QFC2019 - Quantum gases, fundamental interactions and cosmology

Aula Gerace

Aula Gerace

Polo Fibonacci Edificio C Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3 56127 Pisa
Conference Secretariat, Maria Luisa Chiofalo (Department of Physics, University of Pisa)




The Conference on Quantum gases, fundamental interactions and cosmology- Second Edition (QFC 2019) will be held in Pisa from 23 to 25 October 2019.

Aim of the conference is to bring together scientists in both experimental and theoretical physics from the fields of ultracold quantum gases, fundamental interactions, and cosmology, with the aim of sharing and brainstorming on challenging open common problems, which can be zoomed in and out via a cross-disciplinary approach.

After QFC 2017, the Conference will be in its second edition of a series of appointments to be held each second year.

The mutual frontiers among these three apparently separated disciplines have been recently blossoming with new innovative, cutting edge research. To the well-established connections between cosmology and high-energy physics, current bright examples are the research activities in analogue gravity and superfluid analogies of cosmological phenomena, and of quantum simulations of lattice gauge theories using ultracold atoms in optical lattices. We intend to use this momentum and opportunities to establish strong collaborations among participants and leading groups to open new pathways leading to breakthrough results, in this spirit, the keynote speakers of the first edition, QFC2017, have been invited and have joined the Scientific Advisory Board.

Additional information on the spirit of the Conference can be found in the section of this website devoted to the first edition of QFC, QFC2017.

Registration Form
  • Adriano Angelone
  • Alberto Nicolis
  • Alejandro Kievsky
  • Alfredo Urbano
  • Andrea Tononi
  • Andrew Koshelkin
  • Angela Dora Vittoria Di Virgilio
  • Angelo Esposito
  • Carla Signorini
  • Carlo Gabbanini
  • Chiara Caprini
  • Daniele Colosi
  • Dario Buttazzo
  • Dario Grasso
  • Davide Rossini
  • Donatella Cassettari
  • Enrico Trincherini
  • Federica Zacchei
  • federico piazza
  • Fiodor Sorrentino
  • Francesco Bigazzi
  • Gia Dvali
  • giacomo gori
  • Giancarlo Cella
  • Giovanni Tricella
  • Giovanni Villadoro
  • Gregorio Carullo
  • Guglielmo Maria Tino
  • Jeff Steinhauer
  • Josep Cabedo Bru
  • Juan Ramón Muñoz de Nova
  • Jun Ye
  • Leonardo Salvi
  • Luca Giacomelli
  • Luca Lepori
  • Luca Marchetti
  • Luca Santoni
  • Maria Luisa Chiofalo
  • Massimo D'Elia
  • Michele Lenzi
  • Mihail Hristov Mintchev
  • Monica Colpi
  • Murray Holland
  • Nicola Poli
  • Paolo Panci
  • Peter Zoller
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Renate Loll
  • Riccardo Penco
  • Riccardo Rattazzi
  • Roberta Citro
  • Roberto Casadio
  • Sichun Sun
  • Stefania De Curtis
  • Stefano Bolognesi
  • Stefano Liberati
  • Walter Del Pozzo