La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

La Biodola, Isola d'Elba

<a target="_blank" href=>Hotel Hermitage</a> </br>e-mail: <a href="">
The fifth electron-cloud workshop, ECLOUD'12, will take place from 5 to 8 June, 2012 at La Biodola (isola d'Elba) Italy. The existence of the electron-cloud effect (ECE) has been firmly established experimentally at essentially all modern storage rings, either via performance limitations or by deliberate provocation. The ECE is a consequence of the strong coupling between a charged-particle beam and a cloud of electrons that inevitably develops inside the vacuum chamber. Resulting deleterious effects include beam instabilities, beam losses, emittance growth, increases in vacuum pressure, added heat load at the vacuum chamber walls, and interference with certain beam diagnostics. Electron-cloud effects are incompletely understood dynamical phenomena. While the fundamental mechanisms are well recognized and the qualitative picture clear, the phenomena involves many surface properties and geometrical parameters of the vacuum chamber coupled in a nontrivial way with the beam characteristics. In addition, the relevant time and energy scales span a wide range, and many of the essential parameters are not well known a priori. Hence the detailed prediction of ECE's at a given machine, not to mention the extrapolation from one machine to another, are subject to uncertainties. High-power microwave applications in modern satellites are perturbed by phenomena of multipacting and RF breakdown, which are governed by the same surface parameters as ECE in accelerators, which, especially for multi-carrier signals, exhibit very similar characteristics and electron-cloud build-up time scales, and which can be modelled by similar simulation tools.

Since the last ECLOUD workshop in 2010, an intense R&D effort has been under way to further understand the physics of the electron cloud and to investigate new methods for the mitigation of its adverse consequences. In particular, a crash effort is ongoing at CERN since late 2010 to understand and mitigate electron-cloud phenomena in the LHC. Furthermore, the SuperB and SuperKEKB factories have been approved; as a consequence of the high beam intensity in these machines, the ECE is expected to be significant, and it is urgent to better quantify and understand the associated phenomena.

The ECLOUD'12 workshop will be a timely meeting at which to present and discuss many recent and new electron-cloud observations at the LHC, electron cloud predictions for FAIR, SuperB and SUPER KEKB, electron-cloud studies at DAFNE, electron cloud mitigation by clearing electrodes and graphite/carbon coatings, modeling of incoherent electron-cloud effects, self-consistent simulations, synergies with other communities like the Valencia Space Consortium and the European Space Agency.

The ECLOUD'12 program will focus on: a review of EC observations at existing machines; recent experimental efforts to characterize the EC (including EC diagnostics, experimental techniques, characterization of mitigation methods, and characterization of beam instabilities and emittance growth); the status of EC physics models and simulation codes and their comparison with recently acquired experimental data; and the mitigation requirements and potential performance limitations imposed by the EC on upgraded and future machines. A dedicated session will address problems related to RF breakdown and multipacting for space applications.

ECLOUD'12 will be held at the Hermitage Hotel in La Biodola, Isola d'Elba. We are looking forward to an exceptional gathering where we can enjoy the beautiful location, have interesting scientific discussions about the state of the art, and initiate stimulating collaborations among electron-cloud key experts as well as with students and other scientists from neighbouring fields.

The meeting is sponsored by:
Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)
  • Ady Hershcovitch
  • Alex Pertica
  • Alexander Krasnov
  • Arturo Stabile
  • Chandrashekhara M Bhat Bhat
  • Delphine RIVOIRON
  • Elena Shaposhnikova
  • Fedor Petrov
  • Franz Schaefers
  • Fritz Caspers
  • Gerald Dugan
  • Gimeno Martinez Benito
  • Giovanni Iadarola
  • Giovanni Rumolo
  • Giuliano Franchetti
  • Hannes Bartosik
  • Hitoshi Fukuma
  • Humberto Maury Cuna
  • James Crittenden
  • John Flanagan
  • John Fox
  • John Sikora
  • Juan Federico Esteban Müller
  • Kathrin Schulte
  • Kazuhito Ohmi ohmi
  • Kevin Li
  • kyo shibata
  • Laura Boon
  • Lucia Lilli
  • Maria Rita Ferrazza
  • Maria Rosaria Masullo
  • María Davila
  • Mauro Pivi
  • Michael Mattes
  • Miguel Furman
  • Mikhail Zobov
  • Mohamed Belhaj
  • Nenad Bundaleski
  • Octavio Dominguez
  • Oliver Meusel
  • Paul Lebrun
  • Pedro Costa Pinto
  • Rainer Wanzenberg
  • Rene Goderich
  • reza valizadeh
  • Roberto Cimino
  • Roberto Flammini
  • Rosanna Larciprete
  • Sara Casalbuoni
  • Sean O'Connor
  • Shu Lai
  • Sihui Wang
  • Stefania Petracca
  • Stefano De Santis
  • Theo Demma
  • Vincent Baglin
  • Vinicio Tullio
  • Walter Scandale
  • Wolfgang Hofle