24–30 May 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
<font color = red>To contact the conference secretariat call:+ 39 0565 974626 / 627 or + 39 3348998639 (for emergency) or send an e-mail to pisameet@pi.infn.it

Industry Exhibition


at the 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors


The Organizing Committee of the 13th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors gives industries advertising and exhibition opportunities.

Exhibition stands. A limited number of exhibition stands are available. Each stand is about 3x2 m2 and will be equipped with a table, chairs, electrical power and networking.

Commercial pages. Each participant will be provided with a book of abstracts, in which we collect all the abstracts of the contributed talks, as well as the scientific program, the list of participants and other conference information. At the end of the book we bind commercial advertisement pages provided by the industries.

Purchase prices are fixed as follows:

- One exhibition stand,
- One double-sided commercial page
- One conference fee
€ 1900,00 + VAT (22%)
Commercial pages may be purchased separately or in addition to the full package above. One double-sided commercial page
€ 250,00 + VAT (22%)
Participation to the meeting only
 € 400,00 + VAT (22%)     

Since space is limited, we suggest to reserve the exhibition stands as early as possible. For further information, please contact

Please address all correspondence to:

    Pisa Meeting 2015
    INFN, Sezione di Pisa, Largo B. Pontecorvo, 3
    I-56127 Pisa, Italy
    Tel. +39 050 2214352- Fax +39 050 2214317
    e-mail: pisameet@pi.infn.it
    web site: http://www.pi.infn.it/pm/2015/