Ettore Majorana Foundation

Ettore Majorana Foundation

Via Guarnotta, 26 91016 ERICE (Sicily)
Harald Lueck (MPG Hannover), Michele Punturo (INFN Perugia and EGO)
logo ego

Second General Meeting of the FP7 activity Einstein Telescope.

The 2nd annual meeting of the ET design study project will be organized in the "Ettore Majorana centre for scientific culture", Erice (Sicily-Italy), from the 14th to the 16th of October 2009. This is an important step toward the realization of a conceptual design of the 3rd generation gravitational wave observatory "ET". The progresses in the design will be reported by the scientists involved in the project and a large fraction of the time will be reserved to the discussion upon the several design possibilities identified in the last year of activity. Site requirements and selection, low frequency noise suppression technologies, detector topologies and QND techniques, science case will be discussed.

  • Alessandro Bertolini
  • Alessio Rocchi
  • Alexander Dietz
  • Alexander Khalaidovski
  • Andrea Paoli
  • Andreas Freise
  • Antonio Pasqualetti
  • Bangalore Sathyaprakash
  • Bas Swinkels
  • Benoit Mours
  • Carlo Nicola Colacino
  • Carlos F. Sopuerta
  • Caspar van Leeuwen
  • Chris Van Den Broeck
  • Christian D. Ott
  • Christian Schwarz
  • Cristiano PALOMBA
  • Daniel Heinert
  • David Rabeling
  • Elisabetta Cesarini
  • Eliu Huerta
  • eugenio coccia
  • Fabrizio Barone
  • Fausto Acernese
  • Franco Frasconi
  • Fulvio Ricci
  • Gaelle Parguez
  • Gergely Debreczeni
  • Giancarlo Cella
  • Harald Lueck
  • Heiko Ehrlichmann
  • Helge Mรผller-Ebhardt
  • Istvรกn Rรกcz
  • Jacques Colas
  • James Hough
  • Janyce Franc
  • Johannes van den Brand
  • John Nelson
  • Jonathan Gair
  • Kazuaki Kuroda
  • Kazuhiro Yamamoto
  • Keiko Kokeyama
  • Kentaro Somiya
  • Kirill Tokmakov
  • Leone B. Bosi
  • Luciano Di Fiore
  • Mark Beker
  • Martin Doets
  • Martin Hendry
  • Massimo Galimberti
  • Matteo Lorenzini
  • Michael Britzger
  • Michele Punturo
  • Mirko Prato
  • Nicola Beveridge
  • Paola Puppo
  • Paolo Falferi
  • Paul Fulda
  • Raffaele Flaminio
  • Riccardo DeSalvo
  • Ronny Nawrodt
  • Sebastian Steinlechner
  • Sergey Tarabrin
  • Simon Chelkowski
  • Stefan Hild
  • stefano braccini
  • Thomas Dent
  • Tobias Eberle
  • Virginia Re
  • Virginie Bornes
  • Viviana Fafone
  • Walter Del Pozzo
    • 14:00 15:00
      Workshop opening session

      Welcome talks and status of the GW and ET projects

      • 14:00
        Welcome talk(s) 10m
      • 14:10
        Status of the current and advanced GW detectors 20m
        Speaker: Dr Harald Lueck (AEI Hannover (MPI f. gravitational Physics / Inst. f. Grav.physics Leibniz Uni Hannover))
      • 14:30
        ET project status and evolution 20m
        Speaker: Michele Punturo (PG)
    • 15:00 16:20
      WG4 - Astrophysics - 1

      Astrophysics issues, Science case

      • 15:00
        Core-Collapse Supernova and Long-Soft GRB Science Goals with ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Christian Ott (Caltech and Niels Bohr Institute)
      • 15:20
        Exploring intermediate and massive black-hole binaries with IMRI sources 20m
        Speaker: Dr Jonathan Gair (University of Cambridge)
      • 15:40
        Testing star formation models with ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Christian Van Den Broeck (Nikhef)
      • 16:00
        Multi-messengers in ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Martin Hendry
    • 16:20 17:00
      Cofee break 40m

      Cofee break

    • 17:00 18:40
      WG4 - Astrophysics - 2

      Astrophysics, Science case

      • 17:00
        Accurate SNR and parameter estimation calculations for ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Eliu Huerta (IoA, Cambridge)
      • 17:20
        Stochastic backgrounds and the early universe the Einstein Telescope 20m
        Speaker: Dr Thomas Dent (Cardiff University)
      • 17:40
        Parametrized tests of post mewtonian Theory with ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Chandrakant Misra
      • 18:00
        Testing GR with ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Walter Del Pozzo (University of Birmingham)
      • 18:20
        Computing infrastructure for ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Leone Battista Bosi (INFN Perugia)
    • 08:30 10:30
      WG2 - Suspensions and thermal noise

      Suspensions issues, thermal noise, coatings

      • 08:30
        Thermal Noise Modeling 20m
        Speaker: Paola Puppo (RM1)
      • 08:50
        Thermal Noise and Material Issues for ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Ronny Nawrodt
      • 09:10
        Cryogenic Si-Si Bond Strength Testing 20m
        Speaker: Dr Nicola Beverigde
      • 09:30
        Mirror thermal noise and its implication on the mirror design 20m
        Speaker: Ms Janyce FRANC (CNRS)
      • 09:50
        Measurements of superattenuator performance on the VIRGO itf:a comparison with ET requirements 20m
        Speaker: Dr Stefano BRACCINI
      • 10:10
        the superattenuator upgrades and the SAFE project 20m
        Speaker: Franco Frasconi (PI)
    • 10:30 10:50
      Coffee break 20m
    • 10:50 11:50
      WG2 - Suspensions and thermal noise 2

      Suspensions, Thermal noise, coatings

      • 10:50
        Sensor and actuators for ET 20m
        Speaker: Ettore Majorana (RM1)
      • 11:10
        Cooling issues 20m
        Speaker: Fulvio Ricci (RM1)
    • 11:50 13:00
      Round Table

      Round table on the science case of the 3rd generation of GW detectors, synergies with space GW detectors, strategies, ....

    • 13:00 15:00
      Lunch 2h


    • 15:00 16:40
      WG3 - Topology, geometry, Optics

      Interferometer topologies, geometries and optical issues

      • 15:00
        Squeezed light integration at GEO 600 and beyond 15m
        Speaker: Mr Alexander Khalaidovski
      • 15:15
        Squeezed light generation at 1064 nm and 1550 nm 15m
        Speaker: Dr Tobias Eberle
      • 15:30
        Absorption measurements on silicon 20m
        Speaker: Dr Sebastian Steinlechner
      • 15:50
        Parametric instability of a cavity of ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Kazuhiro Yamamoto
      • 16:10
        Thermal Noise Reduction through LG modes 15m
        Speaker: Dr Janyce FRANC
      • 16:25
        LG Mode Generation 15m
        Speaker: Dr Keiko Kokeyama
    • 16:40 17:20
      Coffee break 40m

      Coffee Break

    • 17:20 19:00
      WG3 - Topology, geometry, Optics - 2

      Interferometer topology, geometries, Optical issues

      • 17:20
        Displacement Noise Free Interferometry 20m
        Speaker: Dr Sergey Tarabrin
      • 17:40
        xylophone topologies 25m
        Speaker: Dr stefan hild
      • 18:05
        Topology comparison RSE vs. Sagnac using GWINC 25m
        Speaker: Dr Simon chelkowski
      • 18:30
        Next steps: from technology reviews to detector design 30m
        Speaker: Dr Andreas Freise
    • 09:20 10:50
      WG1 - Site Issue

      Site selection, Seismic noise, Infrastructures

      • 09:20
        Status plans for ET WG1 20m
        Speaker: Prof. Jo van den Brand (Nikhef - VU)
      • 09:40
        Suspension an Mirror Cooling : impact on the infrastructure 15m
        Speaker: Fulvio Ricci (RM1)
      • 09:55
        Cultural Noise Measurements for Particle Accelerator Site selection 20m
        Speaker: Dr Heiko Ehrlichmann
      • 10:15
        Plans for IliasNext 15m
        Speaker: Alessio Rocchi (RM2)
      • 10:30
        Possible candidates for the site of ET 20m
        Speaker: Dr Istvan Racz
    • 10:50 11:30
      Coffee break 40m

      Coffee break

    • 11:30 13:00
      WG1 - Site issues - 2

      Site selection, Seismic noise, Infrastructuree

      • 11:30
        Gravity gradient noise: estimates and reduction strategies 20m
        Speaker: Giancarlo Cella (PI)
      • 11:50
        GGN subtraction in homogeneous media 20m
        Speaker: Dr Jan Harms
      • 12:10
        FEA of GGN for subterranean gravitational wave detectors 15m
        Speaker: Dr Mark beker
      • 12:25
        Sensing and subtraction of GGN 15m
        Speaker: Dr David Rabeling
      • 12:40
        Aspects of seismic noise detection for GGN suppression 20m
        Speaker: Dr Riccardo DeSalvo
    • 13:00 13:20
      Conclusive remarks

      Conclusive remarks

      • 13:00
        Conclusive remarks 10m
        Speaker: Dr Harald Lueck (AEI Hannover (MPI f. gravitational Physics / Inst. f. Grav.physics Leibniz Uni Hannover))