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Starting from realistic nuclear forces (N3LO [1] and JISP16 [2]), we perform the Hartree-Fock approximation first. Taking the HF solution as the reference and using many-body perturbation theory (MBPT) [3], we make corrections to the HF calculation, up to the third-order correction in nuclear energy and up to the second order in nuclear radius. As preliminary calculations, we have investigated the closed-shell nuclei, 4He and 16O, obtaining quite good results in both binding energies and radii. Further work is in process.
We thank J. Vary for providing the JISP16 interaction and useful discussions.
[1] D.R. Entem and R. Machleidt, Phys. Rev. C 68, 041001 (32003).
[2] A.M. Shirokov, A.I. Mazur, S/A. Zaytsev, J.P. Vary and T.A. Weber, Phys. Rev. C 70, 044005 (2004).
[3] I. Shavitt and R.J. Bartlett, Many-body methods in Chemistry and physics: MBPT and coupled-cluster theory (2009).