Jun 21 – 26, 2015
Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania
Europe/Rome timezone
All the plenary sessions will be transmitted in streaming on the web. From Monday, June 22nd, a link will be available <a href='http://www.streamago.tv/channel/54955/default/iframe/' target='blank'> here </a>

Octupole bands in the neutron-rich nucleus 143Ba

Not scheduled
Aula Magna (Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania)

Aula Magna

Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania

Via Santa Sofia, 64 95123, Catania, Italy
Poster Nuclear Structure


Dr Yongjing Chen (China Institute of Atomic Energy)

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Yong-Jing Chen1, Zao-Chun Gao1, Yong-Shou Chen 1, Ya Tu2

1 China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China
2 College of Physics Science and Technology, Shenyang Normal University, ShenYang 110034, China

The reflection asymmetric shell model (RASM) was developed to describe the high spin states in octupole deformed nuclei in Ra-Th octupole deformed nuclei [1] and neutron-rich nucleus 145Ba in Ba-Sm region[2]. In this work, RASM was performed to investigate the reflection asymmetry in 143Ba. All the observed four rotational bands are well reproduced by the present calculation with a proper octupole deformation (∼ 0.08), which is consistent with the macroscopic-microscopic calculations in the literature. The two octupole deformed neutron Nilsson single-particle orbitals just below the octupole shell gap 88, with K=1/2 and K=3/2 dominate the intrinsic structure of the observed low-lying states. Based on the analysis of the calculated RASM wave functions and the pure-configuration calculation results, the assignments for the observed bands have been given. The s=+i and s=-i octupole bands are all based on the K=1/2 orbit, and they are really “parity doublets” in octupole deformed island around Z=56 and N=88. The calculated results show that the s=+i and s=-i octupole bands in 143Ba are different from the 145Ba. In 145Ba, the s=+i and s=-i octupole bands originate from the different K orbits.

[1] Y. S. Chen and Z. C. Gao, Phys. Rev. C 63, 014314 (2000).
[2] Yong-Jing Chen, Zao-Chun Gao, Yong-Shou Chen, and Ya Tu, Phys. Rev. C 91, 014317 (2015).

Primary author

Dr Yongjing Chen (China Institute of Atomic Energy)

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