Feb 15 – 17, 2023
Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Europe/Rome timezone

Welcome to NeΨ 2023!

Young Organization for Young Researchers 

New Physics Signals (NePSi - NeΨ) is the 1ˢᵗ International Workshop completely organized by Young Researchers which supports the active participation of Young Researchers.

The workshop is organized so as to provide balanced alternation of "Senior" and "Young" talk sessions. This will give the opportunity to early-stage researchers, severely penalized by the pandemic, to spread their work, but also to experienced scientists to be aware about original research inputs coming from younger physicists.

They talk about us:  https://amp.pisatoday.it/cronaca/l-eccellenza-della-ricerca-pisana-e-mondiale-nel-primo-convegno-internazionale-completamente-organizzato-da-giovani-ricercatori-9773314.html?fbclid=PAAaZtQA6v0QlM746UYJre9FImj7mz_eqJDkIz45UL7FUzXkMrSPBQ4Y6GJ-g

                                           Conference picture                               


Welcoming with the Major                                            Organizing committee

                       Discussion Sessions


NeΨ 2023 will take place in the Aula Magna “Fratelli Pontecorvo” at the Physics Department “E. Fermi” of the University of Pisa.

It aims at bringing together the theoretical and experimental communities, to create a discussion table to settle the main results recently obtained in the context of high-energy physics.

The event includes oral presentations on the most promising tests concerning the physics beyond the Standard Model, the tensions that have already been reduced in the sector of Flavor physics, and the ones that still require a deeper investigation. The ultimate goal is to draw a common path for the search of New Physics, especially in view of the improved precision that will be achieved by current and future collider experiments (e.g., Belle II and LHCb Upgrade II).

The registration as a listener is reserved for participants without contribution (talk/poster) in a maximum number of 40 people. Invited speakers can instead already register as presenters.

Young researchers are strongly invited to apply for a contribution too! Abstract of the talk/poster can be submitted for approval by the Organizing Committee via the dedicated form. In this case we recommend registration after the committee decision. 

Finally, we will also allow for remote attendance to the workshop for a limited number of participants.

No FEE required.

Deadlines for call for abstracts and YR support have been postponed! Please check the important dates.

For more information, both of practical and scientific nature, please send an e-mail to the chairperson Manuel Naviglio. The e-mail can be found at the end of this page.


The workshop is supported by:



Università di Pisa - Dipartimento di Fisica
Aula Magna - Dipartimento di Fisica
Largo Bruno Pontecorvo 3, I-56127, Pisa, Italy
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