XX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes

Palazzo Franchetti (Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti)

Palazzo Franchetti

Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti

Campo S. Stefano, 2945 S.Marco, Venezia
Chiara Sirignano (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Elisa Bernardini (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare), Mauro Mezzetto (INFN-PD)

The Neutrino Telescopes is a workshop that takes place every two years. Its long tradition dates back to the 80'. After the online edition of 2021 due to the pandemic situation, the XX one will be held again in presence in Venice, at "Palazzo Franchetti" of the “Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti”.

Some parallel Sessions will be held at Palazzo Loredan of the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere e Arti

Some of the topics that will be discussed will cover the following items:

Neutrino Properties
Neutrinos in astroparticle physics, experiments
Neutrinos in astroparticle physics, theory
Data Science and Detector R&D

The Workshop will have plenary and parallel sessions.

Talks in Plenary Sessions are given only by invited speakers.

Parallel Sessions will present accepted Contributed and Flash Talks.
The submission of an abstract is mandatory.

All contributed talks and flash talks will be included in the Workshop proceedings which will be published under the Zenodo platform

Plenary and Contributed Talks must be presented in person at the conference venue in Venice. The same is preferred for Flash Talks. However, only for Flash Talks, a remote presentation can be considered.

The workshop can be attended in presence or in remote modality.
In any case, a fee has to be paid and registration is mandatory through the relevant registration form on this site.
Make sure you register using the relevant form ("in-person attendance" or "remote attendance").
Before registering and making the payment, please visit the page "Fee and Payment" on this site, for all the detailed instructions.

The XX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes is organized by  INFN Sezione di Padova and by the Physics and Astronomy Department of Padova University.


              under the patronage of University of Padova


                                                             sponsored by




  • Adrien Blanchet
  • Alberto Ressa
  • Albrecht Karle
  • Alessandro Cortopassi
  • Ana Sofia Carpinteiro Inacio
  • Anatael Cabrera
  • Andrea Donini
  • Andrea Longhin
  • Andrea Serafini
  • Anja Gauch
  • Annarita Margiotta
  • Antonio Masiero
  • Antonio Palazzo
  • Apeksha Singhal
  • Arseni Gavrikov
  • Barbara Caccianiga
  • Beatrice Jelmini
  • Bianca Bottino
  • Bianca De Caro
  • Camilla Forza
  • Carla Biggio
  • Carlo Broggini
  • Carlos Perez de los Heros
  • Charles Lewis
  • Chiara Poirè
  • Chiara Sirignano
  • Christian Buck
  • Christian Farnese
  • Christian Spiering
  • Christopher Hilgenberg
  • Christopher Wiebusch
  • Christos Touramanis
  • Daniele D'Ago
  • Daniele Gibin
  • Dante Totani
  • Dario Grasso
  • David Lhuillier
  • Delia Tosi
  • Diyaselis Delgado
  • Donglian Xu
  • Elena Colombo
  • Elena Ferri
  • Elena Gasparri
  • Eligio Lisi
  • Elisa Bernardini
  • Elisa Prandini
  • Emanuele Angelino
  • Ernst-Jan Buis
  • Fabio Bellini
  • Fabio Pupilli
  • Federica Pompa
  • Federico Testagrossa
  • Felix Schlüter
  • Ferrulli Simona
  • Filippo Varanini
  • Flavio Seno
  • Francesca Passalacqua
  • Francesco D'Eramo
  • Francesco Poppi
  • Francis Halzen
  • Gaosong Li
  • Giorgio Maria Riccobene
  • Giovanna Saleh
  • Giovanni De Lellis
  • Giulia Brunetti
  • Giuseppe Lucente
  • Giuseppe Matteucci
  • Giuseppina Salente
  • Hans Theodor Josef Steiger
  • Hawraa Khalife
  • Hymon Karolin
  • Ibrahim Mirza
  • Igor Alekseev
  • Irina Dvorkin
  • Jiaqi Hui
  • John Learned
  • Jordan McElwee
  • Joseph Formaggio
  • Karlheinz Langanke
  • Kayla Leonard DeHolton
  • Kazuki Tanaka
  • Kirk Bays
  • Laura Zanovello
  • Leonidas Resvanis
  • Lorenzo Giannessi
  • Luca Pattavina
  • Luca Pelicci
  • Luca Stanco
  • Magdalena Posiadala-Zezula
  • Manibrata Sen
  • Marco Grassi
  • Marco Mattiazzi
  • Maria Artero Pons
  • Maria Cristina Volpe
  • Maria Prado Rodriguez
  • Marie Cornelius
  • Masayuki Harada
  • Matteo Agostini
  • Matteo Feltre
  • Matteo Sanguineti
  • Matthew Stukel
  • Mauricio Bustamante
  • Mauro Mezzetto
  • Michele Doro
  • Michele Punturo
  • Mirco Hünnefeld
  • Nataly Ospina Escobar
  • Nicola Cargioli
  • Nicola Paoli
  • Nora Feigl
  • OLga Mena
  • Oliviero Cremonesi
  • Omar Benhar Noccioli
  • Pablo Barham Alzás
  • Paolo Franchini
  • Paschal coyle
  • Qaisar Shafi
  • Rasmi Hajjar Muñoz
  • René Laureijs
  • Riccardo Triozzi
  • Richard Diurba
  • Roberto Carlin
  • Rosa Coniglione
  • Rosa Poggiani
  • Rosmarie Wirth
  • Salvador Urrea Gonzalez
  • Sarah Louise Mancina
  • Savannah Shively
  • Serguey Petcov
  • Shilin Liu
  • Silvia Pascoli
  • Simone Biagi
  • Sofia Calgaro
  • Srijan Sehgal
  • Stefano Levorato
  • STEPHEN Parke
  • Steven Manly
  • Tetyana Pitik
  • Thomas Holvey
  • Timo Kärkkäinen
  • Tobia Matcovich
  • Tomas Kontrimas
  • Tord Ekelof
  • Valentina Cicero
  • Valerio D'Andrea
  • Vanessa Cerrone
  • Wang Zhe
  • Wei Jiang
  • Weijun Li
  • Xiao Luo
  • Yang HAN
  • Yibing Zhang
  • Yoshikazu Nagai
  • Yuichi Oyama
  • Yuji Hotta
  • Yury Malyshkin
  • Yuxiang Hu
  • Zekun Yang
  • Zhao Xin