6–8 Jun 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

TCT measurements of n-type MCz diodes after irradiation with 70 MeV protons and 300 MeV pions

8 Jun 2016, 12:00
Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale (Torino)

Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale


Via Verdi 9


Mr William Holmkvist (Linköping University)


n-type Magnetic Czochralski (MCz) was found in earlier studies to exhibit a peculiar behaviour with irradiation, in particular not exhibiting space-charge sign inversion (SCSI) after irradiation with high-energetic hadrons such as 24 GeV protons at CERN PS or 800 MeV protons at Los Alamos while the material behaved as expected after irradiation with neutrons or low-energy 23 MeV protons at Karlsruhe. We have investigated n-type MCz diodes irradiated with 70 MeV protons at CYRIC and 300 MeV pions at PSI by means of the transient current technique (TCT). The presentation will briefly outline the state of knowledge followed by our new results that partially include also annealing studies.

Primary author

Mr William Holmkvist (Linköping University)


Dr Christian Gallrapp (CERN) Dr Daniel Muenstermann (Lancaster University) Ms Karola Dette (CERN) Ms Rebecca Carney (LBNL)

Presentation materials