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Updates on EM/Had physics
Updates on Had physics, Physics lists and their validation scheme
Recent developments in physics modeling for the EM (std and lowE) categories. Validation will be covered in a separate parallel session
1) Results and issues from HEP experiments and Other fields (LHC and IF, Medical, Space)
2) Performance profiling and benchmark (tools, applications)
- Validation of EM physics models and EM Physics Lists
- Benchmarking of Geant4-DNA
- current status of validation studies
- integration of the tests in the Geant4 system testing
- propose new validation studies
Presentation of new extended examples
Discussion: Status of Work Plan 2016 Items, C++11 in basic examples
Status and evolution of Reverse MC
Status of other biasing options
Instructions / discussion on policies, workplan
Review of the development, tuning and validation of all the major hadronic models of Geant4, from the high-energy string models (FTF, QGS), to intra-nuclear cascade models (BERT, BIC, INCLXX), precompound/de-excitation, ParticleHP, Radioactive Decay, etc.
Modularisation of Geant4 libraries
Migration from SVN to Git for version control
Usage of C Preprocessor Macros
Format and C++ API to access Data Libraries
Continuation of the review of the development, tuning and validation of all the major hadronic models of Geant4, from the high-energy string models (FTF, QGS), to intra-nuclear cascade models (BERT, BIC, INCLXX), precompound/de-excitation, ParticleHP, Radioactive Decay, etc.
More detailed discussions of the low-energy hadronic physics models and libraries, in particular for Radioactive Decay and ParticleHP.
Any other hadronic topic which is not (or not fully) covered in the first two hadronic physics parallel session, can be discussed in this session.
1) Parallelism with Vectors and Coprocessors
2) HPC Algorithms and Models
3) Toward HPC MC production
Parallel 1A-6B
Parallel 7A-8B
Collaboration matters, release schedule