View of the Island of Ischia from the sea, Plate XXX, from "Campi Phlegraei: Observations on the Volcanoes of the Two Sicilies", by Sir William Hamilton. Naples : P. Fabris, 1776.
This Seminar is the thirteenth in a series of topical meetings started in 1986 on the initiative of Aldo Covello. The main aim of the Seminar is to focus on the progress made in recent years from both a theoretical and experimental point of view as well as on the role that nuclear structure may play in the context of fundamental physics.
The Seminar will maintain the general spirit and intent of the earlier meetings of this series by providing to a group of researchers the opportunity to discuss their current work and confront their opinions.
During the conference, Franco Iachello from the Yale University, will give a public lecture for high-school students on “La Ricerca di Ordine in Natura”. The lecture is supported by the NuPECC organization.
The conference organizers have endorsed the Diversity Charter established by NuPECC together with ECFA and APPEC and ask the participants to complete, on a voluntary basis, the survey prepared by the three consortia, which is coupled to the registration system.
Financial support is provided for participation in the conference and collaboration with Italian Institutions of six young researchers affiliated at non-Italian institutions, under the grant “YOUNG INVESTIGATOR TRAINING PROGRAM 2019” funded by ACRI - organization of Foundations of banking origin and Savings Banks.
Main topics
Advanced methods for nuclear structure studies
Nuclear structures studies through RIB experiments
Nuclear structure & fundamental physics
Special topics
Sponsored by:
Local organizing committee:
L. Coraggio
G. De Gregorio
A. Gargano
N. Itaco
G. La Rana
Conference e-mail: