On-line “Newton 1665” seminars – phenomenology/theory/astro/cosmo

On Zoom

On Zoom


Since Covid-19 lockdown in March 2020 we organize on-line seminars on phenomenology/theory/astrophysics/cosmology, and whatever can be interesting in theoretical physics.  We have no fixed dates and time, see the timetable (European, CET).

If you wish to join a seminar: login at the starting time on https://cern.zoom.us/j/5876144043 using your real name and password 1665. In case of trouble: see instructions.

Video recordings of most seminars are available on the YouTube channel "Newton 1665 physics seminars ."

If you wish to receive announcements of future seminars: add your email to the mailing list https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/physem/join

If you wish to suggest seminars and/or help organizing: email to organizers (on-line-newton-seminars@googlegroups.com).


Timetable of fundamental physics webinars worldwide (see also inspires).