Oct 23 – 25, 2019
Aula Gerace
Europe/Rome timezone
We had been hoping to be able to hold the conference on the originally scheduled period in October 2021 but given the pandemic situation we have decided to postpone the conference period to October 2022.


Dear Friends of the Quantum Gases, Fundamental Interactions, and Cosmology Conference series,

I wish this email finds you and your beloved safe and in health, in this steadily difficult time we are given.

I'm writing also on behalf of the QFC Local Organizing Committee and after having asked advice to the Scientific Advisory Board (https:agenda.infn.it/qfc2019), regarding the next QFC edition, which should in principle happen in 2021.

We have discussed at length about the route to take, given the pandemic. In essence, we have considered that organizing it in presence is quite risky: not just because of October's 2021 uncertainties, but mainly because no keynote speaker could provide us with a definite attendance answer before spring/early summer 2021 and depending on the pandemic updates. On the other hand, we also feel that an online version of QFC - even choosing an excellent collaborative platform - would not reflect the spirit of the conference, whose trait is about meeting and freely discussing among scientists who often do not know each other because of the interdisciplinary and cross-community character of the event. For the same reason, we would not even like to turn (last minute) the conference online, in the event that the organization in presence were to fail.

All this considered, we have taken the wiser choice to postpone QFC to 2022 (keeping October as the reference period). With the aim of nurturing one other QFC trait, that is community building, we are still considering the possibility of organizing an half-a-day QFC online meeting for October 2021: in essence, the format would be that of one single morning time of the regular QFC, with three keynotes followed by a large discussion. We will finalize the decision at the beginning of 2021 and, in case, will send out all the useful information later on in 2021. In any event, we look forward to meeting you again in 2021 and/or 2022.

Wishing all of you a safe time and a newborn 2021 dense of the opportunities you desire,

Warm regards