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EDIT 2015

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

Excellence in Detectors and Instrumentation Technologies
  • Aashaq Hussain Shah
  • Abhik Jash
  • Agostino Di Francesco
  • Alessandra Lattuca
  • Alessia Giroletti
  • Alessio Piucci
  • Alexandru Balaceanu
  • Aman Rohilla
  • Amrendra Narayan
  • andrea russomando
  • André Cortez
  • annamaria muoio
  • Antoni Rucinski
  • Antonio Condorelli
  • Axel Boeltzig
  • Bartosz Malecki
  • Bruno Daniel
  • Cameron Dean
  • Chandan Gupta
  • Chase Shimmin
  • Chen Liejian
  • Christian Scharf
  • Davide Perrino
  • Elena Donegani
  • Elias Pree
  • Elodie Tiouchichine
  • Emilie Maurice
  • Emma Buchanan
  • Felicia Carla Tiziana Barbato
  • Francesca Carnesecchi
  • Geetika Jain
  • Giacomo Traini
  • Gianluigi Chiarello
  • Giulio Mezzadri
  • Giuseppe Pastore
  • Grzegorz Kaminski
  • Ievgeniia Momot
  • Ilaria Mattei
  • Ioannis Katsioulas
  • Ioannis Maznas
  • Jacopo Bronuzzi
  • James Broughton
  • Johann Wiggert Brummer
  • Johannes Müllers
  • Korbinian Schmidt-Sommerfeld
  • Luca Moleri
  • Luiz Augusto Stuani Pereira
  • Manca Mrvar
  • Manoj Jadhav
  • Manuela Mallamaci
  • Marco Rimoldi
  • Marco Toppi
  • Mariangela Bondi'
  • Martina Senzacqua
  • Mateus Vicente Barreto Pinto
  • Md Tofiz Uddin
  • Merlin Rossbach
  • Mesut Arslandok
  • Michela Del Gaudio
  • Miguel Arratia
  • Mikhail Buryakov
  • Mikhail Rumyantsev
  • Nick Dann
  • Othmane Rifki
  • Ourania Sidiropoulou
  • Panagiotis Tsopelas
  • Pavel Larionov
  • Pedro Dedin Neto
  • Petar Bokan
  • Prasoon Raj
  • Preeti Dhankher
  • Rajendra Nath PATRA
  • Ricardo Luz
  • Riccardo Farinelli
  • Rosanna Manna
  • Ruth Magdalena Munker
  • Sema Zahid
  • Seyed Mohammad Golgoun
  • Sotirios Nikas
  • Stefan Popa
  • Thomas McElroy
  • Thomas Thorpe
  • Valerio Vagelli
  • Vinícius Franco Lima
  • Vitor Ângelo Paulino de Aguiar
  • Waqar Ahmed
  • Wenhao You
  • William Phelps
  • Yashwantsingh Chauhan
  • Yiming Abulait
    • Registration T75 bldg n. 36 - INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

      T75 bldg n. 36 - INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

    • Registration T75 - bldg. n.36

      T75 - bldg. n.36

      INFN - Laboratori Nazionali di Frascati

    • 1
      The discovery of Higgs Boson
      Speaker: Prof. Marumi Kado (LAL)
    • 2
      High Energy Physics: the future, the challenges
      Speaker: michelangelo mangano (cern)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 3
      Calorimeters (lecture 1 and lecture 2)
      The theoretical lectures on calorimeters will review the principle of Calorimetry and the main techniques used in present and future HEP experiments. A special emphasis will be given to highly granular calorimeters, which are the technology of choice for particle flow applications in HEP, but are also representative of the current R&D in the field of positron emission tomography. The following points will be addressed in the lectures: • Signal generating mechanisms • Signal detection options (with emphasis to the solutions presented in the laboratory courses, i.e. scintillator material coupled to a Si-based photodetector) • Sampling vs homogeneous calorimeters • The signal from sampling and longitudinally segmented calorimeters • Composition of a shower and its space/time evolution • Linearity and calibration for sampling and longitudinally segmented calorimeters • e/h and its impact on hadronic energy resolution, response function, signal linearity • Particle reconstruction and identification in a calorimeter • The particle flow concept • Calorimeters for medicine (a glimpse… )
      Speaker: Prof. Erika Garutti (DESY)
    • 4
      Gas Detectors: detection and localisation of Photons with Gas Devices
      Covering the photon wavelength range from infrared to hard X-rays, the lecture will describe the basic processes leading to detection and localisation of single photons, providing selected examples of the gaseous devices developed and used for this purpose.
      Speaker: Prof. Fabio Sauli (TERA)
    • 13:30
    • Safety training
    • Laboratory
    • Welcome Cocktail
    • 13
      Gas Detectors: problems and solutions with Gas Detectors
      The lecture describes several problems (and some solutions) encountered with the use of gaseous devices in experimental physics and other fields, namely: multi-track separation, rate limitations and discharges, positive ions backflow and track distortions.
      Speaker: Prof. Fabio Sauli (TERA)
    • 14
      Trigger and DAQ: introduction to Data Acquisition
      Data Acquisition gets the data from the front-end detector electronics to mass-storage. In this lecture we will cover the most basic concepts of data acquisition and triggering. We will talk about concepts like buffering, dead-time, scalability. We will also introduce some important programming paradigms for DAQ and discuss some aspects of network-ed data acquisition systems.
      Speaker: Dr Niko Neufeld (CERN)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 15
      Trigger and DAQ: introduction to Trigger Systems
      This lecture is mainly devoted to introduce the students to the main key concepts one may know to understand how the trigger systems in HEP experiments work. First we will describe the strong connections with the DAQ and the computing resources of an experiment, motivating the design of a trigger selection and providing the list of design parameters. The students will learn how to ensure good efficiency and effectively measure and monitor it. Many examples will be given, linked to current HEP experiments. In the second part of the lecture, the students will review different trigger architectures and learn how to build a trigger system and scale it with the increased requirements. We will understand the separation in levels, and the different advantages of synchronous and asynchronous systems. An overview will be given of the helpful technologies, more or less available on the market, together with examples of hardware and software selections of present or future experiments.
      Speaker: Dr Francesca Pastore (CERN)
    • 16
      Lepton and Hadron Colliders
      Circular lepton and hadron colliders have been the mainstay of particle and much of nuclear physics research at both the energy and precision frontiers for a few decades. They look set to play this role for a few decades more. This lecture will look at the physics of how they work from the point of view of an experimental physicist (as imagined by an accelerator physicist Ö), working outwards from the collision point. The key differences between lepton and hadron colliders will be explained together with an introduction to key concepts and language from accelerator physics. Some of the physical phenomena limiting the energy and luminosity that can be delivered will be illustrated with examples from the LHC and other colliders.
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
    • 25
      Neutrino Physics and Detectors
      The study of the neutrino is the study of physics beyond the Standard Model. We now know that the neutrinos have mass and that neutrino mixing occurs causing neutrino flavour to oscillate as neutrinos propagate through space and time. Further, some measurements can be interpreted as hints for new particles known as sterile neutrinos. The measured values of the mixing parameters make it possible that the matter-antimatter (CP) symmetry may be violated through the mixing process. The consequences of observing CP-invariance violation in neutrinos would be profound. To discover CP-invariance violation will require measurements of exquisite precision. After a brief historical introduction I will give an overview of the phenomenology of neutrino oscillations and summarise our present understanding of the phenomenon. The race is on to determine the neutrino mass hierarchy, to find evidence for CP-invariance violation and to understand whether there are undiscovered neutrino species, or forces, beyond those of the Standard Model. I will describe the experimental programme that is underway and that which is planned. To understand the physics that gives rise to the neutrino’s unique properties requires measurements of exquisite precision. I will describe the novel detectors that are being developed and the developments in accelerator technique that are required to allow an understanding of the neutrino—and of the physics of flavour—to be developed.
      Speaker: Prof. Ken Long (Imperial College London)
    • 26
      Laser Ranging Space Characterization: an introduction to Satellite Laser Ranging
      In Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR), a short laser pulse is transmitted from a ground station to an orbiting satellite and reflected back to the station, which measures the roundtrip time of flight and hence the station-to-satellite range. The first laser returns from an artificial satellite were recorded by a NASA team at Goddard Space Flight Center on 29 October 1964.The satellite, Beacon Explorer 22B, was equipped with a Laser Retroreflector Array (LRA), designed to return a sufficient number of laser photons to their point of origin. In July 1969, the Apollo 11 astronauts placed the first LRA on the surface of the Moon; the number of lunar LRAs was later increased to 5 by Apollo 14 and 15 and two unmanned Soviet Lunakhod missions. Over the intervening decades, the ranging precision has improved from a few meters to a few mm and the number of stations in the global network has increased to about 40. Today, the International Laser Ranging Service (ILRS), formed in 1998, coordinates the tracking operations and data analysis activities of approximately 30 participating countries. SLR is one of four techniques currently in wide use by the space geodetic community; the others are Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI), Global Navigation Satellite Systems (e.g. GPS) , and Doppler Orbitography and Radiopositioning by Satellite (DORIS). Since the Millennium, a few SLR stations have developed the ability to track satellites in daylight using low energy kHz lasers and single photon returns. This demonstrated capability to extract very low level signals from the solar background has opened the door to precise interplanetary ranging and time transfer through the use of laser transponders, with the promise of further contributions to lunar and solar system science, more precise relativity experiments, and improved lunar and planetary mission operations. A second spinoff of single photon SLR technology has been the development of airborne and spaceborne single photon laser altimeters and 3D imaging lidars, which have demonstrated unprecedented surface measurement rates up to 3.2 million pixels per second.
      Speaker: Dr John J. Degnan (Sigma Space Corporation)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 27
      Speaker: Erika Garutti (DESY)
    • 28
      Novel acceleration techniques for High Brightness Electron Beams
      Speaker: Prof. James Rosenzweig (UCLA)
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
      • 29
        Accelerator Laboratory 1.3
      • 30
        Detectors for Calorimetry Laboratory 1.3
      • 31
        Gaseous Detectors Laboratory 1.3
      • 32
        SiPMs readout and control with FPGA/SoC 1.3
      • 33
        Solid State Detectors Laboratory 1.3
      • 34
        Space characterization of satellite laser ranging payloads 1.3
      • 35
        Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 1.3
        Speaker: Antonella Balerna (LNF)
      • 36
        Trigger and Data Acquisition Laboratory 1.3
    • 37
      Electronics and Signal Processing: Front-End Electronics
      The course will describe detector signal amplification and processing in particle physics detectors. Characteristics and performance of charge sensitive preamplifiers, speed and noise performance and pulse shaping for charge measurement. High speed and current sensitive architectures, discrimination and timing accuracy for time measurement.
      Speaker: Dr Christophe de LA TAILLE (OMEGA CNRS/IN2P3 Ecole Polytechnique)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 38
      Nuclear Physics: Nuclear Physics in the era of Radioactive Ion Beams
      With the advent of radioactive ion beams, the study of nuclei has received a lot of renewed attention in the past two decades. Several facilities have been built or are being built for the investigation of various characteristics of nuclei under extreme neutron-to-proton ratios. Substantial progress has been made in the last decades in the understanding of stable nuclei and those close to the line of stability. However, the limits of nuclear stability should still be discovered as one moves towards the medium and heavy nuclei, and the underlying forces governing these complicated many-body systems need to be better understood. Some of the nuclear characteristics are well described by the single-particle picture of nuclei and some others by the collective motions of nucleons inside the nuclei. In this lecture, a short overview of some open questions in nuclear physics will be given along with long-range plans of the community on how to move forward.
      Speaker: Prof. Nasser Kalantar (KVI)
    • 39
      Laser Ranging Space Characterization: contributions of Satellite Laser Ranging (SLR) to modern science
      SLR currently defines the Earth Scale Factor (GM) and the origin of the International Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF), i.e. the Earth’s center of mass. Following the launch of the first geodetic satellites in the 1970s, SLR contributed heavily to our early modeling of the Earth’s gravity field, global tectonic plate motion, and regional crustal deformation near plate boundaries. Between VLBI sessions, SLR was also used to interpolate measurements of the Earth Orientation Parameters (EOP), which define the spin axis of the Earth and its time-dependent orientation and speed of rotation within the Celestial Reference Frame. More recently, SLR has been used to transfer time between atomic clocks, located on different continents, at the 50 picosecond level . The Precise Orbit Determination (POD) capability of SLR has also supported a diverse array of Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS), such as GPS, and international remote sensing satellites. For example, the combination of SLR with spaceborne microwave altimetry has provided spatially resolved maps of: global ocean currents and their velocities, mean sea level (MSL) rise, and even deep sea floor topography. With the advent of spaceborne laser altimeters, which derive much of their technology from the SLR program, high resolution topographic maps of the Earth, Moon, Mars, Mercury, and several asteroids have been obtained. In parallel, Lunar Laser Ranging has made important contributions to Lunar Physics, the Solar System Reference Frame, and General Relativity/Fundamental Physics.
      Speaker: Dr John J. Degnan (Sigma Space Corporation)
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
      • 40
      • 41
        Detectors for Calorimetry Laboratory 1.4
      • 42
        Gaseous Detectors Laboratory 1.4
      • 43
        SiPMs readout and control with FPGA/SoC 1.4
      • 44
        Solid State Detectors Laboratory 1.4
      • 45
        Space characterization of satellite laser ranging payloads 1.4
      • 46
        Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 1.4
        Speaker: Antonella Balerna (LNF)
      • 47
        Trigger and Data Acquisition Laboratory 1.4
    • School Dinner
    • Trip to Gran Sasso Laboratory
    • 48
      Speakers: Dr Alba Formicola (LNGS), Stefano Ragazzi (MIB)
    • 49
      Neutrino experiments at LNGS
      The study of neutrino properties is one of the main topics of the researches carried out at the LNGS. Borexino, OPERA and ICARUS experiments significantly contributed to the study of neutrinos exploiting different sources both natural or artificial. Beyond the standard model several anomalies could be interpreted as an indication of existence of sterile neutrino oscillations. In this talk an overview about present and future LNGS experimental activities, will be presented. An outlook of the world wide facilities will be introduced.
      Speaker: Mrs Izabela Anna Kochanek (LNGS)
    • 50
      Neutrinoless double beta decay searches at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory
      One of the fundamental open questions in elementary particle physics is the value of the neutrino mass and its nature of Dirac or Majorana particle. Neutrinoless double beta decay is a key tool for investigating these neutrino properties and for finding answers to the open questions concerning mass hierarchy and mass scale ordering. In this contribution, an overview of the different experimental approaches to search for neutrinoless double beta decay will be given. Particular attention will be devoted to the current experiments that are being operated or under construction at the Gran Sasso National Laboratory. The next generation experiments, which aim to further improve the sensitivity on the neutrinoless double beta decay half life, will be also presented
      Speaker: Lucia Canonica (LNGS)
    • 51
      Direct search for dark matter at Gran Sasso National Laboratories
      Astronomical and cosmological observations indicate that a large amount of the energy content of the Universe is made of dark matter, whose nature is still unknown. A worldwide experimental effort is ongoing to directly detect the interactions of the particles composing dark matter, so to be able to study their properties. Gran Sasso National Laboratories host a few experiments which make use of different detection techniques in order to search for dark matter particles. A review will be given of the various detectors and of their main results.
      Speaker: Mr Andrea MOLINARIO (LNGS)
    • 13:15
    • Visit to Gran Sasso Lab
    • 52
      LHC Physics and Detectors
      This lecture will give a basic introduction to the physics of the LHC, with focus on the studies of proton-proton collisions, and the corresponding requirements on the detectors. Then the main elements of and the differences among the large LHC experiments will be discussed, and their performance during the first years of LHC running described.
      Speaker: Prof. Günther Dissertori (ETH Zurich)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 53
      Silicon Detectors
      Speaker: Prof. Norbert Wermes (University of Bonn)
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
      • 54
        Accelerator Laboratory 2.1
        Speakers: Alessandro Gallo (LNF), Enrica Chiadroni (LNF)
      • 55
        Detectors for Calorimetry Laboratory 2.1
        Speakers: Ivano Sarra (LNF), Stefano Miscetti (LNF)
      • 56
        Gaseous Detectors Laboratory 2.1
        Speaker: Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF)
      • 57
        SiPMs readout and control with FPGA/SoC 2.1
        Speaker: Giulietto Felici (LNF)
      • 58
        Solid State Detectors Laboratory 2.1
        Speakers: Alessandro Scordo (LNF), Dr Pasquale Di Nezza (LNF)
      • 59
        Space characterization of satellite laser ranging payloads 2.1
        Speaker: Alessandro Boni (LNF)
      • 60
        Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 2.1
        Speaker: Antonella Balerna (LNF)
      • 61
        Trigger and Data Acquisition Laboratory 2.1
        Speakers: Enrico Pasqualucci (ROMA1), Giovanni Mazzitelli (LNF)
    • 62
      Synchrotron Radiation
      Synchrotron radiation is emitted by charged high energy particles, when submitted to transversal acceleration. In particle accelerators it influences beam dynamics, provides an excellent tool for beam diagnostics and specially is a powerful instrument for investigating matter properties in synchrotron light sources. It extends from infrared to X-rays of energies above 100 keV. The excellent energy definition, together with the high fluxes, the properties of spatial and temporal coherence, the variable polarization, opens the utilization of the photon sources to multiple applications. Among the users of the synchrotron light infrastructures stand communities of life science, pharmacology, materials science, cultural heritage, environment, production and conservation of energy. A constant evolution of the photon sources, of the detection techniques and of the analysis of the light interaction with materials, puts this area at the frontier of knowledge. Basic features of the radiation will be illustrated, together with a description of the synchrotron light source applications and future trends.
      Speaker: Dr Caterina Biscari (ALBA-CELLS)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 63
      Dark Matter and Detectors
      One of the major challenges of modern physics is to decipher the nature of dark matter. Astrophysical observations provide ample evidence for the existence of an invisible and dominant mass component in the observable universe, from the scales of galaxies up to the largest cosmological scales. The dark matter could be made of new, yet undiscovered elementary particles, with allowed masses and interaction strengths with normal matter spanning an enormous range. Axions, produced non-thermally in the early universe, and weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs), which froze out of thermal equilibrium with a relic density matching the observations, represent two well-motivated, generic classes of dark matter candidates. Dark matter axions could be detected by exploiting their predicted coupling to two photons, where the highest sensitivity is reached by experiments using a microwave cavity permeated by a strong magnetic field. WIMPs could be directly observed via scatters off atomic nuclei in underground, ultra low-background detectors, or indirectly, via secondary radiation produced when they pair annihilate. They could also be generated at particle colliders such as the LHC, where associated particles produced in the same process are to be detected. After a brief motivation and an introduction to the phenomenology of particle dark matter detection, I will discuss the most promising experimental techniques to search for WIMPs, addressing their current and future science reach, as well as their complementarity.
      Speaker: Prof. Laura Baudis (University of Zurich)
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
      • 64
        Accelerator Laboratory 2.2
        Speaker: Alessandro Gallo (LNF)
      • 65
        Detectors for Calorimetry Laboratory 2.2
        Speakers: Ivano Sarra (LNF), Stefano Miscetti (LNF)
      • 66
        Gaseous Detectors Laboratory 2.2
        Speaker: Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF)
      • 67
        SiPMs readout and control with FPGA/SoC 2.2
        Speaker: Giulietto Felici (LNF)
      • 68
        Solid State Detectors Laboratory 2.2
        Speakers: Alessandro Scordo (LNF), Dr Pasquale Di Nezza (LNF)
      • 69
        Space characterization of satellite laser ranging payloads 2.2
        Speaker: Alessandro Boni (LNF)
      • 70
        Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 2.2
        Speaker: Antonella Balerna (LNF)
      • 71
        Trigger and Data Acquisition Laboratory 2.2
        Speakers: Enrico Pasqualucci (ROMA1), Giovanni Mazzitelli (LNF)
    • Laboratory
    • Poster Session

      During the session an aperitif will be served

    • 72
      Particle ID: Cherenkov Imaging Counters in Nuclear and Particle Physics
      The basic principles of Particle IDentification (PID) are introduced with emphasis on the role of the Cherenkov counters. The Cherenkov effect, with reference to those properties which are at the base of the Cherenkov counter concept, is recalled. The different Cherenkov counter types (threshold, differential, imaging) are illustrated. The main components of the Cherenkov counters, namely the radiator materials, the photon detectors and the focusing optical systems are discussed in detail. The three main RICH (Ring Imaging Cherenkov Counter) families, namely RICHes with focalization, proximity focusing RICHes and DIRCs (Detection of Internally Reflected Cherenkov (Light) ) are illustrated by outstanding examples, including double-radiator RICHes, RICHes for space-born experiments and the heavy ion identification by RICH techniques. Recent novel approaches to the Cherenkov imaging technique as the TOP (Time Of Propagation) concept, the focusing DIRC and the use of aerogel radiators with multiple refractive index are illustrated. A comparison of PID performance offered by Cherenkov imaging approaches and time of flight techniques making use of detectors with time resolution below 100 ps is presented. The conclusive remarks relate PID opportunities by RICHes with physics programmes in nuclear and subnuclear physics.
      Speaker: Silvia Dalla Torre (TS)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 73
      Advenced Photosensors
      After a short introduction to the technology of Vacuum and Silicon photodetectors, we will talk about some of the latest developments of PMTs, MCP-PMTs and SiPMs with improved characteristics such as the gain, detection efficiency, dark noise, timing resolution, active area.
      Speaker: Dr Véronique PUILL (CNRS IN2P3 LAL)
    • 74
      Nanotechnologies and new materials
      Due to its outstanding electronic, optical, morphological and mechanical properties graphene, a single layer of carbon atoms, can be considered a cutting edge material that is opening up new horizons for the research and development of stable, truly 2D material systems. These shall be intended as materials that do not need to be supported by a substrate to exist and therefore can be isolated as free-standing one atom thick layers. Due to confinement of electrons and to the lack of strong interlayer interactions they usually exhibit optical and electronic properties different from their analogous 3D systems. It is possible to control their transport properties and modify their electronic structure through chemical functionalization. Moreover their mechanical flexibility can be exploited for the integration onto inexpensive platforms. Graphene has rapidly established itself as a building block for optoelectronic applications in various photodetection platforms, which exploit the lack of a bandgap, the high carrier mobility, the small heat capacitance and resistance and the weak electron-phonon coupling in regimes spanning from UV to the terahertz frequency range. Besides graphene, other types of two-dimensional nanomaterials, such as transition metal dichalcogenides, are attracting the scientific and technological attention due to the inherent functional flexibility of the 2D morphology, which offers size dependent anisotropic properties and opens unprecedented opportunities for the development of atomically thin detectors. In this lecture, the first part will be dedicated to an overview on graphene and other emerging 2D materials, focusing on their electronic and optical properties relevant for the applications in detectors. Then several detectors architectures based on 2D materials and hybrid systems, made of the combination of different 2D crystals, will be presented to outline the state-of-the-art of the research in this field.
      Speaker: Dr Rosanna Larciprete (CNR-ISC/LNF-INFN)
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
      • 75
        Accelerator Laboratory 2.3
        Speakers: Alessandro Gallo (LNF), Enrica Chiadroni (LNF)
      • 76
        Detectors for Calorimetry Laboratory 2.3
        Speakers: Ivano Sarra (LNF), Stefano Miscetti (LNF)
      • 77
        Gaseous Detectors Laboratory 2.3
        Speaker: Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF)
      • 78
        SiPMs readout and control with FPGA/SoC 2.3
        Speaker: Giulietto Felici (LNF)
      • 79
        Solid State Detectors Laboratory 2.3
        Speakers: Alessandro Scordo (LNF), Dr Pasquale Di Nezza (LNF)
      • 80
        Space characterization of satellite laser ranging payloads 2.3
        Speaker: Alessandro Boni (LNF)
      • 81
        Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 2.3
        Speaker: Antonella Balerna (LNF)
      • 82
        Trigger and Data Acquisition Laboratory 2.3
        Speakers: Enrico Pasqualucci (ROMA1), Giovanni Mazzitelli (LNF)
    • 83
      Applications to Medicine and Hadrontherapy: Medical Applications of Particle Physics
      The development of radiation detectors in the field of nuclear and particle physics has had a terrific impact in medical imaging since this latter discipline took off in late ’70 with the invention of the CT scanners. The massive use in Nuclear Physics and High Energy Physics of position sensitive gas detectors, of high Z and high density scintillators coupled to Photomultiplier (PMT) and Position Sensitive Photomultipliers (PSPMT), and of solid state detectors has triggered during the last 30 years a series of novel applications in Medical Imaging with ionizing radiation. The accelerated scientific progression in genetics and molecular biology has finally generated what it is now called Molecular Imaging. This field of research presents additional challenges not only in the technology of radiation detector, but more and more in the ASIC electronics, fast digital readout and parallel software. In these two lectures I will try to present how Particle Physics and Medical Imaging have both benefited by the cross-fertilization of research activities between the two fields and how much they will take advantage in the future.
      Speaker: Prof. Alberto Del Guerra (PI)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • 84
      Ultra-Relativistic heavy ion physics and detectors
      In ultra-relativistic collisions of heavy ions at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) and the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) large amounts of transverse energy and thousands of particles and anti‐particles can be created in a single event and measured by experiments. The system that is created is extremely hot (T ~ 2 x 10^12) at temperatures expected only within the first microseconds after the Big Bang. Normal hadrons cannot exist at these temperatures, which are ~ 200,000 times hotter than the sun’s core, and a “soup” of quarks and gluons called the quark‐gluon plasma (QGP) is formed. The soup is observed to flow easily, with extremely low viscosity, suggesting a nearly perfect liquid of quarks and gluons. New results from heavy‐ion collisions at the LHC have extended the study of the QGP initiated at RHIC to higher temperatures and harder probes. Measurements of very energetic jets, extremely large transverse momentum particles, and heavy flavors indicate a very dense and highly interacting system that is opaque to energetic partons. I will present a motivation for physics in this field, and an overview and interpretation of new results. The RHIC and LHC experiments and their features that allow such measurements will also be presented.
      Speaker: Prof. John Harris (Yale University)
    • 13:30
    • Laboratory
      • 85
        Accelerator Laboratory 2.4
        Speakers: Alessandro Gallo (LNF), Enrica Chiadroni (LNF)
      • 86
        Detectors for Calorimetry Laboratory 2.4
        Speakers: Ivano Sarra (LNF), Stefano Miscetti (LNF)
      • 87
        Gaseous Detectors Laboratory 2.4
        Speaker: Giovanni Bencivenni (LNF)
      • 88
        SiPMs readout and control with FPGA/SoC 2.4
        Speaker: Giulietto Felici (LNF)
      • 89
        Solid State Detectors Laboratory 2.4
        Speakers: Alessandro Scordo (LNF), Dr Pasquale Di Nezza (LNF)
      • 90
        Space characterization of satellite laser ranging payloads 2.4
        Speaker: Alessandro Boni (LNF)
      • 91
        Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory 2.4
        Speaker: Antonella Balerna (LNF)
      • 92
        Trigger and Data Acquisition Laboratory 2.4
        Speakers: Enrico Pasqualucci (ROMA1), Giovanni Mazzitelli (LNF)