May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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A Pattern Recognition Mezzanine based on Associative Memory and FPGA technology for Level 1 Track Triggers for the HL-LHC upgrade.

May 28, 2015, 6:11 PM
Poster S5 - Front End, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management Front end, Trigger, DAQ and Data Management - Poster Session


Giacomo Fedi (PI)


The increase of luminosity at HL-LHC will require the introduction of tracker information at Level-1 trigger system for the experiments to maintain an acceptable trigger rate to select interesting events despite the one order of magnitude increase in the minimum bias interactions. To extract in the required latency the track information a dedicated hardware has to be used. We present the tests of a prototype system (Pattern Recognition Mezzanine) as core of pattern recognition and track fitting for HL-LHC ATLAS and CMS experiments, combining the power of both Associative Memory custom ASIC and modern Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) devices.


With the increase of luminosity at 5×10^34 cm−2 s−1, the number of minimum bias interactions per bunch crossing will increase up to about 140, causing an unmanageable increase in the trigger rate due to background, if the thresholds are not increased. The tracker information, more precise for different particle and different event identification , is the key to solve this problem, if it could be processed in the required latency of few microseconds, too fast for the present implementation at higher trigger levels. A dedicated hardware processor is hence needed to select interesting configurations at the 40 MHz bunch-crossing rate. Currently such class of processor is provided by the Associative Memory (AM) [1] technology, already adopted in the CDF experiment [2] and recently in the ATLAS Level-2 trigger, the Fast Tracker processor [3], where a longer latency is allowed. CMS is pursuing a vigorous R&D to demonstrate the feasibility of such an approach with state of the art AM technology embedded in ATCA board crates, and a similar approach is also studied for the ATLAS upgrade. For this purpose a prototype processor has been developed: the Pattern Recognition Mezzanine (PRM) at INFN. The processor is designed to combine the pattern recognition task [1] using the new version of the AM device with the precise track fitting [4], performed by the last generation of FPGA devices, to send out the track information to the higher trigger levels within a latency of few microseconds. The PRM is a 14.9x14.9 cm2 card hosting two FMC connectors designed to satisfy the VITA 57.1 standard specification, a Kintex FPGA (XC7K355T) and 16 AM chips. The board has been first developed to host AM05 chips, to test the basic functionality of the Serial links, even if the number of patterns stored in each chip will be modest (2000). A second version will use a newer AM chip version (AM06) where the number of patterns per chip will be increased to 128000. The FPGA has the role of distributing the hits to AMchips, collecting the candidate tracks, performing a track fitting on them using different algorithms (PCA [4], Hough Transform, etc.) and then send out the results to the following trigger level. The direct connection between the FPGA and the AM chips has been chosen to eliminate daisy chains and to reduce as much as possible the latency of the Level-1 trigger decision and to integrate all the functionalities in one single board. An external low latency memory is added to increase the data storage capability of the device, in view of possible needs by the different fitting algorithms to be tested. A mini FMC test-board has been developed for configuration and standalone tests to check the basic functionalities of the board, such as the GTX loopback to measure the bit error rate of the Serial Links. The results of the first tests will be reported.


[1] A. Annovi et al., “Associative memory design for the fast track processor (FTK) at ATLAS” , Nuclear Science Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC), 2011 IEEE , Page(s):141 – 146, DOI:10.1109/NSSMIC.2011.6154467

[2] J. Adelman et al, " The Silicon Vertex Trigger upgrade at CDF", Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A 572 (2007) 361–364

[3] Andreani, A. et al. "The Fast Tracker Real-Time Processor and its Impact on Muon Isolation", IEEE Trans, Nucl. Sci. 59, pp 348-357, 2012

[4] C. Gentsos, et al. “Future evolution of the Fast TracKer (FTK) Processing Unit”, Proceeding of Science, PoS(TIPP2014)209.

Primary author



Andrea Papi (PG) Enrico Rossi (Scuola Superiore S. Anna - Pisa) Fabrizio Palla (PI) Francesco Crescioli (LPNHE Paris) Giacomo Fedi (PI) Gian Mario Bilei (PG) Guido Magazzu' (PI) Dr Leonello Servoli (PG) Livio Fano' (PG) Loriano Storchi (P) Luisa Alunni Solestizi (PG) Nicolò Vladi Biesuz (PI) Yurii Piadyk (LPNHE - Paris)

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