Tommaso Tabarelli De Fatis
06/06/2016, 09:40
Esteban Curras
06/06/2016, 10:10
The high luminosity LHC (HL-LHC or Phase-II) is expected to increase the instantaneous luminosity of the LHC by a factor of about five, delivering about 250 fb−1 per year between 2025 and 2035. Under these conditions the performance degradation of detectors due to integrated radiation dose/fluence will need to be addressed. The CMS collaboration is planning to upgrade many components,...
Joern Lange
(IFAE Barcelona)
06/06/2016, 10:30
Marco Bomben
06/06/2016, 11:30
In this talk we will present a comparison between Silvaco and Synopsys predictions when it comes to radiation damage models; the focus will nbe on the recent Perugia model.
Leakage current increase, depletion voltage and trapping time will be extracted and compared.
The simulated structures will include standard and LGAD n-on-p diodes.
Timo Peltola
(Helsinki Institute of Physics)
06/06/2016, 11:50
Interpixel isolation and charge sharing before and after irradiation in the proposed Phase II planar pixel n-on-p detectors was studied by TCAD simulations. Both p-spray and p-stop isolated devices with varied isolation doping concentration and depth as well as interface charge density were investigated. The results show that the acceptors in the isolation implantation are compensating the...
Igor Mandić
(Jožef Stefan Institute)
06/06/2016, 12:10
E-TCT measurements with HVCMOS detectors produced by different foundries on substrates with different resistivities will be presented. Samples were irradiated with reactor neutrons in Ljubljana and with protons at CERN PS. Measurements were made with passive detector structures in which current pulses induced on charge collecting electrode could be directly observed. In reverse biased HVCMOS...
Emanuele Cavallaro
06/06/2016, 12:30
H35Demo chips are High-Voltage CMOS (HV-CMOS) devices produced in the 350nm AMS technology (H35) on wafers with four different substrate resistivity, the standard one of 20 Ω · cm and 80, 200 and 1000 Ω · cm. The aim of this HV-CMOS production is to study the radiation hardness of such detectors and investigate the possibility to introduce this technology in the next ATLAS tracker upgrade for...
Eckhart Fretwurst
(University of Hamburg)
06/06/2016, 14:00
Edge effects for square p+n pad diodes with guard rings, fabricated on high-ohmic silicon, are investigated. Using capacitance-voltage measurements of two pad p+n diodes with different areas, the planar and the edge contributions to the diode capacitance are determined separately. Different methods of extracting the doping concentration are compared. In practically all cases it is found that...
Clara Nellist
(LAL, Orsay)
06/06/2016, 14:20
It is known that for the current design of planar pixel sensors, there is a drop of efficiency at the punch-through structure of the biasing system at the edge of pixels. Various geometries, as part of the ATLAS Inner Tracker (ITK) upgrade, are being investigated to reduce this inefficiency.
Planar pixel sensors with multiple alternative bias rail geometries have been tested at the SPS beam...
Alexander Dierlamm
(Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
06/06/2016, 14:40
The aim of the "NitroStrip" project is to extent the "NitroSil" project by preforming charge collection measurements on strip sensors, which are not included in "NitroSil". Both projects evaluate the radiation resistance of nitrogen enriched silicon.
We will present the finally approved project plan and the current status of the project.
Natascha Savic
(Max-Planck-Institute for Physics)
06/06/2016, 15:00
New productions of thin n-in-p pixel sensors designed at MPP will be presented. Sensors of thicknesses of 100 and 150 um have been produced at ADVACAM and CiS and interconnected to FE-I4 chips. At ADVACAM SOI wafers were employed, while at CiS anisotropic KOH etching was carried out to create backside cavities in the wafer leaving thicker frames around each single structure.
To maximize the...
Laura Gonella
(University of Birmingham)
07/06/2016, 09:00
The Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics Groups at the University of Birmingham have been operating the MC40 cyclotron with UK colleagues from Sheffield and Liverpool since 2013 as an irradiation facility for nuclear, medical and particle physics collaborations, such as RD50, ATLAS and LHCb. This facility offers a proton beam with energy up to 40MeV and currents as high as 2uA, allowing to...
Joaquin Gomez Camacho
07/06/2016, 09:20
CNA (Centro Nacional de Aceleradores) is a spanish users facility dedicated to multidisciplinary applications of particle accelerators. The recent activities at CNA associated to irradiation of radiation detectors will be presented.
Isidre Mateu
07/06/2016, 09:40
A new 24GEv/c proton irradiation facility replaced the old CERN facility in 2014. An experimental determination of the hardness factor of the new facility is ongoing. Results on the scaling of the leakage current with increasing fluence for several irradiations performed in 2015 and 2016 will be presented.
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
07/06/2016, 11:00
Hartmut Sadrozinski
(SCIPP UC Santa Cruz)
07/06/2016, 11:40
We report on the status of the development of Ultra-Fast Silicon Detectors (UFSD). UFSD are novel silicon sensors based on the Low-Gain Avalanche Diodes (LGAD) design and, due to internal gain, exhibit a signal which is a factor of ~ 10 larger than standard silicon detectors. The internal gain allows obtaining fast and large signals, a pre-requisite for time applications, and thus they are...
Maria del Mar Carulla Areste
(PhD Student at Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona-CNM-CSIC)
07/06/2016, 12:00
This presentation introduces the latest technological development on the Inverse Low Gain Avalanche Detector iLGAD as well as the first characterization results. This structure is based on the standard Avalanche Photo Diodes (APD) concept that includes an internal multiplication of the charge generated by radiation. The multiplication is inherent to the basic n++-p+-p structure, where the...
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
07/06/2016, 12:20
Maria del Mar Carulla Areste
(PhD Student at Instituto de Microelectrónica de Barcelona-CNM-CSIC)
07/06/2016, 14:00
This presentation introduces the simulation and experimental results of the first Low Gain Avalanche Detector on 50um SOI Wafers fabricated at CNM for the High Granularity Timing Detector (HGTD) located in front of the forward calorimeter (FCAL).
Marco Ferrero
07/06/2016, 14:20
Nicolo' Cartiglia
07/06/2016, 14:40
In this contribution I will review the progresses made towards the design of segemented, thin LGAD for timing measurements.
Sofía Otero Ugobono
(Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and CERN)
07/06/2016, 15:00
Results from the study of LGADs from CNM Run 7859 will be presented. Some of these sensors have been subjected to proton irradiation at CERN. The fluences to which these were exposed are 1E12, 1E13, 1E14 and 1E15 neq/cm^2. TCT measurements were performed before and after irradiation. These TCT studies were particularly focused on analysing: charge collection, spatial homogeneity, gain, and...
Ivan Vila
(Instituto de Fisica de Cantabria (CSIC-UC))
07/06/2016, 15:20
Gregor Kramberger
(Jozef Stefan Institute)
07/06/2016, 15:40
Francisco Rogelio Palomo Pinto
(Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Universidad de Sevilla)
07/06/2016, 16:30
giulio Pellegrini
(Centro Nacional Microelectronica IMB-CNM-CSIC)
07/06/2016, 16:50
I will report the first measurements of detectors fabricated with Ga implant and the new proposal for a project to increase the radiation hardness of LGAD sensors using Carbon. In LGAD the gain decreases with irradiation, which can be attributed to effective acceptor removal in the multiplication layer. The relative decrease of measured charge is much more pronounced for LGAD than for standard...
Leona Cristina Nistor
(National Institute of Materials Physics)
08/06/2016, 09:00
Vasile Sergiu Nistor
(National Institute of Materials Physics)
08/06/2016, 09:20
Evangelos - Leonidas Gkougkousis
(Laboratoire de l'Accelerateur Lineaire)
08/06/2016, 09:40
The creation of deep level defects after irradiation lowers the efficiency of a detector while increasing its operational voltage. The case of acceptor removal, observed in irradiated LGAD and other types of detectors suggests the presence of a secondary effect in addition to deep acceptor level generation. Estimation of the active dopant profile demonstrates a decrease in the acceptor...
Eugenijus Gaubas
(Vilnius University)
08/06/2016, 10:00
It had been shown that measurements of carrier recombination lifetime can be employed for contact-less and fast evaluation of large fluences of the hadron irradiations. The same calibration function for fluence evaluations derived using electron-grade crystalline silicon wafer fragments fits well the absolute values of carrier recombination lifetime related to the densities of radiation...
Joern Schwandt
(University of Hamburg)
08/06/2016, 11:00
Studies of surface radiation damage and the impact of the charge distribution on the outer surface of segmented silicon sensors are ongoing at Hamburg University since 2007. In this talk, selected results obtained from measurements on test structures and strips sensors will be presented:
- dose and electric field dependence of the effective oxide charge density, Nox,
- dose and...
Sven Wonsak
(University of Liverpool)
08/06/2016, 11:20
The aim of the shallow radiation damage generation study is the creation of a multiplication layer close to the silicon sensor surface. This is done by irradiating the sensor with low energy protons at the Birmingham cyclotron, which should stop within approximately 20μm. Geant4 simulations have been used to find the best settings for the irradiation. First sensors have been irradiated with 12...
Marko Mikuz
(Univ. Ljubljana / J. Stefan Inst.)
08/06/2016, 11:40
Electric field in silicon irradiated with neutrons up to 1e17 n_eq/cm^2 and PS protons up to 3e16 p/cm^2 was investigated by edge-TCT. From the v(E) dependence under FW bias mobility degradation with fluence was extracted. From a comparison of concurrently measured FW and reverse velocity profiles absolute electric field profiles in the silicon bulk were obtained. A 1/sqrt(Phi) dependence of...
William Holmkvist
(Linköping University)
08/06/2016, 12:00
n-type Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) was found in earlier studies to exhibit a peculiar behaviour with irradiation, in particular not exhibiting space-charge sign inversion (SCSI) after irradiation with high-energetic hadrons such as 24 GeV protons at CERN PS or 800 MeV protons at Los Alamos while the material behaved as expected after irradiation with neutrons or low-energy 23 MeV protons at...
Marcos Fernandez Garcia
08/06/2016, 12:20