8th Low Emittance Rings Workshop (New Dates!)

via remote connection (INFN-LNF)

via remote connection


Via E. Fermi 40 00044 Frascati (RM) Italy

The 8th Low Emittance Rings Workshop, supported by the ARIES project, should have been held in Frascati, INFN-LNF in March 2020 but, due to the Covid-19 desease emergency, it has been postponed in October 2020 from 26 to 30

The Workshop will be held remotely, both for speakers and participants.

The connection will be provided by the Cisco Webex platform.


The Cisco Webex link to join the Virtual Workshop Room has been sent by email to all registrants.

During the Workshop, at Webex log in:

* switch microphone and camera off - switch them on only when presenting your talk;

* share your screen, select your presentation and go full screen mode. Unshare at the end of your talk;

* respect the time allotted to your talk (25');

* "raise hand" to ask questions during the discussion (select your name in the participants' list on Webex and click on the "hand" icon).

The goal of the workshop is to bring together experts from the scientific communities working on low emittance lepton rings. The workshop is sponsored by the RULE network under the ARIES European project and includes light source storage rings, linear collider damping rings and future e+/e- circular colliders.

The theme will be beam dynamics and technology challenges for producing and controlling ultra‐low emittance beams and the participants will benefit from the experience of colleagues who have designed, commissioned and operated such rings.

Workshop sessions will include:
Low Emittance optics design and tuning (LERD)
- Collective Effects and beam instabilities (IICE)
- Low Emittance Ring Technology (LERT)

Students are encouraged to participate. 

The programme will be organised by the Scientific Programme Committe:

Maher Attal, SESAME Ryutaro Nagaoka, SOLEIL
Riccardo Bartolini, DESY Yannis Papaphilippou, CERN - Chair
Gabriele Benedetti, ALBA Qing Qin, IHEP
Mike Borland, ANL Victor Smalyuk, BNL
Susanna Guiducci, INFN-LNF Andreas Streun, PSI
Robert Hettel, SLAC Rainer Wanzenberg, DESY
Emanuel Karantzoulis, ELETTRA Simon White, ESRF
Simon Leeman, LBNL Frank Zimmermann, CERN
Akira Mochihashi, KIT  



Proposals for contributions to the workshop could be addressed directly to the SPC Chair: ioannis.papaphilippou@cern.ch


Participants in the Workshop are invited to register via web using the online registration form.



This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation programme under Grant Agreement No 730871.


  • Agustin Mariano Gómez Mansilla
  • Akira Mochihashi
  • Alessandro Drago
  • Alessandro Fabris
  • Alexander Gabard
  • Alexei Blednykh
  • Alexis Gamelin
  • Andrea Ceracchi
  • Andrea Ghigo
  • angela Salom
  • Anna Giribono
  • Anton Bogomyagkov
  • Antonella Balerna
  • Antonio De Santis
  • Bartolini Riccardo
  • Ben Shepherd
  • Bernard Riemann
  • Catia Milardi
  • Chris Christou
  • cigdem ozkan loch
  • Claudio Scafuri
  • Cristina Pasotti
  • Daniel Schoerling
  • Danilo Quartullo
  • David Amorim
  • David Garand
  • David Grenville
  • Davide Lanaia
  • Dean Andrew Hidas
  • Dieter Einfeld
  • Dima El Khechen
  • Donato Pellegrini
  • Drew Bertwistle
  • Elias Metral
  • Emanuel Karantzoulis
  • Emilio Morales
  • Enrica Chiadroni
  • Enrico Maccallini
  • Erik Wallen
  • Eugene Levichev
  • Faya Wang
  • Fernando Sannibale
  • Ferran Fernandez
  • Francesca Casarin Calenda
  • Francis Cullinan
  • Francis PEREZ
  • Frank Zimmermann
  • Gabriele Bassi
  • Gabriele Benedetti
  • Gaël Le Bec
  • Giovanni Franzini
  • Giovanni Rumolo
  • Grigory Baranov
  • Guimei Wang
  • Haisheng Xu
  • Hossein Ghasem
  • Ian Martin
  • Ignasi Bellafont
  • Ilia Asparuhov
  • Ilya Agapov
  • Javier Bañuelos
  • Jean-Luc Revol
  • Jeff Dooling
  • Jens Schäfer
  • Jessica Scifo
  • Jesús Ocampo
  • Jiuqing Wang
  • Joachim Keil
  • John Byrd
  • Jonas Kallestrup
  • Jordi Marcos Ruzafa
  • Juan Carlos Giraldo González
  • Kahraman Zengin
  • Keihan Tavakoli
  • Konstantin Zolotarev
  • Laura Torino
  • Laurent Nadolski
  • Lina Hoummi
  • Liu Lin
  • Lorraine Bobb
  • Luca Piersanti
  • Luca Rumiz
  • Lucia Sabbatini
  • Luka Novinec
  • Maher Attal
  • Manuel Angel Dominguez Martinez
  • Manuela Giabbai
  • Marco Apollonio
  • Marco Venturini
  • Maria Enrica Biagini
  • Mark Boland
  • Masamitsu Aiba
  • Matthew Cox
  • Mauro Migliorati
  • Michael Borland
  • Michele Carla'
  • Miguel Pretelli
  • Mikhail Zobov
  • Montse Pont
  • Murilo Alves
  • Nicola Carmignani
  • Nicolas Béchu
  • Nicolò Biancacci
  • Nigel Hammond
  • Oleksandr Papash
  • Oriol Serres
  • Oscar Roberto Blanco Garcia
  • Ozgur Etisken
  • Pengda Gu
  • Peter Kuske
  • Ping He
  • Pol Solans
  • Rainer Wanzenberg
  • Randy Ollier
  • Raquel Muñoz
  • Raymond Fliller
  • Renjun Yang
  • Richard Walker
  • Robert Hettel
  • Roberto Cimino
  • roberto kersevan
  • Roberto Visintini
  • Romain Ganter
  • Ryutaro Nagaoka
  • Sergey Polozov
  • Sergey Rashchenko
  • Simon Leemann
  • Simon White
  • Simone Di Mitri
  • simone liuzzo
  • Stefano Krecic
  • Stefano Mazzoni
  • Susanna Guiducci
  • Teresia Olsson
  • Tessa Charles
  • Theo Sinkovits
  • Thorsten Hellert
  • Timur Kulevoy
  • Tommaso Porcelli
  • Toshi Tanabe
  • Ubaldo Iriso
  • Victor Smaluk
  • Vincent Le Roux
  • Vitalii Zhiltsov
  • Vladimir Rashchikov
  • Vyacheslav Dyubkov
  • Walter Tizzano
  • Watanyu Foosang
  • Xi Yang
  • Xiaobiao Huang
  • Ximenes Resende
  • Yan Zubavichus
  • Yannis Papaphilippou
  • Yong-Chul Chae
  • Yongjun Li
  • Yoshiteru Hidaka
  • Yury Ivanyushenkov
  • Zeus Diaz
  • Zhe Duan