San Vittorino Hall (Benevento)

San Vittorino Hall


Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento

We are pleased to announce  the International Workshop on  Impedances and Beam Instabilities in Particle Accelerators, to be held in Benevento (Italy) from 18 to 22 September, 2017.  
The workshop is intended to continue the tradition of dedicated conferences on beam coupling impedances in particle accelerators, initiated with the 2014 ICFA mini-Workshop on “Electromagnetic Wake Fields and Impedances in Particle Accelerators” held in Erice (organized by Vittorio Vaccaro, Iaia Masullo and Elias Métral). The aim of the upcoming event is to provide an up-to-date review of the subject, while widening its scope to include recent advances on beam instabilities.

The workshop will be hosted by the University of Sannio at Benevento, under the auspices of INFN, SIF and CERN - and with the sponsorship of ARIES, LIU, Collimation and HL-LHC.
Benevento is a world heritage city in Southern Italy, where you will find  remarkable monuments and fine pieces of arts, in a unique cultural and natural environment. Benevento is easily reached (two hours from Rome by train, one hour from Naples airport, by bus). The conference venue is in the heart of the city center, in a short walking distance from all attractions, hotels and restaurants.

We look very much forward to welcoming you in Benevento, to contribute to a stimulating and memorable workshop!

The workshop chairs:
Maria Rosaria Masullo (Masullo@na.infn.it)
Stefania Petracca (Petracca@sa.infn.it)
Giovanni Rumolo (Giovanni.Rumolo@CERN.ch) 

For any questions please contact:           imped2017@unisannio.it


The chairpersons are glad to announce that the proceedings of this ICFA Mini-Workshop on Impedances and Beam Instabilities have been published as CERN Yellow Report (CERN-2018-003-CP) and are available at this link


Local Organizing Committee (LOC)

  • Stefania Petracca (University of Sannio)
  • Maria Rosaria Masullo (INFN Naples)
QR code
  • Adrian Oeftiger
  • Agnieszka Chmielinska
  • Alessandro Citterio
  • Alessandro Drago
  • Alexandre Lasheen
  • Alexei Blednykh
  • Alexey Burov
  • Alexis Gamelin
  • Andrea Mostacci
  • Andrea Passarelli
  • Anna Pugliese
  • Annalisa Romano
  • Antonio Gilardi
  • Benoit Salvant
  • Boris Podobedov
  • Bruce Yee Rendon
  • Bruni Christelle
  • Carlo Zannini
  • Chao Li
  • Christine Vollinger
  • Christopher Prior
  • Claudia Tambasco
  • Daniel Ratner
  • Daria Astapovych
  • David Posthuma de Boer
  • Elena Shaposhnikova
  • Eleonora Belli
  • Erion Gjonaj
  • Francesco Giordano
  • Franziska Reimann
  • Gennady Stupakov
  • Giovanni Iadarola
  • Giovanni Rumolo
  • Haisheng Xu
  • Hannes Bartosik
  • Hans-Walter Glock
  • Heiko Damerau
  • Helga Timko
  • Igor Zagorodnov
  • Ingo Hofmann
  • Jean Delayen
  • John Byrd
  • John Fox
  • Joël Repond
  • Kai Tian
  • Karl Bane
  • Kevin Li
  • Lorenzo Teofili
  • Lotta Mether
  • Luca Sabato
  • Maria Rosaria Masullo
  • Mario Beck
  • Mauro Migliorati
  • Metral Elias
  • Michael Blaskiewicz
  • Michael Plum
  • Mikhail Zobov
  • Nicholas Evans
  • Nicolas Mounet
  • nicolo' biancacci
  • Olav Berrig
  • Oliver Boine-Frankenheim
  • Patrick Kramer
  • Rainer Wanzenberg
  • Renato Fedele
  • Riccardo Bartolini
  • Robert Williamson
  • Ryutaro Nagaoka
  • Serena Persichelli
  • Stefania Petracca
  • Stefano De Santis
  • Thomas Flisgen
  • Timofey Zolkin
  • Ursula van Rienen
  • Uwe Niedermayer
  • Vasileios Vlachodimitropoulos
  • vittorio giorgio vaccaro
  • Vladimir Kornilov
  • Xavier Buffat
  • Xiyang Huang
  • Yong Ho Chin
    • 18:00
      Registration and Welcome Cocktail Rettorato- Palazzo S. Domenico, piazza Guerrazzi 1

      Rettorato- Palazzo S. Domenico, piazza Guerrazzi 1


      Participant must register at the registration desk upon arrival.

    • 18:00
      Visit of the Hortus Conclusus Hortus Conclusus

      Hortus Conclusus


    • Session 1- Introductory talks (Chair: Giovanni Rumolo) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Dr Giovanni Rumolo (CERN)
      • 1
        Welcome and general introduction
        Speaker: Stefania Petracca (SA)
      • 2
        Impedance theory and modeling
        Speaker: Dr Elias Metral (CERN)
      • 3
        Impedance measurement techniques
        Speaker: Dr Uwe Niedermayer (TU-Darmstadt)
      • 10:30
        Coffee break
      • 4
        Electron cloud effects
        Speaker: Mr Giovanni Iadarola (CERN - Università di Napoli Federico II)
      • 5
        Instability theory and modeling
        Speaker: Prof. Oliver Boine-Frankenheim (Technische Universität Darmstadt)
      • 6
        Instability observations and cures
        Speaker: Dr Elena Shaposhnikova (CERN)
    • 12:30
      LUNCH Break San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


    • Session 2 - Impedance theory and modeling (Chair: Ursula Van Rienen. Scientific secretary: Mario Beck) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      • 7
        Wakefields/impedances for a bunch moving between two corrugated plates
        Speaker: Karl Bane (SLAC)
      • 8
        Calculation of wakefields for plasma-wakefield accelerators
        Speaker: Dr Gennady Stupakov (SLAC)
      • 9
        Advanced method of wakefield calculations (numerical methods, parallel computing)
        Speaker: Dr Erion Gjonaj (TU-Darmstadt)
      • 10
        Analytical impedance models for very short bunches
        Speaker: Igor Zagorodnov (DESY)
      • 15:50
        Coffee break
      • 11
        Multi-physics simulations of impedance effects in accelerators
        Speaker: Dr Carlo Zannini (ADAM)
      • 12
        Impedance Issues in the Design, Measurements, and Beam Commissioning of a Narrow Gap Stripline Kicker For On-Axis Injection
        Speaker: Dr Stefano De Santis (LBNL)
      • 13
        Eigenmode Computations for Chains of Cavities
        Speaker: Thomas Flisgen (Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin)
      • 14
        The concept of coupling impedance in the self-consistent plasma wake field excitation
        Speaker: Prof. Renato Fedele (Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base, Dipartimento di Fisica, Università di Napoli Federico II and INFN Sezione di Napoli, Napoli, Italy)
      • 15
        "The Birth and the Childhood of the Coupling Impedance and the Stability Maps" Special seminar to celebrate the 50 years of the beam coupling impedance concept
        Speaker: Vittorio Giorgio Vaccaro (NA)
    • 20:00
      Welcome Dinner Hotel Traiano

      Hotel Traiano


    • Session 3: Impedance modeling, measurements and control (Chair: Maria Rosaria Masullo. Scientific secretary: Andrea Passarelli) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Maria Rosaria Masullo (NA)
      • 16
        Challenges and pitfalls for impedance measurements in the lab
        Speaker: Andrea Mostacci (ROMA1)
      • 17
        2D and 3D collimator impedance modelling and experimental measurements
        Speaker: Dr Nicolo Biancacci (CERN)
      • 18
        Continuous-Wave HOM Load Power Computations Based on Single-Bunch Wake Simulations
        Speaker: Hans-Walter Glock (FG-ISRF)
      • 19
        Needs and solutions for machine impedance reduction
        Speaker: Dr Christine Vollinger (CERN)
      • 10:20
        Coffee break
      • 20
        Beam measurements of frequency characteristics of (longitudinal) impedance
        Speaker: Dr Alexandre Lasheen (CERN)
      • 21
        Beam-based impedance measurement techniques in light sources
        Speaker: Dr Ryutaro Nagaoka (Soleil)
      • 22
        Comparison of machine impedance calculation with beam based measurements
        Speaker: Karl Bane (SLAC)
      • 23
        Precise impedance determination from simultaneously measured tunes of unequal charge bunches
        Speaker: Dr Boris Podobedov (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 24
        An improved method to measure beam impedance with rotating wire. Theoretical and simulation results
        Speaker: Mr Olav Berrig (CERN)
    • 12:30
      Finger-food lunch at San Vittorino Hall San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
    • Transport to Pompei by bus and visit of Pompei archaeological site Pompei


    • 20:00
      Social Dinner "Il Principe" restaurant (Pompei)

      "Il Principe" restaurant


    • 22:30
      Return to Benevento San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
    • Session: 4: Instability theory and modeling (Chair: Ingo Hofmann. Scientific secretary: Adrian Oeftiger) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Prof. Ingo Hofmann (GSI Darmstadt)
      • 25
        Role of space charge in coherent instabilities
        Speaker: Dr Mike Blaskiewicz (BNL)
      • 26
        Chromaticity effects on head-tail instabilities for broad-band impedance using two particle model, Vlasov analysis, and simulations
        Speaker: Dr Yong Ho Chin (KEK)
      • 27
        TMCI at strong space charge
        Speaker: Dr Timofey Zolkin (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
      • 28
        Microbunching instability
        Speaker: Dr Daniel Ratner (SLAC)
      • 10:20
        Coffee break
      • 29
        Circulant matrix formalism, benchmarks and beam-beam effect in coherent instabilities
        Speaker: Dr Xavier Buffat (CERN)
      • 30
        How e-cloud in dipoles and quadrupoles can be source of transverse instabilities
        Speaker: Ms Annalisa Romano (CERN)
      • 31
        Modeling of fast beam ion instabilities
        Speaker: Lotta Mether (EPFL)
      • 32
        Longitudinal and transverse ions cloud dynamics in an electron ring in presence of electromagnetic fields and gaps
        Speaker: Mr Alexis Gamelin (Laboratoire de l’Accélérateur Linéaire (LAL))
    • 12:10
      Lunch Break San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
    • Session 5: Instability modeling, observations and cures (Chair: Mikhail Zobov. Scientific secretary: Eleonora Belli San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Mikhail Zobov (LNF)
      • 33
        Mitigation of collective effects by optics optimization and the SPS experience
        Speaker: Mr Hannes Bartosik (CERN)
      • 34
        Simulation of longitudinal intensity effects with LLRF system (BLonD)
        Speaker: Dr Helga Timko (CERN)
      • 35
        Observation and active damping of longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities
        Speaker: Heiko Damerau (CERN)
      • 36
        Challenges in impedance and instabilities computation for new generation light sources
        Speaker: Serena Persichelli
      • 15:20
        Coffee Break
      • 37
        Vlasov solvers and macroparticle simulations
        Speaker: Dr Nicolas Mounet (EPFL)
      • 38
        Codes benchmarking for the single-bunch instabilities in electron storage rings
        Speaker: Dr Haisheng Xu (Institute of High Energy Physics of Chinese Academy of Scineces)
      • 39
        Transverse feedback systems for multi-bunch beam diagnostics and instabilities suppression
        Speaker: Alessandro Drago (LNF)
      • 40
        Wide-band feedback systems to diagnose and suppress intra-bunch motion in accelerators
        Speaker: John Fox
    • POSTER session Santa Sofia Cloister

      Santa Sofia Cloister


      • 41
        Preliminary results from validation measurements of the longitudinal power deposition model for the LHC injection kicker magnet
        The MKIs are fast pulsed transmission line injection kicker magnets of the LHC injection system. To shield the ferrite yoke from the beam, by providing a path for the beam image current, a set of 24 conductive wires is placed in the inner part of a ceramic tube along the length of the magnet aperture. Stringent rise-time specifications require that the wires are capacitively coupled to a grounded metallic cylinder at the upstream end of the tube, while at the downstream end they can be directly grounded. The cylinder also serves to support a set of nine ferrite rings, placed there to damp low frequency modes that can be excited along the length of the tube. Due to the beam screen design, an open-ended, half-wavelength resonating cavity is formed in the region where the screen conductors overlap with the external metallic cylinder. The so-formed cavity couples to the beam spectrum at discrete frequencies, determined by the length and effective dielectric constant of the cavity. Therefore, the impedance spectrum is resonant in nature exhibiting peaks at the cavity’s resonant frequencies. In order to ensure uninterrupted LHC operation, the MKI ferrite yokes must remain below their Curie temperature at all times. Otherwise, waiting for the yokes to cool down leads to long turn-around times and hence significant deterioration of the overall machine performance. To monitor the temperatures reached within the MKIs 4 thermal probes (PT100) are placed in each magnet: two probes at the upstream and two at the downstream end of the magnet. During Run 1 of the LHC, one of the MKIs occasionally exhibited a high ferrite temperature. An impedance mitigation campaign was launched prior to Long Shutdown 1 (LS1) that led to an effective reduction of the MKI beam coupling impedance and to the corresponding RF heating during Run 2. However, thermal measurements during operation have clearly demonstrated that the upstream end of the magnet is consistently hotter than the downstream one. Power deposition caused by beam induced electromagnetic (e/m) fields due to the coupling of the beam spectrum to the MKI real longitudinal impedance, was identified as the main cause. Nonetheless, the simplified approach of a uniformly distributed power deposition along the length of the magnet was in clear contradiction with the measured data. Therefore, a more detailed description of the power dissipation process had to be looked for and carefully modelled to allow for accurate and robust predictions of current and future kicker beam screen designs; e.g. for HL-LHC. In the present work, the approach followed to obtain estimations for the power loss deposition distributions is presented in detail. The method utilizes sophisticated electromagnetic simulations combined with carefully designed data post-processing to minimize the required simulation data, thus leading to acceptable execution time and storage space per simulation. The method, is then applied to two beam screen designs of the MKI: the one currently in operation and a new one, to be installed as an upgraded version in YETS 17/18. A comparison of the expected power deposition distributions is then carried out and the results are discussed. To validate the predictions of the power deposition model and gain more confidence in the effectiveness of the proposed design, a novel measurement method is proposed and implemented. The method is based on a simple measurement of a transmission coefficient taking advantage of the configuration of the expected e/m modes responsible for RF-heating. Preliminary results of the power deposition measurements are then reported and compared to model predictions.
        Speaker: Mr Vasileios Vlachodimitropoulos (CERN)
    • 19:30
      Piano Concert Gianni Virgineo Room

      Gianni Virgineo Room


      Sannio Museum, Piazza S. Sofia
    • 21:00
      Dinner Dionisio's restaurant

      Dionisio's restaurant


    • Session 6 -Instability modeling, observations and cures (Chair: Mikhail Zobov, Scientific secretary: Andrea Passarelli) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Mikhail Zobov (LNF)
      • 42
        Damping of transverse instabilities
        Speaker: Dr Vladimir Kornilov (GSI Helmholtzzentrum)
      • 43
        Concept and simulations of unconventional damping devices: wideband damper and RFQ
        Speaker: Dr Kevin Li (CERN)
      • 44
        A study of longitudinal effects on transverse Landau damping
        Speaker: Prof. Ingo Hofmann (GSI Darmstadt)
      • 45
        Beam Transfer Function (BTF) measurements and transverse stability in presence of beam-beam
        Speaker: Ms Claudia Tambasco (EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland)
    • 10:20
      Coffee break San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
    • SPECIAL SESSION: Overview on different types of machines (Chair: Chris Prior, Scientific Secretary: Adrian Oeftiger) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Dr Christopher Prior (STFC/RAL/ISIS)
      • 46
        Impedance and instabilities in lepton colliders
        Speaker: Mauro Migliorati (ROMA1)
      • 47
        Impedance and instabilities in hadron machines
        Speaker: Benoit Salvant (CERN)
      • 48
        Impedance modeling in low emittance rings
        Speaker: Dr Alexei Blednykh (BNL)
      • 49
        Instabilities in hadron colliders and role of the transverse damper
        Speaker: Dr Alexey Burov (Fermilab)
    • Farewell lunch at San Vittorino complex San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
    • Session 7: Conclusions (Chair: Stefania Petracca) San Vittorino Hall

      San Vittorino Hall


      Piazza Tenente Pellegrini, Benevento
      Convener: Stefania Petracca (SA)
      • 50
        Closing remarks of Session 2: Impedance theory and modeling
        Speaker: Ursula Van Rienen (uni Rostock)
      • 51
        Closing remarks of Session 3: Impedance measurements and control
        Speaker: Maria Rosaria Masullo (NA)
      • 52
        Closing remarks of Session 4: Instability theory and modeling
        Speaker: Prof. Ingo Hofmann (GSI Darmstadt)
      • 53
        Closing remarks of Session 5: Instability modeling, observations and cures
        Speaker: Mikhail Zobov (LNF)
      • 54
        Closing remarks, acknowledgements and goodbye
        Speaker: Dr Giovanni Rumolo (CERN)
    • 15:30
      Transfer to Naples airport (15:30) Terminal bus

      Terminal bus
