International Conference on String Field Theory and String Perturbation Theory

A (Arcetri, Firenze)


Arcetri, Firenze

Galileo Galilei Institute
Carlo Maccaferri

This is the X edition of the annual conference on String Field Theory and related aspects.

Previous editions were held in India (2018), Brazil (2016),  China (2015)Italy (2014)Israel (2012)Czechia (2011)Japan (2010)Russia (2009)Germany (2008).

The related aspect of this year will be String Perturbation Theory.


The conference is the concluding event of the long-term workshop at the GGI Institute on "String Theory from a world-sheet perspective" which also includes an initial training week of Review Lectures on World-Sheet Aspects of String Theory.



  • Aldo Lorenzo Cotrone
  • Alessio Caddeo
  • Anupam Mazumdar
  • Ashoke Sen
  • Carlo Maccaferri
  • Christoph Chiaffrino
  • Davide Billo
  • Dimitri Skliros
  • Domenico Seminara
  • Faroogh Moosavian
  • Francesco Bigazzi
  • Franco Pezzella
  • Georg Stettinger
  • Giulio Bonelli
  • Harold Erbin
  • Hiroaki Matsunaga
  • Hiroshi Kunitomo
  • Hirosi Ooguri
  • Igor Pesando
  • Ivo Sachs
  • Jakub Vosmera
  • Loriano Bonora
  • Luca Mattiello
  • Martin Schnabl
  • Matej Kudrna
  • Michael Kroyter
  • Nathan Berkovits
  • Oliver Schlotterer
  • Pierre Vanhove
  • Pietro Antonio Grassi
  • Rennan Lipinski Jusinskas
  • Ruan Yongbin
  • Sara Bonansea
  • Sebastian Mizera
  • Shigenori Seki
  • Stefano Giaccari
  • Theodore Erler
  • Tomasz Taylor
  • Tomohiko Takahashi
  • Toru Masuda
  • Toshiko Kojita
  • Yuji Okawa