A 3D Diamond Detector for Particle Tracking (in session "Solid State Detectors")
A 12-bit SAR ADC integrated on a multichannel Silicon Drift Detector Readout IC (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A 16 channel frequency-domain-modulation readout system with custom superconducting LC filters for the SWIPE instrument of the balloon-borne LSPE experiment (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
A charge amplifier for VUV photomultiplier operating in cryogenic environment. (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A compact muon tracking system for didactic and outreach activities. (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
A compact Time Projection Chamber for the Crystal Ball (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A Compact, High Density γ-Detection Module for Time-of-Flight Measurements in PET Applications (in session "Applications")
A continuous read-out TPC for the ALICE upgrade (in session "Gas Detectors")
A Cylindrical GEM Detector with Analog Readout for the BESIII Experiment (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A Dedicated Calibration Tool for the MEG and MEGII Positron Spectrometer (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A direction sensitive sapphire detector for single particle detection (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
A Fast hardware Tracker for the ATLAS Trigger system (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A high performance Front End Electronics for Drift Chamber readout in MEG experiment upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A high precision calorimeter for the CeSOX experiment (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
A liquid hydrogen target for the calibration of the MEG and MEG-II liquid xenon calorimeter (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
A New ATLAS Muon CSC Readout System with System on Chip Technology on ATCA Platform (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A new construction technique of high granularity and high transparency Drift Chambers for modern High Energy Physics experiments (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A new cylindrical drift chamber for the MEG-II experiment (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A new detector concept for silicon photomultipliers (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
A New Front-end ASIC for GEM detectors with Time and Charge Measurement Capabilities (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A new highly selective first level ATLAS muon trigger with MDT chamber data for HL-LHC (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A new method improving multiplication factor in micro-pixel avalanche photodiodes with high pixel density (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
A new on-line luminometer and beam conditions monitor using single crystal diamond sensors (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
A new-concept calorimeter for future neutrino beams based on Kaon tagging (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
A novel method to estimate the impact parameter on a drift chamber cell by using the information of single ionization clusters. (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A Pattern Recognition Mezzanine based on Associative Memory and FPGA technology for Level 1 Track Triggers for the HL-LHC upgrade. (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A proposal to upgrade the ATLAS RPC system upgrade for the High Luminosity LHC (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
A proposed DT-seeded muon track trigger for the CMS experiment at the HL-LHC (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A pure CsI Calorimeter for the BelleII experiment at SuperKEKB (in session "Calorimetry")
A scintillating bolometer array for double beta decay studies: the LUCIFER experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
A simple technique for gamma ray and cosmic ray spectroscopy using plastic scintillator (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
A simulation tool for a Silicon Photomultiplier coupled to a scintillating fiber (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
A Time-Multiplexed Track-Trigger for the CMS HL-LHC upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
A Track Finding Algorithm for a Time Multiplexed L1 Track Trigger for the phase II CMS experiment (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Advanced monolithic pixel sensors using SOI technology (in session "Solid State Detectors")
Advances of Applied Superconductivity in High Energy Physics (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP")
Ageing tests for the MEG II drift chamber (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
ALDO: a radiation-tolerant, low-noise, adjustable low dropout linear regulator in 0.35 micron CMOS technology (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
ALPIDE, the Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor for the ALICE ITS upgrade (in session "Solid State Detectors")
An artificial retina processor for track reconstruction at the full LHC crossing rate (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
An extreme high resolution Timing Counter for the MEG II experiment (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
An FPGA-based trigger for the MEG II experiment (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
An integrated system for the on-line monitoring of particle therapy treatments accuracy (in session "Applications")
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Performance and Commissioning for LHC Run-2 (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
ATLAS LUCID electronics (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Barrel time-of-flight detector for the PANDA experiment at FAIR (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Behaviour of multi-anode photomultipliers in magnetic fields for the LHCb RICH upgrade (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Belle-II SVD ladder assembly procedures (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Belle-II VXD radiation monitoring and beam abort with scCVD diamond sensors. (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Building and Commissioning of a Setup to Study Ageing Phenomena in Gaseous Detectors (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
CALDER: Cryogenic light detectors for
neutrino and dark matter searches (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Calibration Analysis Software for the ATLAS Pixel Detector (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Calibration and Data Quality systems of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter during the LHC operations (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Calocube - A highly segmented calorimeter for a space based experiment. (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Calorimetry at CMD-3 detector (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
CERBEROS: a Tracking System for Secondary Pion Beams at the HADES Spectrometer (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Cerenkov Detectors for Beam Quality Measurement (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
CERN (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Characterization and Calibration of Large Area Resistive Strip Micromegas Detectors (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Characterization of Bandgap Reference Circuits designed for High Energy Physics Applications (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Characterization of Depleted Monolithic Active Pixel Detectors with High-Resistive CMOS Technology (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Characterization of first prototype of high-density NUV-HD SiPMs for near-UV light detection (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Characterization of Pr:LuAG scintillating crystals for X-ray spectroscopy (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Characterization of Si Detectors through TCT Technique at Delhi University (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Characterization of SiPMs for cryogenic applications (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Characterization of the ATLAS Micromegas quadruplet prototype (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Characterizations of GEM detector prototype (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Charge collection studies of neutron irradiated double sided silicon strip detectors for double metallization or cable interconnections for the end strips (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
CITIROC 32channel ASIC for SiPM readout (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
CLIC vertex detector R&D (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Cluster ions in gas-based detectors (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
CMS Tracker Performance and Readiness for LHC Run II (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
CMS Tracker Upgrade for HL-LHC: R&D Plans, Present Status and Perspectives (in session "Solid State Detectors")
CO2 evaporative cooling: the future for tracking detector thermal management (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Commissioning of the upgraded ATLAS Pixel Detector for Run2 at LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Construction and commissioning of the SuperNEMO detector tracker (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Construction and Performance Studies of a Micromegas Detector with a Pad Readout Geometry (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Cryogenic light detectors for the search of neutrinoless double beta decay (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
CUORE: Bolometers at the Frontier of Neutrinoless Double Beta (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Cylindrical Micromegas, an innovative solution for central trackers. (in session "Gas Detectors")
DAQ Hardware and software development for the ATLAS Pixel Detector (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Deep sky survey of MeV gamma rays due to advanced Electron Tracking Compton Camera (ETCC) with balloon experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Defocusing beam line design for an irradiation facility at the TAEA SANAEM Proton Accelerator Facility (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Depleted Argon extraction for Dark Matter Searches (in session "Applications")
Depleted CMOS pixels for LHC pp-Experiments (in session "Solid State Detectors")
Design and performance of the upgrade of the CMS L1 muon trigger (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Design and status of the Mu2e electromagnetic calorimeter (in session "Calorimetry")
Design and TCAD simulation of planar p-on-n active-edge pixel sensors for the next generation of FELs (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Design and test of clock distribution circuits for the Macro Pixel ASIC (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Design of a large area triple-GEM forward detector system based on industrially produced GEM foils (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Design Optimization of Pixel sensors using device simulations for Phase-II CMS tracker upgrade (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Design, Fabrication and Characterization of multi-guardring-furnished p+n Silicon Strip Detectors for future HEP experiments (in session "Solid State Detectors")
Detection of thermal neutrons using ZnS(Ag):6LiF neutron scintillator readout with WLS fibres and SiPMs (in session "Applications")
Determination of the anode wire position in a straw of the new type using visible light (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Developing Silicon Strip Detectors with a large-scale commercial foundry (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Development and characterization of a Schottky CdTe Medipix3RX hybrid photon counting detector with spatial and energy resolving capabilities (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Development Electron Tracking Compton Camera (ETCC) for multipurpose medical imaging (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Development of a low-cost fast-timing MCP photodetector (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Development of a New Generation of 3D Pixel Sensors for HL-LHC (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Development of a novel Micro Pattern Gaseous Detector for cosmic ray muon tomography (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Development of a super-resolution optical microscope for directional Dark Matter search experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Development of arrays of Silicon Drift Detectors and readout ASICs for the SIDDHARTA experiment (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Development of radiation hard CMOS Active Pixel Sensors for HL-LHC (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Development of solar blind UV extended APD for readout of Barium Floride crystals (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Development of the FoCal-E PAD detector and its electronics for the LHC-ALICE experiment (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Development of the Quality Control System of the Readout Electronics for the Large Size Telescope of the Cherenkov Telescope Array observatory (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Digital FDIRC: a Focused Differential Internal Reflection Cherenkov imaged by SiPM arrays (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Digital signal processing for thermal neutron detectors using ZnS(Ag):6LiF scintillating layers read out with WLS fibers and SiPMs (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
DoE (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Downscaling of detectors on high resistivity semiconductors (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Effects of very high radiation on SiPMs (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Electron source uniformly distributed in the plane for MCP electron scrubbing and testing (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Electronics Design and Layout Complexity of the ATLAS New Small Wheels (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Energy and time resolution for a LYSO matrix prototype of the Mu2e experiment (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
ESS (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Euso Balloon: the first flight (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
EUSO-BALLOON: readout electronics performances (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
EUSO-TA prototype telescope (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Evaluation of Photo Multiplier Tube Candidates for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Experimental study of breakdown electric fields in liquid argon (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Experimental Verification of Beam Position and Size Determination Using Scattered Charged Particles for Real Time Quality Assurance in Proton Hadrontherapy (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Exploring the limits of hybrid pixel detectors with MÖNCH (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Fabrication and test large area spider-web bolometer for CMB polarization experiment (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
Fast and Precise Large Area Topology Measurements Using Laser Distance Sensors (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Fast Neutron and Gamma-ray Detection with Liquid-Xe Detector for Contraband Detection (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Fast Timing Detector R&D for the HL-LHC era (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Feasibility Study of Hybrid Magnetic Cloak for Accelerator Magnets (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
Fermilab (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Fibre Bragg Grating (FBG) sensors as flatness and mechanical stretching sensors (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
First results from the Over-depleted CMOS Monolithic Active Pixel Sensor project (OverMOS) (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
First results of a novel silicon drift detector array designed for low energy X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
First tests for in-beam carbon therapy treatment monitoring with a planar PET system at CNAO (in session "Applications")
First years of running for the LHCb calorimeter system and preparation for run 2 (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
FLARES: a flexible scintillation light apparatus for rare event searches (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Front-end chip for Silicon Photo-Multipliers detector with pico-second Time-of-Flight information (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Gain Compensation Technique by Bias Correction in Arrays of Silicon Photomultipliers Using Fully Differential Fast Shaper (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Generalization of the One Dimensional Modeling and Design Considerations of Spiral Si Drift Detectors: Flat (Straight) Drift Channels and Constant Drift Fields (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Graphene-based Field Effect Transistors as Radiation Sensors (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Graphics Processing Units for HEP trigger systems (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
GSI (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
High granularity scintillating fiber trackers based on Silicon Photomultiplier (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
High resolution timing for muon detectors at future colliders (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
High Voltage Monolithic Active Pixel Sensors for the PANDA Luminosity Detector (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
High-Tc superconductors as accelerators wall coatings in FCC-hh: Impedance and compatibility with collective effects issues. (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
High-Voltage CMOS Detectors (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
IHEP (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Impact of polishing on the light scattering on aerogel surface. (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Impact of the GE1/1 station on the performance of the muon system in CMS (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Improvements to ATLAS track reconstruction for Run-2 (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
IN2P3 (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
In-pixel conversion with a 10 bit SAR ADC for next generation X-ray FELs (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
INFN (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
INFN Camera demonstrator for the Cherenkov Telescope Array (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Inside Holmes experiment: 163Ho metallic target production for the micro-calorimeter absorber (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Interferometric Readout of a Monolithic Accelerometer, towards the fm/√Hz resolution (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Introduction (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Investigation of radiation effects on Si cryogenic detectors in the framework of CERN-RD39 collaboration program and LHC upgrade (in session "Solid State Detectors")
JPARC (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
KEK (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Far-Infrared Spectroscopy (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
KM3NeT - The next-generation neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
L1Track: a fast Level 1 track trigger for the ATLAS High Luminosity Upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Large size SiPm matrix for Imaging Atmospheric Cherenkov Telescopes applications (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Laser calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for LHC run-2 (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Lessons learned in the ATLAS IBL project (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
LHCb Upgrade: Scintillating Fibre Tracker (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
LHCb VELO: Performance and Radiation Damage in LHC Run 1 and Preparation for Run 2 (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Light induced tunnel effect in CNT-Si photodiode (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
MC study of the measurement of Michel Parameters in the radiative leptonic decay of tau (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Measurement of a polarised gamma ray beam from 1.7 to 74 MeV with the HARPO TPC (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
MEG II drift chamber prototype characterisation with the silicon based cosmic ray tracker at INFN Pisa (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Method of Signal Detection from Silicon Photomultipliers Using Fully Differential Charge to Time Converter and Fast Shaper (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Micro-channel Plate Phototubes Used as a Fast EM Shower Maximum Detector (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Micromegas Detectors for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment (in session "Gas Detectors")
Microwave multiplex read out for superconducting sensors (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
Minimum Bias Trigger Scintillators for ATLAS: Commissioning and Run 2 Initial Operations (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Modeling of Radiation Damage Effects in Silicon Detectors at High Fluences HL LHC with Sentaurus TCAD (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
MONDO: a neutron tracker for particle therapy secondary emission fluxes measurements (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Monte Carlo simulations of the radiation environment for the CMS Experiment (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
MRPC detector for MAMBO photonuclear experiment in Bonn (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Neutron Detection by Large NaI Crystal (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
New electronics for the surface detectors of the Pierre Auger Observatory (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
New electronics of the spectrometric channel for the SND detector electromagnetic calorimeter (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
New results from the RD52 (DREAM) project (in session "Calorimetry")
Novel real-time alignment and calibration of the LHCb Detector in Run2 (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
On the operation of silicon photomultipliers at temperatures of 1-4 kelvin (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Operation and performance of the ASHIPH counters at the KEDR detector. (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Operation of the Full Format DSSC Pixel Readout ASIC for the European XFEL (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
Optical links for the ATLAS Pixel detector (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Optical readout of a Triple-GEM detector with a CMOS sensor (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Optical Wireless Communication system for particle detectors in High Energy Physics. (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Optimization of Statistical Methods for HpGe Gamma-ray Spectrometer Used in Wide Count Rate Ranges (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Our friend Aldo (in session ""Aldo Menzione" award")
Overview and Present Status of the CMS Phase 1 Pixel Upgrade (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
PANDA Straw Tube Detectors and Readout (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Parameters of the preproduction series SiPMs for the CMS HCAL Phase I Upgrade (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Particle identification with the TOP and AEROGEL detectors at Belle-II (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Performance of a 64-channel, 3.2x3.2cm2 SiPM tile for TOF-PET application (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Performance of pile-up mitigation techniques for jets in pp collisions with the ATLAS detector (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Performance of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Performance of the LHCb tracking system in RunI of the LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Performance results of a high-granularity electromagnetic calorimeter (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Performance simulation studies for the ALICE TPC GEM Upgrade (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Performance, radiation resistance, and expectations of the Outer Tracker straw tube detector for the LHCb Experiment (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Performances of the NA62 RICH detector (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Performances of the SDHCAL hadronic calorimeter for future lepton collider experiments (in session "Calorimetry")
Phase camera experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Phonon-Light Detectors for the CRESST dark matter search (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
Physics at run 2: prospects and opportunities (in session "Run2 at LHC")
Picosecond Cherenkov detectors for heavy ion experiments at LHEP/JINR (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Pixel telescope for luminosity measurement (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Possible usage of Cherenkov photons to reduce the background in a 136Xe neutrinoless double-beta decay experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Poster Review (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
Poster review "Applications of superconductivity in HEP" (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP")
Poster review "Applications" (in session "Applications")
Poster review "Calorimetry" (in session "Calorimetry")
Poster review "FE, Trigger and DAQ" (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
Poster review "Gas Detectors" (in session "Gas Detectors")
Poster review "Photo Detectors and PID" (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Poster review "Solid state detectors" (in session "Solid State Detectors")
PRaVDA – Towards Clinical-Quality Proton CT (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Precision Muon Tracking Detectors and Readout Electronics for Operation at Very High Background Rates at Future Colliders (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Precision Timing Calorimetry for High Energy Physics (in session "Calorimetry")
Preparation and commissioning of ATLAS for the Run-II of LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC")
Preparation and commissioning of CMS for the run-II of LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC")
Preparation and commissioning of LHCb for the run-II of LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC")
Preparation and commissioning of the ALICE detector for the Run-II of LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC")
Preparation and the commissioning of the TOTEM detector for the Run-II of LHC (in session "Run2 at LHC")
Prize award (in session ""Aldo Menzione" award")
Properties of single crystal para-terphenyl as medium for high resolution TOF detector (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Protonated water clusters in TPC detector (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
PSI (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Question Time (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
R&D on High Field Magnets for Accelerators at Fermilab (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP")
Radiation Damage Induced by 800 MeV Protons in Fast Crystal Scintillators (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Radiation hardness study of the Philips Digital Photon Counter with 800 MeV/c protons (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Radiation testing campaign results for understanding the suitability of FPGAs in detector electronics (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Radio Detection of high-energy cosmic rays with the Auger Engineering Radio Array (AERA) (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
RD50 Collaboration Overview: Development of New Radiation Hard Detectors (in session "Solid State Detectors")
Real time tracking with a silicon telescope prototype using the “artificial retina” algorithm (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Recent Developments on Scintillating Crystal Fibers for Calorimetry Applications (in session "Calorimetry")
Reconstruction performance of the ATLAS Muon detector (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Research and Development for a Free-Running Readout System for the ATLAS LAr Calorimeters at the High Luminosity LHC (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Research of pure CsI crystal readout by APD for ECL end cap of BELLE II (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Resistive Micromegas for sampling calorimetry (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Resistive MPGDs based on the WELL amplification concept (in session "Gas Detectors")
Response of a Close to Final Prototype for the Barrel of the PANDA Electromagnetic Calorimeter to Photons at Energies below 1 GeV (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Results on diamond timing detector for the TOTEM experiment (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Round table final remarks (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
SAMPIC: a 16-channel, 10-GSPS WTDC digitizer chip for picosecond time measurement (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
Search for sterile neutrinos at the ILL reactor (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Self-Triggering Readout System for the Neutron Lifetime Experiment PENeLOPE (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Silicon photomultipliers for DM searches with liquid argon detectors (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Silicon strip tracking detector development and prototyping for the Phase-2 Upgrade of the ATLAS experiment (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
Small-Strip Thin Gap Chambers for the Muon Spectrometer Upgrade of the ATLAS Experiment (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Smart Fast-Digitizer system for astro-particle physics detectors (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
SPAD Array Chips with Cluster Reconstruction and Fast Full Frame Readout (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
State of the art silicon photomultipliers with LSO: Ce codoped Ca scintillators achieve 84ps coincidence time resolution for PET (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Status after the first LHC run: looking for new directions in the physics landscape (in session "Welcome Addresses and Opening Talk")
Status of SLAC Testbeams (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Status of the Development of Large Area Photon Detectors based on THGEMs and Hybrid MPGD architectures for Cherenkov Imaging Applications (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Status of the HOLMES detector development (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
Status Report of the Upgrade of the CMS muon system with triple-GEM detectors (in session "Gas Detectors")
STFC (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
Studies of an array of PbF2 Cherenkov crystals with large-area SiPM readout (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Study of gain variation as a function of physical parameters of GEM foil using Garfield++ (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Study of mesh geometry impact on Micromegas performance with an Exchangeable Mesh prototype (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Study of the performance of CdZnTe detectors (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Study of the spatial resolution for binary readout detectors (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Superconducting Kinetic Inductance Detectors for kilopixel intruments at Radiotelescopes (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP")
Superconducting Nanowires Detecting Single Photons for Integrated Quantum Photonics (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP")
Superconducting TES array for large area cryogenic anti-coincidence detector for the ATHENA space mission (in session "Applied Superconductivity in HEP - Poster Session")
Systematic measurements of gain and energy resolution of single and double mask GEM detectors (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Test and characterization of SiPMs intended as detector for the MEG high resolution timing counter (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
Test beam and irradiation test results of Triple-GEM detector prototypes for the Upgrade of the Muon System of the CMS experiment (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Test beam results of micro channel plates in "ionisation mode" for the detection of single charged particle and electromagnetic showers (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Test beam results with a sampling calorimeter of cerium fluoride scintillating crystals and tungsten absorber plates for calorimetry at the HL-LHC (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Test of Weak Equivalence Principle on Antimatter with AEgIS (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The 40 MHz trigger-less DAQ system for the LHCb upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
The computing and data infrastructure to interconnect EEE stations (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The Advanced Virgo monolithic fused silica suspension (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The Archimedes Experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The ATLAS Diamond Beam Monitor (in session "Solid State Detectors - Poster Session")
The ATLAS Upgrade Planar Pixel Sensors R&D Project: Status and Overview (in session "Solid State Detectors")
The Calibration system of the Muon G-2 Experiment at Fermilab (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
The Central Logic Board for the KM3NeT detector: design and production (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The CHarged ANTIcounter for the NA62 experiment at CERN (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
The design of a photodetector unit of a new Shashlyk EM calorimeter for COMPASS II (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
The drift chamber with a new type of straws for operation in vacuum (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
The EEE Project: an extended network of muon telescopes for the study of cosmic rays (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The Endo-Rectal probe prototype for the TOPEM project (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
The first level trigger of JEM-EUSO: concept and tests (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The GANDALF Framework: Readout and Trigger System for the CAMERA detector at COMPASS II (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The Hyper-K Experiment: present and R&D for the next decade (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
The INFN-FBK “Phase-2” R&D Program (in session "Solid State Detectors")
The kaon identification system in the NA62 experiment at CERN SPS (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope Corner Raft Readout Electronics (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The Level 0 trigger processor for the NA62 experiment (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The LHCb trigger system and its upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The LHCb Turbo stream (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
The LHCb VELO Upgrade (in session "Solid State Detectors")
The Next Generation of Crystal Detectors in High Energy Physics Experiments (in session "Calorimetry")
The Performance Test of the 20 inch PMTs for JUNO (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
The PixFEL project: progress towards a fine pitch X-ray imaging camera for next generation FEL facilities (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
The POLIS interferometer for ponderomotive squeezed light generation (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The RD53 effort towards the development of a 65 nm CMOS pixel readout chip for extreme data rates and radiation levels (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The readiness of ATLAS Trigger-DAQ system for the second LHC run (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
The readout of the upgraded ALICE-ITS (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
The rearch of aging test for the 20inch MCP-PMT (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The Silicon Vertex Detector of the Belle-II Experiment (in session "Solid State Detectors")
The Simulation of MCP and 20 inch MCP-PMT (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
The Spectrometer/Telescope for Imaging X-ray (STIX) on Solar Orbiter: flight design, challenges and trade-offs (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
The superconducting microcalorimeters array for the focal plane of the X-IFU instrument on board of the X-ray observatory Athena (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
The supply voltage apparatus of the CUORE experiment (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The timing upgrade project of the TOTEM RP detectors (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The Trigger and Data Acquisition System for the 8 tower subsystem of the KM3NeT detector (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The Tunka Radio Extension (Tunka-Rex) – Radio Measurements of Cosmic Rays in Siberia (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
The Upgrade for the Data Acquisition System of the KOTO Detector (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The Upgrade of the ATLAS First Level Calorimeter Trigger (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
The upgraded LHCb RICH detector: status and perspectives (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
The VSiPMT - A new generation of photodetectors (in session "Photo Detectors and PID - Poster Session")
The WaveCatcher Waveform Digitizers: high-end instrumentation for characterization of advanced fast detectors (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
The WaveDAQ system for the MEG II upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management")
The XENON1T Experiment (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics")
TheTORCH time-of-flight detector (in session "Photo Detectors and PID")
Time performances and irradiation test of CsI crystals readout by MPPC (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
TITUS: An Intermediate Distance Detector for the Tokai-to-Hyper-Kamiokande Neutrino Beam and Physics with Gadolinium (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
TOFPETv2: a high-performance circuit for PET Time-of-Flight (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
TPC-like readout for thermal neutron detection using a GEM-detector (in session "Gas Detectors")
Tracking system of the LHCb upgrade (in session "Run2 at LHC - Poster Session")
Tripple-stack Resistive Plate Chamber with Strip Readout for Particles Identification in the BM@N and MPD Experiments. (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
Triumf (in session "Round Table: Synergies and complementarity among laboratories")
UA9, a device for crystal assisted collimation in large hadron colliders (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Ultra-Sensitive γ-Ray Spectroscopy Set-Up for Investigating Primordial Lithium Problem. (in session "Detector Techniques for Cosmology, Astroparticle and General Physics - Poster Session")
Upgrade of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter for the High luminosity LHC (in session "Calorimetry - Poster Session")
Upgrade of the MEG liquid xenon calorimeter with VUV-light sensitive large area SiPMs (in session "Calorimetry")
Upgrades of the ATLAS Muon Spectrometer with sMDT Chambers (in session "Gas Detectors - Poster Session")
VME Rear Transition Module with Backplane Data Access Capability for the ATLAS FTK Upgrade (in session "Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session")
Watt’s linkage based large band low frequency sensors for scientific applications (in session "Applications - Poster Session")
Welcome (in session "Welcome Addresses and Opening Talk")
Charge Transfer Properties Through Graphene for Applications in Gaseous Detectors (in session "Gas Detectors")
Include materials from selected contributions