707 / 707
- Rhine Kumar A.K
Yasuhisa ABE
- Co-author in High-spin Molecular Resonances in 12C+12C
- Co-author in Effects of the interstrip gap on the efficiency and response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
- Co-author in Scattering process for the system $^7$Be+$^{208}$Pb at near-barrier energies
- Co-author in Study of two and multi particle correlations in 12C+24Mg and 12C+208Pb reactions at E/A=35 MeV
- Gennady Adeev
- Guilain ADEMARD
- Clementina Agodi
- Eli Francisco Aguilera
- Rosa Alba
- Martin Alcorta
- Marialuisa Aliotta
- Nassima ALLAL
Paula R P Allegro
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Clara E. Alonso
- Paulina Amador-Valenzuela
- Francesca Amorini
C. Andreoiu
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Maria Victoria Andrés
Moro Antonio
- Author in Evaluation of inelastic breakup in reactions induced by weakly-bound nuclei within a three-body model
- Author in Transfer to the continuum calculations of quasifree (p,pn) and (p,2p) reactions
- Co-author in Effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei.
- Antonino Anzalone
- Goran Arbanas
- José Miguel Arias
- Sergey Artemov
- Arun Bharti Arun
- Arun Sharma Arun
- Md. A. Asgar
- Nick I. Ashwood
- Lucrezia Auditore
- Gilles Authelet
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Melina Avila
- Francois Aymard
- Behera B.R.
- Hidetada Baba
- Angela Badala'
- Sam Bailey
- Marcello Baldo
- K. Banerjee
- Preeti Bansal
- Mikhail Barabanov
- Virgil Baran
- Virgil V. Baran
- Marina Barbui
- Nicole BASTID
- P. Basu
- Giuseppe Battistoni
- Vyacheslav Batyaev
Dino Bazzacco
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
Didier Beaumel
- Co-author in TRACE and GASPARD: direct reactions with AGATA@SPES
- Francesco Becattini
- B. Behera
- Fabio Bellini
Tatyana Belyaeva
- Author in Neutron transfer to the unbound states of 11Be and 13C
- Co-author in Cluster rotational bands in 11B
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 9Be+51V near the Coulomb barrier
- Co-author in States of 13C with abnormal radii
P. Bender
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Giovanna Benzoni
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- S. Bhattacharya
- Chandana Bhattacharya
- Sayani Biswas
- D. C. Biswas
- Bertram Blank
Nives Blasi
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Andrey Blazhev
Giovanni Bocchi
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Alfonso Boiano
- Alfonso Boiano
- Ciro Boiano
- Ignazio Bombaci
Aldo Bonasera
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Bernard Borderie
- Szabolcs Borsanyi
Simone Bottoni
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Plamen Boutachkov
- Angela Bracco
Igor Bray
- Co-author in A nuclear convergent close-coupling formalism
- Frank Browne
- Stefania Bufalino
- Giuseppina Fiorella Burgio
- Stefano Burrello
- Nassurllo Burtebayev
- Denis Calvet
Franco Camera
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
Paul Cammarata
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Francesco Cappuzzello
- Diana Carbone
- Giuseppe Cardella
- Ian Carter
- Jesús Casal
- Manuela Cavallaro
- Igor Celikovic
- Mario Centelles
Simone Ceruti
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Rajdeep Chatterjee
- A. Chaudhuri
- Mariya Chauzova
- Abdou Chbihi
A.A. Chen
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Yongjing Chen
- Silvio Cherubini
- Deepika Choudhury
- Greg Christian
- Greg Chubarian
- L.X. Chung
- Tatjana Chuvilskaya
- Frédéric Château
- Francesco Collini
Maria Colonna
- Co-author in Dynamical Dipole Mode in the 40,48Ca+152,144Sm fusion-evaporation and fission reactions at 11 MeV/nucleon
- Co-author in Effects of symmetry energy and momentum dependent interaction on low-energy reaction mechanisms
- Co-author in Impact of pairing effects on thermodynamical properties and clusterization of stellar matter
- Co-author in The role of the symmetry energy on Pygmy Dipole Resonance dynamics: from schematic models to transport approaches
- Rosa Coniglione
- Anna Corsi
- Dolores Cortina-Gil
- Sandrine Courtin
- Dan Cozma
- Fabio Celso Luigi Crespi
- Andreea Croitoru
- Neil Curtis
- Aleksandra Cvetinovic
Ewa Cybulska
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Filipescu Dan
Andrey Danilov
- Author in Cluster rotational bands in 11B
- Co-author in States of 13C with abnormal radii
- L. S. Danu
- Santosh Kumar Das
B. Davids
- Co-author in Asymptotic Normalisation Coefficients from the 26Al(d,p)27Al reaction, mirror nuclei study and application to nuclear astrophysics
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Co-author in Probing the Structure of the Unbound Nuclei $^{9}$He and $^{10}$N Through Proton Elastic Scattering
- Thomas Davinson
- Enrico De Filippo
- Enrico De Filippo
- Gilles de FRANCE
- Erika De Lucia
- Antonio Del Zoppo
- Alain Delbart
- Doru Sabin Delion
- Daniele Dell'Aquila
- Daniele Dell'Aquila
Alla Demyanova
- Author in States of 13C with abnormal radii
- Co-author in Cluster rotational bands in 11B
- Co-author in Neutron transfer to the unbound states of 11Be and 13C
- Vitali Denisov
- Pierre Descouvemont
- A. Dey
- Paolo Di Meo
- Antonio Di Nitto
Alessia Francesca Di Pietro
- Author in Measuring fusion excitation functions with RIBsusing the stacked target technique: problems and possible solutions
- Co-author in Analysis of states of light nuclei populated in reactions by 13C beam
- Co-author in Effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei.
- Co-author in Effects of the interstrip gap on the efficiency and response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
- Massimo Di Toro
- Daniel Doherty
- Zsolt Dombradi
- Raul Donangelo
- Jianmin Dong
- Pieter Doornenbal
- T. Druet
- R Dubey
- Marco Durante
- Alexis Díaz Torres
- Umberto Emanuele
- Riccardo Faccini
- Thomas Faestermann
- J. Fallis
- Yifan Fang
- Deqing Fang
- Fabio Farinon
- Mohammed FELLAH
- Zhaoqing Feng
- Juan Pablo Fernandez Garcia
- Lidia S. Ferreira
- Fernando Ferroni
Pierpaolo Figuera
- Author in Measuring fusion excitation functions with RIBsusing the stacked target technique: problems and possible solutions
- Co-author in Analysis of states of light nuclei populated in reactions by 13C beam
- Co-author in Effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei.
- Co-author in Effects of the interstrip gap on the efficiency and response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
- Enrico Fioretto
Maria Fisichella
- Author in Measuring fusion excitation functions with RIBsusing the stacked target technique: problems and possible solutions
- Co-author in Analysis of states of light nuclei populated in reactions by 13C beam
- Co-author in Effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei.
- Co-author in Effects of the interstrip gap on the efficiency and response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
- Zoltan Fodor
- Jacopo Forneris
J.P. Fortin
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Lorenzo Fortunato
- Laura Francalanza
- serge franchoo
- Paul Fraser
- Martin Freer
- Changbo Fu
- Kenji Fukukawa
- Maria J G. Borge
N. Galinski
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
A.T. Gallant
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Franco Galtarossa
- Author in Fusion reactions of 58,64Ni + 124Sn
- Danilo Gambacurta
P.E. Garrett
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Sakshi Gautam
- Co-author in Dynamics of fragmentation in heavy-ion collisions at intermediate energies
- Co-author in Influence of constant and density-dependent reduced cross-section on transverse flow at intermediate energies
- Co-author in System size dependence of the energy of peak production of fragments
- Co-author in Thermal binding energies in clusterization algorithm and its effect on fragmentation
Georgi Georgiev
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Roman Gernhäuser
- Jean-Marc Gheller
- C. Ghosh
- T. K. Ghosh
- S. S. Ghugre
- Francesca Giacoppo
Agnese Giaz
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Julien GIBELIN
- Jérôme Giovinazzo
- Tudor Glodariu
- Brunilde Gnoffo
- Subodh S. Godre
- Namita Goel
- Jacek Golak
- Vladilen Goldberg
- Arturo Gomez Camacho
- Mario Gomez Ramos
Sergey Goncharov
- Co-author in Cluster rotational bands in 11B
- Co-author in Neutron transfer to the unbound states of 11Be and 13C
- Co-author in States of 13C with abnormal radii
- Magdalena Gorska
Andrea Gottardo
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Andrea Gottardo
- Laura Grassi
- Jerzy Grebosz
Vincenzo Greco
- Author in Toward a solution of the RAA and v2 puzzle for heavy quarks.
- Co-author in Anisotropic flows and the shear viscosity of the QGP within an event by event transport approach
- Co-author in Shear Viscosity to electric conductivity ratio for the Quark-Gluon Plasma
- Co-author in Thermalization. equilbration and particle production in quark-gluon plasma
- V. Grilj
- Giovanni Luca Guardo
- Alessandra Guglielmetti
- Alessandra Guglielmetti
- Francesca Gulminelli
- Raj K. Gupta
G. Hackman
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
B. Hadinia
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Katarzyna Hadynska-Klek
- Kris Hagel
G. Hagen
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Shintaro Hashimoto
- Seiya Hayakawa
Lauren Heilborn
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- M. Hempel
- Fritz Peter Heßberger
- David Hinde
- Joshua Hooker
- Baishan Hu
- Mahir Hussein
- Sayrambay Igamov
- Sergey Igashov
- Stoyanka Ilieva
S. Ishimoto
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- TadaAki Isobe
- Antonio Italiano
Makoto Ito
- Author in Analysis of the reaction size by the method of the scattering radius
- Author in Unified studies of structures and reaction in two-center systems
- Co-author in alpha Cluster Structure in Unbound States of 19Ne
- Co-author in Coupled Rearrangement Channels Calculation of The Three Body System under The Absorbing Boundary Condition
- Masataka Iwasaki
- H. C. Jain
- Milko Jaksic
G. Jansen
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Kurosh Javidan
- Heshani Jayatissa
- Rangel Jeannie
- Desa Jelavic Malenica
- S Jeong
- Lubian Jesus
- Li Juan Jiang
- C. L. Jiang
- Lei Jin
- Walshe Joe
Philipp Rudolf John
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Andrea Jungclaus
- Ihor Kadenko
Alisher Kadyrov
- Co-author in A nuclear convergent close-coupling formalism
- Daid KAHL
- Masayasu Kamimura
- Juhwan Kang
- Rituparna Kanungo
- Igor Kasirin
- Varinderjit Kaur
- Manpreet Kaur
- Sukhjit Kaur
- Mandeep Kaur
- Gurpreet Kaur
M. Keefe
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Leslie Kerby
- Yong-Kyun Kim
- Dong Jo Kim
- Y.H. Kim
- Gi Dong KIM Gi Dong
- Oliver Kirsebom
- Anders Knospe
- Ivan Kojouharov
- Tzany Kokalova
- Vladimir Kondratyev
- Zeren Korkulu
Yuliia Korovina
- Co-author in Statistics of magnetar crusts magnetoemission
- Yevgen Koshchiy
Seweryn Kowalski
- Author in Recent results from NA61/SHINE
- Shunpei Koyama
- Ievgenii Kres
- Ievgenyi Kres
- Anna Krutenkova
- Wojciech Krzemien
- R. Krücken
- Yuki Kubota
- Rohit Kumar
- S. Kundu
- Nick Kurz
- K.A. Kuterbekov
- Marco La Commara
Marco La Commara
- Co-author in Dynamical Dipole Mode in the 40,48Ca+152,144Sm fusion-evaporation and fission reactions at 11 MeV/nucleon
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 17O ions from 58Ni at near-barrier energies
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 17O+208Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier.
- Co-author in Scattering process for the system $^7$Be+$^{208}$Pb at near-barrier energies
- Denis Lacroix
- Livio Lamia
- Giuseppe Edoardo Lanza
- Gaetano Lanzalone
G. Lanzalone
- Author in Nuclear Reactions in Laser Plasmas
- Valérie LAPOUX
- Csernai Laszlo Pal
Marcello Lattuada
- Co-author in Analysis of states of light nuclei populated in reactions by 13C beam
- Co-author in Effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei.
- Co-author in Effects of the interstrip gap on the efficiency and response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
- Co-author in Measuring fusion excitation functions with RIBsusing the stacked target technique: problems and possible solutions
- Josè Antonio Lay Valera
- Jenny Lee
- Romain Leguillon
- Erich Leistenschneider
Silvia Leoni
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Marc Lettmann
- Marek Lewitowicz
- Qite Li
- Pengfei Li
- Junqing Li
- zhuxia Li
- Wuyang Liang
J. Lighthall
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Andrej Likar
Roberto Linares
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Matej Lipoglavsek
- David Lizcano
- Ivano Lombardo
- Umberto Lombardo
- Wen Hui Long
- Giuseppe LORUSSO
- Gavin Lotay
- Corinne Louchart
- Radomira Lozeva
- Daniel Lubos
Canto Luis Felipe
- Co-author in Effect of breakup channel on other reaction mechanisms of the 8B + 208Pb system at near barrier energies
- Co-author in Low-energy $^{9}$Be$+$^{208}$Pb scattering, breakup and fusion within a four-body model
- Co-author in Transverse Isotropy: Disappearance of Mott oscillations in sub-barrier elastic scattering of identical heavy ions
- Alinka Lépine-Szily
Justin Mabiala
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Enrico Maglione
- Concettina Maiolino
- Hiroyuki Makii
- Sergey Malinovskiy
- Christian Manea
- Kaur Maninder
- S. Manna
- Michela Marafini
- Anthony MARCHIX
- Vincent Margerin
- Daniel J. Marin-Lambarri
Paola Marini
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Gloria Marquínez-Durán
- Ismael Martel
- Brunella Martin
- Enrique Martínez-Quiroz
- Toshiki Maruyama
- Stepan Mashnik
- Francesco Matera
- Thomas MATERNA
- Keishi Matsui
- Masafumi Matsushita
Larry May
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Chiara Mazzocchi
- Marco Mazzocco
- Marco Mazzocco
- Alan McIntosh
E. McNeice
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Nilberto Medina
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- J. K. Meena
- Sharareh Mehrabi Pari
- Dan Melconian
Barbara Melon
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
Roberto Menegazzo
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Daniele Mengoni
Caterina Michelagnoli
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Tea Mijatovic
- Tea Mijatovic
- Matko Milin
- Matko Milin
- Djuro Miljanic
D. Miller
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Benedicte Million
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
Vincenzo Minissale
- Author in Quark coalescence from RHIC to LHC
- triestino Minniti
- H. Miyatake
- T. Miyazaki
Victor Modamio Hoybjor
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Pietro Benedetto Molini
- S. Momiyama
Ana Isabel Morales Lopez
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Juan Carlos Morales-Rivera
- Luca Morelli
- Silvio Morganti
- Mitul R. Morker
- Kevin Moschner
- Pawel Moskal
- Tohru Motobayashi
- A. Mukherjee
- G. Mukherjee
- S. Mukhopadhyay
A.M. Muoio
- Author in Progress in MAGNEX focal plane detector
- S. Muralithar
- Takumi Muto
T. Myo
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Pavel Nadtochy
- V. Nanal
Adriana Nannini
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
Daniel Ricardo Napoli
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- J. B. Natowitz
- Dang Nguyen Dinh
- Marino Nicoletto
- Megumi Niikura
- Koji Niita
- Shunji Nishimura
- Ichiro Nishinaka
- Katsuhisa Nishio
Chiara Nociforo
- Author in Detector developments for the Super-FRS
- Sebastianella Norella
- Frédéric NOWACKI
- Alexandre obertelli
- Tatsuhiko Ogawa
Alexey Ogloblin
- Co-author in Cluster rotational bands in 11B
- Co-author in Neutron transfer to the unbound states of 11Be and 13C
- Co-author in States of 13C with abnormal radii
Jose Roberto Oliveira
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Louis Olivier
- Stephen Olsen
- Antonio Ordine
- Riccardo Orlandi
- Sonja Orrigo
- Shinsuke Ota
- Reiji Otani
- Hideaki Otsu
T. Otsuka
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Marco Ottanelli
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Mohamed Reda OUDIH
- Emanuele Vincenzo Pagano
- Angelo Pagano
- S. Pal
- Dragos Iustin Palade
- Rudrajyoti Palit
- Sara Palmerini
- Rubén Pampa Condori
- R. Pandey
- Massimo Papa
- Luciano Libero Pappalardo
- Arumugam Paramasivan
- Riccardo Paramatti
Concetta Parascandolo
- Author in Dynamical Dipole Mode in the 40,48Ca+152,144Sm fusion-evaporation and fission reactions at 11 MeV/nucleon
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 17O ions from 58Ni at near-barrier energies
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 17O+208Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier.
- Co-author in Scattering process for the system $^7$Be+$^{208}$Pb at near-barrier energies
- Jason PARK
- Zena Patel
- Vincenzo Patera
Gomes Paulo Roberto
- Author in Breakup of weakly bound nuclei and its influence on fusion
- Co-author in Effect of $^{6}$Li resonances on near-barrier elastic scattering for reactions with several spherical targets
- Co-author in Effect of breakup channel on other reaction mechanisms of the 8B + 208Pb system at near barrier energies
- Kirill Pavlov
- Luna Pellegri
Luna Pellegri
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Guangxiong Peng
- yuri penionzhkevich
Andrea Perego
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Alan Peyaud
- Dimitra Pierroutsakou
- Dimitra Pierroutsakou
- Luca Piersanti
- R.G. Pillay
- Davide Pinci
E. C. Pinilla
- Author in Breakup of 22C in a three-body model
- Sara Pirrone
- Rosario Pizzone
- Salvatore Plumari
- Giuseppe Politi
- Emanuel Pollacco
- Francesco Porto
- M. K. Pradhan
- Lovro Prepolec
- nelly puglia
- Armando Puglisi
J. Purcell
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Cédric Péron
- Lucia Quattrocchi
- Adriana Raduta
- Mustafa RAJABALI
- S. Rajbanshi
- T. K. Rana
J. Randhawa
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Claudia Ratti
- R. Raut
- L. M. Rebledo
- E. K. Rehm
Roberto Ribas
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Collaboration RIBRAS
- Simon Rice
- Peter Ring
- Marie-France Rivet
- Carmelo Rizzo
- Marco Rocchini
- Jose Luis Rodriguez Sanchez
- Manuela Rodríguez-Gallardo
- Brian Roeder
- G. Roepke
- Grigory Rogachev
T. Roger
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Victor Rogov
- A. Rojas
- Stefano Romano
- Mauro Romoli
- Elio Rosato
- Elio Rosato
- Jean-Yves Rousse
- Tusar Ranjan Routray
- Subinit Roy
- T. Roy
- P. Roy
- Marco Ruggieri
- Chris Ruiz
- Andrea Russomando
- Paolo Russotto
- Eugeny Ryabov
- Hiroyuki Sagawa
- Sudipta Saha
- A. K. Saha
- Eda Sahin
- Yuji Sakaguchi
- Sakshi Gautam Sakshi
- Hiroyoshi Sakurai
- Stanislav Sakuta
- Viacheslav Samarin
- Mario Sandoli
- Katz Sandor
A. Sanetullaev
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Clementine Santamaria
- Daniel Santiago-Gonzalez
- Domenico Santonocito
- Satyaranjan Santra
- Alessio Sarti
- Masaki Sasano
- Tatsuhiko Sato
- Tiberiu Sava
H. Savajols
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Gudveen Sawhney
- Guillaume Scamps
- Francesco Scardina
- K. Schmidt
- Katarzyna Schmidt
- Hans Josef Schulze
- Adalberto Sciubba
- Valentina Scuderi
Wayne Seale
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Martina Senzacqua
- Maria Letizia Sergi
- Jasmine Sethi
- O. Sgouros
- Onofious Sgouros
- Md. M Shaikh
- Callum Shand
- Xinle Shang
- Shubhchintak Sharma
- Manoj K. Sharma
- Kanishka Sharma
- Yoshiaki Shiga
- A. Shotter
- A. Shrivastava
- Radhey Shyam
- Cosimo Signorini
- Cosimo Signorini
Marcilei Silveira
- Co-author in The Isomeric State Measurement System (SISMEI)
- Rosetta Silvestri
- Purnima Singh
- A. K. Sinha
- M. Sinha
- Roman Skibinski
- Natko Skukan
- Magdalena Skurzok
- James Smallcombe
- Michael Smith
- Neven Soic
- Elena Solfaroli Camillocci
- Alexander Solovyev
- Huichao Song
- myunggeun song
- Francesca Soramel
- Francesca Soramel
- V. Soukeras
- Vassileios Soukeras
George Souliotis
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Giulio Spadaccini
- Claudio Spitaleri
- P. C. Srivastava
- Davor Stanko
- Alexey Stankovskiy
- Andrzej Staszczak
- Krieg Stefan
- Gheorghe Iulian Stefan
- Alberto Stefanini
- Claudio Stefanini
- Konrad Steiger
- David Steppenbeck
- Emanuele Strano
- Emanuele Strano
- Andrea Strazzeri
- Lucian Stroe
- Lucian Stroe
- Toshiyuki Sumikama
- Bao Yuan SUN
T. Suzuki
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Daisuke Suzuki
- Kalman Szabo
- Suzana Szilner
- Pär-Anders Söderström
- Pär-Anders Söderström
- Fatemeh Taghavi Shahri
- Sato Takeuchi
- Nobuyuki Tamura
J. Tanaka
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- S. K. Tandel
- Yasutaka TANIGUCHI
I. Tanihata
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Toshitaka Tatsumi
- Yury Tchuvil'sky
I.J. Thompson
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Natasha Timofeyuk
- Yury Titarenko
- Alexey Titarenko
- Alberica Toia
- Vedrana Tokic
- Vedrana Tokic
- Nicola Toniolo
- Kacper Topolnicki
- Marco Toppi
Domenico Torresi
- Author in Effects of the interstrip gap on the efficiency and response of Double Sided Silicon Strip Detectors
- Author in Elastic scattering of 17O ions from 58Ni at near-barrier energies
- Author in Elastic scattering of 17O+208Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier.
- Co-author in Analysis of states of light nuclei populated in reactions by 13C beam
- Co-author in Dynamical Dipole Mode in the 40,48Ca+152,144Sm fusion-evaporation and fission reactions at 11 MeV/nucleon
- Co-author in Effects of couplings to breakup channels in reactions induced by weakly bound and halo nuclei.
- Co-author in Scattering process for the system $^7$Be+$^{208}$Pb at near-barrier energies
- Jeff Tostevin
- Dennis Lozano Toufen
- Dinh Trong Tran
- Robert Tribble
- Antonio TRIFIRO
- Antonio Trifirò
- Marina Trimarchi
- Marina Trimarchi
Wladislaw Trzaska
- Co-author in Cluster rotational bands in 11B
- Co-author in States of 13C with abnormal radii
- Betty Tsang
- Kazuaki Tsukada
- Aurora Tumino
- S. Typel
- Ethan Uberseder
- Tomohiro Uesaka
C. Unsworth
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
Calin Alexandru Ur
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Millivoi Uroic
- Milivoj Uroic
- Zsolt Vajta
Jose' Javier Valiente Dobon
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Danil Vanin
- Giuseppe Verde
- Martin Veselsky
- Jelena Vesic
- Mariano Vigilante
- Mariano Vigilante
Andrea Vitturi
- Co-author in BCS description of weakly bound nuclei with a discretized continuum
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 17O ions from 58Ni at near-barrier energies
- Co-author in Elastic scattering of 17O+208Pb at energies near the Coulomb barrier.
- Co-author in Microscopic nuclear form factors for the pygmy dipole resonance
- Xavier Viñas
- Alexander Vodopyanov
- Cecilia Voena
- Alexander Volya
P. Voss
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- R. Wada
- Mengliang WANG
- He Wang
Z. Wang
- Co-author in New evidence of soft dipole resonance in 11Li
- Dujuan Wang
- Zhimin Wang
- Y. Watanabe
- Hiroshi Watanabe
- Volker Werner
- Carl Wheldon
Oliver Wieland
- Co-author in g-factor Measurements for Isomeric States in 174W
- Elizabeth Williams
- Henryk witala
- Hermann Wolter Wolter
- Cheuk-Yin Wong
- philip woods
- Jin Wu
- Jin Wu
- S. Wuenschel
- Yilong Xie
- Furong Xu
- Zheng Xu
- Tu Ya
- Abhishek Yadav
- Hidetoshi Yamaguchi
- Zaihong Yang
- Rakhim Yarmukhamedov
- Nobutoshi Yasutake
Yanlin Ye
- Co-author in Study on the Neutron-Neutron Correlation in 8He
Sherry Yennello
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Ken-Ichiro Yoneda
- Chen Yong-shou
- Mile Zadro
- Mile Zadro
Andrew Zarrella
- Co-author in Asymmetry Dependence of the Nuclear Caloric Curve
- Pavel Zarubin
Irina Zarubina
- Co-author in Recent applications of nuclear track emulsion
- K. Zerva
- H.Q. Zhang
- Hongfei Zhang
- Yingxun Zhang
- shisheng zhang
- Qian Zhao
- hua zheng
- Valeriy Zhivun
- You Zhou
- Xiangrong Zhu
- Wei ZUO