20–24 Jan 2025
Villa Mondragone, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Europe/Rome timezone

The January 2025 meeting of the ePIC Collaboration will take place at Villa Mondragone, the Conference Center of University of Rome Tor Vergata, from January 20th to 24th, 2025.

Venue:  Villa Mondragone is the Conference Center of the University of Roma Tor Vergata. It is located at Via Frascati, 51 00040 Monte Porzio Catone(RM), 1,5 Km from the center of Frascati, in the “Roman Castles”, the hills overlooking Rome.

Villa Mondragone is one of the twelve “Tusculum Villas”, the summer residences of the Roman aristocracy of the Italian Renaissance. In particular Villa Mondragone was built starting from 1573 by Cardinal Mark Sittich von Hohenems Altemps and it hosted the popes for their summer residence during the following century.

It is in Villa Mondragone that pope Gregory XIII initiated in 1582 the reform of the calendar now in use and known as the Gregorian calendar.



Villa Mondragone, Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Sala degli Svizzeri
Via Frascati, 51, 00040 Monte Porzio Catone (RM), Italy
Go to map

Important Dates:

  • October 15, 2024: registration opening

  • October 21, 2024: fee payment options opening

  • December 31, 2024: deadline for registration and payments.

  • Registration remains open for remote participation only

Application for this event is currently open.