesons from improved staggered quarks
        We extend MILC's initial study of the electromagnetic splittings of charged and neutral mesons, and the violation of Dashen’s theorem. Meson masses are calculated using the MILC Nf = 2 + 1, staggered SU(3) gauge configurations, and independently generated U(1) gauge configurations. The meson correlators are calculated using SU(3)xU(1) gauge fields. A large fraction of the meson correlators are calculated using an implementation of the MILC staggered multi-mass inverter that runs on a single NVIDIA GPU in double precision. When the current analysis is complete, we will have results at three lattice spacings, from about 0.15 to 0.09 fm, with several light quark masses at each lattice spacing. Once electromagnetic effects are included in the corresponding rooted, staggered chiral perturbation theory calculations, we should have excellent control over the chiral and continuum limits.
        Speaker: Aaron Torok (Indiana U.)
      • 246
        Isopin breaking study on lattice
        We investigate isopin breaking effects due to different masses and electric charges between up and down quarks non-perturbatively using lattice QCD+QED with domain wall quarks. Individual up, down, and strange quark masses are determined using $K^\pm, K^0,$ and $\pi^\pm$ meson masses as inputs. New challenges include calculations for the electromagnetic (EM) correction to the decay constants, introduction of the electric charge effect of sea quarks (full QCD+ full QED), and the disconnected loop diagram in the $\pi^0$ propagator. We employ QCD gauge emsembles using 2+1 flavors of domain wall fermions and the Iwasaki gauge action. These configurations have been generated by RBC and UKQCD collaborations.
        Speaker: Taku Izubuchi (Brookhaven National Laboratory & RIKEN-BNL Research Center)
      • 247
        Electromagnetic corrections to light hadron masses
        At the precision reached in current lattice QCD calculations, electromagnetic effects are becoming numerically relevant. We will present preliminary results for electromagnetic corrections to light hadron masses, based on simulations in which a U(1) degree of freedom is superimposed on N_f=2+1 QCD configurations.
        Speaker: Antonin Portelli (Centre de Physique Théorique de Marseille (France))
      • 248
        D_s meson spectroscopy
        Preliminary results are presented for the spectrum of D_s mesons using the 2+1 flavor Clover-Wilson configurations made available by the PACS-CS collaboration. For the heavy quark, the Fermilab method is employed and we report on the tuning of the charm-quark hopping parameter. As our main focus, we present initial results for the spectrum of P-wave states, where previous results have been mostly from quenched calculations. As a cross-check, some calculations of the charmonium spectrum are also carried out.
        Speaker: Daniel Mohler (TRIUMF)
      • 249
        Study of the newly discovered mesons in the charm region with chiral fermions.
        We investigate if the newly discovered mesons in the charm region, such as D_s(2317), X(3872), Z^+(4430), are tetraquark mesoniums. With quarks and antiquarks in periodic and antiperiodic boundary conditions respectively in the spatial directions, we try to find out if the ground states from the tetraquark interpolation fields are one meson or two meson states. We use valence overlap fermions on 2+1 flavor domain wall fermion configurations. $Z_4$ grid sources are adopted to increase statistics.
        Speaker: Ming Gong (University of Kentucky)
    • Parallel 47: Theoretical developments Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 250
        Species doublers as supermultiplet partners in lattice supersymmetry: ---General outlook---
        Species doublers of chiral fermions have been considered as unwanted particles. We propose a new formulation where the species doublers play a crucial role as supermultiplet partners of lattice supersymmetry. The basic ideas for the simplest model together with the general philosophy of the formulation and the connection with the link approach will be explicitly explained.
        Speaker: Noboru Kawamoto (Hokkaido University)
      • 251
        Species doublers as supermultiplet partners in lattice supersymmetry. The supersymmetric quantum mechanics case.
        By interpreting species doublers as members of the same supermultiplet we describe the N=2 supersymmetric quantum mechanichs (including interaction) on a lattice with both supersymmetries exactly realized. Supersymmetric Ward identities are satisfies and the continuum limit is smooth. Interaction is non-local on the lattice, but locality is recovered in the continuum limit.
        Speaker: Alessandro D'adda (INFN, Sezione di Torino and Dipartimento Fisica Teorica, Università di Torino)
      • 252
        Supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem from a computer and the AdS/CFT correspondence
        We perform Monte Carlo simulation of the plane-wave matrix model or the BMN matrix model, which has 16 supercharges. The model has many degenerate supersymmetric vacua, and by picking up a particular one, we can obtain 4d N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory on R*S^3 in the planar limit based on the idea of a novel large-N reduction. We study correlation functions of non-extremal operators, and find clear evidence that the supersymmetry non-renormalization theorem is at work for two-point and three-point functions for general backgrounds. This suggests that the theorem actually holds in a wide class of supersymmetric theories other than 4d N = 4 super Yang-Mills theory, in which it was already proven. For four-point functions, we observe small violation of the non-renormalization property, which is consistent with a result obtained from the AdS/CFT correspondence.
        Speaker: Masazumi Honda (SOKENDAI,KEK)
      • 253
        Witten index from lattice simulation
        I propose a method for measuring the Witten index using a lattice simulation. The index is useful to discuss spontaneous breaking of supersymmetry. As a test of the method, I also report some numerical results for the supersymmetric quantum mechanics, for which the index is known.
        Speaker: Issaku Kanamori (INFN, Torino and Univ. of Turin)
      • 254
        A study of N=2 Landau-Ginzburg model by lattice simulation based on a Nicolai map
        It is conjectured that the two-dimensional N=2 Wess-Zumino model with a quasi-homogeneous superpotential provides a Landau-Ginzburg description of the N=2 superconformal minimal models. For the simplest cubic superpotential W=¥lambda ¥Phi^3 /3, it is expected that the Wess-Zumino model describes A_{2} model and the chiral superfield ¥Phi shows the conformal weight (h,¥bar{h})=(1/6,1/6) at the IR fixed point. We will examine this conjecture by a lattice simulation, extracting the weight from the finite volume scaling of the susceptibility of the scalar component in ¥Phi. We adopt a lattice model with the overlap fermion, which possesses a Nicolai map and a discrete R-symmetry. We set a¥lambda=0.3 and sample scalar configurations by solving the Nicolai map on each L ¥times L lattices, with L=18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32. To solve the map, we use the Newton-Raphson algorithm with various initial configurations. About 640 configurations are analyzed on each L, and the fermion determinants are explicitly evaluated. The result is 1-h-¥bar{h}=0.660¥pm0.011, which is consistent with the conjecture.
        Speaker: Hiroki Kawai (University of Tokyo)
    • 16:10
      Coffee break
    • Parallel 38: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 255
        Two-photon decay of $\pi^0$ from two-flavor lattice QCD
        We discuss chiral and momentum extrapolation of the transition form factor of $\pi^0$ to two-photon using one-loop chiral perturbation theory (ChPT). Fitting the lattice data with the ChPT formula obtained for off-shell photons, we estimate low-energy constants that describe mass and momentum dependence of the $\pi^0$ to two-photon decay, which can be used to estimate the physical $\pi^0 -> \gamma \gamma$ amplitude.
        Speaker: Eigo Shintani (RIKEN-BNL)
      • 256
        Simulations with dynamical HISQ quarks
        We study the lattice spacing dependence of physical quantities in simulations with the HISQ quark action, with four flavors of dynamical quarks. This study uses runs at several lattice spacings, but with the light quark mass held fixed at two tenths of the strange quark mass. We find that the lattice artifacts in the HISQ simulations are much smaller than those in the asqtad simulations at the same lattice spacings and quark masses. We also discuss methods for setting the scale, or assigning a lattice spacing to ensembles run at unphysical parameters. Finally, we discuss plans for further generation of four-flavor lattices using the HISQ action.
        Speaker: Doug Toussaint (University of Arizona)
      • 257
        Leading order hadronic contribution to g-2 from twisted mass QCD
        The hadronic contributions to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon are an interesting challenge for lattice QCD calculations, especially given a persistent discrepancy between theory and experiment. We have calculated the leading order hadronic contribution for pion masses from 270 MeV to 600 MeV using two flavors of dynamical twisted-mass fermions. We have examined the finite-size dependence with spatial volumes ranging from (1.6 fm)^3 to (2.7 fm)^3 and we have studied lattice artifacts with lattice spacings of 0.086 fm and 0.067 fm.
        Speaker: Dru Renner (NIC, DESY)
      • 258
        non-locality of the nucleon-nucleon potential from Lattice QCD
        Recently, a new approach to calculate the nuclear potential from lattice QCD has been proposed. In this approach, the nuclear potential is constructed from Bethe-Salpeter (BS) wave functons through the Schroedinger equation. The procedure leads to non-local but energy independent potential U(r,r'), which can be expressed in terms of local functions by derivative expansion. In several recent applications of this method, local potentials, which correspond to the leading order (LO) terms of the derivative expansion, are calculated from the BS wave function at E \simeq 0 MeV, where E is the center of mass energy. It is therefore important to estimate the validity of the LO potential and size of contribution from higher order terms, which can be done by examining the energy and angular momentum dependence of the LO potential. In this report, we will estimate the energy dependence of LO potential by comparing two LO potentials obtained at two energies in quenched lattice QCD with m_\pi = 530 MeV. We will also examin the possible L dependence of S=0 (spin singlet) potential, by comparing ^1S_0 and ^1D_2 central potentials. We find that, in each comparison, difference of the LO potentials is negligible within the statistical errors. This implies that the contribution from NLO terms are less significant, so that the LO potential obtained at E \simeq 0 (L \le 2) is valid up to (at least) 45 MeV (L=2) to describe the NN interaction in quenched QCD with m_\pi = 530 MeV.
        Speaker: Keiko Murano (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, KEK)
    • Parallel 40: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 259
        Thermodynamics of $SU(N)$ gauge theories in $2+1$ dimensions in the $T < T_c$ regime.
        We present Monte Carlo results for the thermodynamics of pure $SU(N)$ gauge theories ($N=2,...,6$) in $2+1$ dimensions. We focused on the confined phase region ($T < Tc$) and discuss scaling properties with $N$. We also compare our results with a glueballs gas and the bosonic string predictions for the Hagedorn spectrum.
        Speaker: Alessandra Feo (Universita' di Torino and INFN Torino)
      • 260
        SU(3) thermodynamics at high temperatures
        We determine the SU(3) equation of state and the Polyakov loop up to perturbative temperatures on lattices with nt=5,6 and 8.The continuum results are contrasted to various resummations and orders of perturbation theory. At very low temperatures we explain our data in terms of a glueball gas.
        Speaker: Kalman Szabo (Wuppertal U.)
      • 261
        Coherent center domains in local Polyakov loops
        Coherent center domains in local Polyakov loops We analyze properties of local Polyakov loops using quenched as well as dynamical SU(3) gauge configurations for a wide range of temperatures. It is demonstrated that for both, the confined and the deconfined phases, the local Polyakov loop prefers phase values near the center elements $1, e^{pm2\pi/3$. We divide the sites of the lattice into three sectors according to these phases and show that the sectors give rise to the formation of clusters. For a suitable definition of these clusters we find that the deconfinement transition manifests itself as the onset of percolation of the clusters.
        Speaker: Julia Danzer (Karl-Franzens University)
      • 262
        Continuum Thermodynamics of the SU(N) Gauge Theory
        The thermodynamics of the deconfined phase of the SU(N) gauge theory is studied. Careful study is made of the approach to the continuum limit. The latent heat of the deconfinement transition is studied, for the theories with 3, 4 and 6 colors. Continuum estimates of various thermodynamic quantities are studied, and the approach to conformality investigated. The bulk thermodynamic quantities at different N are compared, to investigate the validity of 'tHooft scaling at these values of N.
        Speaker: Saumen Datta (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Mumbai)
    • Parallel 42: Algorithms and machines Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 263
        Rational Domain-Decomposed HMC
        Test results for a Hybrid Monte Carlo (HMC) algorithm combined the Domain-Decomposed HMC algorithm and the Rational HMC algorithm are presented.
        Speaker: Yoshifumi Nakamura (University of Regensburg)
      • 264
        A worm-inspired algorithm for the simulation of Abelian gauge theories
        We present an algorithm in which the all-order strong coupling expansion of the Abelian U(1) gauge theory with Wilson plaquette action is sampled . In addition to the vacuum closed surface graphs of the partition function we propose to also allow for a class of defects (boundaries) related to Wilson loops in the ensemble. The efficiency of our scheme in estimating various observables is compared to a standard Metropolis algorithm.
        Speaker: Tomasz Korzec (HU Berlin)
      • 265
        The three-dimensional XY model at finite chemical potential using complex Langevin dynamics
        The three-dimensional XY model is studied at finite chemical potential using complex Langevin dynamics. The validity of the approach is probed at small chemical potential using imaginary chemical potential and continuity arguments, and at larger chemical potential by comparison with the world line method. While complex Langevin works for larger beta, we find that it fails for smaller beta, in the region of the phase diagram corresponding to the disordered phase.
        Speaker: Frank James (Swansea University)
      • 266
        Implementation and performance optimization of Lattice QCD Tool Kit on the Cell/B.E.
        We report an implementation and an efficient DMA transfer for SU(3) matrix-matrix and matrix-vector multiplication on Cell/B.E., which is a part of our project, Lattice Tool Kit on the Cell/B.E.. Last year, we reported results on QS20. After that we found the measured execution time is wrong because values on a resistor are distorted at the first measurement. The actual speed of the matrix multiplication on SPEs is 20GFLOPS together with data transfer from main memory by DMA, which is 23% of the theoretical peak speed of this calculation. Performance of our code on the Cell B.E. is limited by the bandwidth between main memory and the Cell SPEs. We discuss the cause of this low value and a possible remedy.
        Speaker: Shinji Motoki (Graduate School of BioSphere Science Hiroshima University)
    • Parallel 44: Applications beyond QCD Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 267
        Exploration of the phase structure of the $SU(N_c)$ lattice gauge theory with many Wilson fermions at strong coupling
        We explore aspects of the phase structure of $SU(2)$ and $SU(3)$ lattice gauge theories at strong coupling with many flavours $N_f$ of Wilson fermions in the fundamental representation. The pseudoscalar meson mass and the quark mass as a function of hopping parameter are observed to deviate from the expected analytic dependence, at least for sufficiently large $N_f$. Implications of this effect and the phase structure about the existence or non-existence of Aoki phase are discussed, including the relevance to recent searches for the conformal window.
        Speaker: Keiichi Nagai (KEK, Theory Center)
      • 268
        MCRG Minimal Walking Technicolor
        We present a Monte Carlo renormalization group study of the SU(2) gauge theory with two Dirac fermions in the adjoint representation. Using the two lattice matching tecnhique recently advocated and exploited by Anna Hasenfratz, we measure the running of the coupling and the anomalous mass dimension.
        Speaker: Liam Keegan (Edinburgh University)
      • 269
        Mass anomalous dimension and running of the coupling in SU(2) with six fundamental fermions
        We simulate SU(2) gauge theory with six massless fundamental Dirac fermions. By using the Schrödinger Functional method we measure the running of the coupling and the fermion mass over a wide range of length scales. We observe very slow running of the coupling and construct an estimator for the fermion mass anomalous dimension at an IR fixed point. Our results are consistent with an IRFP coupling of 2.95 < g^2 < 5.60 and a corresponding anomalous dimension of 0.07 < γ < 0.79.
        Speaker: Thomas Pickup (University of Oxford)
      • 270
        Study of the scaling properties in SU(2) gauge theory with eight flavors
        We present our preliminary study of the SU(2) gauge theory with 8 flavor of fermions in fundamental representation. This theory could be a candidate of the gauge theory with conformal fixed point. By studying physical observables such as running gauge coupling in twisted boundary conditions, we investigate a possible signal for a conformal behavior.
        Speaker: Hiroshi Ohki (Osaka University)
    • Parallel 46: Hadron spectroscopy Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 271
        Charmonium spectroscopy from Nf=2+1 dynamical anisotropic lattices
        Preliminary results for the charmonium spectrum are presented. The calculation uses distilled quark propagators measured on the N_f=2+1 dynamical anisotropic lattices of the Hadron Spectrum Collaboration and includes an exploration of disconnected diagrams and decays relevant for threshold effects.
        Speaker: Sinead Ryan (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 272
        Update on charm annihilation contribution to the hyperfine splitting in charmonium
        We report our final results for the contributions of the disconnected diagrams to the hyperfine splitting in charmonium. Our study includes both the quenched and dynamical cases on ensembles with lattice spacings of approximately 0.06 fm and 0.09 fm. Our new approach tunes the charm quark mass so that the rest mass of the $\eta_c$ is close to its physical value. This method of tuning gives a better accounting of the glueball interactions contributing to the mass shift of the $\eta_c$ and $J/\psi$.
        Speaker: Ludmila Levkova (University of Utah)
      • 273
        Bottom meson masses from a RHQ action on a fine 2+1 flavor DWF lattice
        We extend our previous relativistic heavy quark (RHQ) charm calculations performed on the $32^3 \times 64$, $1/a=2.32$ GeV RBC/UKQCD lattice ensembles to states including bottom quarks. We calculate masses of bottomium, bottom-strange and bottom-light states, match and compare them to known experimental values. We also compare our results with those determined on the $24^3\times 64, 1/a=1.73GeV$ to assess the RHQ method.
        Speaker: Peng Hao (Columbia University, USA)
      • 274
        The spectrum of static-light baryons in twisted mass lattice QCD
        We compute the static-light baryon spectrum with N_f = 2 flavors of sea quarks using Wilson twisted mass lattice QCD. As valence quarks we consider unitary light quarks (with a corresponding pion mass of around 340 MeV) as well as partially quenched light quarks, which have the mass of the physical strange quark. We extract masses of states with isospin I = 0, I = 1/2 and I = 1, with light cloud angular momentum j = 0 and j = 1, and with parity P = + and P = -. We present a preliminary extrapolation in the light u/d and in the heavy quark mass to the physical point and compare with available experimental results.
        Speaker: Christian Wiese (Humboldt-University Berlin)
    • Parallel 48: Theoretical developments Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 275
        Search for non-perturbative mechanisms to generate a W boson mass
        As long as a Higgs boson is not observed, the design of alternative mechanisms for electroweak symmetry breaking remains of interest. The question addressed here is whether there are possibly non-perturbative mechanisms, which deconfine SU(2) at zero temperature and generate massive vector bosons. Results for a model with a mixing interaction of SU(2) and U(1) gauge fields, which is invariant under unified SU(2)$\otimes$U(1) gauge transformations, are presented.
        Speaker: Bernd Berg (Florida State University)
      • 276
        Topological gravity on a lattice
        I review the connection between Chern Simons theory and three dimensional Einstein-Hilbert gravity. I point out that both the moduli space and topological observables in the gravitational theory are shared with a twisted super Yang-Mills theory. The latter possesses a lattice formulation which preserves many features of this topological structure. We thus conjecture that the lattice theory provides a non-perturbative regularization for three dimensional quantum gravity - free from the usual problems of path integral approaches to Euclidean quantum gravity.
        Speaker: simon catterall (Syracuse University)
      • 277
        Large-N beta function and static inter-quark potential
        We analyze the numerical findings about the lattice static inter-quark potential of the SU(N) Yang-Mills theory in the light of Luscher-Weisz effective action on the string-theory side and of a recently proposed large-N beta function on the field-theory side. On the field-theory side we explain how the large-N beta function is obtained via a certain version of the loop equation of the pure Yang-Mills theory by localization techniques based on homology theory that are dual to the localization of certain BPS Wilson loops of supersymmetric gauge theories based on cohomology theory.
        Speaker: Marco Bochicchio (INFN and Scuola Normale Superiore)
      • 278
        From loops to surfaces
        The generating function for the characters of the N totally antisymmetric representations of a Wilson-loop matrix in SU(N) gauge theory is the partition function for fermions living on the closed curve making up the loop. This has an obvious generalization. The talk will present results about the case of surface operators
        Speaker: Herbert Neuberger (Rutgers)
    • Other activities
    • Social dinner
    • Session 7
      • 279
        Phenomenology from the lattice
        Speaker: Christopher Sachrajda (University of Southampton)
      • 280
        Heavy flavors on the lattice
        Speaker: Jochen Heitger
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • Session 8
      • 281
        Improving hadron creation operators on the lattice
        Speaker: Mike Peardon
      • 282
        String effects in the yang-mills theory
        Speaker: Michele Pepe
    • Lunch and other activities
    • Parallel 49: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 283
        Charmonium-Nucleon potential from lattice QCD
        Low energy charmonium-nucleon interaction is of particular interest in this talk. The heavy quarkonium state such as the charmonium($c\bar{c}$) state does not share the same quark flavor with the nucleon so that $c\bar{c}$-nucleon interaction might be described by the gluonic van der Waals interaction, which is weak but attractive. Therefore, the detail information of $c\bar{c}$-nucleon interaction is vital for considering the possibility of the formation of charmonium bound to nuclei. We will present the results for $c\bar{c}$-nucleon potential from quenched lattice QCD, which is defined from the equal-time Bethe-Salpeter amplitude with local interpolating operator for the charmonium and nucleon. A $c\bar{c}$-nucleon potential is required for precise prediction of the binding energy of nuclear-bound charmonium in exact few body calculations. Through a study of the $\eta_c$-nucleon interaction at low energy, we have found that $V_{c\bar{c}N}(r)$ is attractive at short distances and screened at long distances. Our simulations are performed at a lattice cutoff of $1/a=2.0$ GeV in a spatial volume of $(3\text{fm})^3$ with the nonperturbatively $O(a)$ improved Wilson action for the light quarks and a relativistic heavy quark action for the charm quark. We will show new results of the $c\bar{c}$-nucleon potential from full QCD simulation using 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configuration as well.
        Speaker: taichi kawanai (Department of Physics, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo)
      • 284
        Low energy charmonium-nucleon scattering with twisted boundary conditions
        We study the charmonium-nucleon interations at low energies by extended L¥"ushcer formula with partially twisted boundary conditions, which allows us to calculate the s-wave phase shift at any small value of the relative momentum even in a finite volume. Our exploratory studeis are carried out in quenched lattice QCD with non-perturbatively O(a)-improved Wilson fermions for light quarks and a relativistic heavy quark action for charm quark. We have successfully evaluated both scattering lengths and effective ranges of eta_c-nucleon and J/psi-nucleon through this new approach. We also report on preliminary results calculated on 2+1 flavor PACS-CS configuration.
        Speaker: Shoichi Sasaki (University of Tokyo)
      • 285
        Flavor structure of the baryon-baryon interaction from lattice QCD
        We report our recent study of the baryon-baryon interactions from lattice QCD. In the flavor SU(3) limit, two octet-baryon states are labeled by six flavor irreducible multiplet. In particular for the S-wave, there are flavor 27-plet, octet and singlet for spin singlet states(1S_0), and flavor anti-decuplet, decuplet and octet for spin triplet states(3S_1). These states provide convenient basis for two octet-baryon system in S-wave, where the interaction matrix becomes diagonal. We have extracted potentials of the interaction following the method recently developed (N. Ishii,S. Aoki and T. Hatsuda, Phys. Rev. Lett. 99, 022001 (2007)). We've found strong flavor dependence of the interaction in that basis. For example, the spin-singlet flavor-octet channel has a very strong repulsion at short distance while the spin-triplet flavor-octet channel has a very weak one. Moreover, it turns out that the spin-singlet flavor-singlet state has no repulsion at short distance but an attraction instead. It is interesting that quark models had predicted these features correctly. This provides us important information about physical origin of the baryon-baryon interaction. Our numerical results are obtained from full QCD gauge configurations in the flavor SU(3) limit corresponding to a pion mass of 834 MeV, provided by CP-PACS/JLQCD Collaborations to Japan Lattice Data Grid(JLDG)/International Lattice Data Grid(ILDG).
        Speaker: Takashi Inoue (Nihon University, College of Bioresource Sciences)
      • 286
        Lattice QCD study of baryon-baryon interactions in the (S,I)=(-2,0) system using the coupled-channel formalism
        We investigate baryon-baryon interactions with strangeness S=-2 and isospin I=0 system from Lattice QCD. The study of S=-2 system opens a gate of multi-strangeness hadronic world and provides the unified understanding of YN and YY interactions. A satisfactory description of YN and YY interaction is not yet obtained with use of phenomenological meson exchange model due to the lack of the direct measurement of hyperon-hyperon scattering to determine many free parameters. It is important to understand these interactions directly from QCD. In order to solve this system, we prepare three types of baryon-baryon operators (Lambda-Lambda, N-Xi and Sigma-Sigma) and construct three operators diagonalizing the 3x3 correlation matrix. Combining of these sink operators with the diagonalized source operators, we obtain nine effective Bethe-Salpeter wave functions. The 3x3 potential matrix is calculated by solving the coupled-channel Schroedinger equation. The flavor SU(3) breaking effects of the potential matrix are also discussed by comparing with the results of SU(3) limit in the same calculation. Our numerical results are obtained from 2+1 flavor QCD gauge configurations with m_pi = 870 MeV and m_pi/m_K = 0.95, provided by the CP-PACS/JLQCD Collaborations.
        Speaker: Kenji Sasaki (University of Tsukuba)
      • 287
        The study of the Three Nucleon Force in full QCD Lattice calculations
        Recent researches in nuclear/astro physics are pointing to the important role of the three baryon force. It suffers, however, huge uncertainties to this date, and the direct determination from QCD is highly desirable. As a first step to obtain the complete information of the three baryon force, we study the effective two nucleon potential in the three nucleon system. The effective potential is extracted from the corresponding effective Bethe-Salpeter(BS) wave function, in which the DoF of a spectator nucleon is integrated out. In this talk, we present the results of the effective potential in triton, and the comparison with the genuine two nucleon potential is given. Calculations are carried out for m_\pi = 0.57-1.13GeV, where the dynamical clover fermion configurations generated by the CP-PACS Collaboration (N_f=2) and the PACS-CS Collaboration (N_f=2+1) are employed.
        Speaker: Takumi Doi (University of Tsukuba)
    • Parallel 51: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 288
        Spectral properties of quarks above Tc -- thermal mass, dispersion relation, and self-energy --
        Spectral properties of quarks above the critical temperature for deconfinement are analyzed in quenched lattice QCD on lattices of size $128^3\times16$. We study quark spectral function in energy and momentum space, focusing on the values of the thermal mass and the dispersion relations of normal and plasmino modes at nonzero momentum, as well as their spatial volume dependence. Our numerical result suggests that the dispersion relation of the plasmino mode has a minimum at nonzero momentum even near the critical temperature. The behavior of quark self-energy is also analyzed, which is found to be consistent with the spectral function extracted from the correlation function.
        Speaker: Masakiyo Kitazawa (Osaka University)
      • 289
        Longitudinal and transverse meson correlators in the deconfined phase from the lattice
        It has long been known that QCD undergoes a deconfining phase transition at high temperature. One of the consequent features of this new, quark-gluon phase is that hadrons become unbounded. In this talk meson correlation functions at non-zero momentum are studied in the deconfined phase using the Maximum Entropy Method. In particular, both the longitudinal and transverse vector correlation functions are studied.
        Speaker: Chris Allton (Swansea University)
      • 290
        We investigate medium effects on mesonic screening lengths for QCD with 2-flavours of dynamical staggered quarks on lattices with cutoff a=1/6T. In our study, T ranges from 0.89 Tc to 1.92 Tc, spanning both the hadronic and the quark-gluon plasma phases. While chiral symmetry restoration in the vector channel appears to take place near Tc, it is seen in the scalar channel only above 1.33 Tc. Varying spatial lattice sizes, we find very little volume dependence in our results at 0.94 Tc, which is the expected critical end point temperature. This suggests that the scalar does not decay. We also comment on the nature of interactions around Tc and beyond.
        Speaker: Debasish Banerjee (Tata Institute of Fundamental Research)
      • 291
        Lattice study of transport coefficients in second order dissipative hydrodynamics
        The quark-gluon plasma produced in heavy ion collisions at RHIC energy is known to be very close to the ideal fluid. Calculations with viscosities and other transport coefficients, i.e. second order dissipative hydrodynamics is known as a causal theory, it includes many phenomenological transport coefficients. We attempt to constrain those transport coefficients by SU(3) lattice gauge calculation. On the basis of the phenomenological derivation of second order hydrodynamics by Israel-Stewart and Boltzmann-Einstein principle, we relate the Israel-Stewart parameters to fluctuations of off-diagonal components of energy-momentum tensor on the lattice and evaluate them.
        Speaker: Yasuhiro Kohno (Osaka University)
      • 292
        Another mean field treatment in the strong coupling limit of lattice QCD
        Strong coupling lattice QCD (SC-LQCD) is a useful approach to study dense matter based on QCD. With the aid of the mean field for the chiral condensate and 1/d expansion, phase diagram has been obtained in the strong coupling limit and with the NLO / NNLO finite coupling effects. Recently, de Forcrand and Fromm investigated the phase diagram in the Monomer-Dimer-Polymer (MDP) algorithm in the strong coupling limit. The phase diagram in MDP is different in shape from that in the mean field result. The origin of this difference is not understood yet. We consider the possibility to incorporate an additional mean field in SC-LQCD, which comes from bosonizing the baryonic action and corresponds to the point split q-qbar expectation value. With this mean field, we obtain an NJL type effective potential with the variable wave function renormalization factor. We discuss the effect of this mean field on the phase boundary and compare the results with those in the MDP algorithm.
        Speaker: Akira Ohnishi (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University)
    • Parallel 53: Algorithms and machines Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 293
        I will report on the status of the AuroraScience project ( )
        Speaker: Luigi Scorzato (ECT*)
      • 294
        Solving the Dirac equation on QPACE
        I present the implementation of a parallel solver currently used on QPACE for N_f=2 flavours of Clover fermions. I choose the mixed-precision Schwarz preconditioned FGCR algorithm in order to satisfy network bandwidth and latency constraints, to make efficient use of the multicore parallelism and on-chip memory, and to achieve flexibility in the choice of lattice sizes. I present benchmarks on up to 256 QPACE nodes showing a sustained performance of about 20% for the complete solver and very good scaling.
        Speaker: Andrea Nobile (uni regensburg)
      • 295
        apeNET+: a 3D toroidal network enabling petaFLOPS scale Lattice QCD simulations on commodity clusters
        apeNET is a seven-years old project aimed at the acceleration of numerical simulations, mainly Lattice QCD, on commodity clusters of O(1000) nodes using a custom-designed 3D toroidal interconnect. In this paper we report on apeNET+, the new generation of our network adapters supporting wire speeds up to 34 Gbit/s per link, PCIe x8 gen 2, improved hardware RDMA support and enhanced communication primitives. The project target is the development of a low latency, high bandwidth direct network, i.e. without external switching hardware, matching the wire performance of the commercial counter-parts and improving on the price/performance ratio when the cluster size increases. apeNET is a network of point-to-point links with a 3D toroidal topology, where each processing node is directly connected to its first neighbours by six bi-directional full duplex links. We adopted a packet-based communication protocol with wormhole dimension-ordered routing and virtual channels. The network interface provides hardware support for the RDMA programming model. A Linux kernel driver, a set of low-level RDMA APIs and a OpenMPI library driver are available, enabling painless porting of standard applications. Preliminary electrical measurements are provided and status update of the hardware developments are reported.
        Speaker: Roberto AMMENDOLA (INFN Roma Tor Vergata)
      • 296
        Attaining multi-teraflops performance for QCD on GPUs
        In recent years, graphics processing units (GPUs) have gained prominence as general-purpose computing devices that offer an order of magnitude improvement in price/performance for a range of applications, including lattice gauge theory. In this contribution, an optimized Dirac solver for Wilson and clover-improved Wilson fermions is described. We discuss strategies for achieving high performance on a single GPU and techniques for employing many GPUs in parallel. We present illustrative results for scaling to as many as 32 GPUs on production lattices, where we achieve performance in excess of 3 Tflops at much lower cost than would be possible on traditional architectures.
        Speaker: Ronald Babich (Boston University)
      • 297
        QUDA Programming for Staggered Quarks
        We have been extending the QUDA GPU code developed at Boston University to include the case of improved staggered quarks. Improved staggered quarks such as asqtad and HISQ require both first and third nearest neighbor terms in the Dirac operator. We call the corresponding links fatlinks and longlinks. The fatlinks are not unitary and staggered phases are included in the links, so link reconstruction techniques may either be inapplicable or require modification. A single precision inverter using compressed storage for the longlinks achieves a speed of 100 GF/s on an NVIDIA GTX280 GPU on a $24^3\times 32$ lattice. In addition to the inverter code, we have code for fatlink computation, gauge force and fermion force. They run at 170, 186 and 107 GF/s, respectively, for similar conditions to the solver speed above. The single GPU code is currently in production on NCSA's AC cluster for the study of electromagnetic effects. The double precision multimass solver is running at 20 GF/s, about 80\% of the speed of an 8-node or 64-core job on Fermilab's jpsi cluster. The AC cluster has C1060 Tesla boards with lower memory bandwidth than the GTX280, where the DP inverter runs at 33 GF/s. Multi-GPU code is in development.
        Speaker: Steven Gottlieb Gottlieb (Indiana University)
    • Parallel 55: Applications beyond QCD Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 298
        Lattice String Field Theory
        Abstract: String field theory is a candidate for a full non-perturbative definition of string theory. We aim to define string field theory on a space-time lattice to investigate its behaviour at the quantum level. Specifically, we look at string field theory in one dimension with a linear dilaton. We report the first results of our simulations.
        Speaker: Francis Bursa (University of Cambridge)
      • 299
        Supersymmetry on the lattice and the status of the SYM simulations
        Supersymmetry has been a major interest of many theoretical investigations. These investigations should be complemented with the results of lattice simulations. However, a general formulation of supersymmetry on the lattice is still missing. I will review some strategies that allow a simulation of certain supersymmetric theories. The Münster-Desy collaboration has used the suggestion of Veneziano and Curci to simulate supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories. I will summarize the recent results concerning the spectrum of the theories and compare them with the theoretical predictions of low energy effective actions.
        Speaker: Georg Bergner (Institutes für Theoretische Physik Universität Münster)
      • 300
        Effects of a potential fourth fermion generation on the upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds.
        We study the effect of a potential fourth fermion generation on the upper and lower Higgs boson mass bounds. This investigation is based on the numerical evaluation of a chirally invariant lattice Higgs-Yukawa model emulating the same Higgs-fermion coupling structure as in the Higgs sector of the electroweak Standard Model. In particular, the considered model obeys a Ginsparg-Wilson version of the underlying $\mbox{SU}(2)_L\times \mbox{U}(1)_Y$ symmetry, being a global symmetry here due to the neglection of gauge fields in this model. Here we present our first results on the fermion mass dependence of the Higgs boson mass bound as well as its cutoff dependence at very heavy fermion masses.
        Speaker: Philipp Gerhold (Humboldt-University Berlin)
      • 301
        The bulk transition of many-flavour QCD and the search for an UVFP at strong coupling
        We explore the possibility that the observed bulk transition at N_f = 12 be identified with an ultraviolet fixed point (UVFP), whose existence has been recently conjectured by Kaplan and collaborators, based on AdS/CFT. A preliminary scaling analysis favours a first order nature of the bulk phase transition. However, we argue that the AdS/CFT inspired scenario might be realized at the endpoint of the bulk transition line, at the critical value of N_f where conformality is lost.
        Speaker: Elisabetta Pallante (University of Groningen)
    • Parallel 57: Vacuum structure and confinement Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 302
        Study of the QGP physics in center vortices
        We study the dynamics of QGP in terms of magnetic center vortices that are responsible for the non-perturbative physics of QCD. Here we report the infrared behavior of thermal gluons and the transport coefficient of QGP before/after the center degree of freedom removed. We discuss the role of magnetic degree of freedom in the QGP physics.
        Speaker: Takuya Saito (Kochi Univ.)
      • 303
        Non abelian Bianchi identities, monopoles and gauge invariance
        A direct connection is proved between the Non-Abelian Bianchi Identities and the Abelian Bianchi identities for the 't Hooft tensor in a generic gauge; the existence of a magnetic current is related to the violation of NABI's. Using this relation it is shown that not all gauges are equivalent to detect monopoles on the lattice, that e.g. the Maximal Abelian Gauge is a legitimate choice while the Landau gauge is not. Nevertheless monopole condensation is found to be a gauge invariant property.
        Speaker: Claudio Bonati (PI)
      • 304
        The QCD vacuum wave functional and confinement in Coulomb gauge
        We report results on the Coulomb-gauge ghost propagator and the color-Coulomb potential computed in two lattice gauge-field ensembles: (1) configurations derived from our recently proposed Yang-Mills vacuum wave functional in 2+1 dimensions, and (2) lattices generated by Monte Carlo simulations of the three-dimensional Euclidean SU(2) lattice gauge theory with the Wilson action. We observe remarkable agreement between the ghost propagators in both ensembles, but some differences in the potentials. Those originate from rare configurations with very small values of the lowest eigenvalue of the Coulomb-gauge Faddeev-Popov operator. If the same cuts on such exceptional configurations are applied in both ensembles, then the color-Coulomb potentials are also in reasonably good agreement.
        Speaker: Stefan Olejnik (Institute of Physics, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava)
      • 305
        Momentum dependence of the topological susceptibility with overlap fermions
        We investigate the momentum dependence of the topological susceptibility and its derivative at zero momentum with overlap fermions. We expose the role of the low-lying Dirac eigenmodes for the topological charge density, and find a negative value for the derivative. While the sign of the derivative is consistent with the QCD sum rule in pure Yang-Mills theory, the absolute value is estimated larger if only the contribution from the zero modes and of the low-lying eigenmodes is taken into account. We also examine the effect of dynamical quarks by a reweighting method and find that it reduces the topological susceptibility for smaller quark masses and triggers the change of sign of the derivative.
        Speaker: Yoshiaki Koma (Numazu College of Technology)
      • 306
        Quantum entanglement in SU(3) lattice Yang-Mills theory at zero and finite temperatures
        Entanglement entropy measures how the spatial subregion in a total system is entangled quantum mechanically with its complement. Entanglement entropy provides with an insight into phase structures of quantum systems and attracted much interest recently. In particular, it has been argued within the models of AdS/QCD correspondence that the entanglement entropy could exhibit a non-analytic behavior with respect to the size $l$ of the subregion. We measured the entanglement entropy in SU(3) pure Yang-Mills theory (approximating it by the so called $\alpha=2$ entropy). Within the statistical errors the numerical data does not show a non-analytic behavior at zero temperature and is well fitted with the power law $1/l^3$. We also show that the entanglement entropy receives a thermal contribution at finite temperature comparable with the thermal entropy, as is expected on general grounds.
        Speaker: Yoshiyuki Nakagawa Nakagawa (Niigata University)
    • Parallel 59: Theoretical developments Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 307
        Towards step-scaling with off-shell renormalisation
        We apply twisted boundary conditions to off-shell Rome-Southampton non-perturbative renormalisation. This enables us to select momenta that are not necessarily a Fourier mode. The technique allows better controlled continuum extrapolation of results by removing O(4) breaking ambiguity. Continuity of the momentum scale allows us to develop a step-scaling technique that does not require fine tuning of the coupling.
        Speaker: Rudy Arthur (University of Edinburgh)
      • 308
        Testing universality and automatic O(a) improvement in massless lattice QCD with Wilson quarks
        The chirally rotated Schroedinger functional (SF) provides a test bed for universality and automatic O(a) improvement. In joint work with Bjoern Leder, we have implemented the chirally rotated Schroedinger functional and carried out extensive quenched simulations. We demonstrate that, after proper tuning of a dimension 3 boundary counterterm, the expected chirally rotated SF boundary conditions are indeed obtained. As a result, automatic O(a) improvement is realised and we demonstrate this with a few examples. Universality of properly renormalized correlation functions is confirmed by comparing to results obtained with the standard set-up of the Schroedinger functional. As a by-product of this study the non-singlet current renormalisation constants Z_A and Z_V are obtained from ratios of 2-point functions.
        Speaker: Stefan Sint (Trinity College Dublin)
      • 309
        Transfer Matrix for Partially Quenched QCD
        Partially quenched lattice QCD is defined in euclidean space, and usually considered not be unitary. This raises the question whether effective field theory methods, such as chiral perturbation theory, can be justified in the partially quenched case. In this talk, we take a first step, in which we construct a transfer matrix for the ghost sector of partially quenched theories. While this leads to a nonhermitian hamiltonian, we show that the eigenvalues of this hamiltonian have positive real part.
        Speaker: Maarten Golterman (San Francisco State University)
      • 310
        Reflection positivity of the free overlap fermions.
        We rigorously show that free overlap Dirac fermions on lattice satisfies the Osterwalder Schrader reflection positivity condition, which leads to the unitarity property of the corresponding quantum theory.
        Speaker: Kouta Usui (University of Tokyo)
      • 311
        Classification and Generalization of Minimal-doubling actions
        There is a chance that Minimal-doubling fermion actions will remove a numerical expense in Lattice QCD simulations although all the known examples so far lack sufficient discrete symmetries for a good continuum limit. In this talk we discuss classification and unification of Minimal-doubling actions to search for possibiliy of their application. In this context we propose a new class of Minimal-doubling actions, which might possess higher discrete symmetry than Karsten-Wilczek or Borici-Creutz actions. We also study generalization of Minimal-doubling actions to higher dimensions. We show that the parameter range within which the number of doublers becomes minimal gets narrower with the dimension going up.
        Speaker: Tatsuhiro MISUMI (Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • 16:10
      Coffee break
    • Parallel 50: Hadronic structure and interactions Room1


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 312
        An extention to the Luescher's finite volume method above inelastic thresholds (formalism)
        We propose a new method to calculate scattering amplitudes above inelastic thresholds as an extention to the Luescher's finite volume method for elastic scattering phase shifts. In the inifinite volume, the asymptotic form of hadronic Bethe-Salpeter (BS) wave functions at spatial infinity can be derived in exactly the same manner as given in Ref.[1,2,3]. It contains the information of the T-matrix of QCD in quite analogous way as the scattering theory of quantum mechanics. We introduce an energy-independent generally non-local coupled-channel interaction kernel so that it can simultaneously generate BS wave functions in wide range of energy region with an effective Schroedinger equation (coupled channel version). Note that this interaction kernel can generate T-matrix of QCD by construction. In a finite volume, scattering spectrum is discretized. Each state obtained in a finite volume system corresponds to a particular linear combination of multiple incomming states in the infinite volume. To calculate T-matrix above inelastic thresholds, we need states with different linear combinations at the same energy. However, corresponding states are located at different energies due to the discretized spectrum, which is the reason why the standard Luescher's method is usually restricted to the elastic region. Our plan is to avoid this difficulty by using the interaction kernel introduced above. We first construct the interaction kernel in a finite volume, and then use it to generate BS wave function in the infinite volume. Note that the energy independent interaction kernel is constructed by using BS wave functions from multiple energies, by which the states with different linear combinations of incomming states can be taken into account. For an interaction with finite range, the interaction kernel constructed in a finite volume is insensitive to the spatial size. (as long as the spatial size is sufficiently large) This implies that, once such interaction kernel is constructed, it can be used to generate BS wave functions at arbitrary spatial volume, which enables us to access the S-matrix of QCD in the inifinite volume. We will also discuss possible applications. Reference: [1] C.-J.D.Lin, G.Martinelli, C.T.Sachrajda, M.Testa, Nucl.Phys.B619(2001)467. [2] S.Aoki et al., CP-PACS Coll., Phys.Rev.D71(2005)094504. [3] S.Aoki, T.Hatsuda, N.Ishii., Prog.Theor.Phys.123(2010)89.
        Speaker: Noriyoshi Ishii (University of Tokyo)
      • 313
        Extracting Scattering Parameters using the Isospin Chemical Potential
        Hadronic scattering mediated through the strong interaction has been an area of great interest for both theory and experiment. Recently, lattice QCD calculations of scattering processes from first principles have seen remarkable progress, including multiple calculations of two-pion scattering lengths that agree with experiment to within a few percent. However, there exists a certain class of scattering processes, such as pion-nucleon scattering, that contain annihilation diagrams, which are prohibitively expensive to simulate on the lattice. In this talk, I will present a method to extract certain parameters from this class of scattering processes by employing an isospin chemical potential, which can be simulated on the lattice as a result of its positive-definite fermion determinant.
        Speaker: Michael Buchoff (University of Maryland, College Park)
      • 314
        The chiral and angular momentum content of the $\rho$-meson
        The variational method allows one to study the mixing of interpolators with different chiral transformation properties in the nonperturbatively determined physical state. It is then possible to define and calculate in a gauge-invariant manner the chiral as well as the partial wave content of the quark-antiquark component of a meson in the infrared, where mass is generated. Using a unitary transformation from the chiral basis to the $^{2S+1}L_J$ basis one may extract a partial wave content of a meson. We present results for the $\rho$ meson using a simulations with $N_f=2$ dynamical quarks, all for lattice spacings close to 0.15 fm. We point out that these results indicate a simple $^3S_1$-wave composition of the $\rho$ meson in the infrared, like in the SU(6) flavor-spin quark model.
        Speaker: Markus LIMMER (Karl-Franzens-Universitaet Graz)
      • 315
        Rho decay widths from the lattice
        While the masses of light hadrons have been extensively studied in lattice QCD simulations, there exist only a few exploratory calculations of the strong decay widths of hadronic resonances. We will present preliminary results of a computation of the rho meson width obtained using N_f=2+1 flavor simulations. The work is based on Luescher's formalism and its extension to moving frames.
        Speaker: Julien Frison (Centre de Physique Théorique (Marseille))
    • Parallel 52: Nonzero temperature and density Room2


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 316
        The imbalanced Fermi gas at unitarity
        Lattice field theory is a useful tool for studying strongly interacting theories in condensed matter physics. A prominent example is the unitary Fermi gas: a two-component system of fermions interacting with divergent scattering length. With Monte Carlo methods this system can be studied from first principles. In presence of an imbalance (unequal number of particles in the two components) a sign problem arises, which makes conventional algorithms inapplicable. We will show how to apply reweighting techniques to generalise the recently developed worm algorithm to the imbalance case, and present results for thermodynamic observables, in particular the critical temperature, for equal, as well as unequal number of fermions in the two spin components.
        Speaker: Olga Goulko (University of Cambridge)
      • 317
        A new approach for studying large numbers of fermions in the unitary regime
        A novel lattice approach is presented for studying systems comprising a large number of interacting nonrelativistic fermions. The construction is ideally suited for numerical study of fermions near unitarity--a strongly coupled regime in which the s-wave scattering length is tuned much larger than all other physical scales. Such systems are experimentally accessible with trapped atoms, and provide a starting point for an effective field theory description of nuclear physics. I discuss the construction of our lattice theory which allows us to study systems of up to (but by no means limited to) 38 fermions with high accuracy and modest computational resources, and offer an overview of several applications of the technique. A detailed discussion of applications and simulation results will be described in companion parallel-session talks given by A. N. Nicholson and J-W. Lee.
        Speaker: Michael G. Endres (Columbia University)
      • 318
        Lattice Study of Trapped Fermions at Unitarity
        I describe a lattice study of up to N=20 unitary fermions confined to a harmonic trap. Our results show excellent agreement (within 1%) with high precision solutions to the many-body Schrodinger equation for up to N=8. We are also able to make predictions for larger N which were inaccessible by the Hamiltonian approach due to computational limitations. Harmonic traps are used experimentally to study cold atoms tuned to a Feshbach resonance. We show that they also provide certain benefits to numerical studies of many-body correlators on the lattice. In particular, we anticipate that the methods described here could be used for studying nuclear physics.
        Speaker: Amy N. Nicholson (Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington)
      • 319
        Lattice calculation for unitary fermions in a finite box
        A fundamental constant in systems of unitary fermions is the so-called Bertsch parameter, the ratio of the ground state energy for spin paired unitary fermions to that for free fermions at the same density. I discuss how we computed this parameter as well as the pairing gap using a recently developed lattice construction for unitary fermions, by measuring correlation functions for up to 38 fermions in a finite box. Our calculation illustrates interesting issues facing the study of many-body states on the lattice, which may eventually be confronted in QCD calculations as well.
        Speaker: JONG-WAN LEE (University of Washington)
    • Parallel 54: Algorithms and machines Room3


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 320
        GPU Performnace of Conjugate Gradient Solver with Staggered Fermions
        The progress in GPUs (graphic processing units) is much faster than that of CPUs. We use GPUs of nVIDIA GTX 295, GTX 285, and GTX 480 models to probe the computing performance of the conjugate gradient solver for the Dirac equations made of staggered fermions. We use MILC fine lattices (283 × 96). The performance test is done using 4 GPUs. We use CUDA v2.3 and v3.0 libraries to compile the code. The GPU performance is reviewed in great details.
        Speaker: Hyung-Jin Kim (Seoul National University)
      • 321
        GPU-Based Conjugate Gradient Solver for Lattice QCD with Domain-Wall Fermions
        We present a GPU-based conjugate gradient (CG) solver for lattice QCD with domain-wall fermion (DWF). It is well known that CG is the most time-consuming part in the hybrid Monte Carlo simulation of unquenched lattice QCD, which becomes even more computational demanding for lattice QCD with exact chiral symmetry. We have implemented the CG for a general 5-dimensional DWF operator on NVIDIA's CUDA architecture with mixed-precision, using the defect correction as well as the reliable updates algorithms. For NVIDIA's GTX 285, our CG solver for the optimal domain-wall fermion achieves 180 Gflops (sustained). Since the performances of the defect correction and the reliable updates depend on the source vector, which also change at different stages of the CG, we investigate a dynamically adaptive scheme which can pick the best one among these two algorithms such that the entire CG can attain the optimal performance.
        Speaker: Yao-Yuan Mao (National Taiwan University)
      • 322
        Implementation of the Neuberger overlap operator in GPUs
        To describe a decay like $K \to \pi\pi$ a formulation of lattice QCD has to be found which respects chiral symmetry. For this, the Dirac operator has to fulfill the Ginsparg-Wilson relation and one particular solution to this is the Neuberger overlap operator. The downside of having a chiral formulation of QCD on the lattice is that its computational costs are orders of magnitudes higher. On the other hand, recent development has shown that a lot of computing power can be gained from GPU hardware. I intend to give a review of our implementation of the Neuberger overlap operator on the GPU and give an outlook of the applications we like to aim. Topics covered include the calculation of exceptional low-modes to the Wilson-Dirac operator and the exact treatment, computation of the index of the Neuberger overlap operator and the zero-mode expansion of the propagator.
        Speaker: Bjoern Walk (Institut für Kernphysik, Universität Mainz)
      • 323
        Domain decomposition method on GPU cluster for Lattice
        The modern graphic processing unit (GPU) has become one of the powerful computational device. Applying GPU to the lattice QCD computation has been investigated especially for the inversion solver of the discretized Dirac operators. Most of the previous works on lattice QCD with GPU, however, have been done with single GPU card. Since the single GPU performance and the memory size are limited at a few TFlops and of a few GBytes, the lattice sizes are limited to rather small sizes. Thus, to simulate QCD on more realistic lattice we need a cluster system with multiple GPU’s. The GPU cluster system requires a special care on the GPU- GPU-intercommunication because the modern GPU lacks the direct GPU-GPU communication feature. In order to make a good performance with a cluster with GPU, we investigated a domain decomposition preconditioner for the O(a)-improved Wilson-Dirac fermion inverter, where the lattice is decomposed into domains. In this talk we report some performance results on the additive Schwarz preconditioner on GPU cluster computing.
        Speaker: Yusuke Osaki (Hiroshima University, depertment of physical science)
    • Parallel 56: Applications beyond QCD Room4


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 324
        Dimensional reduction and confinement from five dimensions
        We study non-perturbatively five-dimensional gauge theories by means of the mean-field expansion on the lattice. On the anisotropic torus we show that a continuum limit can be defined where the anisotropy is a relevant parameter. The analysis of the static force supports the fact that the four-dimensional hyperplanes decouple from each other in the continuum limit. Clear signs of confinement are found in the static potential along the hyperplanes.
        Speaker: Francesco Knechtli (University of Wuppertal)
      • 325
        Center Symmetry Restoration with 2 Flavor Large N Yang-Mills in the Adjoint Representation.
        We report on the restoration of center symmetry in two flavor large N Yang Mills lattice field theory with dynamical fermions in the adjoint representation. Numerical evidence is given to show correlators of $P_\mu$ tend to zero in the large N limit. Wilson fermions were employed on a $2^4$ sized lattice for a variety of bare quark masses and coupling strength. We argue that this model may offer an alternative route to understanding the conformal window of Yang Mills with dynamical fermions.
        Speaker: Richard Galvez (Syracuse University)
      • 326
        Orientifold Planar Equivalence: The Quenched Meson Spectrum
        Orientifold Planar Equivalence is a powerful analytical tool that allows us to relate certain observables (among which, meson masses) in SU($N$) gauge theory with one (anti-)symmetric Dirac flavour and ${\cal N}=1$ SU($N$) SUSY in the limit in which the number of colours $N$ goes to infinity. This enables us in principle to transcribe SUSY results to QCD, provided that the latter is close (in the sense of an appropriate $1/N$ expansion) to its large-$N$ limit. We present a lattice study of the meson and rho mass in the quenched theory for $N$ ranging from 3 to 8, fermions in two-index irreducible representations and fixed lattice spacing. A comparison of the spectra among the various theories allows us to estimate the size of the expected corrections at finite $N$. Consequences of our findings for the application of Orientifold Planar Equivalence to study real-world QCD are discussed.
        Speaker: Biagio Lucini (Swansea University)
      • 327
        Lattice Wess-Zumino Model Simulation with GPUs
        We describe our studies of the lattice Wess-Zumino model with overlap type operators, using GPUs. We have checked that at one loop there is a nonrenormalization of the superpotential, and that in the simulations the simplest Ward identity of the continuum theory is satisfied to a good approximation at weak coupling.
        Speaker: Joel Giedt (RPI)
    • Parallel 58: Vacuum structure and confinement Room5


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 328
        Properties of gauge orbits
        In gauge theories, all physically equivalent field configurations lie on a common gauge orbit. Selecting a particular representative on the gauge orbit fixes a gauge. This is useful for practical reasons, like to facilitate calculations of gauge-invariant observables, or to provide gauge-dependent correlation functions which can serve as input for methods other than lattice. It is also of fundamental interest, as many questions, e.g. related to confinement and interactions of gluons, can be most easily formulated in a fixed gauge. However, non-perturbatively the presence of Gribov copies complicate a unique choice, affecting correlation functions severely at or below scales of 1 GeV. This non-perturbative structure of gauge orbits is investigated in detail using lattice gauge theory. In particular, possibilities how to define and implement consistently the non-perturbative extensions of the Landau gauge are discussed. This includes many details on the properties of gauge orbits, and thus of the underlying structure of gauge theories on the level of the gauge fields. Also, the resulting gauge-dependence of correlation functions will be presented.
        Speaker: Axel Maas (Karl-Franzens-University Graz)
      • 329
        Universal Aspects of Deconfinement: Interfaces, Flux Tubes and Self-Duality in 2+1 Dimensions
        We study center vortex free energies and ’t Hooft’s electric fluxes on the lattice in 2+1 dimensions, where SU(2) for example, is in the universality class of the 2d Ising model. This places a wealth of exact results at our fingertips. In particular, spacelike center vortices in SU(2) near criticality correspond to spin interfaces in the 2d Ising model, whose universal scaling functions are known exactly. We exploit this to locate the deconfinement transition with unprecedented precision and subsequently for a finite size scaling analysis, where the self-duality of the 2d spin model is reflected in a duality between the spacelike vortices and confining electric fluxes. The corresponding relation between the string tension and its dual in the high temperature phase is arguably the simplest example of a universal amplitude ratio. Around the transition, both can be efficiently extracted from the exact results with a global one-parameter fit which allows straightforward continuum extrapolation.
        Speaker: Lorenz von Smekal (TU Darmstadt)
      • 330
        Gauge-independent "Abelian" dominance and magnetic monopole dominance in SU(3) Yang-Mills theory
        Recently we have proposed a new reformulation of Yang-Mills (YM) theory based on new variables on a lattice by extending the Cho-Faddeev-Niemi-Shabanov decomposition. Our reformulation allows options discriminated by the stability group $\tilde{H}$ of the gauge group $G$. When $\tilde{H}$ agrees with the maximal torus group $H$, it reduces to a manifestly gauge-independent reformulation of the conventional Abelian projection in the maximal Abelian gauge. Within this framework, a non-Abelian Stokes theorem enables us to express the Wilson loop operator in the fundamental representation by the ``Abelian" variable extracted in association with the stability group in the minimal option, and to rewrite the Wilson loop operator using a non-Abelian magnetic monopole defined in a manifestly gauge-independent way. For $G=SU(3)$, two options are possible: minimal one with $\tilde{H}$ $=U(2)$ and maximal one with $\tilde{H}=H= U(1) \times U(1)$. In this talk we summarize the results of Monte Carlo simulations for $SU(3)$ in the minimal option. Especially, we compare three Wilson loop averages defined by the ``Abelian" variable, the monopole part and the original YM field. We confirm that the quark--antiquark confining potential is reproduced by the ``Abelian" variable (``Abelian" dominance), and that the string tension is reproduced by the non-Abelian magnetic monopole (magnetic monopole dominance). Moreover, we mention the behaviors of correlation functions for new variables.
        Speaker: Akihiro Shibata (Computing Reaearch Center, KEK)
      • 331
        Confinement in G2 gauge theories
        G2 is the smallest simple and simply connected lie group with a trivial center. Therefore investigations of G2 gauge theory may help to clarify the relevance of center symmetry for confinement. Beside this it has an intriguing connection to QCD where the center symmetry is broken by dynamical quarks transforming under the fundamental representation. In both theories the flux tube between static quarks can break due to dynamical particle production. In this talk we will present our results obtained with monte carlo simulations for the static quark-antiquark potential in different representations and we will show casimir scaling at intermediate distances and string breaking at larger distances.
        Speaker: Björn Wellegehausen (TPI, University Jena)
    • Parallel 60: Theoretical developments Room6


      Villasimius, Sardinia

      Tanka Village
      • 332
        Quantum entanglement and KPZ relations
        The entanglement of inaccessible subsystems of a quantum system may modify, under certain conditions, the universality class of its phase transitions. Numerical experiments on critical Ising model in two dimensions indicate that its modified universality class is well described by the Knizhnik-Polyakov-Zamolodchikov relations.
        Speaker: Ferdinando Gliozzi (TO)
      • 333
        Fisher's zeros as boundary of RG flows in complex coupling space
        We discuss the possibility of extending the RG flows to complex coupling spaces. We argue that the Fisher's zeros are located at the boundary of the complex basin of attraction of IR fixed points. We support this picture with numerical calculations at finite volume for 2D O(N) models and the hierarchical Ising model using the two-lattice matching method. We present numerical evidence supporting the idea that, as the volume increases, the Fisher's zeros of 4D pure gauge SU(2) lattice gauge theory with a Wilson action, stabilize at a distance larger than 0.1 from the real axis in the complex beta=4/g^2 plane. We show that when a positive adjoint term is added, the zeros get closer to the real axis. We compare the situation with the U(1) case. We discuss the implications of this new framework for proofs of confinement and searches for nontrivial IR fixed points in models beyond the standard model.
        Speaker: Yannick Meurice Meurice (University of Iowa)
      • 334
        A Ginsparg Wilson renormalisation group approach to lattice CP symmetry
        Until recent work, chiral gauge theories constructed on the lattice have violated CP symmetry. This has caused difficulties in constructing, for example, the electroweak theory on the lattice ,where applying standard CP symmetry generates a non-local shift in the fermion propagator in the presence of a Higgs field. Starting from Wilson's formulation of the re-normalisation group, using a similar procedure to that originally used to derive the Ginsparg-Wilson relation, I demonstrate that CP symmetry has to be modified when applied to the lattice. Extending the recent ideas of Igarashi and Pawlowski, and building on a renormalisation group construction of the overlap formalism, I show that on the lattice one should use a modified form of CP symmetry, which solves the various anomalies in chiral gauge theories and which can be applied to the family of chiral symmetry transformations satisfied by overlap fermions. This method can be easily extended to other Ginsparg-Wilson lattice Dirac operators.
        Speaker: Nigel Cundy (Universität Regensburg)
    • Other activities
    • Session 9
      • 335
        Technicolor phenomenology
        Speaker: R. Sekhar Chivukula (Michigan State University)
      • 336
        Strong coupling expansion monte carlo
        Speaker: Ulli Wolff (Humboldt University)
      • 337
        Graphene: from material science to particle physics
        Speaker: Joaquin Drut (The Ohio State University)
    • 10:00
      Coffee break
    • Session 10
      • 338
        Nuclear physics on the lattice
        Speaker: Tetsuo Hatsuda (Phys. Dep., Univ. Tokyo)
      • 339
        Light flavors on the lattice
        Speaker: Jack Laiho
    • Closing