May 24 – 26, 2018
Università degli Studi Roma Tre
Europe/Rome timezone

Participant List

104 participants

First Name Last Name Affiliation
Ada Farilla INFN Roma Tre
Alain Blondel DPNC University of Geneva
Alexey Levichev Budker institute of nuclear physics SB RAS
Andres Cicuttin ICTP-INFN
Barbara Mele INFN - Roma 1 (IT)
Biagio Di Micco Universita' Roma Tre
Bing LIU Institut de Physique Nucléaire de Lyon
Boudry Vincent LLR - CNRS-IN2P3/École polytechnique
Boxiang Yu Institute of high energy physics, CAS
Bruce Mellado Wits University
Carlo Pagani Univ. of Milano & INFN-LASA
Catia Milardi INFN - LNF
Charles Young SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory
Chengdong Fu IHEP, CAS
daniela bortoletto University of Oxford
David Barney CERN
Domizia Orestano Roma Tre University
Dou Wang IHEP
Emilia Leogrande CERN
Francesca Paolucci Università Roma Tre & INFN Sezione Roma Tre
Franco Bedeschi INFN-Pisa
Gang LI Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Gary Varner University of Hawaii
Giovanni Francesco Tassielli INFN Lecce & Università del Salento
Gregorio Bernardi LPNHE Paris
Guido Emilio Tonelli University and INFN Pisa
Guoqiang SUN Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd
Hang Zhao IHEP,CAS
Hengne Li South China Normal University
Hongbo Zhu Institute of High Energy Physics
Huirong Qi IHEP
imad laktineh ipnl
Ivan Koop BINP
Ivanka Bozovic Jelisavcic Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences
Jacopo Givoletti CAEN Spa
Jens Dopke STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
Jianbei Liu University of Science and Technology of China
Jie Gao Institute of High Energy Physics
Jiyuan Zhai IHEP
Joao Guimaraes da Costa IHEP, Chinese Academy of Sciences
John Hauptman Iowa State University
Kun Wan The University of Tokyo
Liang Li Shanghai Jiao Tong University
Ma Yongsheng institute of high energy physics
Manqi RUAN Institute of High Energy Physics, China
Marco Maggiora Department of Physics, University of Turin and INFN, Section of Turin
Marco Panareo Dipartimento di Matematica e Fisica / INFN Lecce
Marco Poli Lener INFN LNF
Mario Greco Roma Tre Univ. and INFN
Massimiliano Antonello INFN - Università degli Studi dell'Insubria
Massimo Caccia Università dell'Insubria - INFN Milano
Maurizio Pierini CERN
Michael Koratzinos Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Mingyi Dong IHEP, CAS
Nickolai Muchnoi Budker INP
Ning Feipeng Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Paolo Azzurri INFN
Paolo Giacomelli INFN Bologna
Patrizia Azzi INFN-PD
Pei xun Shen Nankai University
Peng Sha IHEP
Qingjin XU IHEP
Rachid Mazini Academia Sinica
Renjie Shi Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co.,Ltd
Roberto Ferrari INFN
Roberto Tenchini PI
Romualdo Santoro Uiversità Insubria and INFN
Salvatore Caschera INFN-LNF
Sergei Nikitin Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics
Sergey Pivovarov Budker Institute for Nuclear Physics(BINP)
Sergey Sinyatkin BINP
Shaopeng Li IHEP
Shu Li Tsung-Dao Lee Institute (CN) & Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ. (CN)
Soeren Prell Iowa State University
Tim Jones University of Liverpool
Toni Baroncelli INFN Sezione Roma TRE
wei liu Department of Engineering Physics, Tsinghua University
Wei Lu Tsinghua University of Beijing, China
Weiren Chou IHEP
Wen Kang Institute of High Energy Physics
Werner Riegler CERN
William Murray STFC-RAL / Warwick University
Xinchou LOU Institute of High Energy Physics
Yanyan Gao University of Liverpool
Yaquan Fang Institute of High Energy Physics
Yasushi Arimoto High energy accelerator research organization (KEK)
Yifang Wang IHEP,CAS
Yu Xiao Yellow River Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd
Yuan Zhang Institute of High Energy Physics, CAS
Yuanning Gao Tsinghua University
Yunlong Chi IHEP
Zhang Kaili Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zhijun Liang Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zian ZHU Institute of High Energy Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Zusheng Zhou Institute of High Energy of Physicis