20th AGATA Week and 4th Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors and Application Workshop

INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro

INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro

Viale dell'Università 2, Legnaro PD

We are pleased to announce that the


and the

4th Position Sensitive Germanium Detectors (PSeGe) technology and application Workshop

organised by INFN-LNL, University and INFN Padova, will be held at INFN Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro, from Monday 16th to Thursday 19th September 2019.

The Organizing Committee

Organized by:




Supported in part by the ENSAR2-INFRAIA H2020 Program 2014/2015, under grant agreement No. n° 654002 WP10-Jra2 PSeGe.



    • 14:00
      PseGe Workshop Regstration
    • 1
      PseGe Workshop Welcome and Presentation
      Speaker: Andres F. Gadea Raga (IFIC CSIC-University of Valencia)
    • PSeGe Workshop 1: New technologies on passivation and segmentation
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • PSeGe Workshop 2: R&D on segmented p-type coaxial detectors
      • 4
        n-type heavy doping of Ge by Sb deposition and pulsed laser melting (PLM)
        Speaker: C. Carraro (University and INFN Padova)
      • 5
        Preliminary comparison of simulated and measured signals from segmented detectors
        Speaker: Stefano Bertoldo (CSIC-IFIC)
    • 6
    • PSeGe Workshop 3: R&D on novel Ge-detector geometries for ultimate position resolution and efficiency
      • 7
        Results obtained with the quasi-planar prototype
        Speaker: Ivan Kojouharov (GSI)
    • PSeGe Workshop 4: Demonstration of imaging applications and associated detector technologies
      • 8
        Pulse-Shape Analysis and position resolution in highly segmented HPGe AGATA detectors
        Speakers: L. Lewandowski (IKP Cologne), Peter Reiter (IKP University of Cologne)
      • 9
        New encapsulation technique for MINIBALL
        Speaker: Peter Reiter (IKP University of Cologne)
      • 10:30
        Coffee Break
      • 10
        Imaging with planar germanium detectors
        Speaker: Adam Caffrey
      • 11
        Cryogenic detector system: recent work
        Speaker: Marcello Borri (stfc)
      • 12
        Versatile acquisition systems for segmented detectors: CAEN case history
        Speaker: PAOLA GAROSI (CAEN SPA)
      • 13
    • 13:00
      AGATA WEEK Registration
    • 13:15
    • Agata Week 1: Welcome and Status Reports
      • 14
        Welcome to the 20th AGATA Week
        Speakers: Diego Bettoni (INFN LNL DIrector), Mauro Mezzetto (INFN Padova Director)
      • 15
        Status of the AGATA project
        Speaker: Andres F. Gadea Raga (IFIC CSIC-University of Valencia)
      • 16
        AGATA ASC Report
        Speaker: Peter Reiter (IKP University of Cologne)
      • 17
        AGATA at LNL: The Coming Campaign
        Speaker: Jose' Javier Valiente Dobon (LNL)
      • 18
        AGATA at GANIL status report
        Speakers: Emmanuel Clement (GANIL), Sylvain Leblond (GANIL)
    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • Agata Week 2: Detector Module Session
      • 19
        IPHC detector laboratory activity and scanning table upgrade
        Speaker: Marie-helene SIGWARD (CNRS/IPHC)
      • 20
        Report from the IRFU Saclay test laboratory
        Speaker: Magda Zielinska (CEA Saclay)
      • 21
        Status of AGATA detectors and cryostat
        Speaker: Herbert Hess (IKP Cologne)
      • 22
        Recent activity and status update at Uni. Liverpool
        Speaker: Daniel Judson (University of Liverpool)
      • 23
        New digital detector test bench at IKP Cologne
        Speaker: Rouven Hirsch (University of Cologne)
    • 20:00
      Workshop Dinner
    • Agata Parallel 10: Combined Session Data Flow W.G. and Front-End Electronics W.G. - AGATA DAQ and Electronics at LNL

      Discussion on the Phase 2 electronics status and schedule
      SMART Synchronization & trigger system

    • Agata Parallel 9: Complementary Detectors Sessio
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Agata Parallel 11: Complementary Detectors Session
    • Agata Parallel 12: PSA Parallel Session/PSA at LNL
    • 13:15
    • Agata Parallel 13: Data Analysis, tracking W.G.
      • 62
        Speaker: Amel Korichi (CSNSM-IN2P3/CNRS)
      • 63
        Tracking: status and perspectives
        Speaker: Araceli Lopez-Martens (CSNSM/JYFL)
      • 64
        Status of data analysis
        Speaker: Olivier Stezowski (IPN Lyon)
      • 65
        GRETINA data processing in AGATA
        Speaker: Olivier Stezowski (IPN Lyon)
      • 66
        Results using machine learning in NEDA
        Speaker: Olivier Stezowski (IPN Lyon)
      • 67
        Status of the AGATA data re-processing
        Speaker: Jérémie Dudouet (IPNL)
    • Agata Parallel 14: Combined Session Data Flow W.G. and Front-End Electronics W.G. - AGATA DAQ and Electronics at LNL

      Discussion on the status of the electronics and the maintenance activities
      Presentation and discussion on the installation at LNL
      Replacement programme for the early Phase0 electronics
      Presentation and discussion on the planning for the coming years

    • 16:00
      Coffee Break
    • Agata Parallel 15: Performance, Commissioning, Simulation W.G.
    • Agata Parallel 16

      Available Parallel Session