May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
<font color = red>To contact the conference secretariat call:+ 39 0565 974626 / 627 or + 39 3348998639 (for emergency) or send an e-mail to

Instructions for Proceedings

Both oral and poster contributions to the 13th Pisa Meeting will be published in a special issue of Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A.

The manuscripts must be prepared following the rules set by Elsevier, in particular they should have some original content and must not have already been published elsewhere or expected to be published on a different journal.

The length of the contributions for final publication is (including author list, figures and references):

  • four pages for oral contributions;
  • two pages for poster contributions.

A page is intended in standard NIM double column format.

If you submit a paper using LaTeX (this is the preferred option), please refer to the following links for detailed information:

 * Preparing typeset journal articles with LaTeX -

 * (style file and instructions) -

 * conference specific example -

In the preamble of your LaTex document you have to use the following class

The manuscript submission is done by using the Elsevier online submission system called EES.

The steps to be followed are outlined in some detail below:

  1. Go to NIM-A proceedings page
  2. Log in with your EES account, if you do not have one, create a new account and then log in
  3. In the main menu follow the "submit paper" link
Then follow the submission path:
  • In the "Select Article Type" menu select  “SI: NIMA_13th Pisa Meeting” to ensure that your manuscript is correctly processed 
  • Enter your manuscript title
  • Add/edit/Remove authors
  • As Keywords enter your session title
  • Select your manuscript classification (you can enter as many as needed from the pop-up menu)
  • Enter comments for Editors (if any)
  • Request editor (please specify Marco Grassi)
  • Attach files following the instructions
  • Create PDF and follow instructions. The last step is left to you to approve (or not) the submission. Do not forget to click the "Ethics in Publishing" box
As long as you do not choose "Approve Submission" the paper will NOT be processed and you can change/remove/edit your submission.

Please note that all web pages have a clear set of instructions, and you can find many useful information on the different links that appear on the main NIMA page. 

Since it is strongly requested by the scientific community that the Proceedings appear within a few months from the end of the Meeting, manuscripts have to be uploaded a few days after the Conference closing.
The deadline is therefore June 24
th, 2015. After that date the online submission will be closed.