Topological solitons, in particular in gauge field theories or in string theories, have come to play key roles in large areas of contemporary physics, from condensed matter physics, nuclear physics, high-energy physics to astrophysics and cosmology. They take various forms and various dimensions, such as kinks, vortices, sigma model lumps, Skyrmions, monopoles and instantons, and their applications in physics are characterized often by ideas such as duality, renormalization-group flow, conformal invariance, anomalies, an and so on, representing various possible ways the degrees of freedom of the system under consideration rearrange themselves and realize varieties of beautiful physical phenomena. Often the topological solitons and their quantum properties are central in determining the nonAbelian gauge dynamics of strongly interacting systems, such as in the problem of quark confinement in QCD. This workshop aims to assess and discuss recent developments in these and related research fields. The workshop is hosted by the University of Pisa and INFN, Pisa.