The $B \to \pi K$ decays have received a lot of attention over the last two decades, with puzzling patterns in the previous data. They form a particularly interesting set of decays as they are dominated by QCD penguin topologies. Electroweak penguin topologies also play a significant role, giving a contribution at the level of the tree topologies. We show that a previous discrepancy in the correlation between the CP asymmetries of $B^0_d \to \pi^0 K_{\rm S}$ has grown stronger, in particular due to more precise measurements of the unitarity triangle angle $\gamma$. A modified electroweak penguin sector offers an attractive avenue for new particles to enter. Particularly interesting are models with extra Z’ bosons, which are also considered as an explanation of the current data for rare $B \to K^{(*)}\ell^+\ell^-$ decays. We provide a new method to determine the electroweak penguin parameters, and apply it to current data for charged $B \to \pi K$ decays. Moreover, we discuss utilizing CP violation in $B^0_d\to\pi^0K_{\rm S}$, for which Belle II offers excellent prospects. The implementation of our strategy at Belle II has the exciting potential to establish New Physics in the electroweak penguin sector.