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Recent researches show that the high spatial resolution glass Resistive Plate Chambers (RPC) are very promising detectors for Muon Tomography(MT) for discriminating high-Z nuclear materials in containers or vehicles. Prototyping RPCs with LC delay-line readout method were constructed and tested. Detection efficiencies for cosmic rays of about 95% were obtained for both avalanche and streamer modes of operation. A narrow profile for avalanche signal mode is obtained, which lead to an intrinsic spatial resolution less than 1.0 mm FWHM[1]. We meanwhile report imaging results of a Muon Tomography Station prototype based on glass RPCs. Fig 1(a) shows the setup of our MT test station prototype[2]. After 24 hours of exposure, the shapes of two tested bricks ware clear and the difference of mean scattering angle can be observed in Fig. 1(b).