A comment on requirements arising from doing bottomonium physics with SuperB:
It can be very useful to this program to be able to "tag" the creation of
bottomium resonances, e.g., Y(1S), in the pi-pi, pi0-pi0, and gamma-gamma
decays of higher states, e.g., Y(3S) -> pi+ pi- Y(1S).
If this is to be done in a way that allows an unbiased study of the lower
state's decays, such as a search for invisible decays of the Y(1S), it is necessary
to be able to trigger on the transition particles (e.g., pi+ pi-) alone. In BaBar
this proved possible, but placed real strains on the trigger and DAQ.
It may be useful to use at least one or two of these transition decays as
reference challenges for the SuperB trigger design.
Similar issues would arise in the charmonium sector if such tagging were
to prove useful to the physics goals.
Gregory Dubois-Felsmann