TESLA Technology Collaboration (TTC) Meeting<BR>February 28-March 3 2011<BR>Milano, Italy

Sala Napoleonica (Palazzo Greppi, University of Milano, Milano, Italy)

Sala Napoleonica

Palazzo Greppi, University of Milano, Milano, Italy

Università degli Studi di Milano Via S. Antonio, 10 Milano
Carlo Pagani (MI)

The mission of the TESLA Technology Collaboration (the Collaboration) is to advance SCRF technology R & D and related accelerator studies across the broad diversity of scientific applications, and to keep open and provide a bridge for communication and sharing of ideas, developments, and testing across associated projects.

To this end the Collaboration supports and encourages free and open exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, expertise, engineering designs, and equipment.

You are welcome to the yearly TTC meeting hosted in Milano by the University of Milan and INFN Sezione di Milano.


Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare
Sezione di Milano


Università degli Studi di Milano
Dipartimento di Fisica

  • Akira Yamamoto
  • Alain Falou
  • Antonio Alessandro Rossi
  • Arkadiy Klebaner
  • Asiya Sukhanova
  • Axel Matheisen
  • Camille Ginsburg
  • Carlo Pagani
  • Catherine MADEC
  • Charles Reece
  • Christian Arnault
  • Daniele Sertore
  • Denis Kostin
  • Detlef Reschke
  • Eiji Kako
  • Elmar Vogel
  • Elvin Harms
  • Fabienne ORSINI
  • Ganapati Myneni
  • Giorgio Corniani
  • Grigori Shirkov
  • Guillaume Devanz
  • Guillaume Olry
  • Günter Müller
  • Hans Weise
  • Holger Podlech
  • Jie GAO
  • Jiyuan Zhai
  • Joe Ozelis
  • John Mammosser
  • John Strachan
  • Juan Luis Munoz
  • Kaoru Yokoya
  • Kenji Saito
  • Kenji Ueno
  • Laura Monaco
  • Lena Ostholm
  • Leonardo Ristori
  • luca serafini
  • Marc Ross
  • Marco Busch
  • Mark Champion
  • Matthias Liepe
  • Michael Pekeler
  • Mircea Stirbet
  • Nicholas Walker
  • Nobukazu Toge
  • Oliver Kugeler
  • Olivier Napoly
  • Paolo Michelato
  • Paolo Pierini
  • Peter Kneisel
  • Peter McIntosh
  • Richard Stanek
  • Robert Kephart
  • Rocco Paparella
  • Romuald Duperrier
  • Shuichi Noguchi
  • Stephane BERRY
  • Stephen Molloy
  • Tae-Sun Park
  • Takayuki SAEKI
  • Thomas Jones
  • Thomas Weiland
  • Tom Nicol
  • Tom Peterson
  • Ursula van Rienen
  • Vincenzo Palmieri
  • Waldemar Singer
  • Wolf-Dietrich Moeller
  • Wolfgang Weingarten
  • Yasuchika Yamamoto
  • Yoshihisa Iwashita
  • Yoshishige Yamazaki