May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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Building and Commissioning of a Setup to Study Ageing Phenomena in Gaseous Detectors

May 27, 2015, 9:16 AM
Poster S7 - Gas detectors Gas Detectors - Poster Session


Dr Saikat Biswas (National Institute of Science Education and Research)Mr alhussain Abuhoza (GSI)


In high-rate heavy-ion experiments, gaseous detectors encounter big challenges in terms of degradation of their performance due to a phenomenon called ageing. A setup for high precision ageing studies has been constructed and commissioned at the GSI detector laboratory. Several improvements of the setup design and the gas system have been implemented to achieve the required accuracy of the ageing measurements. The ageing effects of two materials have been carried out: RTV-3145 and Gerband 705. The details of construction of this automatic ageing setup and the test results will be presented.

Primary author

Mr alhussain Abuhoza (GSI)


Dr Christian J. Schimdt (GSI) Prof. Hans Rudolf Schmidt (Eberhard-Karls-Universität, Tübingen, Germany) Mr Joerg Hehner (GSI) Dr Saikat Biswas (National Institute of Science Education and Research) Dr Ulrich Frankenfeld (GSI)

Presentation materials