CaloChallenge Workshop

Villa Mondragone

Villa Mondragone

Michele Faucci Giannelli (Istituto Nazionale di Fisica Nucleare)

The workshop is organised to discuss the results of the #calochallenge, this year's ML competition in high energy physics focussing on fast calorimeter simulation using generative models.

Every contributor will have the opportunity to present the method developed. Plenty of time will be devoted to discussions about the benefits and limitations of the different approaches.

The event will take place in Villa Mondragone in the hills above Frascati, near Rome. Participants are encouraged to stay in Frascati from where a bus will be organised to and from the Villa. A social dinner is scheduled on May 30th at 8PM at "Ristorante Al Fico", in Grottaferrata. The transport will be provided.

The event will be hybrid, allowing for virtual participation.  If you would like to participate remotely, please register and indicate the remote option.  We expect all speakers to be in person.


Local Organizing Committee:
Michele Faucci Giannelli (INFN - Roma2)
Marco Vanadia (INFN - Roma2)
Umberto De Sanctis (Universita' Roma2 Tor Vergata)

International Advisory Committee:
Ben Nachman (LBNL)
David Shih (Rutgers)
Michele Faucci Giannelli (NFN - Roma2)
Claudius Krause (University of Heidelberg)
Dalila Salamani (CERN)
Gregor Kasieczka (University of Hamburg)
Anna Zaborowska (CERN)

  • Ali Kaan Güven
  • Aman Desai
  • Anatolii Korol
  • Andres Vargas Hernandez
  • Anna Zaborowska
  • Benjamin Nachman
  • Benno Käch
  • Bingzhi Li
  • Claudius Krause
  • Dalila Salamani
  • Daniele Dal Santo
  • David Shih
  • Dirk Kruecker
  • Federico Andrea Guillaume Corchia
  • Florian Rehm
  • Henry Day-Hall
  • Hosein Hashemi
  • Humberto Alonso Reyes Gonzalez
  • Humberto Reyes-González
  • Ian Pang
  • Jaydip Singh
  • Jesse Cresswell
  • Jichang Ryu
  • Kevin Pedro
  • Kristina Jaruskova
  • Lorenzo Rinaldi
  • Luigi Favaro
  • Marco Letizia
  • Matteo Franchini
  • Michele Faucci Giannelli
  • Moritz Scham
  • Oz Amram
  • Piyush Raikwar
  • Qibin LIU
  • Rui Zhang
  • Sandro Wenzel
  • Serena Palazzo
  • Sergey Korpachev
  • Shivam Raj
  • Simon Schnake
  • Thorsten Lars Henrik Buss
  • Tong Qiu
  • Umberto De Sanctis
  • Vinicius Mikuni