First Name | Last Name | Affiliation |
Ada | Farilla | INFN Roma Tre |
Alain | Blondel | DPNC University of Geneva |
Alexey | Levichev | Budker institute of nuclear physics SB RAS |
Andres | Cicuttin | ICTP-INFN |
Barbara | Mele | INFN - Roma 1 (IT) |
Biagio | Di Micco | Universita' Roma Tre |
Bing | LIU | Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon |
Boudry | Vincent | LLR - CNRS-IN2P3/École polytechnique |
Boxiang | Yu | Institute of high energy physics, CAS |
Bruce | Mellado | Wits University |
Carlo | Pagani | Univ. of Milano & INFN-LASA |
Catia | Milardi | INFN - LNF |
Charles | Young | SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory |
Chengdong | Fu | IHEP, CAS |
Dan | YU | IHEP |
daniela | bortoletto | University of Oxford |
David | Barney | CERN |
Domizia | Orestano | Roma Tre University |
Dou | Wang | IHEP |
Emilia | Leogrande | CERN |
Francesca | Paolucci | Università Roma Tre & INFN Sezione Roma Tre |
Franco | Bedeschi | INFN-Pisa |
Gang | LI | Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Gary | Varner | University of Hawaii |
Giovanni Francesco | Tassielli | INFN Lecce & Università del Salento |
Gregorio | Bernardi | LPNHE Paris |
Guido Emilio | Tonelli | University and INFN Pisa |
Guoqiang | SUN | Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd |
Hang | Zhao | IHEP,CAS |
Hengne | Li | South China Normal University |
Hongbo | Zhu | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Huirong | Qi | IHEP |
imad | laktineh | ipnl |
Ivan | Koop | BINP |
Ivanka | Bozovic Jelisavcic | Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences |
Jacopo | Givoletti | CAEN Spa |
Jens | Dopke | STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory |
Jianbei | Liu | University of Science and Technology of China |
Jie | Gao | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Jiyuan | Zhai | IHEP |
Joao | Guimaraes da Costa | IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
John | Hauptman | Iowa State University |
Kun | Wan | The University of Tokyo |
Liang | Li | Shanghai Jiao Tong University |
Ma | Yongsheng | institute of high energy physics |
Manqi | RUAN | Institute of High Energy Physics, China |
Marcel | Vos | IFIC (UVEG/CSIC) |
Marco | Maggiora | Department of Physics, University of Turin and INFN, Section of Turin |
Marco | Panareo | Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica / INFN Lecce |
Marco | Poli Lener | INFN LNF |
Mario | Greco | Roma Tre Univ. and INFN |
Massimiliano | Antonello | INFN - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria |
Massimo | Caccia | Università dell'Insubria - INFN Milano |
Maurizio | Pierini | CERN |
Michael | Koratzinos | Massachusetts Institute of Technology |
Mingyi | Dong | IHEP, CAS |
Nickolai | Muchnoi | Budker INP |
Ning | Feipeng | Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS |
Paolo | Azzurri | INFN |
Paolo | Giacomelli | INFN Bologna |
Patrizia | Azzi | INFN-PD |
Pei xun | Shen | Nankai University |
Peng | Sha | IHEP |
Qingjin | XU | IHEP |
Rachid | Mazini | Academia Sinica |
Renjie | Shi | Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd |
Roberto | Ferrari | INFN |
Roberto | Tenchini | PI |
Romualdo | Santoro | Uiversità Insubria and INFN |
Salvatore | Caschera | INFN-LNF |
Sergei | Nikitin | Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics |
Sergey | Pivovarov | Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics(BINP) |
Sergey | Sinyatkin | BINP |
Shaopeng | Li | IHEP |
Shu | Li | Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN) & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (CN) |
Soeren | Prell | Iowa State University |
Song | JIN | IHEP,CAS |
Tim | Jones | University of Liverpool |
Toni | Baroncelli | INFN Sezione Roma TRE |
wei | liu | Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University |
Wei | Lu | Tsinghua University of Beijing, China |
Weiren | Chou | IHEP |
Wen | Kang | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Werner | Riegler | CERN |
William | Murray | STFC-RAL / Warwick University |
Xin | Shi | IHEP CAS |
Xinchou | LOU | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Yang | ZHOU | IHEP |
Yanyan | Gao | University of Liverpool |
Yaquan | Fang | Institute of High Energy Physics |
Yasushi | Arimoto | High energy accelerator research organization (KEK) |
Yifang | Wang | IHEP,CAS |
Yu | Xiao | Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd |
Yuan | Zhang | Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS |
Yuanning | Gao | Tsinghua University |
Yunlong | Chi | IHEP |
Zhang | Kaili | Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Zhijun | Liang | Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Zian | ZHU | Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences |
Zusheng | Zhou | Institute of High Energy of Physicis |
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