GWADW 2013 - Gravitational Wave Detectors for the Next Decade Workshop

Francesco Fidecaro (PI), Syd Meshkov (LIGO), Workshop e-mail address
The last decade has produced pioneering demonstrations of the technologies to observe astrophysical gravitational waves across the frequency band from kilohertz to nanohertz.

The construction of advanced interferometric detectors (Advanced LIGO, Advanced Virgo, KAGRA, and GEO-HF) is progressing steadily, and will reach the sensitivity needed to yield first observations. The LISA Pathfinder mission is nearing launch while the LISA mission is further elaborated toward a full scale gravitational wave observation mission.

The international pulsar timing effort is progressing in developing the instruments needed, while surveys continue to provide new sources. Several developments are ongoing and gaining momentum ensuring that the field of gravitational waves astrophysics will be able to fully deploy in the current and next decades.

This workshop will address techniques that can be implemented to enhance the second generation detectors, as well as new detectors that may be proposed. New ideas to reduce noise, improve robustness, and extend the frequency spectrum of observation will be discussed along with progress on long-term ongoing developments.

Click here for a Google map of the meeting site with information

Deadline for registration is Friday, April 26th. Registration form and logistic information are linked from the left menu.

Meeting sessions will start in the morning of Monday, May 20th and finish in the evening of Friday, May 24th.

Participants are expected to arrive on Sunday, May 19th and to leave on Saturday, May 25th.

  • Alessio Rocchi
  • Alexander Khalaidovski
  • Andrea Possenti
  • Andrea Viceré
  • Andreas Freise
  • Angelo Scribano
  • Angie Lin
  • Bryan Barr
  • Chris Messenger
  • Christian Schwarz
  • Claudia Lazzaro
  • Conor Mow-Lowry
  • Daniel Sigg
  • David Rabeling
  • Diop Papa Gora
  • Elisabetta Cesarini
  • Emanuele Rocco
  • Enrico Calloni
  • Eric Hennes
  • Ettore Majorana
  • Fabrizio Barone
  • Fausto Acernese
  • Ferrini Federico
  • Fiodor Sorrentino
  • Flavio Vetrano
  • Francesco Fidecaro
  • Gabriele Vajente
  • Garrett Cole
  • Gerd Hofmann
  • Giacomo Ciani
  • Giancarlo Cella
  • Gianluca Gemme
  • Gianpietro Cagnoli
  • Giles Hammond
  • Giovanni Losurdo
  • Guennady Volkov
  • Guglielmo M. Tino
  • Guido Mueller
  • Harald Lueck
  • Hartmut Grote
  • Henrich Heitmann
  • Hiroaki Yamamoto
  • Holger Mueller
  • Ilaria Nardecchia
  • James Hough
  • Jan Harms
  • Jean-Yves Vinet
  • Jeffrey Kissel
  • Jerome Degallaix
  • John Conklin
  • John Zweizig
  • Julius Komma
  • Katherine Dooley
  • Kazuhiro Yamamoto
  • Kentaro Somiya
  • Kiwamu Izumi
  • Linqing Wen
  • Lisa Barsotti
  • Luciano Di Fiore
  • Mario MACRI
  • Mark Beker
  • Mark Kasevich
  • Martin Hart
  • Massimo Bassan
  • Massimo Cerdonio
  • Massimo Granata
  • Matteo Lorenzini
  • Matteo Tacca
  • Matthew Abernathy
  • Matthew Evans
  • Maura McLaughlin
  • Mengyao Wang
  • Michele Punturo
  • Mikhael Pichot
  • Neil Gordon
  • Nergis Mavalvala
  • Nichi D'Amico
  • Nicolas Smith-Lefebvre
  • Osamu Miyakawa
  • Paola Puppo
  • Paolo De Gregorio
  • Peter Murray
  • Philippe BOUYER
  • Raffaele Flaminio
  • Ramesh Karuppusamy
  • Rana Adhikari
  • Rebecca Douglas
  • Richard Day
  • Roman Schnabel
  • Ronny Nawrodt
  • Ryan Goetz
  • Sasha Buchman
  • Seiji Kawamura
  • Sergey Tarabrin
  • Sheila Rowan
  • Stefan Ballmer
  • Stefan Hild
  • Stefanie Kroker
  • Sthefan Danilishin
  • Susan Scott
  • Sydney Meshkov
  • Valeria Sequino
  • Vitali Müller
  • Viviana Fafone
  • Vladislav Kondratiev
  • Walter Del Pozzo
  • William Weber
  • Yanbei Chen
  • Yusuke Sakakibara
    • 17:00
      Registration Room Elba

      Room Elba

    • 19:00
      Welcome Cocktail Party Hotel Hermitage Swimming Pool Area

      Hotel Hermitage Swimming Pool Area

    • Setting the Stage
      • 1
        Relatore: Francesco Fidecaro (PI)
      • 2
        Setting the Stage
        Relatore: Francesco Fidecaro (PI)
    • Early Lessons and Challenges in the Commissioning of Advanced Detectors
      Coordinatori: Prof. Gabriela Gonzalez (Louisiana State University), Giovanni Losurdo (FI)
      • 3
        First Lessons from the aLIGO Commissioning
        Relatore: Daniel SIGG (LHO)
      • 4
        Lessons from commissioning cryogenic systems underground
        Relatore: Osamu Miyakawa (ICRR - Tokyo)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break
      • 5
        Chasing excess noise, focusing on diffused light
        Relatore: Katherine Dooley (AEI Hannover)
      • 6
        Coping with aberrations
        Relatore: Jerome DEGALLAIX (LMA)
      • 7
        Building up a commissioning network
        Relatore: Dr. Lisa Barsotti (LIGO-MIT)
    • Poster
      • 8
        Active thermal lensing elements for spherical and astigmatic mode matching
        Relatori: D.B. Tanner, D.H. Reitze, G. Ciani, G. Mueller, L. Williams, M. Arain, P. Fulda, Z. Liu
    • 12:35
      lunch break
    • Future Interferometric Detectors
      Coordinatori: Dr. Harald Lueck (AEI Hannover), Prof. Rana Adhikari (Caltech)
      • 9
        Relatori: Prof. Rana Adhikari (Caltech), Dr. Stefan Hild (University of Glasgow)
      • 10
        ET Overview
        Relatore: Michele Punturo (PG)
      • 11
        ET Seismic surveys
        Relatore: David Rabeling (Nikhef, Vrije Universiteit)
      • 12
        Newtonian Noise Substraction
        Relatori: Dr. Jan Harms (Caltech), Sig. Mark Beker (NIKHEF)
      • 17:45
        Coffee Break
      • 13
        Optics for Future Detectors
        Relatore: Dr. Ronny Nawrodt (Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena)
      • 14
        Squeezing for future generation detectors
        Relatore: Hartmut Grote (AEI Hannover)
      • 15
        Suspensions for future GWDs
        Relatore: Ettore Majorana (ROMA1)
      • 16
        MutiSAS + Control
        Relatore: Sig. Mark Beker (NIKHEF)
    • Poster
      • 17
        Electronical Absorption of Silicon at Cryogenic Temperatures (Julius Konna, Friedrich-Schiller University Jena)
        Relatore: Sig. Julius Komma (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena)
      • 18
        Novel alingnment sensing scheme with RF jitter modulation
        Relatori: C. Mueller, D. Amariutei, D. Tanner, D.H. Reitze, G. Ciani, G. Mueller, P. Fulda, V. Quetschke
    • Atom Interferometry
      Coordinatori: Flavio Vetrano (FI), Guglielmo Maria Tino (FI)
      • 19
        Laser frequency noise immune gravitational wave detection using atom interferometry
        Relatore: Mark Kasevich (Stanford University)
      • 20
        Very long baseline underground gravitation antenna with atom interferometry
        Relatore: Philippe Bouyer (LP2N - IOGS)
      • 21
        The MAGIA Experiment: current status and future prospects
        Relatore: Fiodor Sorrentino (FI)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break
      • 22
        Atomic gravitational wave sensors
        Relatore: Dr. Holger Mueller (UC Berkeley)
      • 23
        Newtonian noise effects in atom interferometers
        Relatore: Andrea Vicerè (FI)
    • 12:30
      lunch break
    • Pulsar Timing
      Coordinatore: Andrea Possenti (Cagliari)
      • 24
        Increasing the sensitivity of the NANOGrav PTA: recent improvements in backends and software
        Relatore: Maura McLaughlin (WVU-Morgantown)
      • 25
        The path to ultra broad band pulsar observations at the Effelsberg 100m and its impact on EPTA results
        Relatore: Ramesh Karuppusamy (MPifR-Bonn)
      • 17:35
        Coffee break
      • 26
        LOFAR: Building a Flexible and Responsive Radio Telescope for Pulsars and Transients
        Relatore: Vladislav Kondratiev (ASTRON-Dwingeloo)
      • 27
        Pulsar timing perspectives with the new Sardinia Radio Telescope
        Relatore: Nichi D'Amico (INAF - Cagliari)
      • 28
        Improving the capabilities of localizing the sources of gravitational waves with the pulsar timing array(s): news and views from the PPTA
        Relatore: Linquing Wen (UWA - Perth)
    • Mitigating Thermal Noise I
      Coordinatori: Dr. Eric Gustafson (Caltech), Dr. GIANPIETRO CAGNOLI (LMA-CNRS), Dr. Sheila Rowan (University of Glasgow)
      • 29
        Overview talk on advances and challenges in mitigating thermal noise
        Relatore: Dr. Sheila Rowan (University of Glasgow)
      • 30
        New noise estimates in waveguide coatings
        Relatore: Stefanie Kroker (FSU Jena, Institute of Applied Physics)
      • 31
        Prospects and Progress in Crystalline coatings: AlGaAs
        Relatore: Dr. Garrett Cole (University of Vienna)
      • 32
        Prospects and Progress in Crystalline coatings: AlGaP
        Relatore: Angie Lin (Stanford University)
      • 10:45
        Coffee break
      • 33
        Characterization and direct thermal noise measurement of coatings
        Relatore: Dr. Raffaele Flaminio (Laboratoire des Materiaux Avances - CNRS/IN2P3)
      • 34
        Experimental results on the thermal noise of oscillators in non equilibrium steady states
        Relatore: Claudia Lazzaro (PD)
      • 35
        Open questions re the use of crystalline coating materials
        Relatore: Sig. Matthew Abernathy (University of Glasgow)
    • Poster session
      • 36
        Mechanical loss of amorphous thin films at low temperatures
        Relatore: Sig. Gerd Hofmann (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena)
    • 12:31
      lunch break
    • Simulations
      Coordinatori: Dr. Hiroaki Yamamoto (LIGO Lab / Caltech), Dr. Richard Day (European Gravitational Observatory)
      • 37
        Introductory Talk
        Relatore: Dr. Hiroaki Yamamoto (LIGO Lab / Caltech)
      • 38
        A review of optical simulation techniques
        Relatore: Jean-Yves VINET (CNRS)
      • 39
        aLigo analysis pipelines using simulated data
        Relatore: Dr. John ZWEIZIG (Caltech)
      • 40
        Experiences and lessons learned from interferometer simulations at GEO
        Relatore: Dr. Andreas Freise (University of Birmingham)
      • 41
        Time domain simulation for the lock acquisition study of aLIGO
        Relatore: Kiwamu IZUMI (LHO)
      • 17:15
        Coffee Break
      • 42
        Modal simulation of dual recycled interferometers
        Relatore: Gabriele Vajente (PI)
      • 43
        Using the phase camera in advanced interferometers
        Relatore: Dr. Richard Day (European Gravitational Observatory)
      • 44
        Simulation of Sensitivity curves for dual recycled interferometers using DarkF
        Relatore: Mikhael PICHOT (CNRS)
      • 45
        Challenges waiting in commissioning and preparations
        Relatore: Dr. Matthew Evans (MIT)
    • Astrophysical GW Sources
      Coordinatore: Prof. Bangalore Sathyaprakash (Cardiff University)
      • 46
        Strong field tests of GR
        Relatore: Sig. Walter Del Pozzo (Nikhef)
      • 47
        Relatore: Dr. Chris Messenger (AEI Hannover)
      • 48
        Detecting chirping gravitational waves in real time and its astrophysical implications
        Relatore: Wen Linqing (University of Western Australia)
    • 10:30
      coffee break
    • Mitigating Thermal Noise II
      Coordinatori: Dr. Eric Gustafson (Caltech), Dr. GIANPIETRO CAGNOLI (LMA-CNRS), Sheila Rowan (University of Glasgow)
      • 49
        Design and expected thermal noise of the KAGRA sapphire suspensions
        Relatore: Dr. KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The university of Tokyo)
      • 50
        Bulk silicon mechanical loss for estimates of thermal noise-what do know/need to know?
        Relatore: Gerd Hoffman (Jena)
      • 51
        Optical techniques for reducing thermal noise
        Relatore: Dr. Stefan Ballmer (Syracuse University)
      • 52
        System for characterising Virgo/Advanced Virgo test mass Qs
        Relatore: Paola Puppo (ROMA1)
    • Poster session
      • 53
        Relatore: Rebecca Douglas (Glasgow)
      • 54
        Coating modelling
        Relatore: Martin Hart (Glasgow)
      • 55
        Non-equilibrium thermal noise
        Relatore: Paolo De Gregorio (INFN - Padova)
      • 56
        Silicon absorption
        Relatore: Sig. Alexander Khalaidovski (AEI Hannover)
      • 57
        Silicon suspensions
        Relatore: Dr. Giles Hammond (University of Glasgow)
    • 12:40
      Lunch break
    • Light sources and Interferometer Topologies
      Coordinatore: Prof. Roman Schnabel (Albert-Einstein-Institut, Leibniz University Hannover)
      • 58
        "Introductory Talk": Light Sources Interferometer Topologies
        Relatore: Prof. Roman Schnabel (Albert-Einstein-Institut, Leibniz University Hannover)
      • 59
        Sagnac Interferometer for GW Detection
        Relatore: Dr. Stefan Hild (University of Glasgow)
      • 60
        Broadband Sagnac Interferometer with short Filter Cavities
        Relatore: Sthefan DANILISHIN (University of Western Australia)
      • 61
        A polarizing Sagnac topology with DC readout for future gravitational wave detectors
        Relatore: Mengyao Wang (Birmingham)
      • 17:45
        Coffee Break
      • 62
        Anomalous Dynamical Back-Action in Michelson Interferometers
        Relatore: Dr. Sergey Tarabrin (AEI Hannover)
      • 63
        Multiple optical springs in coupled resonator systems
        Relatore: Neil Gordon (Glasgow)
    • 20:00
      Social Dinner Maitù Restaurant

      Maitù Restaurant

    • Cryogenics
      Coordinatore: Dr. KAZUHIRO YAMAMOTO (Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, The university of Tokyo)
      • 64
        How does cryogenics improve the sensitivity of interferometers?
        Relatore: Dr. Kentaro Somiya (TITECH)
      • 65
        Status of activities on crystalline suspensions at Nikhef
        Relatore: Eric HENNES (Nikhef)
      • 66
        Verification of cooling time reduction of interferometric cryogenic gravitational wave detectors using high emissivity coating
        Relatore: Sig. Yusuke Sakakibara (The University of Tokyo)
      • 10:00
        Coffee break
      • 67
        Cryogenic Silicon Research for the Future of LIGO
        Relatore: Sig. Nicolas Smith-Lefebvre (LIGO Caltech)
      • 68
        Optical measurements at cryogenic temperatures
        Relatore: Sig. Julius Komma (Friedrich-Schiller University Jena)
      • 69
        Properties of silicon and coatings for a low temperature detector
        Relatore: Massimo Granata (Lyon)
    • Poster session
      • 70
        Cryogenic properties of sapphire fibres
        Relatore: Christian Schwarz (Jena)
      • 71
        UF-LIGO Cryogenic Test Bed
        Relatori: D.B. Tanner, G. Mueller, R. Goetz
    • 12:35
      lunch break
    • Space Antennae
      Coordinatore: Prof. Guido Mueller (University of Florida)
      • 72
        Geodesic reference performance limits for space gravitational wave missions
        Relatore: William Weber (Trento)
      • 73
        A double pendulum for lab testing of free fall on 2 DoFs
        Relatori: Luciano Di Fiore (NA), Massimo Bassan (ROMA2)
      • 74
        Alternative configurations for Space-based GW detectors
        Relatore: Vitali Mueller (AEI)
      • 75
        LISA 2020: An intermediate scale space gravitational wave observatory for this decade
        Relatore: Dr. Sasha Buchman (Stanford University)
      • 76
        Gravitational Reference Sensor Technology Advancements
        Relatore: Prof. John Conklin (University of Florida)
      • 77
        eLISA and L2 process. Submission of White paper
        Relatore: Prof. Guido Mueller (University of Florida)
      • 18:10
        Coffee Break
    • Poster session
      • 78
        Gravitational Reference Sensor Technology Advancements
        Relatori: Andrew Chilton, Giacomo Ciani, Guido Mueller, John W. Conling, Ryan Shelley
    • 3 am brain session
      Coordinatore: Dr. Lisa Barsotti (LIGO-MIT)
      • 79
        Relatore: Sig. Stefan Ballmer (Syracuse University)
    • Plans for GWADW 2014 and discussion about GWADW 2015 - Open Discussion
      Coordinatori: Francesco Fidecaro (PI), S. Kawamura, Sydney Meshkov (Caltech)
      • 80
        Japan 2014
        Relatori: Dr. Kentaro Somiya (Caltech), Seiji Kawamura
    • Workshop Summary
      • 81
        Relatore: David McClelland (The Australian National University)
    • Workshop Adjourn