Oct 23 – 27, 2023
Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti
Europe/Rome timezone
opening day available in streaming on the YouTube channel of the Physics and Astronomy Dpt. of the University of Padova: https://youtu.be/t_9s2ALOFGQ

Fees, Payments and Receipts

To participate to the "XX International Workshop on Neutrino Telescopes", the registration is mandatory and a fee must be paid.

The registration must be done through the "Registration Form" on this Indico site.
(Please fill in only the relevant one: In person attendance" or "Remote attendance").

The registration process is considered completed only after the payment of the conference fee has been received. A message of confirmation will be sent by the organizers. A regular receipt of payment will be issued and e-mailed to you, as soon as possible.
When registering, please use an Institutional email address if possible and anyhow remember to use always the same address, so all kind of communication can be properly received.

Conference Fee

Type of attendanceEarly Fee (until Sept. 4th)Late fee
(Sep. 5th - Oct. 15th)
On site attendance360,00420,00
Remote attendance120,00120,00

On site Attendance Fee Includes:

  • Participation to all workshop sessions
  • 8 coffee-breaks
  • 3 lunches
  • 2 social events
  • Welcome cocktail

Remote Attendance fee includes:

  • Restricted link to all workshop sessions
  • Publication on the proceedings in case of talk

The Payment:
The Conference fee can be paid in Euro (€) by bank transfer or credit card. Bank transfer must be net of bank charges.

"Sistema Congressi srl" agency will collect the fee.

To make the payment you must enter the agency link and fill in a form where some detailed fiscal information will be asked. These are needed to issue the invoice of payment.
Please be prepared in advance to specify if the invoice should be addressed to you or to your Institution, depending on your agreements with the relevant Affiliation.
Should the invoice be needed in advance for the payment to be issued, please contact the agency to request it: registration@sistemacongressi.com

Eventual refunds requests must be in writing by mail to the Conference Secretary as soon as possible.
The Conference committee reserves the right to refuse reimbursement of part or all of the fee in the case of late cancellation. However, each case of cancellation will be considered individually and decision will be taken depending on the reason for cancellation.

For INFN employees and/or INFN Associated ONLY
I Dipendenti e Associati INFN NON DEVONO contattare l’agenzia: la fee si paga attraverso il sistema di STORNO fra Sezioni (Indicare correttamente sul modulo di registrazione).

Si prega di compilare SOLO il Registration Form di INDICO e di indicare la Sezione di appartenenza e quella che pagherà la fee.

INFN employees and/or INFN Associated DO NOT HAVE to contact the agency, as the payment will be made through the STORNO system. Please indicate your INFN Unit or the one that should issue the payment on the Indico Registration Form.