Italy, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba

Italy, La Biodola Bay, Isola d'Elba

<a target="_blank" href=>Hotel Hermitage</a> </br>e-mail: <a href="">
Frank Zimmermann (CERN), Roberto Cimino (LNF)

The sixth electron-cloud workshop, ECLOUD'18, will take place from 3 to 7 June, 2018 at La Biodola (Isola d'Elba) Italy. The existence of the electron-cloud effects (ECE’s) has been firmly established experimentally at essentially all modern positron and hadron storage rings, either via performance limitations or by deliberate provocation. The ECE is a consequence of the strong coupling between a positively charged particle beam and a cloud of electrons that inevitably develops inside the vacuum chamber. Resulting deleterious effects include beam instabilities, beam losses, emittance growth, increases in vacuum pressure, additional heat load on the vacuum chamber walls, and interference with certain types of beam diagnostics.

Electron-cloud effects remain dynamical phenomena which are only incompletely understood. While the fundamental mechanisms are well recognized and the qualitative picture is clear, the phenomena involve many surface properties and geometrical parameters of the vacuum chamber coupled in a nontrivial way with the beam characteristics. The ECE can also conspire with classical wake-field effects and/or the beam-beam interaction. In addition, the relevant time and energy scales span a wide range, and many of the essential parameters are not well known a priori. Hence the detailed prediction of ECE's at a given machine, not to mention the extrapolation from one machine to another, are subject to great uncertainty.

High-power microwave applications in modern satellites are perturbed by phenomena of multipacting and RF breakdown, which are governed by the same surface parameters as ECE in accelerators. Especially for multi-carrier signals, they exhibit very similar characteristics and electron-cloud build-up time scales, and can be modelled by similar simulation tools.

Since the last successful workshop ECLOUD’12, which also took place in La Biodola (Isola d'Elba) Italy, an intense R&D effort has been under way to further understand the physics of the electron cloud and to investigate new methods for the mitigation of its adverse consequences.

Electron cloud remains a major concern for the High Luminosity LHC and even for the actual LHC run 2. At CERN and worldwide a significant effort is also dedicated to the study of Future Circular Collider (FCC) options – involving both proton and electron-positron colliders which may suffer from electron cloud. As a consequence of the high synchrotron radiation, large bunch charge, and close bunch spacing in several of the FCC machines, the ECE’s are expected to be significant. It is urgent to better quantify and understand the associated phenomena to ascertain the feasibility of the performance goals. ECE’s have been noticeable during the first commissioning run of SuperKEKB in 2016. The next commissioning run from early 2018 onward will further raise the beam intensity.

The ECLOUD'18 workshop will be a timely meeting at which to present, discuss, and compare many recent and new electron-cloud observations at the LHC, SuperKEKB, CESR-TA and DAFNE, electron cloud predictions for FAIR, NICA and for the FCC.  The ECLOUD’18 workshop will also showcase and examine electron-cloud mitigation measures, such as clearing electrodes, graphite/carbon coatings, and chemically or laser treated surfaces, along with the modeling of incoherent electron-cloud effects, self-consistent simulations, synergies with other communities like the Valencia Space Consortium and the European Space Agency.

The ECLOUD'18 program will focus on: a review of EC observations at existing machines; recent experimental efforts to characterize the EC (including EC diagnostics, experimental techniques, characterization of mitigation methods, and characterization of beam instabilities and emittance growth); the status of EC physics models and simulation codes and their comparison with recently acquired experimental data; and the mitigation requirements and potential performance limitations imposed by the EC on existing, upgraded and future machines.
ECLOUD'18 will be held at the Hermitage Hotel in La Biodola, Isola d'Elba. We are looking forward to an exceptional gathering where we can enjoy the beautiful location, have interesting scientific discussions about the state of the art, and initiate stimulating collaborations among electron-cloud key experts as well as with students and other scientists from neighbouring fields.

The meeting is sponsored by:

Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare (INFN)


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  • Alessandro Drago
  • Andrea Ghigo
  • Andrea Liedl
  • Andrea Mostacci
  • Annalisa Romano
  • Benjamin Bradu
  • Benoit Salvant
  • Bernard Henrist
  • Bhagat-Taaj Sian
  • Catia Milardi
  • Christina Yin Vallgren
  • Daria Astapovych
  • Elena Buratin
  • Eleonora Belli
  • Eliana La Francesca
  • Gerardo Guillermo
  • Gimeno Martinez Benito
  • Giovanni Iadarola
  • Giovanni Rumolo
  • Igor Kaganovich
  • Isabel Montero
  • James Crittenden
  • Jean-Luc Vay
  • Jonathan SMITH
  • Katrin Isabell Thoma
  • kazuhito ohmi
  • Luca Sabato
  • Lucia Lilli
  • Luis Antonio Gonzalez Gomez
  • Luisa Spallino
  • Marco Angelucci
  • Maria Rita Ferrazza
  • Maria Rosaria Masullo
  • Martina Azzolini
  • Mauro Taborelli
  • Mirko Simeoni
  • Mohamed Belhaj
  • Nasrin Nasresfahani
  • Oleg Malyshev
  • Pedro Costa Pinto
  • Philipp Dijkstal
  • Rafael Estrada
  • Rainer Wanzenberg
  • reza valizadeh
  • Roberto Cimino
  • Rosanna Larciprete
  • Rémi Dupuy
  • Sandro Mengali
  • Sergey Antipov
  • Shenghua Liu
  • Stephen Poprocki
  • Valentine Petit
  • Vincent Baglin
  • Vinicio Tullio
  • Virginia Britten
  • Vittorio Giorgio Vaccaro
  • Xiaofeng Gu
  • Yusuke Suetsugu