Heavy Quarks & Leptons

Auditorium B. Touschek (INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->)

Auditorium B. Touschek

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
The Xth International Conference on Heavy Quarks and Leptons continues the tradition of regular scientific meetings, first started in 1993 at the Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati in Rome, Italy, under the name "Heavy Quarks at Fixed Target". In 2002 the scope was widened to include leptons with the workshop renamed to what is known as today. This workshop is dedicated to the study of the heavy quarks, namely charm, bottom and top, with obvious extensions to interesting topics involving the strange quark. Neutrino oscillation studies and new insights in mu and tau lepton phenomenology are also included. conference web site: www.lnf.infn.it/conference/hql10
  • Adrian Perieanu
  • Alberto Cervelli
  • Alberto Correa dos Reis
  • Alberto Lusiani
  • Alexander Rakitin
  • Alexey Garmash
  • Ali Alavi
  • Angel Lopez
  • Angelo Di Canto
  • Antonino Sergi
  • Antonio Di Domenico
  • Antonio Tropiano
  • Balint Radics
  • Barbara Sciascia
  • Boris Grube
  • Brad Cox
  • Carlos Peña Garay
  • Caterina Bloise
  • Cecilia Tarantino
  • chengping shen
  • Colin Jessop
  • Conor Fitzpatrick
  • Cristina Biino
  • Dana Lindemann
  • Daniela Rebuzzi
  • davide piccolo
  • Denis Derkach
  • Diego Tonelli
  • Elisa Pueschel
  • Elisabetta Prencipe
  • Enrique Fernandez Martinez
  • Everardus (Eef) van Beveren
  • Flavio Archilli
  • Franco Fabbri
  • Giancarlo Piredda
  • Gino Isidori
  • giovanni bonvicini
  • Giuseppe Finocchiaro
  • Giuseppe Ruggiero
  • Hitoshi Yamamoto
  • Ian Nugent
  • Isabelle Ripp-Baudot
  • Isamu Nakamura
  • Joel Butler
  • Johan Blouw
  • Junpei Maeda
  • Kyle Knoepfel
  • Luca Martini
  • Luca Silvestrini
  • Luciano Maiani
  • Luigi Benussi
  • Luis Alejandro Perez Perez
  • Manuel Hita_hochgesand
  • Marc Weinberg
  • Marco Dreucci
  • Marco Rescigno
  • Mark Messier
  • Marko Staric
  • Marta Calvi
  • Martin Gorbahn
  • Matteo Martini
  • Michael Wurm
  • mohamad Shalaby
  • Monica Pepe
  • Nicola Gagliardi
  • Niels Tuning
  • Nora Brambilla
  • Olaf Hartmann
  • Oleg Smirnov
  • Paride Paradisi
  • Pascal Perret
  • Paul Taras
  • Pedro Ribeiro
  • Peter Ratoff
  • Peter Renkel
  • Pierluigi Belli
  • Reiner Geyer
  • Rob Lambert
  • Roberto Covarelli
  • Sandra Leone
  • Satoshi Mihara
  • Satoshi Mihara
  • Shuang GUO
  • Simone Stracka
  • Sinead Farrington
  • Sookyung Choi
  • Stefano Bellucci
  • Stefano Bianco
  • Stefano Colafranceschi
  • Thomas Peiffer
  • Tommaso Spadaro
  • Valentin Sipica
  • Vittorio Lubicz
  • Weili Zhong
  • Willard Johns
  • Wojciech Wislicki
  • Yosuke Yusa
  • Yusuke Uchiyama
  • Zdenek Dolezal
    • Registration High Energy Building, Rm T74

      High Energy Building, Rm T74

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Opening Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 1
        Welcome address from the Frascati Director Prof.Mario Calvetti
        Speaker: Mario Calvetti (INFN Frascati)
    • Spectroscopy Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Alberto Correa Reis (Chair: Alberto Correa Reis)

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Alberto Correa Reis

      Chair: Alberto Correa Reis

      • 2
        Recent developments on the theory of quarkonium and bottomonium
        I will review recent results on heavy quarkonium in the framework of Effective Field Theories.
        Speaker: Nora Brambilla (TUM Muenchen)
      • 3
        Exes and why Z?
        Threshold enhancements, like the X(4660), and depletion effects, like the X(4260), are listed as c-cbar resonances. We will discuss those observations and present a list of further c-cbar enhancements which are more probable to represent charmonium vector excitations. We will furthermore discuss the importance of the observed Z resonances, Z(4050), Z(4250) and Z(4430), for the family of charmed mesons.
        Speaker: Everardus (Eef) van Beveren (Dept. Fisica, Univ. Coimbra)
      • 4
        Spectroscopy results from Tevatron
        Speaker: Diego Tonelli (Fermilab)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Spectroscopy Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Luigi Benussi

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Luigi Benussi

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 5
        Spectroscopy results from ATLAS and CMS (minireview)
        This talk reviews the preliminary results, collected at proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV, on identification and reconstruction of strange, charm and beauty particles in the ATLAS and CMS experiments.
        Speaker: Adrian Perieanu (I. Physikalisches Institut B, RWTH-Aachen)
      • 6
        Recent results from BESIII
        Using samples of 106M $\psi(2S)$ events and 226M $J/\psi$ events collected with the Beijing Spectrometer (BESIII) at the Beijing Electron-Positron Collider, we report preliminary results on charmonium decay and Light Hadron Spectroscopy. These include $\chi_{cJ}$ to 4$\pi^0$, VV ($V=\omega$ or $\phi$), $\gamma V$ ($V=\omega$, $\rho$ or $\phi$), $\psi(2S) \to \gamma \gamma J/\psi$, the study of $a_0(980)-f_0(980)$ mixing, the confirmation of $X(1860)$ in both $\psi(2S)$ and $J/\psi$ data samples and the confirmation of X(1835) in $J/\psi \to \gamma \eta' \pi^+\pi^-$ decay.
        Speaker: Chengping Shen (University of Hawaii)
      • 7
        Recent results on hadron spectroscopy at COMPASS
        COMPASS is a multi-purpose fixed target experiment at CERN's Super Proton Synchrotron, dedicated to the study of the structure of the nucleon and the spectroscopy of hadrons. The large acceptance and high resolution two stage spectrometer takes advantage of the availability of a variety of high intensity beams (muons and hadrons) with momenta up to 300 GeV/c. During two weeks in 2004 and the years 2008 to 2009, COMPASS has focused on the search for exotic hadronic states in central production and diffractive projectile excitation. 190 GeV hadron beams (mainly p and π -) were used on different target materials (LH2, Ni and Pb). Mesonic resonances with masses up to about 2.5 GeV/c2 are accessible in these production mechanisms at COMPASS. An overview on the results obtained from PWA and the status of the ongoing analysis will be given.
        Speaker: Reiner Geyer (CERN, LMU)
      • 8
        Spectroscopy results from BaBar
        This talk intends to shortly summarize the recent results on Spectroscopy, published from the $BaBar$ Collaboration. The $BaBar$ experiment is a B-factory, at SLAC, where asymmetric energy beams of electron-positron are accelerated and collide at the energy in the center of mass of $\Upsilon$(4S). In 9 years of data taking, $BaBar$ had collected 433 fb$^{-1}$ equivalent luminosity on-peak-data at the $\Upsilon$(4S) energy, 30 fb$^{-1}$ data at the $\Upsilon$(3S) energy, 15 fb$^{-1}$ data at the $\Upsilon$(2S) energy, and a scan around $\Upsilon$(4S) was done, collecting 25 pb$^{-1}$ every 5 MeV. Thanks to the high luminosity achieved, it is possible to perform high precision measurements, and spectroscopy studies. An update on the measurement of the state X(3872) will be given, as final result published by using the whole dataset available. Then, a new preliminary Y(4260) measurement is reported, and the study of the invariant mass $J/\psi \pi^+ \pi^-$ in ISR events is shown, where no evidence of the state Y(4050) is highlighted. As conclusion, the results on the angular distribution analysis performed on the state Z(4430) are reported.
        Speaker: Elisabetta Prencipe (SLAC and University of Savoie/LAPP)
      • 9
        Spectroscopy results from BELLE
        The B-factoy experiment at the high luminosity storage ring offers excellent opportunities in quarkonium spectroscopy. Recent results obtained in this field at Belle and related results are reported.
        Speaker: Sookyung Choi (Gyeongsang Univ.)
      • 10
        Charmonium and Heavy Flavour Production at LHCb
        Charmonium Production at LHCb The underlying mechanism for the production of prompt charmonium at hadron colliders is a topic of great theoretical interest. Furthermore, charmonium can also be exploited as a tag of b-production. LHCb studies will be shown using data accumulated in the 2010 run which address these issues. Measurements of production will be presented for both prompt and secondary J/\psi events and a comparison made with theoretical expectation. Results will also be shown for other charmonium states, and for the upsilon system. Open Heavy Flavour Production at LHCb The LHCb physics programme relies of the reconstruction of the decays of B and D hadrons. An important first step in this programme is to demonstrate that this reconstruction can be done with high efficiency, and to establish the production cross-section for these hadrons in $pp$ collisions at $\sqrt{s}$=7~TeV. The differential cross-section has now been measured at LHCb using a variety of methods both for charm and beauty production. These measurements will be presented and a comparison made with theoretical expectations.
        Speaker: Conor Fitzpatrick (University of Edinburgh)
    • Lunch Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Spectroscopy Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Luigi Benussi

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Luigi Benussi

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 11
        Measurement of J/psi, Upsilon and b-hadron production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
        Measurements of the J/psi and Upsilon production cross sections in proton-proton collisions at 7 TeV by the CMS experiment are presented. The dimuon decay channel is used for both analyses. For the J/psi, inclusive and prompt differential cross sections versus transverse momentum are presented, as well as the beauty fraction, statistically separating the two contributions through a fit to the lifetime distribution, using the distance between the dimuon vertex and the interaction point. For the Upsilon, the 1S cross section and the (2S+3S)/1S cross-section ratio are presented, both versus transverse momentum.
        Speaker: Roberto Covarelli (CERN)
    • CKM Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Elisabetta Barberio

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Elisabetta Barberio

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 12
        The CKM analysis: inputs from theory
        The CKM matrix is the only source of mixing among quarks of different generations in the Standard Model and provides a mechanism for CP violation. Testing this paradigm has been one of the most successful task of particle physics in the last decade, with an accuracy which has continuously increased in time, on both the experimental and theretical side. In this talk I review the current status of theoretical calculations which provide the relevant input to the CKM analysis, coming mostly from lattice QCD simulations.
        Speaker: Vittorio Lubicz (Universita Roma Tre)
      • 13
        Vub and Vcb exclusive
        Speaker: Isamu Nakamura (KEK)
      • 14
        Vub inclusive
        Speaker: Nicola Gagliardi (INFN Padova)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • CKM Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Marta Calvi

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Marta Calvi

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 15
        Vus from tau
        Hadronic Tau decays provide a unique opportunity to probe the coupling of the weak current to the first and second generations of quarks to an unprecedented precision. Recent results from Belle and BaBar extracting the CKM matrix element |Vus| will be presented.
        Speaker: Ian Nugent (Univ. Victoria / TRIUMF)
      • 16
        Vus from kaon decays
        We report on i) the accuracy of the experimental inputs to Vus from precision measurements in the kaon sector and on ii) the sensitivity reached to the fundamental tests of the Standard Model, probing CKM unitarity and lepton universality.
        Speaker: Caterina Bloise (LNF - INFN)
      • 17
        Searches for leptonic B decays and B->Dtau nu at the B-factories
        We report on recent results from BABAR and BELLE on leptonic decays of B mesons including: search for B -> tau nu, B -> l nu, and B -> l nu gamma. We also report recent results on B -> D tau nu.
        Speaker: Dana Lindemann (McGill University)
      • 18
        Inclusive Measurements of B->X_c l nu and B->X_s gamma Decays
        We will report on the status of the measurement and interpretation of moments in B->X_c l nu decays. We will also report on recent results from BaBar and Belle on radiative penguin decays of B mesons in B->X_s gamma.
        Speaker: Kyle Knoepfel (University of Notre Dame)
    • Welcome Reception Villa Grazioli - Grottaferrata http://www.villagrazioli.com/

      Villa Grazioli - Grottaferrata http://www.villagrazioli.com/

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • CKM Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Davide Piccolo

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Davide Piccolo

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 19
        Unitarity Triangle Analysis within and beyond the SM
        We present the update of the Unitarity Triangle (UT) analysis performed by the UTfit Collaboration within the Standard Model (SM) and beyond. Within the SM, combining the direct measurements on sides and angles, the UT turns out to be over-constrained in a consistent way, with some tension due to recently included contributions to the theoretical prediction of \epsilon_K and the updated lattice average for B_K. Generalizing the UT analysis to investigate NP effects, constraints on b -> s transitions are also included and both CKM and NP parameters are fitted simultaneously. The most interesting result in this analysis is the hint of NP found in the B_s-\bar B_s mixing at the level of more than 2 sigma.
        Speaker: Cecilia Tarantino (Rome University, "Roma Tre")
      • 20
        Status, open problems and prospects of the decay B --> lepton neutrino
        Speaker: Alejandro Perez (INFN Pisa)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Semileptonic Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Will Johns

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Will Johns

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 21
        Review of the CLEO-c semileptonic results
        Speaker: Giovanni Bonvicini (Wayne State University)
      • 22
        Studies of exclusive semileptonic B decays and extraction of |V_{ub}| at BaBar
        We report on recent exclusive semileptonic B decay results from BaBar. We get the total branching fractions for the decay channels : B --> pi ell nu, B --> rho ell nu, B --> eta(') ell nu and B --> Ds K ell nu_bar. From the partial branching fractions measured in the B --> pi ell nu channel, we obtain values of the CKM matrix element |V_{ub}| using three different QCD calculations.
        Speaker: Paul Taras (Universite de Montreal)
      • 23
        D, Ds Leptonic decays and form factors
        We review recent measurements of leptonic decays of D mesons and compare the results on the decay constants with Lattice QCD calculations.
        Speaker: Marko Staric (J. Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia)
      • 24
        Studies of semileptonic decays with the LHCb detector
        Charmless semileptonic decays provide information on the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element |Vub|, which plays a crucial role in testing the description of quark mixing phenomenology, including CP violation. |Vub| is currently measured with inclusive charmless semileptonic decays, and with exclusive semileptonic decays, with results which do not agree very well. It is of great interest to broaden the investigation of this parameter with new analysis techniques. The LHCb experiment has access to charmless decays of B0, B+, Bs mesons, and b baryons, with large data samples because of the high b-production cross section. We present preliminary studies and projected sensitivities on branching fractions and form factors for several of these decay modes.
        Speaker: Rob Lambert (CERN)
    • Lunch Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Kaon Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Konrad Kleinknecht

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Konrad Kleinknecht

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 25
        Theoretical highlights in Kaon decays
        Speaker: Martin Gorbahn (TUM-IAS & Universe Cluster Munich)
      • 26
        Measurement of BR(K --> e nu)/BR(K --> mu nu) in NA62
        Measurement of the helicity suppressed ratio of charged kaon leptonic decay rates BR(K --> e nu)/BR(K --> mu nu) has long been considered as an excellent test of lepton universality and the Standard Model (SM) description of weak interactions. It was realised recently that the suppression of the SM contribution might enhance the sensitivity to SUSY-induced effects to an experimentally accessible level. The NA62 experiment at the CERN SPS has collected a record number of over 10^5 K --> e nu decays during a dedicated run in 2007, aiming at achieving 0.5% precision. Experimental strategy, details of the analysis and preliminary results are discussed.
        Speaker: Antonino Sergi (CERN)
      • 27
        Status and prospects for the Ke2/Kmu2 at KLOE/KLOE2
        I would propose to present and discuss at HQL10 about the prospects for improving the constraints on lepton-flavor violation in MSSM with the KLOE-2 experiment. KLOE has recently published the analysis on the Ke2 decays: http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/10052-009-1177.x and the KLOE-2 physics programme has been published on http://dx.doi.org/10.1140/epjc/10052-010-1351.1
        Speaker: Barbara Sciascia (INFN Frascati)
      • 28
        Measurement of semileptonic form factors in Kmu3
        Speaker: Manuel HITA_HOCHGESAND (Institut für Physik Universität Mainz)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Kaon Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Antonio Di Domenico

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Antonio Di Domenico

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 29
        Precision Measurement of pi pi Scattering Lengths in Ke4 Decays
        The measurement of the S-wave pi pi scattering lengths is a fundamental test of the validity of Chiral Perturbation Theory. We report on the final NA48/2 result, which uses the complete NA48/2 data set with more than a million reconstructed K+-e4 decays. From these events we have determined the decay form factors and pi pi scattering lengths a0_0 and a2_0. The result is the most precise measurement of the scattering lengths and in excellent agreement with the prediction of Chiral Perturbation Theory.
        Speaker: Cristina Biino (INFN Torino)
      • 30
        Precision measurements of kaon radiative decays in NA48
        We report our final result on the measurement of direct photon emission (DE) in the decay K+- -> pi+- pi0 gamma and its interference (INT) with the inner bremsstrahlung amplitude. For this measurement the full NA48/2 data set with about 600k reconstructed K+- -> pi+- pi0 gamma decays was analyzed, which is factor of 30 larger than for previous experiments and a factor of three w.r.t. our preliminary result. From this, the sizes of both the DE and the INT amplitudes have been measured with high precision, with the INT amplitude being observed for the first time. In addition, the CP violating asymmetry between K+ and K- has been obtained to be less than 103 in this channel. We also report on the measurement of the branching fraction of the rare decay K+- -> pi+- gamma gamma using the full NA48/2 dataset of more than 5000 reconstructed decays from the full NA48/2 data set. From the spectrum of the invariant gamma gamma mass, the decay parameter c^ can be extracted with unprecedented precision. Finally, we report on the measurement of more than 200000 events of the decay K+- -> pi0 e+- nu_e gamma, recorded with the NA48/2 detector at CERN. These statistics, about two orders of magnitude more than previous experiments, allow measurements of the decay rate and of possible CP violation in this decay with per cent precision.
        Speaker: Monica Pepe (INFN Perugia)
      • 31
        The NA62 experiment at CERN
        The NA62 experiment aims to collect of the order of 100 K+ to pi+ nu nubar decays with a 10% level of background. Studies using Monte Carlo simulation of the apparatus and data from test beam runs were performed to assess the expected sensitivity of the apparatus. The results about signal acceptance and background rejection will be presented.
        Speaker: Giuseppe Ruggiero (Scuola Normale Superiore and INFN Pisa)
      • 32
        Measuring KS and KL lifetimes at KLOE
        A phi-factory offers the possibility to select pure kaon beams: neutral kaons from phi → KSKL are in fact produced in pairs and the detection of a KS (KL) tags the presence of a KL (KS). This allows to perform precise measurement of kaon properties. We are presently finalizing new determinations of the KL and KS lifetimes using the whole KLOE data set, consisting of more than 109 phi -> KS KL decays. Both determinations benefit from a precise knowledge of kaon momenta. The KL lifetime, which has been already measured by KLOE with 0.6% accuracy using 20% of the total data sample (PLB 626, 2005, 15), will be extracted from the proper time distribution of KL->3pi0 decays, tagged by a KS->pi+pi- decay on the opposite hemisphere of the apparatus. A competitive measurement of the KS lifetime is obtained from the proper time distribution of KS->pi+pi- decays.
        Speaker: Marco Dreucci (INFN Frascati)
    • Poster Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      Convener: Davide Piccolo (INFN Frascati)
      • 33
        Preparations for BSM Seaches using the Top-Antitop invariant Mass Distribution in CMS
        Preparations for BSM Seaches using the Top-Antitop invariant Mass Distribution Contributed to be given at HQL2010: Heavy Quarks and Leptons 2010, 11-15 Oct 2010, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati (Italy) The talk is proposed to cms conf. comm.. Abstract The top quark is the only known fermion with a mass of the order of the Scale of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking. New Physics beyond the Standard Model might be probed by studying the production of the top quark in proton-proton collisions at LHC energies. In many physics models beyond the Standard Model heavy new particles preferentially decaying to top pairs are predicted. The first long physics run of LHC is expected to take place at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, and to go on until an integrated luminosity of about 1 inverse femptobarn has been collected. For such a scenario, we examine searches for resonances in the invariant mass spectrum of top-antitop pairs. While at low invariant masses (below 1 TeV), standard event reconstruction techniques can be used, the region of high invariant masses is more challenging. Due to the highly boosted top quarks, new methods for the selection and reconstruction of those events must be developed. We present the expected sensitivity to observe narrow resonances decaying into top-antitop pairs as a function of mass. Files
        Speaker: Marc Weinberg (University of Wisconsin)
      • 34
        Light-Meson Spectroscopy with COMPASS
        COMPASS is a multi-purpose fixed-target experiment at the CERN Super Proton Synchrotron investigating the structure and spectrum of hadrons. One primary goal is the search for new hadronic states, in particular spin-exotic mesons and glueballs. Its large acceptance, high resolution, and high-rate capability make the COMPASS experiment an excellent device to study the spectrum of light mesons in diffractive and central production up to masses of about 2.5~GeV$/c^2$. In addition COMPASS is able to measure final states with charged as well as neutral particles, so that resonances can be studied in many different reactions and decay channels. After a short pilot run in 2004 with a 190~GeV$/c$ $\pi^-$~beam on a Pb~target, which showed a significant spin-exotic $J^{PC} = 1^{-+}$ resonance around 1660~MeV$/c^2$, COMPASS collected large data samples with negative and positive hadron beams on a liquid hydrogen target in 2008 and 2009. We will give an overview of the results from the pilot-run data and present the status of various ongoing analyses of the 2008/9 data.
        Speaker: Boris Grube (Excellence Cluster Universe, Technische Universität München)
      • 35
        DOUBLE CHOOZ status
        The Double Chooz collaboration is building a neutrino detector along the Belgium France boarder, to chase the teta13 neutrino mixing angle. The detector filling is beginning, and data taking is expected from next September. Thie world bound, from a first expeirment at Chooz, should be improved in the beginning of 2011.
        Speaker: Junpei Maeda (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
      • 36
        Rare B Decay potential of SuperB
        The potential of the SuperB-factory in the field of rare B and D decays is huge. With the 75ab-1 integrated luminosity at $\Uspilon(4S)$ and 500fb-1 at $\psi(3770)$ we expect to significantly improve the existing limits on such sensitive to New Physics decays as $D\to\ell\ell (X)$, $D\to\gamma\gamma$, $B\to\mu\mu$. With the $\sqrt{s}$ rising up to $\Upsilon(5S)$ mass we can also study $B_s\to\mu\mu$ and $B_s\to\tau\tau$ and, hopefully, find significant deviations from the Standard Model predictions.
        Speaker: Alexander Rakitin (Caltech)
      • 37
        Study of anomalous top quark FCNC interactions via single top events by using the charge asymmetry
        The potential of the LHC for investigation of anomalous top quark interactions with gluon(tug, tcg) through the production of tW-channel of single top quark is studied. In the Standard Model, the single top quarks in the tW-channel mode are charge symmetric meaning that (pp ! t + W−) = (pp ! ¯t + W+). However, the presence of anomalous FCNC couplings leads to charge asymmetry. In this paper a method is proposed in which this charge asymmetry may be used to constrain anomalous FCNC couplings. The strength of resulting constraints is estimated for the LHC for the center of mass energies of 7 and 14 TeV.
        Speaker: Seyed Mohsen Etesami (Isfahan University of Technology and IPM - Institute for studies in theoretical Physics and Mathematics)
      • 38
        CP Violation and new physics in loop and tree decays at SuperB
        The search potential for new physics in both loop and tree dominated time-dependent asymmetries at the proposed SuperB experiment will be presented.
        Speaker: Simone Stracka (MI)
      • 39
        Tau physics at SuperB
        SuperB is a super-tau factory. This experiment will produce large samples of tau leptons in a clean e+e- environment that can be used in order to search for Lepton Flavour Violation, as well as test the Standard Model. A unique feature of SuperB is a polarized electron beam, which will help some LFV searches by providing us with information about the tau polarization that can be used to discriminate between signal and background.
        Speaker: Alberto Cervelli (PI)
      • 40
        Charm physics at SuperB
        The study of Charm Decays at SuperB provide unique opportunities to understand the Standard Model and constrain new physics, both at the Y(4S), and at charm threshold. We discuss the physics potential of such measurements from the proposed SuperB experiment with 75ab^-1 of data at the Y(4S) and a subsequent run dedicated to exploiting quantum correlations at the charm threshold.
        Speaker: Riccardo Faccini (RM1)
      • 41
        Measurement of the inclusive b production cross section in pp collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV
        Cross section measurements of inclusive b production in proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV by the CMS experiment are presented. The measurements are based on two different methods. The first method uses inclusive jets with secondary vertex tagging, while the second method selects a sample of events containing jets and at least one muon, where the transverse momentum of the muon with respect to the closest jet axis discriminates b events from the background. The data are compared with QCD Monte Carlo predictions at LO and NLO accuracy.
        Speaker: Shuang Guo (Peking University and INFN Pisa)
      • 42
        Probing the heavy flavor content of ttbar events in proton-proton collisions at CMS
        In the framework of the standard model (SM), the top quark is expected to decay to a W-boson and a b-quark 99.8% of the times due to the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa (CKM) matrix element Vtb being close to unity. The current experimental limits from the Tevatron on Vtb from top-quark pairs and single-top production are consistent with the SM predictions. The higher energy of proton-proton collisions and larger top quark production cross section at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) may provide an improved reach in the measurement of Vtb. We present analysis strategies dedicated to measure ratios of branching ratios of the top quark using ttbar events collected with the CMS detector, in which either one or both W-bosons from the top-quark decays lead to a lepton and a neutrino. These di-leptonic and semi-leptonic final states provide high cross section with small background. The sensitivity of the measurement is evaluated after particle identification and detector reconstruction. Data-driven techniques to control the backgrounds are discussed and the expected simulation results are presented for the first physics run of the LHC. We also discuss how the method can be used to measure directly from data the efficiency of the algorithms used to discriminate jets coming from the hadronization of b quarks from the lighter quarks and gluons (b-tagging).
        Speaker: Antonio Tropiano (Univ. Firenze and INFN)
      • 43
        SuperB: The machine and the Detector
        Speaker: Dana Lindemann
      • 44
        Interactions of Mev and Gev sterile neutrinos with matter
        Both cosmology and astrophysics suggest the possible existence of a sterile neutrino with mass of several Kev , which is a dark matter candidate. The interaction of sterile neutrinos with matter in Kev energy scale has been studied in the literature. In this paper we study the interaction of sterile neutrinos with atoms and the role of sterile neutrinos on ionization of atoms in Mev and Gev energy scales. We also study the interaction of sterile neutrinos with nuclei in the Mev and Gev energy scales. We obtain the relevant cross sections for both these two interactions. Finally we compare our results with the results of Kev energy range.
        Speaker: Ali Alavi (Sabzevar Tarbiat Moallem University)
    • Social Dinner Villa Tuscolana, Frascati /www.villatuscolana.eu/ (Villa Tuscolana, Frascati /www.villatuscolana.eu/)

      Villa Tuscolana, Frascati /www.villatuscolana.eu/

      Villa Tuscolana, Frascati /www.villatuscolana.eu/

    • CP Violation Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Hitoshi Yamamoto

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Hitoshi Yamamoto

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 45
        CPV Phenomenology Overview Talk
        Speaker: Luca Silvestrini (Roma1)
      • 46
        CP Violation in BaBar/BELLE (BaBar speaker)
        Speaker: Denis Derkach (LAL ORSAY CNRS-IN2P3)
      • 47
        CP Violation in BaBar/BELLE (BELLE speaker)
        We will review measurements of CP violation parameters with large statistic B\bar{B} sample from b-factories.
        Speaker: Yosuke Yusa (Virginia Tech)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • CP Violation Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Daniela Rebuzzi

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Daniela Rebuzzi

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      Conveners: Daniela Rebuzzi (Pavia University), Giancarlo D'Ambrosio (Napoli University), Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
      • 48
        D0 Results on Asl and Phi_s
        to be added
        Speaker: Peter Ratoff (University of Lancaster)
      • 49
        Precision measurements of direct CP violation in D0-->pipi and D0-D0bar mixing at CDF
        We present a new analysis that measures CP-violating asymmetries in D*-tagged D^0-->pi^+pi^- decays, where any enhancement from the standard model prediction (of the order of 10^-3) would be unambiguous evidence for New Physics. A technique combining asymmetries of pi^+pi^-, and K^-pi^+ D^0 decays highly suppresses systematic uncertainties due to detector charge-asymmetric efficiencies allowing a measurement limited only by statistical uncertainties. In addition, we report an updated measurement of D0-D0bar mixing based on the time-dependent ratio of the decay rates for D^0 --> K^+pi^- and D^0 -->K^-pi^+. Both measurements are based on a sample corresponding to an integrated luminosity of 5.2 fb^-1.
        Speaker: Angelo Di Canto
      • 50
        New measurement of the B^0_s mixing phase at CDF
        The CDF experiment at the Tevatron collider presents improved bounds on the CP-violating phase beta_s and on the decay-width difference DeltaGamma_s of the neutral B_s^0 meson system. We use 6500 B_s^0 --> J/psi Phi decays collected by the dimuon trigger and reconstructed in a sample corresponding to 5.2 fb^{-1} of data. Besides exploiting a two-fold increase in statistics with respect to the previous measurement, several improvements have been introduced in the analysis including a fully data-driven flavor-tagging calibration and proper treatment of possible S-wave contributions.
        Speaker: Elisa Pueschel
      • 51
        Search for New Physics in CP-violating Phenomena at LHCb
        LHCb is an experiment optimised to search for New Physics through measurements of the decays of B and D hadrons, in particular those which allow access to CP-violating observables. The principal goals are studies of B_s mixing-induced CP-violation in channels such as B_s->J\psi \phi, a precise measurement of the unitary triangle angle \gamma, and the search for CP-violation in the charm sector. Early results will be shown from the 2010 run illustrating the performance of the LHCb detector. These will be used to calculate the expected physics sensitivity in the above topics with the 1 fb-1 dataset that is foreseen to become available before the end of 2011.
        Speaker: Johan Blouw (Heidelberg University)
    • Lunch Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Excursion to Ostia Antica archaeological site Ostia Antica, Rome (Ostia Antica, Rome)

      Ostia Antica, Rome

      Ostia Antica, Rome

    • Nicola Cabibbo Memorial Auditorium


      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 52
        In memoriam of Nicola Cabibbo
        Speaker: Luciano Maiani (Sapienza Universita' di Roma)
    • Lepton Flavor Violation Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Giancarlo Piredda

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Giancarlo Piredda

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 53
        LFV: Where are we ?
        Speaker: Paride Paradisi (TUM Muenchen)
      • 54
        New cLFV search experiments using the mu-e conversion process
        Charged-lepton-flavor violation (cLFV) experiments are thought to be sensitive to a new physics beyond the standard model. Recently LHC, the high-energy frontier, and MEG, the highest-sensitive measurement of a muon rare decay, experiments started physics data production and are expected to provide exciting results soon. In this presentation future cLFV experiments complementary to these experiments will be reviewed along with a brief introduction to the physics motivation of cLFV searches.
        Speaker: Satoshi Mihara (KEK)
      • 55
        Search for Lepton-Flavor-Violating tau decays at the B factories
        Both the B-factories BaBar and Belle have ended data taking and have mostly completed the data analysis aimed at searching Lepton Flavor Violation in tau decays. No evidence of LFV has been found yet. We review in the following the experimental upper limits that have been set.
        Speaker: Alberto Lusiani (INFN Pisa)
      • 56
        Search for lepton flavor violating muon decay: latest result from MEG
        The MEG experiment is running at Paul Scherrer Institut to search for the lepton-flavor-violating decay, mu->e+gamma. Recently we reported the first result of MEG based on data taken in 2008. In 2009, we took further data with double statistics. We have analyzed the dataset and performed a search for the decay with a sensitivity of 6.1 x 10^-12, which is twice better than the present upper limit set by the previous experiment. We present the latest result of the search and discuss the prospects of this experiment for further exploration.
        Speaker: Yusuke Uchiyama (ICEPP, the University of Tokyo)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Neutrino Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Gianpaolo Bellini

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Gianpaolo Bellini

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 57
        Non-Standard Neutrino Interactions
        In this talk I will introduce the neutrino Non Standard Interactions (NSI) formalism, a very convenient and widespread way of parameterizing the effects of new physics in neutrino oscillations. I will review the present bounds on NSI both from a model independent point of view and in particular realizations emphasizing the role placed by processes related to NSI by gauge invariance in setting these bounds. I will also discuss the prospects to observe such NSI at prospective neutrino oscillation facilities.
        Speaker: Enrique Fernandez Martinez (MPI)
      • 58
        Solar neutrino oscillations and the recent results of Borexino and SNO
        The present contribution reviews the latest results of the solar neutrino experiments Borexino and SNO and their impact on the standard solar model and the global analysis of neutrino oscillations: The Borexino result on the Be-7 neutrino survival probability gives, for the first time, experimental evidence of vacuum neutrino oscillations at sub-MeV energies, backing up the MSW-LMA oscillation scenario. Nevertheless, the search for non-standard effects in the transition region from vacuum to matter-dominated oscillations in the energy regime from 1 to 5 MeV is still on-going: Both Borexino and SNO have by now published analyses of the B-8 neutrino flux below 5 MeV that provide mutually consistent but not conclusive results regarding oscillation models. The prospects of Borexino for an analysis of the B-8 neutrino flux below the present threshold of 3 MeV and for a first-time direct measurement of the pep neutrino line at 1.4 MeV in energy will be outlined.
        Speaker: Michael Wurm (Technische Universität München)
    • Lunch Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Neutrino Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Daniela Rebuzzi

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Daniela Rebuzzi

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 59
        Recent Results from Long Baseline Neutrino Experiments
        to be added
        Speaker: Mark Messier (Indiana Univ.)
      • 60
        Recent results on Dark Matter
        Speaker: Pierluigi Belli (Universita' di Tor Vergata and INFN Roma2)
      • 61
        Status of the Neutrino Physics
        to be added
        Speaker: Carlos Penya-Garay (IFIC)
      • 62
        Geoneutrinos (models and data)
        Geo-neutrinos, the antineutrinos from beta- decaying elements in 238U, 232Th chains and 40K decays in the Earth, are the only reliable sources of information on the distribution and concentration of these elements in the entire planet. Their detection can shed the light on the sources of the terrestrial heat flow, on the present composition, and on the origins of the Earth. Although geo-neutrinos were conceived long ago, a first detection of the geoneutrinos occured very recently due to the development of large volume ultrapure liquid scintillator detectors. This year the Borexino and KamLAND had reported 99.997% C.L. for the presence of non-zero geoneutrino signal in their detected spectra, opening a new era in geophysics. Geoneutrinos, if registered with appropriate precision, potentially can help to answer the questions regarding our planet: what is the radiogenic contribution to terrestrial heat production; what is the content of U and Th in the crust and in the mantle respectively; is there any hidden source of heat in the Earth’s core, such as a geo-reactor or 40K; and, finally, is the standard geochemical model (the so called Bulk Silicate Earth model) consistent with geo-neutrino data?
        Speaker: Oleg Smirnov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Top Quark Physics Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Joel Butler

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Joel Butler

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 63
        Top quark physics at CDF, status and prospects
        Speaker: Sandra Leone (INFN Pisa)
      • 64
        Top quark physics at D0
        We give an overview of measurements of properties of the top quark and searches for new physics in the top sector by the D0 experiment. We show data of an integrated luminosity of up to 5.3 fb-1 recorded at a centre-of-mass energy of 1.96 TeV. Highlights are measurements of the top-anti-top quark pair production cross section, of top quark couplings and width, of the top-anti-top quark spin correlations and of the top quark mass and searches for new physics in the production and decay of top quarks. We also report on the observation of the electroweak production of single top quarks.
        Speaker: Peter Renkel (Southern Methodist University)
      • 65
        Observation of Top-Quark Production at 7TeV - CMS
        Observation of Top-Quark Production at 7TeV Contributed to be given at HQL2010: Heavy Quarks and Leptons 2010, 11-15 Oct 2010, Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati dell'INFN, Frascati (Italy) The talk is proposed to cms conf. comm.. Abstract The top quark is a fundamental building block of the standard model. Due to the large cross section, top quarks will be copiously produced in high energy proton-proton collisions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). The plans and analysis strategies of CMS to pursue the top quark physics program are discussed, with a focus on early cross-section measurements. We present the first results of a selection of top-quark pair production events in the dilepton channel, where both W-bosons from the top quarks decay leptonically into either an electron or a muon, plus a neutrino. We use LHC collision data at 7 TeV centre-of-mass energy collected with the CMS experiment during the first data-taking period at 7 TeV. Events with two isolated, prompt leptons with high energy, at least two jets with high transverse momentum, and significant missing transverse energy are selected. Several background contributions from other standard model processes, most importantly Drell-Yan and W+jets, are estimated in a data-driven way. Results obtained from data are compared with the simulation and a first estimate of the top-antitop cross section at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV is given, including systematic uncertainties. Similarly, first results are reported for the lepton+jets channel, where one W-boson from the top decays leptonically into a muon (or electron) and a neutrino, while the other one decays into a quark-antiquark pair.
        Speaker: Pedro Ribeiro (LIP)
      • 66
        Understanding backgrounds towards a first measurement of the top quark pair cross-section at ATLAS
        Top-quark pairs are expected to be produced copiously at the LHC, even at the lower beam energy and luminosity expected in the first years of running. Establishing the top-pair signal and measuring the production cross-section are important benchmarks for ATLAS, and will help understand the detector performance for events with high-pT leptons, high jet multiplicity, missing transverse energy and b-jets. The prospects for these early top physics measurements will be shown, with a particular emphasis on the progress achieved with data so far.
        Speaker: Balint Radics (Physikalisches Institute, University of Bonn)
      • 67
        Prospects for Top Quark Studies with CMS for up to 1fb-1
        The first long physics run of LHC is currently taking place at a center-of-mass energy of 7 TeV, and expected to go on until an integrated luminosity of 1 inverse femtobarn will have been collected. The CMS potential for Top quark studies with this initial dataset is discussed, with emphasis on searches for new particles decaying into top-antitop pairs, measurements of the heavy flavour content of top-antitop events and the CKM matrix element Vtb, as well as measurements of single top quark production.
        Speaker: Thomas Peiffer (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • 20:00
      Meeting of the International Advisory Committee Location TBA (Location TBA)

      Location TBA

      Location TBA

    • Rare Decays Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Brad Cox

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Brad Cox

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 68
        Rare B and C decay - Theoretical overview
        Speaker: Gino Isidori (INFN Frascati)
      • 69
        Rare B decays results and prospects in ATLAS
        Searches of processes beyond the Standard Model (SM) are among the main topics of interest at the ATLAS experiment. Indirect evidence of such processes may be obtained by observing rare leptonic and semi-leptonic decays of beauty hadrons. The branching ratio of the decay Bs → μ μ is sensitive to theoretical models extending the SM. Its measurement may confirm or contradict such models. The forward-backward asymmetry of the muon pair in semi-muonic decays of Bs, Bd, B+ and Λb hadrons are also sensitive to possible phenomena beyond the SM. Several decays of these hadrons are considered by ATLAS for this measurement. The trigger strategy to be used for the study of rare B decays is introduced. Preliminary results regarding the performance of the trigger system are shown. The ATLAS strategy for measuring the branching ratio of Bs → μ μ is also presented, based on simulated data.
        Speaker: Valentin Sipica (Universität Siegen)
      • 70
        Search for the rare decay B0_s to mu+ mu- with the D0 experiment
        The result of a search for the rare decay B0_s to mu+ mu- using 6.1 fb-1 of Run II data collected with the D0 detector at the Tevatron collider will be presented. When setting limits on the branching ratio, selected events are normalized to reconstructed B+ to J/Psi K+ events in order to decrease the systematic uncertainty. Compared to the previous published D0 result, this new result is based on 4 times more analyzed data and on an improved background rejection using a multivariate discrimination technique.
        Speaker: Isabelle Ripp-Baudot (IPHC, Strasbourg)
      • 71
        Dimuon decays and rare B decays prospects from CMS
        B hadrons are an ideal tool for advancing our current understanding of the flavour sector of the Standard Model (SM), and searching for effects originating from physics beyond the SM, thanks to the large production rate and the fact that B hadrons are relatively easy to trigger on and identify due to their long lifetime and high mass. In this talk, first CMS results on dimuons at proton-proton collisions at sqrt(s)=7 TeV are presented, and CMS prospects for the rare decay B^0_s -> mu+mu− are reviewed.
        Speaker: Luca Martini (INFN Pisa)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Rare Decays Auditorium


      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 72
        Search for New Physics with Rare Heavy Flavour Decays at LHCb
        The LHCb experiment has the potential, during the 2010-11 run, to observe, or improve significantly the exclusion bounds on, the rare decays B_s ->\mu^+\mu^- and D^0 -> \mu^+\mu^-. These studies will provide very sensitive probes of New Physics effects. High sensitivity to New Physics contributions is also achieved by searching for direct CP violation in B^0 -> K*\gamma, performing a time dependent analysis of B_s \to \phi\gamma, and making an angular study of the decay B^0 -> K*\mu^+\mu^-. Here also significant results are expected from the present run. Preparations for these analyses will be presented, and studies shown of how existing data, for example prompt J/\psi events, can be used to validate the analysis strategy.
        Speaker: Niels Tuning (Nikhef Amsterdam)
      • 73
        Rare decays searches at Babar
        Speaker: Colin Jessop (Notre Dame University)
      • 74
        Suppressed B decays at CDF
        Quantities related to B decays that are strongly suppressed in the standard model may provide early indications of non-SM physics. The CDF experiment at the Tevatron collider has the world's largest heavy flavor samples and can explore rare decays with unprecedented sensitivity. We present the first observation of B^0_s --> Phi mu^+ mu^- decays (the rarest B^0_s decays observed), a measurement of forward-backward asymmetry in B^0 --> K* mu^+ mu^- competitive with world-leading results, and the first measurement of polarization amplitudes in B^0_s --> Phi Phi decays. We also present new measurements on the following suppressed B^0_s decay modes: B^0_s->J/psi K*(892), B^0_s->J/psi f0(980), and B^0_s->J/psi K^0_short, all of which potentially informative on lifetime difference and CP asymmetries in B^0_s decays.
        Speaker: Marco Rescigno (INFN and Universita' Roma 1)
      • 75
        Rare B and D decays results from CDF
        Speaker: Sinead Farrington (Oxford University)
    • Lunch Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      Building 33 (Servizi Generali)

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • New Experiments Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Angel Lopez

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Angel Lopez

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 76
        Hadron Physics with Strange and Charm Quarks - The PANDA Experiment
        After a longer preparation time finally in October 2010 the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) will be founded officially and the construction phase can start. The FAIR start version comprises the HESR synchrotron and storage ring, where an antiproton beam will become available. The PANDA (antiProtonAnnhililations@Darmstadt) experiment is going to study antiproton interactions with an internal target. With a maximum centre of mass energy of 5.5 GeV the mass range involving strange and charm quarks is covered. The physics program of PANDA comprises hadron spectroscopy including the search for exotics, nucleon structure and hadrons in medium. The planning of the detector has reached first technical design reports for several subdetectors, and the remaining reports will follow in the near future. A project overview will be presented together with the estimated time line.
        Speaker: Olaf Hartmann (SMI Wien)
      • 77
        The KLOE-2 experiment at DAFNE upgraded in luminosity
        The KLOE experiment at the DAFNE e+e- collider of the Frascati Laboratories of INFN is going to start a second data-taking campaign (KLOE-2). The detector has been upgraded with small angle electron taggers, while the insertion near the interaction point of an inner tracker is planned for the next year. The interaction region of DAFNE has been modified using a crabbed waist scheme. It has been successfully tested and an improvement in luminosity of about a factor 3 is expected. The KLOE-2 scientific program aims to further improve the experimental studies on kaon and low energy hadron physics, e.g. CKM unitarity and Lepton universality, CPT symmetry and quantum mechanics, low energy QCD, gamma-gamma physics, the contribution of hadron vacuum polarization to muon anomalous moment.
        Speaker: Wojtek Wislicki (Soltan Inst. Nucl Phys, Warsaw)
      • 78
        Future experiments on rare kaon decays
        Kaon physics is presented as a valid approach for testing NP BSM in a manner which is independent from the LHC high-energy approach and competitive with B physics reach. The most important present results are flashed to prove such a statement. Next to come, the K->pi nu nubar experiments will dominate the scene. Experiments recently completed, running, approved for construction, or just planned are briefly presented. The sensitivity reach for each of those is given. A special attention is devoted to the Koto and NA62 experiments, which are at present in the construction stage.
        Speaker: Tommaso Spadaro (LNF)
      • 79
        Future Neutrino Experiments
        The discovery of neutrino oscillation revealed new physics beyond the standard model of particle physics. At present, the nature of neutrinos is among the most important issues in modern physics and has been studied widely. Experiments play an indispensible role in our understanding of Neutrinos, establishing how small theta13 is, whether there is CP violation in the lepton sector, the neutrino is a Majorana or a Dirac particle, and its absolute mass. However, the accuracies of current neutrino experiments are not good enough, and a next generation of experiments with higher precision is necessary. In this talk I will review the future neutrino experiments, including reactor, accelerator, and solar neutrino experiments and double beta decay experiments, etc.
        Speaker: Weili Zhong (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory)
      • 80
        Status and Prospects of the Super KEKB project (title TBC)
        (TBC) We report on the plan and current status of Super B upgrade of the KEK B-factory accelerator, SuperKEKB, and the Belle detector, Belle II The upgraded accelerator should reach an instantaneous luminosity of $O(10^{36})$ cm$^{-2}$ s$^{-1}$, which is about 40-50 times higher than that of the current highest luminosity by KEKB accelerator. The upgraded Belle II detector will have significant improvements to increase background rejection and improve physics performance. The expected sensitivity to new physics of the Super B factory experiments is presented. Many of the physics measurements are unique to e+e- collider experiments and complementary to new physics searches that will be carried out at the LHC.
        Speaker: Zdenek Dolezal (Charles University Prague)
      • 81
        The SuperB Project
        The SuperB experiment is a next generation Super Flavour Factory expected to accumulate 75ab^-1 of data at the Y(4S) in five years of nominal running. In addition to running data at the Y(4S), SuperB will be able to accumulate data from the psi(3770) up to the Y(6S). A polarized electron beam enables unique physics opportunities at SuperB.
        Speaker: Giuseppe Finocchiaro (LNF)
      • 82
        Future and prospects in flavour physics from LHCb, ATLAS and CMS
        We review the prospects for flavour physics at the LHC during the first five years of operation, highlighting the most interesting measurements foreseen at LHCb, and those areas where ATLAS and CMS will make a significant contribution. We then focus on the next generation of flavour studies at the LHC, focusing in particular on the LHCb upgrade.
        Speaker: Pascal Perret (Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand)
    • Coffee Break Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
    • Summary and closing Session Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Franco L. Fabbri

      Auditorium B. Touschek - Chair: Franco L. Fabbri

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy
      • 83
        Spectroscopy session summary
        Speaker: Alberto Reis (CBPF)
      • 84
        CKM session summary
        Speaker: Marta Calvi (MI)
      • 85
        Semileptonics session summary
        Speaker: Will Johns (Vanderbilt University)
      • 86
        Kaons session summary
        Speaker: Cristina Biino (TO)
      • 87
        CP violation session summary
        Speaker: Hitoshi Yamamoto (Tohoku University)
      • 88
        LFV session summary
        Speaker: Giancarlo Piredda (RM1)
      • 89
        Neutrino physics session summary
        Speaker: Gianpaolo Bellini (MI)
      • 90
        Top quark physics session summary
        Speaker: Joel Butler (Fermilab)
      • 91
        Rare decays session summary
        Speaker: Brad Cox (University of Virginia)
      • 92
        Future experiments session summary
        Speaker: Angel Lopez (University of Puertorico at Mayaguez)
    • Summary and closing Session: Conference closing Auditorium B. Touschek

      Auditorium B. Touschek

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati <!-- ID_UTENTE=503 -->

      Via Enrico Fermi, 40 00044 Frascati Italy