Jun 2 – 7, 2013
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
Europe/Rome timezone

The European Advanced Accelerator Concepts Workshop has the mission to discuss and foster methods of beam acceleration with gradients beyond state of the art in operational facilities. The most cost effective and compact methods for generating high energy particle beams shall be reviewed and assessed. This includes diagnostics methods, timing technology, special need for injectors, beam matching, beam dynamics with advanced accelerators and development of adequate simulations.
This workshop is organized in the context of the EU-funded European Network for Novel Accelerators (EuroNNAc), that includes 52 Research Institutes and universities.

The EAAC will be followed by a 1-day EuroNNAC network meeting by invitation only.

The Workshop proceedings are now available on-line:
NIM-A, Vol 740

EAAC2013 scope:

  • High gradient and multibunch acceleration in metallic structures (C-X-band and beyond) with innovative power generation schemes
  • Plasma accelerators driven by modern lasers
  • Plasma accelerators driven by electron beams
  • Plasma accelerators driven by proton beams
  • Dielectric structures and other novel technologies
  • Novel schemes using advanced technologies (table-top FEL, plasma linear collider, ...)
  • Computations for Accelerator Physics Advanced beam diagnostics for beams and plasma
The Registration fee is 400,00 €.
La Biodola, Isola d'Elba
<a target="_blank" href=http://www.elba4star.it/HH/index-Eng.html>Hotel Hermitage</a>
Workshop supported by EU via EuCARD-2, GA 312453