May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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A direction sensitive sapphire detector for single particle detection

May 28, 2015, 9:00 AM
Poster S6 - Solid State Detectors Solid State Detectors - Poster Session


Olena Karacheban (DESY/BTU)


A multichannel detector designed for single minimum ionising particle detection using a stack of sapphire plates is presented. The performance of the detector was studied in a 5 GeV electron beam at DESY-II. The detector was operated together with the EUDET beam telescope, which allowed the reconstruction of the position of the impact point at the detector. For each sapphire plate the charge collection efficiency was measured as a function of the bias voltage and the signal size as a function of the hit position with respect to the metal electrodes. The charge collection efficiency rises with the voltage, reaching about 10% at 950V. Also evidence for the presence of a polarization field was observed. The data confirms the prediction that mainly electrons contribute to the signal. Based on these results the next generation sapphire detector will be designed



Primary author

Prof. wolfgang Lohmann (CERN &amp;amp; DESY)


Olena Karacheban (DESY/BTU)

Presentation materials