NOW 2024


NOW 2024 is the 12th edition of a biannual workshop series started in 1998 in Amsterdam and held since 2000 in the Apulian (Puglia) region of Italy. The editions 2000-2016 took place in Otranto (Lecce) and the editions 2018-2022 in Rosa Marina (Ostuni, Brindisi).   

The venue of the NOW 2024 edition will be in the town of Otranto. NOW is locally organized by the INFN sections and Depts. of Physics of Bari and Lecce, ​and is widely recognized as one of the major international conference series in the field of neutrino physics. The aim of the workshop is: to discuss Neutrino Oscillation Physics, in particular current experimental data and their theoretical interpretation; to outline future investigations of neutrino masses and mixings; and to explore the links with various research fields in Astroparticle Physics and Cosmology.    

The structure of the NOW 2024 Workshop will include four plenary and parallel sessions:
• Session I – Standard three-neutrino oscillations 
• Session II – Beyond the standard framework 
• Session III – Neutrino masses, states and interactions
• Session IV – Particle physics from the sky and the cosmos 
plus an extra (only plenary) session:
• Session – Crossing the portal 
The workshop will be held from September 2 (arrivals) to September 8 (departures) at the Basiliani Hotel in Otranto, at walking distance (~25’) from the old town of Otranto and from its local beach. Because of limitations in accommodation and to fulfill the workshop requirements, participation is by invitation, and is limited to about 115 participants.      

The Proceedings of NOW 2000, 2004, 2006, 2008, 2010, 2012 and 2014 have been published on Nucl Phys. B (Proc. Suppl.) Vol. 100, 145, 168, 188, 217, 237-238, and 265-266, respectively. The Proceedings of NOW 2016, 2018 and 2022 have been published on PoS (  /337 and /421 , respectively).

NOW 2024 - Scientific Registration Form
  • Alessandro Granelli
  • Alessandro Lella
  • Alexis Nikolakopoulos
  • Andrea Nava
  • Andrea Serafini
  • Andrii Terliuk
  • Anthony Zummo
  • Antoine Beauchêne
  • Antonio Ambrosone
  • Antonio Marinelli
  • Antonio Marrone
  • Antonio Palazzo
  • Antonio Surdo
  • Archisman Ghosh
  • Benjamin Messerly
  • Camilla Petrucci
  • Carla Macolino
  • Carmelita Carbone
  • ChangDong Shin
  • Christian Farnese
  • Christoph Andreas Ternes
  • Claudia Hagedorn
  • Clementina Agodi
  • Colton Hill
  • Daniel Barrow
  • Daniel Pershey
  • Daniele Montanino
  • Domenico della Volpe
  • Elena Ferri
  • Eligio Lisi
  • Elisabetta Casilli
  • Elizabeth Worcester
  • Emilio Radicioni
  • Enrique Fernandez Martinez
  • Eric D Zimmerman
  • Evgeny Akhmedov
  • Fabio Bellini
  • Fedor Simkovic
  • Fernanda Rodrigues
  • Francesca Dordei
  • Francesco Di Capua
  • Francesco Lorenzo Villante
  • Francesco Terranova
  • Francesco Vissani
  • Giampaolo Co'
  • Gianpiero Mangano
  • Giovanni De Lellis
  • Hiroki Nagakura
  • Ivan De Mitri
  • Jaroslaw Nowak
  • Jason Holt
  • Jeanne Wilson
  • Joakim Cederkall
  • Joao Penedo
  • Lars Bathe-Peters
  • Lauren Yates
  • Lea Di Noto
  • Leander Fischer
  • Liang Zhan
  • Liudmila Kolupaeva
  • Lorenzo Magaletti
  • Lorenzo Pagnanini
  • Luc Cerisy
  • Luca Pattavina
  • Luke Johns
  • Magnus Schlösser
  • Manibrata Sen
  • Marco Malabarba
  • Maria Cristina Volpe
  • Maria Gabriella Catanesi
  • Mark Ross-Lonergan
  • Massimiliano Lattanzi
  • Massimo Blasone
  • Matteo Cadeddu
  • Mattia Atzori Corona
  • Mattia Di Mauro
  • Ming-Wei Li
  • Monojit Ghosh
  • Nadja Lessing
  • Natascia Vignaroli
  • Nikolina Ilic
  • Noah Steinberg
  • Noemi Rocco
  • Oliviero Cremonesi
  • Paolo Bernardini
  • Pasquale Migliozzi
  • Peter Denton
  • Richard Salomon
  • Roberta Sparvoli
  • Roberto Tenchini
  • Sajad Abbar
  • Salvador Rosauro-Alcaraz
  • Sandra Zavatarelli
  • Saverio Simone
  • Sefa Pamuk
  • Shun Zhou
  • Silvia Celli
  • Simone Quitadamo
  • Thomas Schwetz-Mangold
  • Tim Herbermann
  • Tomohiro Inada
  • Valentina Biancacci
  • Valerio Belocchi
  • Vanessa Cerrone
  • Vincenzo Cirigliano
  • Wanlei Guo
  • Wilf Shorrock
  • Zhi-zhong Xing
  • Zourab Berejiani