Nuclei in the Cosmos XV

"E. Fermi" conference room (LNGS)

"E. Fermi" conference room


Via G. Acitelli, 22 - 67100 Assergi (Italy)
Alba Formicola (LNGS)


This is the Indico page of the 15th International Symposium on Nuclei in the Cosmos. Official website can be found at:

The conference is the fifteenth in the Nuclei in the Cosmos (NIC) biennial series. The focus of the NIC XV conference will be the cross-fertilization of nuclear physics research with astrophysical topics.

The conference aims to address the current major achievements in nuclear physics, astrophysics, astronomy, cosmo-chemistry and neutrino physics that provide the necessary framework for any microscopic understanding of astrophysical processes, as well as for discussing the future directions and perspectives in the various fields of Nuclear Astrophysics research.

Thus the NIC XV program will consist of invited review talks and selected oral and poster contributions on important experimental and theoretical results in nuclear, particle and astrophysics researches, as well as a detailed and thorough exposition of the modern challenges in nuclear astrophysical scenarios.

In addition a limited number of talks of more general interest about Double Beta Decay, Dark Matter, will be included in the conference program to provide an overview of different aspects of underground physics.

Please refer to conference main site for all information regarding conference fee, registration, abstract submission, travel and accommodation and relevant details.


Abstract form
  • Aaron Couture
  • Adelle Goodwin
  • Adriana Banu
  • Adrià Casanovas
  • Alain Coc
  • Alan Chen
  • Albino Perego
  • Aleksandra Ćiprijanović
  • Alessandra Guglielmetti
  • alessandro chieffi
  • Alessandro Serafini
  • Alex Gnech
  • Alexis Diaz-Torres
  • Alvaro Tolosa Delgado
  • Anastasiia Chekhovska
  • Andre Sieverding
  • Andrea Basin
  • Andreas Best
  • Andreas Korn
  • Andrew Davis
  • Ann-Cecilie Larsen
  • Anna Simon
  • Anne Meyer
  • Antonino Di Leva
  • Antonio Caciolli
  • Anu Kankainen
  • Ashley Tattersall
  • Athanasios Psaltis
  • Aurora Galimi
  • Benjamin Wehmeyer
  • Benoit Côté
  • Bernardo Becherini
  • Birgitta Nordstrom
  • Borbála Cseh
  • Boris Pritychenko
  • Brian Metzger
  • Broxton Miles
  • Bruce Fegley
  • Carla Frohlich
  • Carlo Broggini
  • Carlo Giulio Bruno
  • Carlos Abia
  • Carolyn Doherty
  • Chiara Ruggeri
  • Chris Ruiz
  • christian iliadis
  • Christoph Langer
  • Claudia Lederer-Woods
  • Conor Hamill
  • Cristian Massimi
  • Dag Isak August Fahlin Strömberg
  • Daid Kahl
  • Daniel Bemmerer
  • Daniel Robertson
  • David Rapagnani
  • Debra Richman
  • Denise Piatti
  • Diego Vescovi
  • Dirk Mous
  • Donatella Romano
  • Duncan Galloway
  • Ertao Li
  • Esra Yuksel
  • Etienne Kaiser
  • Federica Petricca
  • Federico Ferraro
  • Felix Heim
  • Felix Ludwig
  • Fernando Montes
  • Francesca Cavanna
  • Frank Leonel Bello Garrote
  • Frank Strieder Strieder
  • Friedrich-Karl Thielemann
  • Gabriel Martínez Pinedo
  • Gabriele Cescutti
  • Gang Guo
  • Gianluca Imbriani
  • Gianpiero Gervino
  • Giovanni Francesco Ciani
  • Giovanni Luca Guardo
  • Giuseppe D'Agata
  • Grant Mathews
  • György Gyürky
  • Hannah Brinkman
  • Hannah Yasin
  • Hendrik Schatz
  • Heshani Dangallage Jayatissa
  • Hideki Shimizu
  • Hidetoshi Yamaguchi
  • Inma Dominguez
  • Iris Dillmann
  • Izabela Anna Kochanek
  • Jacqueline den Hartogh
  • James deBoer
  • James Keegans
  • James Kneller
  • Jan Glorius
  • Javier Balibrea Correa
  • Jennika Greer
  • Jenny Feige
  • Jeremias Garcia Duarte
  • Jimenez Bonilla Pablo
  • John Dermigny
  • Johnson Liang
  • Jordi Jose
  • Jose Francisco Favela Perez
  • Julia Bliss
  • Junker Matthias
  • Jørgen E. Midtbø
  • Kanji Mori
  • Katharina Lodders
  • Ken'ichi Nomoto
  • Kevin Ebinger
  • Klaus Stoeckel
  • Koh Takahashi
  • kwame appiah
  • Laszlo Csedreki
  • Laura Elisa Marcucci
  • Leonel Morejon
  • lihua chen
  • Livio Lamia
  • Lori Downen
  • Luca Boccioli
  • Lucia Anna Damone
  • Magne Guttormsen
  • Mallory Smith
  • Manoel Couder
  • Marcel Grieger
  • Maria Francesca Matteucci
  • Maria Lugaro
  • Maria Schönbächler
  • Marialuisa Aliotta
  • Marika Branchesi
  • Marius Eichler
  • Masahiko Katsuma
  • Matej Lipoglavsek
  • Matthew Mumpower
  • Matthew Williams
  • Matthias Bernhard Junker
  • Matthias Laubenstein
  • Maurizio Maria Busso
  • Melanie Hampel
  • Mirco Dietz
  • Moshe Friedman
  • Moshe Gai
  • Moshe Tessler
  • Nicole Vassh
  • Nikos Prantzos
  • Nobuya Nishimura
  • Ondrea Clarkson
  • Oscar Hall
  • Oscar Straniero
  • Panagiotis Gastis
  • Paolo Prati
  • Pareshkumar Prajapati
  • Peter Hoeflich
  • Peter Hoppe
  • Philip Adsley
  • Philip Woods
  • Pierre Descouvemont
  • Pietro Corvisiero
  • Rachel Titus
  • Raffaele Buompane
  • Rene Reifarth
  • Reto Trappitsch
  • Rita Lau
  • Roland Diehl
  • Rosanna Depalo
  • Rosario Pizzone
  • Ruchi Garg
  • Sandra Zavatarelli
  • Sanjana Curtis
  • Sara Leardini
  • Sara Palmerini
  • Scilla Degl'Innocenti
  • Sebastian Hammer
  • Sebastian Urlass
  • Seiya Hayakawa
  • Sergio Cristallo
  • Shigeru Kubono
  • Shuo WANG
  • Sofia Randich
  • Stefan Pavetich
  • Steffen Turkat
  • Stephan Rosswog
  • Stephanie Lyons
  • Stylianos Nikas
  • Suqing Hou
  • Takashi Yoshida
  • Tamás Szücs
  • Thomas Chillery
  • Thomas Hensel
  • Thomas Lawson
  • Thomas Rauscher
  • Tibor Norbert Szegedi
  • Tijana Prodanovic
  • Tobias Fischer
  • Tomoyasu Hayakawa
  • Tomoyuki Maruyama
  • Toshio Suzuki
  • Umberto Battino
  • Valeria La Speme
  • Viktor Szaszkó-Bogár
  • Vincenzo Paticchio
  • Viviana Mossa
  • Weiping Liu
  • William Hix
  • Xiaodong Tang
  • Xiaoting Fu
  • Yonglin Zhu
  • Yu Hu Zhang
  • Yudong Luo
  • Zac Johnston
  • Zsolt Fulop