For general information on Isola d'Elba, you can consult Elbalink. A map is also available (click here for the Google Maps version and here for a zoom).
- Plane
Useful links to the main airports to reach Isola d'Elba:
Roma "L. da Vinci" (Fiumicino)
Pisa "G. Galilei" - Train
- Italian Railways homepage and timetable
Piombino Marittima station is located just across the road from the harbor so you can easily transfer to the ferry-boat.
- Ferry-boat
- Timetable
- Car
Directions to reach Isola d'Elba from various locations:
Milan static version Google Maps version
Florence static version Google Maps version
Rome static version Google Maps version - You can determine the best route to reach la Biodola from any location using: ViaMichelin
- How to reach la Biodola by car from Portoferraio (click here for the Google Maps version)