20–24 Jan 2025
Villa Mondragone, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

Photo Contest


Help us  building an erchive of ePIC related activities starting from these early times of the experiment providing photographs!

With future similar edition of the contest, the archive will evolve as the experiment! Photos will be collected from now till a few days before the meeting in Frascati. During the collaboration meeting all ePIC members will have the possibility to vote (electronically) and the first 3 winners will be annunced (and simbolically rewarded) during the closing session of the meeting.

The rules of the contest are as follows:

  • Photographs should be submitted by a member of the ePIC Collaboration. 
  • A maximum of 3 photographs can be submitted by each member.
  • Photographs should be related to ePIC activities (the Outreach Team reserves the right to reject non-pertinent pictures).
  • AI-generated images will not be accepted. Photo-editing is allowed.
  • Each photograph should have a caption and a brief description (maximum 5 lines).
  • The ePIC collaboration will reserve the right to archive and post the photograph, citing the name of the photographer, unless the person doesn’t want to be cited.
  • If there is any identifiable person in the photo, the photographer must collect that person’s permission for posting it on social media.
  •  Last date of entry is January 15th 2025.
  • An online voting form will be available for all ePIC members during the ePIC Collaboration meeting in Frascati, 20-24 January 2025.
  • The three best photographs will be selected and prizes will be awarded during the closing session of the ePIC Collaboration meeting.
  • In case of questions/needs please email epic.italia.outreach@gmail.com
  • To participate in the contest, photos have to be submitted at the following link:


How to vote for the ePIC Photo Contest!

  • Starting Monday Jan 20th until Thursday at noon CET every ePIC
    member can vote his/her favourite two photos through the following Google form


  • The winners will be annouced during the plenary on Friday afternoon