15–17 Feb 2023
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

Dilaton & Scale Invariance

16 Feb 2023, 14:20
Aula Magna - Dipartimento di Fisica (Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica)

Aula Magna - Dipartimento di Fisica

Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica

Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, I-56127, Pisa, Italy


Luigi Del Debbio (University of Edinburgh)


As the number of fermion fields is increased, gauge theories are expected to undergo a transition from a QCD-like phase, characterised by confinement and chiral symmetry breaking, to a conformal phase, where the theory becomes scale-invariant at large distances. In this paper, we discuss some properties of a third phase, where spontaneously broken conformal symmetry is characterised by its Goldstone boson, the dilaton. In this phase, which we refer to as conformal dilaton phase, the massless pole corresponding to the Goldstone boson guarantees that the conformal Ward identities are satisfied in the infrared despite the other hadrons carrying mass. In particular, using renormalisation group arguments in Euclidean space, we show that for massless quarks the trace of the energy momentum tensor vanishes on all physical states as a result of the fixed point.

Presentation materials