Jan 23 – 25, 2023
University of Pisa
Europe/Rome timezone

Dear Friends of DarkCosmoGrav,

We are thrilled to announce that the Conference “DarkCosmoGrav: New Frontiers in Particle Physics, Gravity, and Cosmology” will take place in January 23-24-25, 2023, at the University of Pisa.

The aim of this event is twofold. On the one hand, by hosting world-renowned experts in these subjects, we want to critically review recent progresses in particle physics, gravity and cosmology, especially underlining their connections. On the other hand, the goal is to bring together researchers from different but tightly connected research areas to increase the exchange of ideas between them and give the participants the possibility to start new and exciting collaborations.

From the scientific standpoint, given the recent theoretical and experimental developments in high energy physics and cosmology, it is becoming crucial to better understand the connection between these fields. Indeed, cosmological observations are becoming increasingly more important for both the particle physics and gravity communities. In fact, our understanding of Nature accounts for only about 5% of the content of the Universe, whereas the remaining elusive ingredients strongly point at new physics beyond our standard paradigms, both at the smallest and at the largest scales. It is therefore essential to investigate the theoretical and phenomenological developments in all of these areas, while also increasing the communication between them.

DarkCosmoGrav will feature:

  • Six plenary speakers
  • 24 talks
  • Evening poster session
  • Round table
  • Special Talk

We warmly invite you to come and present your work with a talk or a poster and to join in stimulating discussions covering all aspects in the fields of particle physics, gravity and cosmology, with a special emphasis on the topics at their intersections. We particularly encourage the participation of young researchers.

In DarkCosmoGrav, respect and inclusiveness are key ingredients, thus all attendees must abide by the code of conduct.

All talks will be broadcast on Zoom. The link to connect is:


Please note that by connecting to the stream you accept the INFN Privacy Policy contained in the Document_Privacy.pdf file (see below).

For information regarding travel and accommodation, please review the venue and accommodation tabs.







This conference is sponsored by:


University of Pisa
Aula Magna 'Fratelli Pontecorvo'
Polo Fibonacci Building E Largo B. Pontecorvo 3 56127 Pisa