Jun 21 – 26, 2015
Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania
Europe/Rome timezone
All the plenary sessions will be transmitted in streaming on the web. From Monday, June 22nd, a link will be available <a href='http://www.streamago.tv/channel/54955/default/iframe/' target='blank'> here </a>

Semiclassical approach to sequential fission in peripheral collisions

Not scheduled
Aula Magna (Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania)

Aula Magna

Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia, Università di Catania

Via Santa Sofia, 64 95123, Catania, Italy
Poster Fusion and Fission


Dr Antonio Italiano (INFN, G.C. Messina, Italy)

Click here to download the template: <a href="https://agenda.infn.it/materialDisplay.py?materialId=3&confId=5235"> Word </a>, <a href="https://agenda.infn.it/materialDisplay.py?materialId=2&confId=5235">Latex</a>

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% do not change the conference title
\noindent{\underline{The 12th International Conference on Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions, June 21-26, 2015, Catania, Italy}}

% insert the title of your abstract here
{\large \bf Semiclassical approach to sequential fission in peripheral collisions}

% insert the authors here. The presenter is underlined
{A. Strazzeri}$^{1}$, A. Italiano$^{2}$

% these are the corresponding institutions
{\em $^1$ Dipartimento di Fisica e Astronomia dell'Universit`{a} di Catania, Italy} \
{\em $^2$ Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare, Gr. Coll. di Messina, Italy}

% write your abstract here
A closed-form semiclassical approach describing in a
single picture both the evaporation
component and the fast nonequilibrium component of the
sequential fission of projectilelike fragments in a peripheral heavy-ion
collision is derived and then applied to the dynamical fission observed in
the $^{124}Sn$+$^{64}Ni$ peripheral collision at 35A MeV. Information on opposite
polarization effects of the fissioning projectilelike fragments and
on ``dynamical fission lifetimes'' are obtained. This approach
allows, in spite of its simplicity, to reproduce
many of the observed features of both E and NE in-plane angular
distributions of the heavier fragment from the PL nucleus splitting.


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% write your references here
[1] E. De Filippo \emph{et al.}, Phys. Rev. C {\bf 71}, (2005) 064604, and references therein.

[2] A. Strazzeri and A. Italiano,
Int. J. Mod. Phys. E {\bf 23}, (2014) 1450081, and references therein.


Primary author

Prof. Andrea Strazzeri (Dip. Fisica e Astronomia, Universita' di Catania)


Dr Antonio Italiano (INFN, G.C. Messina, Italy)

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.