May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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A new construction technique of high granularity and high transparency Drift Chambers for modern High Energy Physics experiments

May 27, 2015, 9:12 AM
Poster S7 - Gas detectors Gas Detectors - Poster Session


Gianluigi Chiarello (LE)


Modern experiments for the search of extremely rare processes require high resolutions (order of 50-200 keV/c) tracking systems for particle momenta in the range of 50-300 MeV/c, which is totally dominated by multiple scattering contributions. We present a newly developed construction technique for ultra-low mass, high granularity Drift Chambers fulfilling this goal. It consists of: • a semiautomatic wiring machine with a high degree of control over wire mechanical tensioning (better than 0.5g) and over wire positioning (of the order of 20µm) for simultaneous wiring of multi-wire layers; • a contact-less IR laser soldering tool designed for a feed-through-less wire anchoring system; • an automatic handling system for storing and transporting the multi-wire layers to be placed over the drift chamber end-plates. These techniques have been successfully implemented at INFN-Lecce and University of Salento and are currently being used for the construction of Drift Chamber of the MEG (µ→e+γ) upgrade experiment



Primary authors

Francesco Renga (ROMA1) Gianluigi Chiarello (LE) Dr Giovanni Francesco Tassielli (LE) Patrizio Primiceri (LE)


Alessandro Corvaglia (LE) Alessandro Miccoli (LE) Aurora Pepino (LE) Mr Carlo Pinto (Università del Salento) Cecilia Voena (ROMA1) Claudio Chiri (LE) Francesco Grancagnolo (LE) Gianluca Cavoto (ROMA1) Luigi Recchia (ROMA1) Marco Panareo (LE) Matteo Spedicato (L)

Presentation materials