
Minas Garden Hotel (Poços de Caldas, Brazil)

Minas Garden Hotel

Poços de Caldas, Brazil

R. Dr. Francisco Faria Lobato, 50 - Centro, Poços de Caldas - MG, 37701-045, Brasil +55 35 3712-6000
Cassius Melo, Iara Tosta E Melo (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

Nowadays, we are living in an exciting period for the study of the Universe as we can observe the whole spectrum of cosmic messengers and explore the Universe with cosmic rays, neutrinos, and GWs.
In the next years to come, multi-messenger astronomy will probe the rich physics of transient phenomena in the sky, such as the mergers of neutron stars and/or black holes, gamma-ray bursts, and core-collapse supernovae.

Thanks to increasing interest in MM astrophysics, the international conference provides a place for leading scientists, young researchers, and students to foster communication within the rapidly evolving real-time multi-messenger astronomy.

It aims to develop and disseminate the MM research among Brazilian and international institutions on the status and future prospects of astrophysics and cosmology with a multi-messenger approach. 

The sessions will deal with astrophysics with electromagnetic waves, gravitational waves, astroparticle physics and neutrino astrophysics, nuclear astrophysics, and cosmology. 

A poster session will also take place. We dedicated a special block during the conference for students and young researchers to present their work (oral communication).

The call for abstracts for contributed talks and posters is open.


For those who are attending in presence, Cassius managed to get a good price for those coming to Poços and staying at the conference hotel.
Here are the prices per day: 
Single room: R$130,00
Double room: R$200.00 
Triple room: R$300.00 
Family room (up to 4 people): R$400.00 
When booking, you just need to address you are coming for the conference that Prof. Cassius Melo invited you to.

S.O.C: Prof. Iara Tosta e Melo** (UniCT-Italia), Prof. Cassius Melo (Unifal), Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto (UNIFAL-MG), Gustavo do amaral Valdiviesso (UNIFAL-MG) and Léo Gouvêa Medeiros (UFRN)

L.O.C: Prof. Cassius Melo (Unifal), Prof. Eduardo Bittencourt (UNIFEI), Prof. Pedro Jose Pompeia (ITA) and Regiley Pimenta Ramos de Oliveira (UNIFAL-MG)


** Conference linked to the KM3NeT4RR - IR0000002 - Decreto di ammissione al finanziamento 123 del 21-06-2022, CUP I57G21000040001

  • Albert Kong
  • Andrea Contu
  • André Cardoso
  • Angela Zegarelli
  • Anna Sinopoulou
  • Arthur Miguel Cunha e Silva
  • Carlos Alexandre Wuensche
  • Claudia Mignone
  • Cássius de Melo
  • Damien Turpin
  • Daniel Juliano Pamplona da Silva
  • Daniel Juliano Pamplona da Silva
  • Davide Rozza
  • Diego Augusto Frizo
  • Eduardo Bittencourt
  • Elena Geraci
  • Emanuele Leonora
  • Eric Howell
  • Felipe Navarete
  • Gabriel Porto
  • Gabriela Conde Saavedra
  • Giovanna Ferrara
  • Giovanni Marsella
  • Henrique de Oliveira
  • Iara Tosta E Melo
  • Ivan Francisco De Souza
  • Julio César Martins
  • Leonardo Santos
  • Luan Orion Baraúna
  • Lucas Vinícius Marques
  • Luigi Antonio Fusco
  • Luiz Botti
  • Léo Medeiros
  • Maria Helena Passos Marques
  • Mayara Hilgert Pacheco
  • Michael Coughlin
  • Márcio Alves
  • Mário Raia Neto
  • Nazanin Davari
  • Odylio Aguiar
  • Pedro Jeronimo Santos da Silva
  • Regiley Pimenta Ramos De Oliveira
  • Riccardo Sturani
  • Rodrigo Rocha Cuzinatto
  • Samuel Bueno Soltau
  • Samuele Ronchini
  • Silas Vilhena
  • Silvio Cherubini
  • Thiago Baziotti
  • Tim Dietrich
  • Wagner Corradi