May 24 – 30, 2015
Europe/Rome timezone
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A Cylindrical GEM Detector with Analog Readout for the BESIII Experiment

May 27, 2015, 9:42 AM
Poster S7 - Gas detectors Gas Detectors - Poster Session


Marco Maggiora (TO)


We are developing a cylindrical GEM detector with analog readout to upgrade the Inner Tracker of the BESIII experiment at IHEP (Beijing). The new detector will match the requirements for momentum resolution (σpt/Pt ~0.5% at 1 GeV) and radial resolution (σxy ~100μm) of the existing drift chamber and will improve significantly the spatial resolution along the beam direction (σz ~150μm) with very small material budget (about 1% of X0). With respect to the state of the art the following innovations will be deployed: a lighter mechanical structure based on Rohacell, a new XV anode readout plane with jagged strip layout to reduce the parasitic capacitance, and the use of the analogue readout inside a high intensity magnetic field to have good spatial resolution without increasing the number of channels. A beam test has been performed at CERN in order to measure the performance of a BESIII GEM prototype in a magnetic field up to 1 Tesla. An overview of the project and the preliminary results of the test among with a comparison with detailed Garfield simulations will be presented in the talk. The project has been recognised as a Significant Research Project within the Executive Programme for Scientific and Technological Cooperation between Italy and P.R.C. for the years 2013-2015, and more recently has been selected as one of the project funded by the European Commission within the call H2020-MSCA-RISE-2014.


on behalf of the BESIII CGEM group

Primary author

Gianluigi Cibinetto (FE)

Presentation materials