6–8 Jun 2016
Europe/Rome timezone

Silicon sensors with internal gain: Optimizing for charged particle fast timing

7 Jun 2016, 11:20
Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale (Torino)

Aula Magna della Cavallerizza Reale


Via Verdi 9


Dr Michael Moll (CERN)


Internal Gain in Si timing sensors is needed to overcome the ~100 picosecond lower limit encountered by NA62 GTK and the CMS HGCal projects. We focus on 2 techniques, currently available for achieving internal gain- 1) “reachthrough” in which a high field region is limited to a superficial few micron thick layer and 2) “deep-depleted AD’s where it is deep and the distribution between “drift” and “gain” regions is less distinct. We have studied deep-depleted avalanche detectors using SILVACO simulations and device characterization and report on the results.

Primary authors

Changuo Lu (Princeton University) Mr Marcos Fernandez Garcia (IFCA-Santander) Dr Michael Moll (CERN) Ranjeet Dalal (Delhi University) Dr Sebastian White (Princeton University) Ms Sofía Otero Ugobono (Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, and CERN)

Presentation materials